Did you go to a library when you were a kid?
Bolaligingizda kutubxonaga borganmisiz?
- Yes. I went to the library when I was young, but I didn't read much.
- Ha. men yoshligimda kutubxonaga borganman ammo ko'p kitob o'qimaganman.
What kind of people would go to a library to read and study?
Qanday odamlar o'qish va o'qish uchun kutubxonaga boradi?
- The library is often visited by people who are interested in reading books, while young people go there for free internet.
- Kutubxonaga ko'pincha kitob o'qishga qiziqadigan insonlar borad bazida yoshlar tekin internet uchun boradi.
Do you often go to the library?
Siz kutubxonaga tez-tez borasizmi?
I go to the library sometimes because I can read the book I want at home. I don't have time to go to the library.
- Men kutubxonaga bazi-bazida boraman, sababi men o'zimga kerakli kitobni uyimda o'qiyman. kutubxonaga borishga vaqtim yetmaydi.
Are libraries popular in your country?
Mamlakatingizda kutubxonalar mashhurmi?
Libraries in our country are not very popular, because our youths do not read books.
- Bizning mamlakatimizdagi kutubxonalar unchalik mashxur emas, sababi bizning yozshlar kitob o'qishmay qo'ygan.
What's your favourite weather?
Sizning sevimli ob-havongiz qanday?
My favorite weather is warm and rainy.
- Mening sevimli ob havo bu yomg'irli.
Do you like the weather in your hometown?
Sizga o'z shahringizdagi ob-havo yoqadimi?
Yes, I like the weather in my hometown.
- Ha, mening shahrimdagi ob havo menga yoqadi.
Do you like hot and dry weather?
Sizga quruq va issiq havo yoqadimi?
Menga quruq va issiq ob havo unchalik yoqmaydi.
- I don't really like dry and hot weather.
What do you do in hot weather?
Issiq havoda nima qilasiz?
I sit under the air conditioner in my house in hot weather.
- Men issiq obhavoda uyimda konditsioner tagida o'tiraman.
Do you prefer hot oc cold weather?
Issiq va sovuq havoni afzal ko'rasizmi?
I like warm and rainy weather
-Men iliq va yomg'irli obhavoni yasxshi ko'raman
Do you like wet weather?
Sizga nam havo yoqadimi?
Today I like wet weather
- Bugungi kunda menga nam ob-havo yoqadi,
Dou you prefer wet or dry weather?
Siz nam yoki quruq ob-havoni afzal ko'rasizmi?
Today I like wet weather because when it's dry it's dusty everywhere.
- Bugungi kunda menga nam ob-havo yoqadi, sababi havo quruq bo'lsa hamma yer chang bo'ladi.
Woul you like to visit a hot country?
Issiq mamlakatga tashrif buyurishni xohlaysizmi?
Yes, I want to go to Dubai and Maldives.
- Ha, Dubai hamda maoldiv orollariga borishni hohlayman.
Can you discribe the place where you live?
Siz yashayotgan joyni tasvirlab bera olasizmi?
I live in an apartment in the city center. My apartment is modern and has all the amenities.
Men shahar markazida joylashga kvartirada yashayman. kvartiram zamonaviy hamda hamma sharoitlari bor.
What kind of housing accommodation do you live in?
Siz qanday turar joy turar joyida yashaysiz?
Today I live in an apartment
-Bugungi kunda men kvartirada yashayman.
What dou you like about your flat?
Sizning kvartirangiz nimani yoqtiradi?
My favorite things about my apartment are my desk and my wifi and computer.
Mening kvartiramda menga yoqadiga narsalar ish stolim hamda wifi va kompyuterim.
Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Oilangiz ko'p vaqtini qaysi xonada o'tkazadi?
My family spends most of their time in the living room in my apartment.
Mening oilam ko'p vaqtini kvartiramdagi mexmonxonada o'tkazishadi.
What can you see from the windows where you live?
Siz yashayotgan derazadan nimani ko'rishingiz mumkin?
In my apartment, only apartments are visible outside my window.
men kvartiramda oynamda tashqarida faqat kvartiralar ko'rinadi.
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
Siz uyda yashashni afzal ko'rasizmi yoki kvartiradami?
I like to live in a house, but the good thing about an apartment is that it has all the conditions.
Men uyda yashash yoqadi, lekin kvartiraning yaxshi tomoni hamma sharoiti ichida bo'ladi.
What would you like to change in your flat?
Kvartirada nimani o'zgartirmoqchisiz?
I want to change the wardrobe and armchairs in my apartment, because I don't like the color
men kvartiramda xonamdagi shkaf hamda kreslolarimni almashtirmoqchiman, sababi rangi yoqmayabdi menga
What do you dislike about your flat?
Kvartirangizda nima yoqmaydi?
I don't like that my room in my apartment is small, I like a big and bright room.
Menga kvartiramda xonam kichikligi yoqmaydi, menga katta va yorug' xona yoqadi.
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