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Jumanazar Khushbekov 0-2 (1)
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- He attended language courses. U til kurslariga qatnashdi. However, he couldn’t speak. Biroq, u gapira olmasdi. He went to different countries
- During the seminar, he got Seminar uni ilhomlantirdi. inspired. He tried to shout. Uni baqirgisi keldi. He tried to yell. Everybody
- Uzbek and English. He got olardi va u o‘zbek va ingliz very popular during tilida gapira olardi. the seminar. U seminarda mashhur
- He travelled around the world. U dunyo bo‘ylab sayohat He started to sing. He was qildi. U qo‘shiq aytishni a great singer. He went
- People were amazed U turli konsertlar berdi. to see him. Odamlar uni ko‘rib hayratlanishardi.
- He was a donkey that could U 2 ta tilda gapira oladigan speak 2 languages. He got eshak edi. U o‘sha chiroyli married to that beautiful
- A donkey who couldn’t speak POV
- LESSON 2.3 2.3-DARS Mini Story A monkey wants to be whopping
- There was a monkey. Bir maymun bo‘lar edi. His name was Martin.
He showed his phone and U telefonini ko‘rsatdi asked for her phone number. va telefon raqamini And he wrote to her. so‘radi va u unga yozdi. She was very curious why U nimaga gapirmaganiga he didn’t speak. She didn’t juda qiziqardi. U uning realize he couldn’t speak. gapira olmasligini tushunib They wrote to each other. yetmagandi. The girl asked: “Why don’t Ular o‘zaro yozishishdi. you speak?” The guy didn’t Qiz so‘radi: “Sen nimaga reveal the secret, because gapirmaysan?”. Bola hech the guy wanted to speak narsa deyolmadi, chunki one day. u bir kuni gapirishiga ishonardi. Did he show his cell phone? U telefonini ko‘rsatdimi? Yes, he showed his mobile phone. Ha, u telefonini ko‘rsatdi. Did he ask to help her? U undan yordam so‘radimi? No, he didn’t ask to help her. Yo‘q, u undan yordam so‘ramadi. What did he ask for? U undan nima so‘radi? He asked for her phone number. U telefon raqamini so‘radi. Did she give her number U telefon raqamini yoki or phone itself? telefonini berdimi? 240 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically She only gave her number. U faqat telefon raqamini berdi. Did they chat with each other? Ular yozishishdimi? Yes, they wrote to each other. Ha, ular yozishishdi. Was she very excited why Uning nima uchun he didn’t speak? gapirmaganidan ajablandimi (hayron bo‘ldimi)? Yes, she was curious why Ha, u nima uchun he didn’t speak. gapirmaganligiga juda qiziqardi. Did she feel that he couldn’t U uning gapira olmasligini speak? sezdimi? No, she didn’t realize that Yo‘q, u uning gapirmasligini he couldn’t speak. anglab yetmagandi. What did the donkey ask? Eshak undan nima so‘radi? The girl asked: Qiz so‘radi: “Sen nimaga “Why don’t you speak?” gapirmaysan?” Why didn’t he reveal U nimaga sirni oshkor the secret? qilmadi? Because he wanted Chunki u bir kun kelib to speak one day. gapirishini bilardi. Did he want to keep silence U kuni bilan jim yurishni all day long? xohladimi? No, he didn’t want to keep Yo‘q, kuni bilan jim silence all day long. yurishni xohlamasdi. He wanted to speak some U kelajakda bir kun kelib day in the future. gapirishini bilardi. He attended language courses. U til kurslariga qatnashdi. However, he couldn’t speak. Biroq, u gapira olmasdi. He went to different countries, U turli mamlakatlarga but he couldn’t speak. bordi, lekin gapira olmadi. He couldn’t converse with U odamlar bilan gaplasha other people. He needed olmasdi. Unga zo‘r maslahat a great advice. kerak edi. U Toni 241 Jumanazar Khushbakov He attended one seminar Robbinsning “Ichingdagi called “Unleash the power kuchingni namoyon qil” within” by Tony Robbins. deb nomlangan seminarda qatnashdi. Did he go to taekwondo courses? U taekvondo kurslariga bordimi? No, he didn’t go to those courses. Yo‘q, u kurslarga bormadi. Did he start to speak when U til kurslariga qatnashganida he attended language courses? gapirishni boshladimi? No, he didn’t start to speak Yo‘q, u til kurslariga when he attended