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1. The bones form the skeleton of the body. The most important part of the skeleton is the backbone. It is so important that naturalists divid­ed all animals into two classes — those which have a backbone and those which have none. All the higher animals have a backbone, or vertebral column and they are therefore called vertebrate animals. The others are called invertebrate animals.

2. The bones which form the skeleton or bony framework of the body include the bones of the head, the bones of the trunk, and the bones of the lower and upper limbs.
3. At the upper end of the backbone there is the skull. Inside the skull is the brain. The bones of the head include the bones which make up the box-like structure, the skull, and freely movable bone which forms our lower jaw.
4. There is another box of bones in front of the backbone. The ribs, which join the backbone behind and bend round towards the breastbone in front, form a strong cage - the chest, inside of which there is the heart and the lungs. The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone.
5. The arms join the body at the shoulder, and the shoulder itself consists of two bones - the collar-bone in front, and the shoulder-blade behind. Between the shoulder and the elbow there is only one bone in the arm, but between the elbow and the wrist there are two. In the wrist there are eight small bones. They are bound (связаны) together, but their large number allows the wrist to bend freely. Next the bones of the hand itself come. In the body or palm of the hand there are five long bones - one for each finger and one for the thumb. Each of the fingers has three bones, and the thumb has two. Thus we have twenty-seven bones in the framework of the hand and wrist alone.

Figure 1. Skeleton.

Mandible Cervical vertebra

Thoracic vertebra


Sternum Humerus Ribs


Tibia Fibula

Exercise 7. 1) Read and translate Text А. 2) Find answers to the following questions in the text and read them. 3) Make the plan of the retelling text А in written form.
1. Is the backbone the most important part of the body? 2. What classes do the naturalists divide all the animals into? 3. What does the skull include? 4. The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone, don't they? 5. How does the wrist work?

Exercise 8. Match the words of Latin origin with their English equivalents.




lower jaw




upper jaw

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the construction there is/are.
1. There is the skull at the upper end of the backbone. 2. There are many illustrated books on Human Anatomy. 3. There are three bones in each finger. 4. There is no backbone in invertebrate animals. 5. There are special hospitals for children in every town.

Exercise10. Put the verbs in the following sentences into negative form and translate the sentences.
Example: I went to see them yesterday. I did not go to see them yesterday.
1. The professor asked many questions at the seminar. 2. I got many text-books from the library. 3. I entered the Institute last year. 4. We shall help him with his studies. 5. He knows Human Anatomy well.

Exercise 11. Read the following sentences using verbs given in brackets in proper Indefinite tenses.
1. The trunk (to consist) of the chest, the abdomen and the back. 2. The arms (to join) the body in front of the backbone. 3. Galen was the first who (to describe) completely and accurately the structure of the body. 4. The upper cavity, the thorax, (to include) the heart and the lungs. 5. Tomorrow the doctor (to come) and (to examine) you. 6. We (to begin) to study the bones of the upper and lower limbs last week.

Exercise 12 Describe parts of the body according to figure I using the following word combinations:
The skull includes... The trunk consists of... The arms form the body at ... The bones form... There are ... bones in ... The spinal canal contains ...

Exercise 13. Learn the following words and word combinations:

distinguish [disti gwi ] v различать (farqlamoq)
distinguishable [disti gwi bl] adj различимый (farqlanuvchi)
abdomen [ bd m n] n брюшная полость, живот (qorin bo’shlig’i)
thigh [Oai] n бедро (son)
ankle [ nkl] n лодыжка (bolder)
toe [tou] n палец ноги (oyoq barmog’i)
separate [sep reit] vотделять, разделять (ajratmoq)
separable [sep r bl] a отделимый, раздельный (ajraluvchi, ajratilgan)
muscle [m sl] n мышца (mushak)
muscular [m skjul ] a мышечный (mushakka oid)
forearm [fo:ra:m] n предплечье (yelka oldi)
vertebra [v :tibr ] pl [v :tibri:] n (umurtqa, umurtqalar) позвонок
chamber [t eimb ] n камера
cavity [k viti] n полость (bo’shliq)
kidney [kidni] n почка (buyrak)
head [hed] n голова (bosh)
thorax [Oo:r ks] n грудная клетка (ko’krak qafasi)
ureter [ju ri:t ] n мочеточник (siydik yo’li)
bladder [bl d ] n мочевой пузырь (siydik pufagi)
liver [liv ] n печень (jigar)
pancreas [p nkri s] n (oshqozon osti bezi) поджелудочная железа
spleen [spli:n] селезёнка (taloq)
pharynx [f rinks] n глотка (halqum)
alimentary canal [ liment ri k n l] пищеварительный тракт (xazm yo’li)
addition [ di n] n добавление (qo’shimcha)
in addition to вдобавок, в допол-нение к (…ga go’shimcha)
lie [lai] v находиться (joylashmoq)

Text В

The human body is obviously separable into the head, the trunk and the limbs. In the head, the brain-case or skull is distinguishable from the face. The trunk includes the chest or thorax, and the ab­domen. Of the limbs there are two pairs — the upper, or arms, and the lower, or legs; and the legs and arms again are separable into several parts — the thigh, the leg and the toes in the lower limb and the upper arm, the forearm, the wrist and the fingers in the upper limb.

