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- So he went to Tashkent. Shunday qilib, u Toshkentga In Tashkent, he met John. ketdi. Toshkentda u Jonni uchratdi.
- Lesson 4 POV Text Welcome to the POV lessons. So right now I am going to give you a story in different point of views. First of all, I am going to
- So that’s the story in the past simple. And now you are going to listen to the same story in the present simple.
- You listened to the story in the present simple. Right now you are going to listen to the sama story in the future. Are you ready
- That’s all for the POV lesson. Listen to these lessons many many times. And after some time, you will start speaking En- glish automatically. So see you next time bye bye.
- LESSON 1.1 1.1-DARS Mini Story
- Mini story darslarida men 3 ishni qilaman.
- There was a monkey. Her Bir maymun bor edi. name was Jane. She was a Uning ismi Jeyn edi. U student. She was very poor.
- She lived in Japan.
- Yes, she had a problem. Oh, Ha, uning muammosi bor poor Jany. In fact, she had two edi. O, bechora Jeni. problems. Haqiqatdan ham
- Her first problem was she Birinchi muammosi was poor. She didn’t have any uning qashshoqligi edi. money. And her second
- Yes, she needed a doctor, Ha, unga doktor zarur edi, because she wanted to be chunki u sog‘lom bo‘lishni healthy.
He wanted to be handsome. U kelishgan bo‘lishni That’s why, He went to xohlardi. Shuning uchun u Tashkent. Toshkentga bordi. Where did he go? U qayerga bordi? He went to Tashkent. U Toshkentga bordi. Did he go to Japan? U Yaponiyaga bordimi? No, he did not go to Japan. Yo‘q, u Yaponiyaga bormadi. Was he Uzbek? U o‘zbek edimi? No, he was not Uzbek. Yo‘q, u o‘zbek emasdi. Was he African? U afrikalik edimi? No, he wasn’t African. He Yo‘q, u afrikalik emas edi. was American. U amerikalik edi. So he went to Tashkent. Shunday qilib, u Toshkentga In Tashkent, he met John. ketdi. Toshkentda u Jonni uchratdi. Who was John? Jon kim edi? John was a wonderful doctor. Jon ajoyib doktor edi. Who did he meet? U kimni uchratdi? He met John. U Jonni uchratdi. Where did he meet John? U Jonni qayerda uchratdi? Yes, he met John in Tashkent, Ha, u Jonni Toshkentda, the capital of Uzbekistan. uchratdi. O‘zbekiston poytaxtida uchratdi. Who was John? Jon kim edi? John was a doctor. Jon shifokor edi. John was a very good doctor. Jon juda yaxshi shifokor edi. Who was a doctor? Kim shifokor edi? John was a doctor. Jon shifokor edi. Was he a bad doctor? U yomon shifokor edimi? No, he was not a bad doctor. Yo‘q, u yomon shifokor emasdi. Was he a good doctor? U yaxshi shifokor edimi? Yes , he was a good doctor. Ha, u yaxshi shifokor edi. 127 Jumanazar Khushbakov John helped Bill to be handsome. John Billga kelishgan bo‘lishida yordam berdi. Who helped Bill? Kim Billga yordam berdi? John helped Bill. Jon Billga yordam berdi. Did John help Bill? Jon Billga yordam berdimi? Yes, John helped. Ha, John yordam berdi. How did John help Bill? Jon Billga qanday qilib yordam berdi? John said: “You have to wash Jon dedi: “Sen ertalab your face in the morning.” yuzingni yuvishing kerak” Who said: “You have to wash Kim “sen ertalab yuzingni your face in the morning?” yuvishing kerak” deb aytdi? John said: “You have to wash Jon aytdi: “Sen ertalab your face in the morning?” yuzingni yuvishing kerak” Then, Bill washed his face. Keyin, Bill yuzini yuvdi. Did he wash his face? U yuzini yuvdimi? Yes, he washed his face. Ha, u yuzini yuvdi. But he had another problem. Lekin unda boshqa muammo bor edi. What was his next problem? Uning keyingi muammosi nima edi? His next problem was he needed Uning keyingi muammosi: to buy the most expensive soap u dunyodagi eng qimmat in the world. sovunni sotib olishi kerak edi. What did he want to buy? U nima sotib olishni xohlardi? He wanted to buy the most U eng qimmat sovunni sotib expensive soap. He wanted to olishni xohlardi. U butun buy the top dollar soap in dunyodagi eng qimmat the entire world. sovunni sotib olishni xohlardi. Did he want to buy the U eng arzon sovunni sotib cheapest soap? olishni xohlardimi? 