Axborot texnologiyasi
axborotni hosil qilish, saqlash, kompyuter yordamida qayta ishlashni ifodalovchi faoliyat sohasi
data, storage, processing the computer which represents the field
Aqliy hujum
muammoni hal etishga nisbatan intelluktual yondashuv. Bunda muammoni hal etishga oid shaxsiy farazlar ilgari suriladi
intelluktual approach to the solution of this problem. At the same time, to solve a problem of separate hypotheses earlier
ta'lim oluvchilar bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarining miqdoriy baholashda bal yoki raqamlar vositasida shartli ifodalanishi
preparation of knowledge, skills and experience by means of number or the size of a quantitative assessment of conditional expression
o'quvchi yoki tinglovchining egallagan bilim, ko'nikma va malakalari hamda shaxsiy sifati darajalarini belgilash
the student or the student of knowledge, skills and experience to define a level of quality and personal
o'quvchi va tinglovchilarning tabiat, jamiyat, fan-texnika yutuqlari haqida hosil qilgan ma'lumotlari. O'quvchi yoki tinglovchilarga taqdim
etiladigan nazariy ma'lumot
school students and students of the nature, society, achievements of science and technology. Theoretical information will be provided for