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He asked the price. The caps

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Jumanazar Khushbekov 0-2 (1)

He asked the price. The caps 
U narxni so‘radi. Kepkalar
cost only 20$. 
narxi atagi $20 edi.
Who asked the price? 
Kim narxni so‘radi?
He asked the price.  
U narxni so‘radi.
How much did the caps cost? 
Kepkalar qancha turar edi?
The caps cost only 20$.  
Kepkalar narxi atagi $20  
Did they cost 35$?  
Kepkalar narxi $35 edimi?
No, they didn’t cost 35$.    
Yo‘q, ular $35 emas edi.
They cost 20$. 
Ular $20 edi.
He bought 1583 caps and   
U 1583 da kepka sotib oldi
became happy. Now he was  
va juda ham xursand
over the moon.    
bo‘ldi. Endi u bag‘oyatda 
Did he buy 1324 caps? 
U 1324 ta kepka sotib oldimi?
No, he didn’t buy 1324 caps. 
Yo‘q, u 1324 ta kepka  
How many caps did he buy? 
U nechta kepka sotib oldi.
He bought 1583 caps. 
U 1583 ta kepka sotib oldi.
Did he buy 1583 caps and   
U 1583 ta kepka sotib oldi 
become happy?    
va xursand bo‘ldimi?
Yes, he bought 1583 caps and  
Ha, u 1583 ta kepka sotib
became happy.  
olib, xursand bo‘ldimi?
Was he over the moon?   
U bag‘oyatda xursand  

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Yes, he was over the moon. 
Ha, u juda ham xursand  
Who was over the moon?   
Kim juda ham  xursand  
Rio was over the moon.   
Rio juda ham xursand bo‘ldi.
Are you over the moon?   
Siz juda ham xursandmisiz?
Without any doubt, I’m over the  Ha, shubhasiz, men juda
That is all for mini story lesson. I want you to listen to the 
same mini story a few more times today and this week. If you 
want to be master please make sure that you are listening more 
than 20 times each mini story lesson. So good bye!!! 
Hi, this is Jumanazar KhB. This lesson is going to be POV 
lesson. In POV lesson as usual I am going to tell a story in the past 
after that in present then in future. Your job is to move your body 
and to have big grin on your face. While listening, do not sit still 
please move your body. Always smile. Whenever you are smiling 
you are going to learn a lot of things. This is not my idea, this has 
been proven by many many expert. Are you ready? Move your 
body, smile, breathe deeply, and have a strong posture. Let’s go!!!
There was a frog. His name was Rio. He inhabited in Spain. 
He was Spanish. He was wealthy. He had a lot of bucks. He had 
a lot of friends. All the frogs had caps. He also wanted to have 
a beautiful cap.  He faced an obstacle. He had a problem. His 
problem was he didn’t have a cap. She asked his friends to give 
a hand. His friends said: “No, we are sorry. We can’t help you. 
Now we need to swim”. He got upset with his friends. His friends 

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didn’t assist him. But he didn’t give up. He looked for a cap in 
Spain. He went to a lot of stores. He found a very simple and 
ugly cap. He didn’t find a beautiful cap. He became depressed. 
He became stressed out. Then, His father said: “Come on, you 
will find it. Go on, continue and don’t stop”. His father inspired 
him. He began a great journey to find the best cap. He went to 
Moscow.  In Moscow, he met a beautiful frog. She said: “In 
Moscow, we don’t sell beautiful caps”. The beautiful frog said: 
“We don’t sell beautiful caps”. He decided to go to Tashkent. He 
liked Tashkent very much. He travelled all around Uzbekistan.  
He went to Bukhara. In Bukhara he found many beautiful caps. 
He was shocked, because there were many beautiful caps. He 
didn’t know which one to choose. He couldn’t choose. He wanted 
to buy all. He asked the price. The caps cost only 20$. He bought 
1583 caps and became happy. Now he was over the moon.
You just listened to the same story in the past simple. You 
imagined that story has already happened. Right now I am going 
to give a story in present simple. You are going to imagine that 
this frog exists right now and we are going to talk about this frog. 
Are you ready? Before continuing move your body do bot sit still. 
So let’s go!
There is a frog. His name is Rio. He inhabits in Spain. He is 
Spanish. He is wealthy. He has a lot of bucks. He has a lot of 
friends. All the frogs have caps. He also wants to have a beautiful 
cap.  He faces an obstacle. He has a problem. His problem is he 
doesn’t have a cap. She asks his friends to give a hand. His friends 
say: “No, we are sorry. We can’t help you. Now we need to swim”. 
He gets upset with his friends. His friends don’t assist him. But 
he doesn’t give up. He looks for a cap in Spain. He goes to a lot 
of stores. He finds a very simple and ugly cap. He doesn’t find a 
beautiful cap. He becomes depressed. He becomes stressed out. 