language qatnashganida gapirishni courses. boshlamadi. Did he go to different villages? U turli qishloqlarga bordimi? No, he did not go to different Yo‘q, u turli qishloqlarga villages. bormadi. Did he go to different districts? U turli tumanlarga bordimi? No, he didn’t go to different Yo‘q, u turli tumanlarga bormadi. Could he speak when he went U turli mamlakatlarga to different countries? borganda gapira oldimi? No, he couldn’t speak when Yo‘q, u turli mamlakatlarga he went to different countries. borganida gapira olmadi. Could he communicate U boshqa odamlar bilan with other people? gaplasha olarmidi? Unfortunately, no, he couldn’t Afsuski, boshqa odamlar bilan gaplasha olmasdi. Was he talkative? U sergap edimi? No, he wasn’t talkative. Yo‘q, u sergap emasdi. Did he need a great house? Unga zo‘r uy kerak edimi? No, he didn’t need Yo‘q, unga zo‘r uy kerak a great shelter. emasdi. Did he need a huge and Unga katta, keng qora enormous black car? mashina kerak edimi? 242 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically No, he didn’t need a huge and Yo‘q, unga katta, keng enormous black car. qora mashina kerak emasdi. What did he need? Unga nima kerak edi? He needed great advice. Unga zo‘r maslahat kerak edi. Did he go to the seminar called U “Ichingdagi kuchingni “Unleash the power within”? och” deb nomlangan seminarga bordimi? Yes, he attended to the Ha, u “Ichingdagi kuchingni seminar called “Unleash och” deb nomlangan the power within”. seminarga bordi. During the seminar, he got Seminar uni ilhomlantirdi. inspired. He tried to shout. Uni baqirgisi keldi. He tried to yell. Everybody U baqirishga harakat was shocked, because he could qildi. Hamma hayratda shout and he could speak qoldi, chunki u baqira Uzbek and English. He got olardi va u o‘zbek va ingliz very popular during tilida gapira olardi. the seminar. U seminarda mashhur bo‘ldi ketdi. Did the seminar encourage him? Seminar uni ruhlantirdimi? Yes, he got inspired Ha, u seminardan ruhlandi. during the seminar. Did he give a try to shout? U baqirishga harakat qildimi? Yes he tried to scream. Ha, u baqirishga harakat qildi. Did he endeavor to yell? U qichqirishga harakat qildimi? Yes, he endeavored to yell. Ha, u baqirishga harakat qildi. Was everybody shocked? Hamma hayratda qoldimi? Yes, everybody was excited. Ha, hamma hayratda qoldi. Was everybody astounded? Hamma hayratda qoldimi? Yes, everybody was amazed. Ha, hamma hayratda qoldimi? 243 Jumanazar Khushbakov Why were they shocked? Ular nimaga hayron qolishdi? Because he could shout and Chunki u baqira oldi va he could speak Uzbek o‘zbek va ingliz tillarida and English. gapira oldi. Did he get very famous U seminar davomida juda during the seminar? mashhur bo‘lib ketdimi? Yes, he got very well-known. Ha, u juda mashhur bo‘lib ketdi. Did he get very recognized U seminar davomida during the seminar? taniqli bo‘ldimi? Yes, he got very recognized Ha, u seminar davomida during the seminar. juda taniqli bo‘ldi. He travelled around the world. U dunyo bo‘ylab sayohat He started to sing. He was qildi. U qo‘shiq aytishni a great singer. He went boshladi. U juda zo‘r to different cities. He gave qo‘shiqchi edi. U turli a host of different concerts. shaharlarga bordi. People were amazed U turli konsertlar berdi. to see him. Odamlar uni ko‘rib hayratlanishardi. Did he do a journey around U dunyo bo‘ylab sayohat the world? qildimi? Yes, he started a journey Ha, u dunyo bo‘ylab around the world. sayohat qildi? Did he cover around U dunyo bo‘ylab sayohat the world? qildimi? Yes, he covered around Ha, u dunyo bo‘ylab the world. sayohat qildi. Did he take up singing? U qo‘shiq aytishni boshladimi? Yes, he took up singing. Ha, u qo‘shiq aytishni boshladi. Did he become a singer? U qo‘shiqchi bo‘ldimi? 