128 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically No, he didn’t want to buy the Yo‘q, u eng arzon sovunni cheapest soap. He wanted to buy sotib olishni xohlamasdi. the most expensive soap. U eng qimmat sovun sotib olishni xohlardi. Did he want to buy a towel? U sochiq sotib olishni xohlardimi? No, he did not want to buy Yo‘q, u sochiq sotib a towel. He wanted to buy the olishni xohlamasdi. most expensive soap. U eng qimmat sovun sotib olishni xohlardi. To buy the soap, he went Sovun sotib olish uchun to China. u Xitoyga bordi. Why did he go to China? U nega Xitoyga bordi? He went to China because U Xitoyga eng qimmat he wanted to to buy the sovunni sotib olish uchun expensive soap. To buy the most bordi. Eng qimmat sovun expensive soap, he went sotib olish uchun u Xitoyga to China. bordi. He looked for the soap. U sovunni qidirdi. What did he look for? U nimani qidirdi? He looked for the soap. U sovunni qidirdi. Who searched for the soap? Kim sovunni izladi? Bill searched for the soap. Bill sovunni axtardi. He went to different cities. U turli shaharlarga bordi. At last, he found the most Nihoyat, u eng qimmat expensive soap. sovunni topdi. Then he bought the most Keyin u dunyodagi expensive soap in the world. eng qimmat sovunni sotib oldi. He washed his face with the U eng qimmat sovun bilan most expensive soap. yuzini yuvdi. And after some time, Biroz vaqtdan keyin u he was so handsome. judayam kelishgan yigit bo‘ldi. He was so cool. U juda ajoyib bo‘ldi. He was so happy. U juda ham xursand edi. 129 Jumanazar Khushbakov Lesson 4 POV Text Welcome to the POV lessons. So right now I am going to give you a story in different point of views. First of all, I am going to give you a story in the past simple. So are you ready? Let’s start. There was a monkey. His name was Bill. Bill lived in Vegas. He was American. He had a problem. His problem was he was very very ugly. He was rich. He wasn’t poor. Because he was rich, he did not need money. He wanted a beatiful face. He wanted to have a beautiful face. He was not clever. He was stupid. He wanted to be handsome. He yearned to be handsome. To be handsome, he went to Tashkent. In Tashkent, he looked for doctors. He wanted to find doc- tors. Finally, he found a wonderful doctor named John. He met John in Tashkent. John was a good docor. In fact, he was a wonderful doctor. Bill asked for help. He asked John to help him. John decided to help him. John said: “If you want to be handsome, you have to wash your face.” He said: “You have to wash your face in the morn- ing”. John helped Bill to be handsome. He had another problem. His next problem was he needed to buy the most expensive soap in the world.” He wanted to buy the most expensive soap. To buy the most expensive soap, he went to China. He went to China to buy the most expensive soap. He looked for the soap in China. He searched for the most expensive soap in the entire world. At last, he found the most expensive store. Then, he bought it. He washed his face with the most expensive soap. Then he was very handsome. He was so cool. And now he was very happy. So that’s the story in the past simple. And now you are going to listen to the same story in the present simple. 130 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically There is a monkey. His name is Bill. He lives in Vegas. He is American. He has a problem. His problem is he is very ugly. He is rich. He isn’t poor. Because he is rich, he does not need money. He wants a beatiful face. He wants to have a beautiful face. He is not clever. He is stupid. He wants to be handsome. He yearns to be handsome. To be handsome, he goes to Tashkent. In Tashkent, he looks for doctors. He wants to find doctors. Finally, he finds a wonderful doctor named John. He meets John in Tashkent. John is a good docor. In fact, he is a wonderful doctor. Bill asks for help. He asks John to help him. John decides to help him. John says: “If you want to be handsome, you have to wash your face.” He says: “You have to wash your face everyday in the morning”. John