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Then, His father says: “Come on, you will find it. Go on, continue 
and don’t stop”. His father inspires him. He begins a great journey 
to find the best cap. He goes to Moscow.  In Moscow, he meets 
a beautiful frog. She says: “In Moscow, we don’t sell beautiful 
caps”.  The beautiful frog says: “We don’t sell beautiful caps”.  
He decides to go to Tashkent. He likes Tashkent very much. He 
travels all around Uzbekistan.  He goes to Bukhara. In Bukhara 
he finds many beautiful caps. He is shocked, because there are 
many beautiful caps. He doesn’t know which one to choose. He 
can’t choose. He wants to buy all. He asks for the price. The caps 
costs only 20$. He buys 1583 caps and becomes happy. Now he 
is over the moon.
Right now you listened to a story the same story that we have 
been talking in the present. Right now you are going to listen to 
the same story in the future. Before starting I want you to relax. 
Don’t think about grammar just relax and we will start. Let’s go!!!
There will be frog. His name will be Rio. He is going to inhabit 
in Spain. He will be Spanish. He will be wealthy. He is going to 
have a lot of bucks. He will have a lot of friends. All the frogs are 
going to have caps. He will also want to have a beautiful cap.  He 
will face an obstacle. He will have a problem. His problem will 
be he will not have a cap. She will ask his friends to give a hand. 
His friends are going to say: “no, we are sorry. We can’t help you. 
Now we need to swim”. He will get upset with his friends. His 
friends aren’t going to assist him. But he isn’t going to give up. 
He will look for a cap in Spain. He will go to a lot of stores. He 
will find a very simple and ugly cap. He will not  find a beautiful 
cap. He will become depressed. He will become stressed out. 
Then, His father is going to say: “Come on, you will find it. Go 
on, continue and don’t stop”. His father is going to inspire him. 
He  will  begin  a  great  journey  to  find  the  best  cap.  He  will  go 
to Moscow.  In Moscow, he is going to meet a beautiful frog. 

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She will say: “In Moscow, we don’t sell beautiful caps.”  The 
beautiful frog is going to say: “We don’t sell beautiful caps”.  
He is going to decides to go to Tashkent. He will like Tashkent 
very much. He will travel all around Uzbekistan.  He will go to 
Bukhara. In Bukhara he is going to find many beautiful caps. He 
is going to be shocked, because there will be many beautiful caps. 
He will not know which one to choose. He will not be able to 
choose. He will want to buy all. He is going to ask the price. The 
caps are going to cost only 20$ He is going to buy 1583 caps and 
become happy. Now he will be over the moon.
You just listened to the same story from different point of 
views. Your job is to listen to these stories many many times. I 
want you to listen to the POV and mini story lessons many many 
times today and more than 20 times during this week. That is all 
for POV. I will see you next time. Bye bye!!!
Assalom alaykum, mening qadrdon o‘quvchim! Sizga 
hurmatim baland! Nega deysizmi? Chunki faqat yuksak insonlar 
o‘z maqsadlari sari harakat qilishda davom etaveradi. Boshqalari 
esa o‘z oldiga maqsadlar qo‘yadi, lekin ular sari tinimsiz harakat 
qilmaydi. Shuncha paytdan buyon darslarimizni o‘rganishda 
davom etib kelayotganingizdan bilsam bo‘ladiki, siz ham 
o‘sha yuksak insonlar sirasidansiz! O‘zingizni til o‘rganishga 
shunchalar bag‘ishlaganingiz uchun rahmat! Muvaffaqiyatga 
erishish yo‘lida harakat qilish barobarida mening sizga yordam 
berish  niyatimni  ham  amalga  oshiryapsiz!  Endi  ko‘p  erkalanib 
ketmay, darslarni yana eshiting! Eshitayotgan paytda harakatda 
bo‘ling, tabassum qiling, chuqur-chuqur nafas oling! Darslarni 
muntazam eshiting! Bir haftada kamida 20 marta, har kuni 
kamida bir soatdan eshiting! Shoshilmang! Sekinroq! Birdaniga 
ko‘p dars eshitish kerak emas! Keyingi darsda ko‘rishguncha 
salomat bo‘ling!