244 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Yes, he became a singer. Ha, u qo‘shiqchi bo‘ldi. Which cities did he go? U qaysi shaharlarga bordi? He went to a lot of different U ko‘pgina turli cities. shaharlarga bordi. Did he go to various cities? U turli shaharlarga bordimi? Yes, he went to various cities. Ha, u turli shaharlarga bordi. Did he give a few concerts? U bir nechta konsertlar berdimi? No, he didn’t give a few Yo‘q, u bir nechta concerts. konsertlar bermadi. Were people excited Odamlar uni ko‘rganida to see him? hayratlanarmidilar? Yes, people were excited Ha, odamlar uni ko‘rganidan to see him. hayratda qolishdi. He was a donkey that could U 2 ta tilda gapira oladigan speak 2 languages. He got eshak edi. U o‘sha chiroyli married to that beautiful eshakka uylandi. donkey. He was very rich. U juda boy edi. He was affluent. U juda xursand edi. Was he a rhino that could U 9 tilda gapira oladigan speak 9 languages? karkidon edimi? No, he wasn’t a rhino that Yo‘q, u 9 tilda gaplashadigan could speak 9 languages. karkidon emasdi. Who did he marry to? U kimga uylandi? He got married to that U o‘sha chiroyli eshakka beautiful donkey. uylandi. Was he wealthy? U boy edimi? Yes, he was very wealthy. Ha, u juda boy edi. Was he a flush donkey? U boy eshak edimi? No, he was not a flush donkey. Yo‘q, u boy eshak emasdi. Was he an indigent donkey? U kambag‘al eshak edimi? No, he wasn’t an indigent Yo‘q, u kambag‘al eshak donkey. emasdi. 245 Jumanazar Khushbakov Was he an impoverished U kambag‘al eshak edimi? donkey? No, he wasn’t an impoverished Yo‘q, u kambag‘al eshak donkey. George was a wonderful emasdi. U juda ajoyib, donkey that could speak 2 tilda gapira oladigan 2 languages. He became eshak edi. U juda istarali so handsome. (kelishgan) bo‘lib ketdi. So that’s all for the mini story. And right now I want you to listen to the same mini story many many times today. Answer the questions. Have a huge smile. And move your body. So that’s all for the mini story. Bye-bye! Shunday qilib mana shuning hammasi kichik hikoyamiz uchun. Endi esa bugun men sizlarni xuddi o‘sha hikoyani bir necha marotaba tinglashingizni xohlayman. Savollarga javob bering. Jilmaying. Harakat qiling. Yana o‘sha kichik hikoyamiz uchun. Xayr. A donkey who couldn’t speak POV Hi, this is me Jumanazar KhB. So this lesson is going to be POV lesson. So in the POV lesson, you are going to get the same story in different tenses. So first of all, you are going to get the same story in the past. Let’s go. While listening to POV lessons, I want you to do something. I want you to move your body, smile, breathe deeply and have a huge smile on your face. In that case, let’s start our POV lesson. There was a donkey. He was very angry, because he couldn’t speak. He wanted to communicate with other people. But he didn’t speak any language. He had an aspiration. He wanted to speak Uzbek. He lived in New Jersey. He was very busy. He had to work all day long. He worked at a restaurant. He was a waiter. He got tips from others. He served people, but he didn’t speak anything. One day one young and beautiful donkey came in. And she asked questions. 246 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically She wanted to get to know him. He listened to the questions. He wanted to answer, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. So he decided to write to her. He showed his phone and asked for her phone number. And he wrote to her. She was very curious why he didn’t speak. She didn’t realize he couldn’t speak. They wrote to each other. The girl asked: “Why don’t you speak?” The guy didn’t reveal the secret, because the guy wanted to speak some day in the future. He attended language courses. However, he couldn’t speak any languages. He went to different countries, but he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t converse with other people. He needed great advice. He attended one seminar called “Unleash the power within” by Tony Robbins. During the seminar, he got inspired. Tony inspired him. He tried to shout. He tried to yell. Everybody was shocked, because he could shout and he could speak English and Uzbek. He got very popular during the seminar. He travelled around the world. He started to sing. He was a great singer. He went