helps Bill to be handsome. He has another problem. His next problem is he needs to buy the most expensive soap in the world.” He wants to buy the most expensive soap. To buy the most expensive soap, he goes to China. He goes to China to buy the most expensive soap. He looks for the soap in China. He searches for the most expensive soap in the entire world”. At last, he finds the most expensive soap. Then, he buys the most expensive soap in the world. He washes his face with it. Then he is very handsome. He is very cool. He is very happy. You listened to the story in the present simple. Right now you are going to listen to the sama story in the future. Are you ready? There will be a monkey. His name is going to be Bill. He is going to live in Vegas. He is American. He will have a problem. His problem will be he will be very ugly. He is going to be rich. He won’t be poor. Because he will be rich, he will not need money. He will want a bea- tuful face. He is going to want to have a beautiful face. He will not be clever. He will be stupid. He will want to be handsome. He will yearn to be handsome. To be handsome, he will go to Tashkent. In Tashkent, he will look for doctors. He will want to find wonderful doctors. Final- ly, he is going to find a wonderful doctor named John. He is going to meet John in Tashkent. John is going to be a good docor. In fact, he will be a wonderful doctor. Bill will ask for help. He will ask John to help 131 Jumanazar Khushbakov him. John is going to decide to help him. John will say: “If you want to be handsome, you have to wash your face.” He will say: “You have to wash your face in the morning”. John will help Bill to be handsome. He is going to have another problem. His next problem will be he is going to need to buy the most expensive soap in the world. He will want to buy the most expensive soap. To buy the most expensive soap, he is going to go to China. He will go to China to buy the most expensive soap. He will look for the soap in China. He will search for the most ex- pensive soap in the entire world At last, he will find the most expensive soap at a store. Then, he will buy the most expensive soap in the world. He will wash his face with the most expensive soap. Then he will be very handsome. He will be very cool. He will be very happy. That’s all for the POV lesson. Listen to these lessons many many times. And after some time, you will start speaking En- glish automatically. So see you next time bye bye. Sharh Darsni bugun yana bir necha bor tinglang. Vazifangiz maqsadga tez borish emas. Bu darsni kamida bir hafta har kuni hech bo‘lmasa bir soatdan tinglang. Eshitayotganda zavqlaning. Harakatda bo‘ling. Chuqur-chuqur nafas olish esdan chiqmasin. Yuzingizda KATTA tabassum bo‘lsin. Savollarga tez-tez javob bering. Xatolarga e’ti- bor qilmang. Kamida 20 marta tinglang. 30 marta takrorlasangiz yanayam zo‘r. Sizga o‘xshagan insonlar doim kutilgandan ko‘ra ko‘prog‘iga erishadilar. Demak, bugungi darsni yana eshitamiz. * * * * * Pul borasida umuman xavotir olmay yashashingiz uchun bitta ajoyib maslahat beraman. Har bir muvaffaqiyatli odamda bu odat bor. Sizning muvaffaqiyatingiz yoki g‘alabangiz bilimingiz bilan barobardir. Ya’ni qanchalik bilimli bo‘lsangiz, shunchalik muvaf- faqiyatlisiz. Dunyoning eng boy odami bir kunda 500 bet kitob o‘qiydi. Siz o‘zingizni rivojlantirish uchun quyidagilarni amalga oshiring: 132 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically 1. Kitob o‘qing. Har kuni kamida 60 daqiqa kitob o‘qing. Men akademik bilimlarni o‘rganing demayman. Xohlagan maqsadingiz- ga erishish uchun o‘sha soha haqidagi kitoblarni o‘qing. 2. Audio dasturlar tinglang. Ertalab ishga ketguncha yoki ma- shi nada yurganingizda eshiting. 3. Seminarlarga boring. Bir yilda 4 marta seminarga boring. Har bir seminarni o‘tkazish uchun murabbiy bir necha ming soatlar izla- nadi, kitoblar o‘qiydi va darsda eng foydali ma’lumotlarni beradi. 4. Muvaffaqiyatli, baxtli, bilimli insonlar bilan do‘st bo‘ling. Bu insonlar ham sizga o‘xshab ko‘p kitoblar o‘qigan, seminarlarga qat- naganlar. 