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Bu darsimizda sizga o‘tgan safargi mavzuning davomini 
aytib bermoqchiman. O‘tgan safar sizga hammaga o‘xshamagan 
ishlarni qilsangiz, muvaffaqiyatga erishasiz degandim. Bugun 
ham shunga yaqin gap aytmoqchiman! Har doim o‘zingiz uchun 
noqulay bo‘lgan ishlarni qiling! Masalan, erta turish, yugurish, 
biznes boshlash, qo‘lga kitob olish noqulay va hokazo. Demak, 
nima noqulay tuyulsa, shuni qiling! Har doim irodangizni shunday 
mashq bilan toblang! Bu mashq nimalarga qodirligingizni 
ko‘rsatibgina  qolmay,  atrofingizdagilarni  g‘alabalaringizdan 
hayratga soladi! Demak, bugungi darsimizning asosiy mazmuni 
har doim noqulay bo‘lgan narsalarni qiling, qulay ishlarni esa 
qilmang! Noqulaylik hududiga sekin-sekin chiqing. Har kuni bir 
noqulay ishni qilavering, vaqt o‘rishi bilan boshqalardan ancha 
ilgarilab ketganingizni his etasiz. 

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Mini Story
Assalomu alaykum. 
Uchinchi darsimizga xush kelibsiz. Uni boshlashdan avval 
qomatlarni rostlab, chuqur-chuqur nafas olamiz, tabassum qilamiz 
hamda mavzuni eshitayotib bir joyda turib qolmaymiz. Bir yaxshi 
musiqa qo‘yib, raqsga tushib olsangiz ham bo‘ladi. Kayfiyatlar 
a’lo bo‘lgach, quyidagi tartibda darslarimizni boshlaymiz.
«Main audio» qismlarini shunchaki tinglang. 
Eshitayotganda  tarjimasiga  qarab  boring.  Maqsad  –  kitobga 
qaramasdan tinglaganda ham tushuna olish. Matnsiz tushunishni 
boshlashingiz bilan kitobga qarashdan voz keching!
Darsning savol-javob (Mini Story) qismida savollarga javob 
berishni boshlang. Kerak bo‘lsa, «pause» tugmasidan foydalaning. 
Boshida sekin javob bersangiz ham bo‘ladi. 
Endi savollarga tezroq javob bering.
Darslarni 7 kun davomida kuniga kamida 1 soatdan yoki undan 
ko‘proq eshiting. Har bir o‘quvchining o‘rganish tezligi turlicha. 
Sistemamiz sizga o‘z tezligingizda o‘rganish imkonini beradi. 
Mini story darslarida men 3 ishni qilaman.
1. Gaplar aytaman. Har bir gapdan keyin siz tushunganingizni 
bildirish uchun «Ahhhh» yo «Ohhhh» deysiz. Bu 
tushunganligingizni anglatadi.
2. Siz javobini biladigan oson savollarni so‘rayman. Ularga 
shunchaki javob bering. Xatolar haqida o‘ylamang. Asosiy 
maqsad – tezlik. Qisqa (1-2 ta so‘zdan iborat) javob bo‘lsa ham 
mayli. To‘liq javoblar shart emas. 