to different cities. He gave a host of different concerts. People were amazed to see him. He was a donkey that could speak 2 languages. He got married to that beautiful donkey. He was very rich. He was very happy. So right now we imagined that this story has already happened. We are talking about something that already happened. Right now we are going to talk about something, and we are going to imagine that this thing exists right now. That means you are going to listen to a story in the present. Are you ready? Let’s go! There is a donkey. He is very angry, because he can’t speak. He wants to communicate with other people. He doesn’t speak any language. He has an aspiration. He wants to speak Uzbek and English. He lives in New Jersey. He is very busy. He has to work all day long. He works at a restaurant. He is a waiter. He gets tips from other people when serves. He serves people, but he doesn’t speak anything. One 247 Jumanazar Khushbakov day a young and beautiful donkey comes. And she asks questions. She wants to get to know him. He attentively listens to the questions. He wants to answer, but he can’t. So he decided to write to her. He shows his phone and asks for her phone number. And he writes to her. She is very curious why he doesn’t speak. She doesn’t realize that he can’t speak. They write to each other. The girl asks: “Why don’t you speak?” The donkey doesn’t reveal the secret, because the donkey wants to speak some day in the future. He attends language courses. However, he can’t speak. He goes to a lot of different countries, but he can’t speak. He can’t converse with other people. He needs great advice. He attends one seminar called “Unleash the power within” by Tony Robbins. During the seminar, he gets inspired. He tries to shout. He tries to yell. Everybody is shocked, because he can shout and he can speak English and Uzbek. He gets very popular during the seminar. After that, he travels around the world. He starts to sing. He is a great singer. He goes to different cities. He gives a host of different concerts. People are amazed to see him. He is a donkey that can speak 2 languages. He gets married to that beautiful donkey. He becomes very rich. He is very happy. So that’s all for the present. Right now we are going to listen to a story in the future. We are going to imagine that this story is going to happen some time in the future. Are you ready? Let’s go! There will be a donkey. He will be very angry, he will be pissed off, because he will not speak anything. He will want to communicate with other people. He will not speak any languages. He is going to have an aspiration. He will want to speak Uzbek. He is going to live in New Jersey. He will be very busy because he will have to work all day long. He is going to work at a restaurant. He is going to be a waiter. He is going to get tips from others. He will serve people, but he won’t speak anything. One day a young and beautiful donkey will come. And she will ask questions. She will want to get to know him. He is going to listen to the questions. He will want to answer, but he will not be able to. So he is going to decide to write to her. 248 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically He is going to show his phone and he will ask for her phone number. And he will write to her. She will be very curious why he won’t speak. She will not realize the fact that he will not speak. They are going to write to each other. The girl will ask: “Why don’t you speak?” The donkey will not reveal the secret, because the donkey will want to speak one day. He is going to attend language courses. However, he will not be able to speak. He will go to different countries, but he will not be capable of speaking. He will not be able to converse with other people. He is going to need great advice. He is going to attend one seminar called “Unleash the power within” by Tony Robbins. During the seminar, he is going to get inspired. Tony is going to inspire him. He is going to try to shout. He is going try