133 Jumanazar Khushbakov LESSON 1.1 1.1-DARS Mini Story Darsimizni boshlashdan avval qomatlarni rostlab, chuqur- chuqur nafas olamiz, tabassum qilamiz hamda mavzuni eshitayotib bir joyda turib qolmaymiz. Bir yaxshi musiqa qo‘yib, raqsga tushib olsangiz ham bo‘ladi. Kayfiyatlar ko‘tarilgach, quyidagi tartibda darslarimizni boshladik. «Main audio» qismlarini shunchaki tinglang. Eshitayotganda tarjimasiga qarab boring. Maqsad – kitobga qaramasdan tinglaganda ham tushuna olish. Matnsiz tushunishni boshlashingiz bilan kitobga qarashdan voz keching! Darsning savol-javob (Mini Story) qismida savollarga javob berishni boshlang. Kerak bo‘lsa, «pause» tugmasidan foydalaning. Boshida sekin javob bersangiz ham bo‘ladi. Endi savollarga tezroq javob bering. Darslarni 7 kun davomida kuniga kamida 1 soatdan yoki undan ko‘proq eshiting. Har bir o‘quvchining o‘rganish tezligi turlicha. Sistemamiz sizga o‘z tezligingizda o‘rganish imkonini beradi. Mini story darslarida men 3 ishni qilaman. 1. Gaplar aytaman. Har bir gapdan keyin siz tushunganingizni bildirish uchun «Ahhhh» yo «Ohhhh» deysiz. Bu tushunganligingizni anglatadi. 134 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically 2. Siz javobini biladigan oson savollarni so‘rayman. Ularga shunchaki javob bering. Xatolar haqida o‘ylamang. Asosiy maqsad – tezlik. Qisqa (1-2 ta so‘zdan iborat) javob bo‘lsa ham mayli. To‘liq javoblar shart emas. 3. Men siz javobini bilmaydigan savol beraman. Shunda javobni shunchaki taxmin qilasiz. Aniq javob bo‘lishi shart emas. Faqat javobingizni tez ayting. Eslataman, bir yoki ikkita so‘z bilan javob bersangiz ham bo‘ladi. O‘rganish tartibi Chuqur o‘rganish metodidan foydalanganimiz uchun ham sistemamiz juda samarali. Har bir darsni chuqur o‘rganishingiz kerak. Eng zo‘r tartib quyidagicha: *Har bir darsni 1-2 hafta yoki undan ko‘proq o‘rganing. Bitta dars – kamida bir hafta. Agar zeriksangiz, Mini story darslari bilan o‘yinlar qiling – har bir savolga tez-tez javob bering. *Har kuni bitta darsning bir qismini tinglang. Kuniga kamida 2 marta, ayniqsa, Mini story va POV darslarini takror-takror eshiting. *Kamida bir soatdan tinglang. Har kuni ikki soat bo‘lsa, juda zo‘r. Kuningizni bir necha qismga bo‘lganingiz ma’qul. Ertalab 30 daqiqa, tushda 30 daqiqa, ishga ketayotganda va qaytayotganda 30 daqiqadan, uxlashdan avval 30 daqiqa tinglang. *Shunchaki, dam oling! Grammatik qoidalar haqida o‘ylamang. Darslarni tinglang va lazzatlaning. *Darslar oson tuyulsa ham, kamida 1-2 hafta eshiting. So‘zlarni bilishingiz mumkin, lekin ular miyangizga chuqur o‘rnashmog‘i kerak. *Darslar qiyin bo‘lsa, shunchaki eshitishdan lazzat topishga harakat qiling. Kerak bo‘lsa, bitta darsni 4 yoki 10 hafta davo- mida tinglang. Eshitishlar ko‘payib, jarayon cho‘zilib ketishidan xavotir olmang. Bu umuman muhim emas. Asosiysi, mazza qilib tinglang va shu jarayonga e’tiboringizni qarating. Shoshilmang. 135 Jumanazar Khushbakov Welcome to the next lesson. So from these lessons, you are going to get the mini story and POV lessons. Before starting the lessons, I want you to do something. First of all, move your body, do not sit still please. Whenever you are listening to the lessons, please move your body, don’t sit. Move your body, may be you can jump, maybe you can walk, but don’t sit still. Have a huge grin, have a huge smile on you face. I am doing it right now. You can do it with me. So have a huge smile. Pretend that you are very very happy. And after that, what are you going to do? You are going to feel wonderful. When you feel wonderful, you can start the lessons. The next thing that I want you to do is to breathe deeply (breathing) or have a deep breath like this. When you feel happy, when you breathe deeply, you will start to feel very energetic. When you are energetic, you can learn a lot of things in a very very short period of time. So let’s start our mini story. Are you ready? Ok, let’s start. * * * There was a monkey. Her Bir maymun bor edi. name was Jane. She was a Uning ismi Jeyn edi. U student. She was very poor. talaba edi. U juda