The whole body is bilaterally symmetrical. There are special bones in the trunk which are bound together by a very strong and tough substance into a long column, which lies nearer the dorsal (or back) than ventral (or front) part of the body The bones are called (называются) the vertebrae. They separate a long narrow ca­nal, the spinal canal, which lies upon the dorsal side.
The spinal canal contains a long white cord — the spinal cord — which is an important part of the nervous system. The diaphragm divides the ventral chamber into two cavities — the thorax and abdo­men. The alimentary canal transverses these cavities from one end to the other and pierce the diaphragm. In the abdomen there are also two kidneys, which lie against each side of the vertebral column, the ureters, the bladder, the liver, the pancreas and the spleen. The thorax encloses the heart and two lungs. The latter lay one on each side of the heart.
The dorsal chamber, or cavity of the skull, opens into the spinal canal. It contains the brain, which is continuous with the spinal cord. The brain and the spinal cord together constitute the cerebrospinal system. The ventral chamber or cavity of the face encloses mouth ajid pharynx, into which the upper end of the alimentary canal (gullet or oesophagus) opens.

Exercise 14. Read all the statements. In text B find the sentences expressing more extensively the given statements.
1. The parts of the body are the head, the trunk and the limbs. 2. The vertebral column divides the trunk symmetrically. 3. The spinal canal contains a cord. 4. The diaphragm divides the trunk into two cavities. 5. The alimentary canal transverses them. 6. The oesophagus opens into the pharynx.


1. Verbs in Continuous (Active Voice)

2. Mоdal verbs can, must, may
3. Function and translation of the word that (those)

Exercise1. Learn the following words and word combinations:

skin n кожа, teri
lay [lei] (l id) v класть, qo’ymoq
layer [' lei ] n слой, qatlam
average [' v rid ] а средний, o’rtacha
male [meil] а мужского пола, мужс­кой, erkaklarga oid
female ['fi:meil] а женского пола, женский, ayollarga oid
cell [sel] n клетка, xujayra
striated [strai'eitid] а поперечно-по­лосатый, полосатый, ko’ndalang targ’il
contract [k n'tr kt] v сокращать(ся), qisqarmoq
blood [bl d] n кровь, qon
vessel [vesl] n сосуд, tomir
digestive[di'd3estiv]а пищеваритель­ный, пищевой, xazmga oid
refer [ri'f :] v относиться к чему-л., иметь отношение, biror-nimaga tegishli
tissue ['tisju:] n ткань, to’qima; connective tissue соединительная ткань, biriktiruvchi to’qima
smooth [smu:0] а гладкий, ровный, tekkis, silliq
viscera ['vis r ] n pl. внутренние органы; кишки, ichki a’zolar, ichaklar
visceral ['vis r l] а относящийся к внутренним органам, ichki a’zolarga oid
cause [ko:z] v вызывать, быть при­чиной, заставлять, keltirib chiqarmoq; n причина, sabab
will n воля, istak
response [ris'pons] n ответ, отклик; реакция, javob
effect [i'fekt] n результат, следствие; действие, влияние, ta’sir
environment [in'vai r nm nt] n окру­жение; среда; окружающая об­становка, atrof-muhit
that is (Lat. i.e.) то есть, ya’ni

Exercise 2. Find the verbs in Continuous in each line.
1. was placing; placed; is placed;
2. bound; bind; is binding
3. were bent; was bending; bent;
4. joins; is joining; were joined;
5. are not included; will be including; includes;
6. is distinguishing; are distin­guishing; distinguishes
Exercise 2. Put the following sentences in Negative form.
Example: We are working at the laboratory now.
We are not working at the laboratory now.
1. They were discussing the functions of brain for two hours running. 2. We shall be studying the bones of the palm for the whole day. 3. He is taking his examina-tion in history now. 4. I was writing my report when she entered the library hall.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences; define the tense of the predicates.
1. Smooth or unstriated muscles contract without any volition. 2. Blood vessels are contracting when they respond to the temperature. 3. The bones of our body make up the skeleton. 4. They were making their experiment from 5 to 7. 5. Students will learn the framework of the chest in the first term. 6. We shall be studying the functions of the heart during the whole lesson.

Exercise 4. Find modal verbs in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.
1. The lesson is over, you may go home. 2. The character of the joints distinguishes the degree of the motion which we can perform. 3. Smooth muscles can contract slowly. 4. We may divide animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. 5. Comrade Petrov should stay at home as his leg still aches. 6. Future doctors must know human anatomy very well.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs can, must, may.
1. You ... come for consultations on physics any time from 5 to 8. 2. We ... know all the functions of the lungs. 3. ... I ask a question? 4. She ... come as she is ill. 5. Who ... describe the bones of the trunk? 6. The joints ... move by the contraction of muscles.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences. Define the function of the words that/those:
1. The doctor says that he knows this patient. 2. The bones of the lower extremities articulate with the pelvic bones, those of the upper extremities extend from the shoulder girdle. 3. Through the centre of the vertebral column runs the canal that contains the spinal cord. 4. We liked that lecture very much. 5. The function of the liver is different from that of the spleen. 6. That was the book he wanted.

Exercise 7. Look through text A. How many parts can you divide it into? What title can you give to every one?

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