to yell. Everybody will be shocked, because he will be capable of shouting and he will be able to speak Uzbek and English. He is going to get very popular during the seminar. He is going to travel around the world. He will start to sing. He is going to be a great singer. He will go to different cities. He will give a host of different concerts. People are going to be amazed to see him. He will be a donkey that can speak 2 languages. He will get married to that beautiful donkey. He will be very rich. So that’s a POV lesson. And I want you to do something. I want you to listen to the POV and mini story about the donkey that couldn’t speak. After that, whenever you are listening, I want you to move your body, breathe deeply and shout the answers whenever you are listening to the mini story lessons. So that’s all for the POV lesson. Thank you very much. See you next time. Bye-bye! Sharh Salom! Darslarni o‘rganayotganda savollar tug‘ilsa yoki haqiqiy darslarga qatnashish haqida o‘ylayotgan bo‘lsangiz, sizga yordam berishga tayyormiz! Hoziroq qo‘ng‘iroq qiling: +998 91 136 62 22; +99891 136 63 33. 249 Jumanazar Khushbakov *** Hurmatli bilimdon, kayfiyatlar qalay? O‘zingizni qanday his qilyapsiz? Bugun ajoyib bir muvaffaqiyat retseptini bermoqchiman. Ko‘pchilik biror yangi ish boshlaganida, avvaliga juda katta o‘zgarishlar, natijalar ko‘zga tashlanadi. Shuning uchun ular o‘zlarini yaxshi his qiladilar. Lekin biroz vaqt o‘tgach, ularning kayfiyati tushib ketadi, ishtiyoqlari so‘nadi. Chunki o‘zgarishlar avvalgi tezlikda bo‘lmayotgandek tuyuladi. Bizning uslubimiz bo‘yicha shug‘ullanayotganda ham bir turdagi kishilar xuddi hech nima o‘rganmayotgandek tuyulib qilayotgan ishini to‘xtatishi mumkin. Bunday odamlar muvaffaqiyatsizlar yoki tashlab ketuvchilar deyiladi. Bu juda ko‘pchilikda sodir bo‘ladigan holat. Aslida o‘sha paytda ham o‘zgarishlar ro‘y berayotgan bo‘ladi, lekin hech nima o‘rganmayotgandek ko‘ringani uchun oxirigacha yetmay, tashlab qo‘yiladi. Tashlab ketgan esa hech qanday g‘alabaga erisholmaydi. Afsuski, har ikki kishidan biri shunday. Ikkinchi turdagi kishilar tashvishlanuvchilar deyiladi. Bu guruhga deyarli uchdan bir qism insonlar kiradi. Ular har xil yo‘llarini izlashadi va tashvishlanishadi. Ya’ni u yo‘lini ham qilib ko‘radi, bu yo‘lini ham, savollari ko‘p tug‘iladi, javob izlaydi va ba’zan javob topib yana davom etaveradi. Bu ham unchalik yaxshi emas. Chunki bunday holatda muvaffaqiyatga erishmay turib ishni tashlab ketish ehtimoli yuqori. Ana endi uchinchi turdagi insonlarga kelsak, ular doim muvaffaqiyatli bo‘lishadi. Biror narsani o‘rganishni boshlashadi va ozroq vaqtdan so‘ng o‘rganish boshidagichalik tez bo‘lmay qolishini bilishadi. Ular tashvishlanmaydi, bu paytda nima qilishni oldindan o‘ylab yurgan bo‘ladi va albatta bu sekin o‘rganish yoki sust o‘zgarishlar fazasidan chiqib ishni davom etishadi. Xuddi shu holat biznesda ham bo‘ladi. Sevgida ham shunday: dastavval munosabatlar juda yaxshi rivojlanayotgandek, keyinchalik esa, sekinlashib, 250 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically yaxshilanmayotgandek tuyuladi. Siz muvaffaqiyatlilar guruhiga kiring-da, xuddi uchinchi turdagi odamlar kabi o‘ylang va harakat qiling. Til o‘rganishda ham shu, avval juda ko‘p o‘rga nayotgandek, keyinchalik to‘xtab qolgandek, o‘zgarish bo‘lmayotgandek tuyuladi. Aslida esa juda katta o‘zgarishlar bo‘layotgandi. Sizga bu sabog‘im ham katta yordam beradi. Bittagina shart, buni tezlik bilan amalda qo‘llashingiz kerak. 251 Jumanazar Khushbakov LESSON 2.3 2.3-DARS Mini Story A monkey wants to be whopping Hi, this is me, Jumanazar KhB again. Today we are going to have a mini story lesson about a monkey who wants to be whopping. During the mini story, I want you to answer the questions, to move your body, to breathe deeply, to smile huge and answer the questions. Let’s go! There was a monkey. Bir maymun bo‘lar edi. His name was Martin. Download 1,62 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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