qashshoq edi. Was she poor? U qashshoq edimi? Yes, she was very poor. Ha, u qashshoq edi. Was she impoverished? U kambag‘al edimi? Yes, she was impoverished. Ha, u juda kambag‘al edi. Did she have a lot of money? Uning puli ko‘p edimi? No, unfortunately, she did not Yo‘q, baxtga qarshi uning have enough money. yetarlicha puli yo‘q edi. Why? Nega? Because she was very poor. Chunki u juda ham kambag‘al edi. Was she a monkey or a girl? U maymun edimi yoki qiz? No, she was a monkey. Yo‘q, u maymun edi. She was not a girl. U qiz emas edi. 136 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Was she ugly? U xunuk edimi? Yes, she was ugly. Ha, u xunuk edi. Who was a poor student? Kim qashshoq talaba edi? Jane was a poor student. Jane qashshoq talaba edi. Was Jane beautiful? Jane chiroyli edimi? No, Jane was not beautiful, Yo‘q, Jeyn chiroyli emas she was so ugly. edi, u juda xunuk edi. Was she a doctor? U doktor edimi? No, she was not a doctor. Yo‘q, u doktor emas edi. She was a poor student. U qashshoq talaba edi. She lived in Japan. U Yaponiyada yashagan edi. Who lived in Japan? Kim Yaponiyada yashagan edi? Jane lived in Japan, because she Jeyn Yaponiyada yashagan was Japanese. edi. U yapon edi. Was she Uzbek or was she U o‘zbek edimi yoki Spanish? Ispanmi? Jane was not Uzbek, she wasn’t Yo‘q, Jeyn o‘zbek emas Spanish. edi, u ispan emas edi. Did she dwell in Brazil? U Braziliyada yashagan edimi? No, she did not dwell in Brazil. Yo‘q, u Braziliyada She did not live in Brazil. yashamagan. Did she have a problem? Uning muammosi bor edimi? Yes, she had a problem. Oh, Ha, uning muammosi bor poor Jany. In fact, she had two edi. O, bechora Jeni. problems. Haqiqatdan ham uning ikkita muammosi bor edi. What was her problem? Uning muammosi nima edi? Her first problem was she Birinchi muammosi was poor. She didn’t have any uning qashshoqligi edi. money. And her second Uning puli yo‘q edi. Va problem, second concern was ikkinchi muammosi uning she was ill. She was not kasalligi edi. U sog‘lom healthy. emasdi. 137 Jumanazar Khushbakov Did she have a lot of money? Uning puli ko‘p edimi? No, she didn’t have enough Yo‘q, unda ko‘p pul yo‘q money, because she was poor. edi, chunki u kambag‘al edi. Did she go to hospital? U kasalxonaga bordimi? No, she did not go to hospital Yo‘q, u kasalxonaga because she didn’t have enough bormadi, unda yetarli money, because she didn’t have pul yo‘q edi. any money to go to hospital. But she wanted to be healthy. Lekin u sog‘lom bo‘lishni xohlagan edi. Did she want to be healthy? U sog‘lom bo‘lishni xohlagan edimi? Yes, she wanted to be in good Ha, u yaxshi holatda shape. bo‘lishni xohlagan edi. In good shape? What does that Yaxshi holatda? mean? It means healthy. Bu nima degani? Bu sog‘lom degani. Was she healthy? U sog‘lom edimi? No, she was not healthy, she was Yo‘q, Jeyn sog‘lom emas ill, she was sick, she was not edi. U kasal edi. U bemor feeling wonderful. edi. U o‘zini yaxhsi his qilmayotgan edi. Did she need a doctor? Unga doktor zarur edimi? Yes, she needed a doctor, Ha, unga doktor zarur edi, because she wanted to be chunki u sog‘lom bo‘lishni healthy. xohlagan edi. She met a lot of people. And a U ko‘p odamlarni uchratgan lot of people said: “If you want edi. Ular shunday to be healthy you should work deyishgandi: “Agar out”. sog‘lom bo‘lishni istasangiz, sport bilan shug‘ullanishingiz kerak” Did she meet a lot of monkeys? U ko‘p maymunlarni uchratgan edimi? No, she did not meet a lot of Yo‘q, u ko‘p maymunlarni monkeys. uchratmagandi. 138 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Who did she encounter? U kimni uchratgandi? She encountered a host of, a lot of U ko‘p odamlarni uchratgan people. edi. What did the people say to her? Odamlar unga nima degandi? They said to her: “If you want to Ular unga aytishgandi: be fit, if you want to be healthy, “Agar siz sog‘lom bo‘lishni you have to go to the gym” istasangiz, sport zaliga borishingiz kerak”. Download 1.62 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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