Jumanazar Khushbakov
3. Men siz javobini bilmaydigan savol beraman. Shunda 
javobni shunchaki taxmin qilasiz. Aniq javob bo‘lishi shart emas. 
Faqat  javobingizni  tez  ayting.  Eslataman,  bir  yoki  ikkita  so‘z 
bilan javob bersangiz ham bo‘ladi.
O‘rganish tartibi
Chuqur  o‘rganish  metodidan  foydalanganimiz  uchun  ham 
sistemamiz juda samarali. Har bir darsni chuqur o‘rganishingiz 
Eng zo‘r tartib quyidagicha:
*Har bir darsni 1-2 hafta yoki undan ko‘proq o‘rganing. Bitta 
dars – kamida bir hafta. Agar zeriksangiz, Mini story darslari 
bilan o‘yinlar qiling – har bir savolga tez-tez javob bering.
*Har kuni bitta darsning bir qismini tinglang. Kuniga kamida 
2 marta, ayniqsa, Mini story va POV darslarini takror-takror 
*Kamida bir soatdan tinglang. Har kuni ikki soat bo‘lsa, juda 
zo‘r. Kuningizni bir necha qismga bo‘lganingiz ma’qul. Ertalab 
30 daqiqa, tushda 30 daqiqa, ishga ketayotganda va qaytayotganda 
30 daqiqadan, uxlashdan avval 30 daqiqa tinglang. 
*Shunchaki, dam oling! Grammatik qoidalar haqida o‘ylamang. 
Darslarni tinglang va lazzatlaning.
*Darslar oson tuyulsa ham, kamida 1-2 hafta eshiting. So‘zlarni 
bilishingiz mumkin, lekin ular miyangizga chuqur o‘rnashmog‘i 
*Darslar qiyin bo‘lsa, shunchaki eshitishdan lazzat topishga 
harakat qiling. Kerak bo‘lsa, bitta darsni 4 yoki 10 hafta davomida 
tinglang.  Eshitishlar  ko‘payib,  jarayon  cho‘zilib  ketishidan 
xavotir olmang. Bu umuman muhim emas. Asosiysi, mazza qilib 
tinglang va shu jarayonga e’tiboringizni qarating. Shoshilmang. 

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Hi this is me, Jumanazar again. Welcome to the next lesson. 
This lesson is a mini story lesson. During the mini story lesson I 
will give you a lot of questions. And your job is to answer them. 
If you do not know the answer just give a guess. That’s okay. I 
don’t care about your correct answer. The very important thing 
is breathe deeply, move your body, have a smile and answer the 
questions. Let’s start!
There was a very beautiful girl.  Bir go‘zal qiz bor edi. 
She was very beautiful.    
U juda chiroyli edi.
Her name was Diana.    
Uning ismi Diana edi.
Was she beautiful?  
U chiroyli edimi?
Yes, she was very beautiful. 
Ha, u juda chiroyli edi.
What kind of girl was Diana? 
Diana qanday qiz edi?
Diana was a beautiful girl.  
Diana go‘zal qiz edi.
Was she a monkey? 
U maymun edimi?
No, she was not monkey.    
U maymun emas edi. 
She was a beautiful girl.    
U chiroyli qiz edi.
Was she ugly? 
U xunuk edimi?
No, she was not ugly. She was a  Yo‘q, u xunuk emas edi.
beautiful girl. 
U chiroyli qiz edi.
Who was really attractive?  
Kim juda jozibali edi?
Diana was really attractive,  
Diana juda jozibali va
Was Don beautiful? 
Don chiroyli edimi?
No, Don was not beautiful, he   Yo‘q, Don chiroyli emas edi,
was handsome. 
u xushbichim edi.
Was Diana worried or was    
Diana xavotirda edimi yoki
Diana happy? 
Diana xursand edimi?
Diana was worried. 
Diana xavotirda edi.
Why was she worried? 
Nega u xavotirda edi.
She was worried because she  
U xavotirda edi, chunki uning
had a problem. 
muammosi bor edi.

Jumanazar Khushbakov
What was her problem? Was she   Uning muammosi nima edi?
poor?    U 
No, she was not poor. She was  Yo‘q, u qashshoq emas edi. 
rich. She did not have any   
U boy edi. Uning pul
problems with money.  
borasida hech qanday   
Did she have a car? 
Uning mashinasi bor edimi?
Yes, she had a car.  
Ha, uning mashinasi bor edi.
What kind of car did she have?  Uning qanaqa mashinasi  
She had a Captiva.   
Uning Kaptivasi bor edi.
Could she speak English and  
U inglizcha va ispancha
Yes, she lived in Spain. She was  Ha, u Ispaniyada yashagan. 
Spanish. She could speak    
U ispan edi. U ispancha
Spanish. She knew Spanish  
gapira olardi. U ispan tilini
very well. And she had a lot of   juda yaxshi bilar edi. Va
friends from England. So, she  
uning Angliyadan ko‘p
knew English too.   
do‘stlari bor edi. Shunday  
qilib, u ingliz tilini ham  
Where did she live? 
U qayerda yashagan edi?
She lived in Spain.  
U Ispaniyada yashagan edi.
Was she Spanish?   
U ispan edimi?
Yes, she was Spanish.  
Ha, u ispan edi.
Was she Uzbek?   
U o‘zbek edimi?
No, she was not Uzbek.    
Yo‘q, u o‘zbek emas edi.
So, what was her problem? 
Shunday qilib, uning    
She did not know how to play   U tennis o‘ynashni bilmas
tennis. She could not play  
edi. U tennis o‘ynay

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Could she play tennis very well?  U tennisni juda yaxshi  
No, she could not play tennis. In   Yo‘q, u tennis o‘ynay olmas
fact, she was terrible at playing   edi. Aslida, u tennisni yomon
Was she good at playing tennis?  U tennis o‘ynashda yaxshi  
No, she was not good at playing   Yo‘q, u tennis o‘ynashda
tennis. She was bad at playing 
yaxshi emas edi. U tennis
tennis. She played tennis badly.  o‘ynashda yomon edi. U  
Was she rich? 
U boy edimi?
Yes, she was rich.   
Ha, u boy edi.
Did she have a lot of money? 
Uning puli ko‘p edimi?
Yes, she had a lot of money.  
Ha, uning puli ko‘p edi?
Did she have a lot of problems?  Uning muammolari ko‘p  
No, she did not have a lot of  
Yo‘q, uning muammosi ko‘p
problems. She had only one  
emasdi. Uning bitta
problem. She couldn’t play  
muammosi bor edi. U tennis
She wanted to play tennis very   U tennisni yaxshi o‘ynashni
well. And she decided to find a  istardi. Va u murabbiy
coach. She went to Japan. She   topishga qaror qilgandi. U
went to Japan to find a tennis   Yaponiyaga bordi. U tennis
murabbiyi topish uchun  
Did she go to Korea? 
U Koreyaga bordimi?
No, she didn’t go to Korea.  
Yo‘q, u Koreyaga    
Where did she go?  
U qayerga borgan edi?
She went to Japan.  
U Yaponiyaga borgan edi.
Why did she go to Japan?   
Nega u Yaponiyaga   

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Of course, she went to Japan  
Albatta, u Yaponiyaga bor-
because she wanted to find a  
gandi, chunki u tennis
tennis coach. 
murabbiyi topishni    
Did she go to Japan to find a  
U Yaponiyaga futbol
football coach?    
murabbiyi topish uchun
No, she didn’t go to Japan to find   Yo‘q, u Yaponiyaga futbol
a football coach. She went to  
murabbiyi topish uchun
Japan to find a very good tennis   bormagan edi. U
Yaponiyaga juda yaxshi  
 She found a coach named  
U Mark ismli murabbiy
Who was Mark?   
Mark kim edi?
Mark was a tennis coach.  
Mark tennis murabbiyi edi. 
He said: “You have to practice   U aytdi: “Siz har kuni tennis 
playing tennis every day”.   
bilan shug‘ullanishingiz
Then he practiced playing 
kerak”. Keyin u har kuni
tennis every day.    
tennis bilan shug‘ullandi.
Did she practice running in the   U ertalablari yugurish bilan
No, no, no. She didn’t practice   Yo‘q, yo‘q, yo‘q. U
running in the mornings.    
ertalablari yugirish bilan  
Yes, she practiced playing tennis  Ha, u har kuni tennis o‘ynash
Did she play tennis every day?      U har kuni tennis o‘ynar edi?
Yeah, of course. She played  
Ha, albatta. U har kuni
tennis every day.   
tennis o‘ynar edi.
She spent much money in 
U Yaponiyada ko‘p pul
Japan. She stayed at the hotel.  sarfladi. U mehmonxonada
She paid 11 thousand dollars   turdi. U haftasiga 11 ming

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in a week. She ate much food.    dollar to‘ladi. U ko‘p ovqat
So she almost ran out of money.   yegandi. Shunday qilib, u  
Did she spend much money? 
U ko‘p pul sarflagan edimi?
Yes, she spent much money. She  Ha, u ko‘p pul sarflagan edi.
paid 11.000 dollars. 
U 11 ming dollar to‘ladi.
Who ate much food? 
Kim ko‘p ovqat yegan edi?
She ate much food.   
U ko‘p ovqat yegan edi.
Did she have a lot of money left?  Unda ko‘p pul qolgan edimi?
No, she did not have much  
Yo‘q, unda ko‘p pul
money left. She only had very  
qolmagan edi. Uning juda
little money. 
kam puli qolgan edi.
How much money did she spend?  U qancha pul sarflagan edi?
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