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- LESSON 2.2 2.2-DARS Mini Story A donkey who couldn’t speak
- There was a donkey. Bitta eshak bor edi. He was very angry, U juda jahldor edi, because he couldn’t speak.
- He couldn‘t speak any U boshqa tilda umuman language. He had an aspiration. gapira olmasdi. Uning He wanted to speak Uzbek. bir istagi bor edi.
- He worked at a restaurant. U restoranda ishlardi. He was a waiter. U ofitsiant edi. He got tips from others.
- Lekin hech narsa demasdi.
- One day one young and Bir kuni bir yosh, chiroyli beautiful donkey came in. eshak keldi va bir nechta And she asked questions.
- He wanted to answer, U javob berishni xohladi, but he couldn’t. lekin javob bera olmasdi.
- So he decided to write to her. Shuning uchun, u yozishga qaror qildi.
A stinky camel POV Hi, my name is Jumanazar. Welcome to the next lesson. This lesson is going to be a POV lesson. In the POV lesson, as usual, you are going to get the same story in different tenses. So first of all, you are going to imagine that this story has already happened. We are going to talk about something that already happened. So let’s start in that case. By the way, before continuing, I want you to do something. I want you to move your body. If you are sitting, I want you to stand up, to jump up and down and move your body. Do not sit still. And breathe deeply. And have a huge smile on your face. Like this, like this. And let’s start our POV lesson. Let’s go! 228 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically There was a stinky camel. Her name was Linda. She lived lonely in a forest. Linda didn’t live in a field. She didn’t have any friends. Nobody helped her. Of course, all animals didn’t like her because she was a stinky camel. They hated her. But he wanted to be happy. She wanted to be a happy camel. She needed friends. She thought about it deeply. She contemplated her goal. She decided to go to the swimming pool. She went there every day. But she still stank. All other animals complained about her. Because the whole swimming pool was full of stink. The boss of the pool called her. The boss said: “we can’t let you swim here any longer”. He continued: “we are losing many customers because of you”. She cried for 24 hours. Then she decided to go to the Pacific Ocean. She tried to swim in the Ocean. But the water was very salty in the ocean. She became ill. She coughed a lot. She went to the hospital. The doctor said: “you are stinky. Go away. Get out here now. I don’t want to see you”. She cried again. She wanted to die, because she had no friends. She decided to go to the sea. She decided to drown herself into the sea. She said: “I want to have a lot of friends”. Then she didn’t try to swim. She started to drown. She began to drown. She lost her consciousness. She fainted. After 3 days, some camels awoke her up. The camel was very shocked, because they respected her. She suddenly realized that she was beautiful. She had a lot of friends. She became happy. She was the happiest. She became all over the moon. So, you just listened to a story in the past. Now you are going to listen to the same story in the present. We are going to imagine this camel exists right now. Let’s go! There is a stinky camel. Her name is Linda. She lives lonely in a forest. Linda doesn’t live in a field. She doesn’t have any friends. Nobody helps her. Of course, all animals don’t like her because she is a stinky camel. They hate her. She wants to be happy. She wants to be a happy camel. She needs friends. She thinks about it deeply. She contemplates her goal. She goes there every day. But she still stinks. All other animals complain about her. Because 229 Jumanazar Khushbakov the whole swimming pool is full of stink. The boss of the pool calls her. The boss says: “we can’t let you swim here any longer”. He continues: “we are losing many customers because of you”. She cries for 24 hours. Then she decided to go to the Pacific Ocean. She tries to swim in the ocean. But the water is very salty in the Ocean. She becomes ill. She coughs a lot. She goes to hospital. The doctor says: “you are stinky. Go away. Get out here now. I don’t want to see you”. She cries again. She wants to die, because she has no friends. She decided to go to the sea. She decided to drown herself in the sea. She says: “I want to have a lot of friends”. Then she doesn’t try to swim. She starts to drown. She begins to drown. She loses her consciousness. She faints. After 3 days, some camels awake her up. The camel is very shocked, because they respect her. She suddenly realizes that she is beautiful. She has a lot of friends. She becomes happy. She is the happiest. She becomes over the moon. Ok, right now you listened to a story in the present. Now turn to a future story. Are you ready? Let’s go! There will be a stinky camel. Her name will be Linda. She is going to live lonely in a forest. Linda is not going to live in a field. She is not going to have any friends. Nobody is going to help her. Of course, all animals will not like her because she will be a stinky camel. They are going to hate her. She will want to be happy. She will want to be a happy camel. She is going to need friends. She is going to think about it deeply. She will contemplate her goal. She will decide to go to the swimming pool. She will go there every day. But she will still be stinking. All other animals are going to complain about her. Because the whole swimming pool will be full of stink. The boss of the pool will call her. The boss will say: “we can’t let you swim here any longer”. He will continue: “we are losing many customers because of you”. She will cry for 24 hours. Then she will decide to go to the Pacific Ocean. She will try to swim in the Ocean. But the water will be very salty in the Ocean. She will become ill. She will cough a lot. She will go to hospital. The doctor will say: “you are stinky. 230 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Go away. Get out here now. I don’t want to see you”. She is going to cry again. She will want to die, because she will have no friends. She is going to decide to go to the sea. She is going to decide to drown herself into the sea. She is going to say: “I want to have a lot of friends”. Then she will not try to swim. She will start to drown. She will begin to drown. She will lose her consciousness. She will faint. After 3 days, some camels will awoke her up. The camel will be very shocked, because they will respect her. She will suddenly realize that she will be beautiful. She will have a lot of friends. She will become happy. She will be the happiest. She will become over the moon. So, that’s all for the POV lesson of today’s mini story. So I want you to listen to the POV and mini story lessons many many times today. If you are bored, please move your body. Jump up and down and breathe deeply (breathing). Have a huge grin. And have a strong posture. Pull your shoulders back. Put your chin up, eyes up! Breathe deeply. Move your body. Have a wonderful smile. One more time! I want you to do these things. So listen to these lessons many many times! That’s all for today’s lesson. Thank you very much! See you next time. Bye bye! Sharh Assalomu alaykum, bilimdon do‘stim! Siz bilan birinchi darsimiz so‘ngida ko‘rishib turganimdan xursandman. Sizga hurmatim oshib boryapti. Bugun sistemamizning yana bir siri haqida aytib o‘tmoqchiman. Bu metodikamizning ikkinchi varianti hamda qo‘shimcha qismi hisoblanadi. Avval qomatni to‘g‘irlab, chuqur-chuqur nafas olamiz, yuzimizda tabassum. Yaxshi kayfiyat bilan sistemamizning eng muhim qismini bayon qilishga ijozat bering. Demak, bugundan boshlab juda sodda bir kitobni olamiz. Qanchalik sodda? Kitobning 95 foizini osonlik bilan tushuna olishingiz kerak! Qolgan 5 foizini esa lug‘atlar yordamisiz 231 Jumanazar Khushbakov taxminan tushuna oladigan bo‘ling! Ko‘pchilik kitob o‘qish orqali yangi so‘zlar yodlashga kirishishadi, juda qiyin kitob tanlashadi va o‘zlarini qiynab natijadan uzoqlashib ketishadi. Bugundan boshlab siz shu xatoni takrorlamay, o‘ta sodda kitob olasiz va takror-takror o‘qiysiz. Ikki hafta davomida 5 martadan o‘qing, undan keyin yana bitta kitob olib besh marta o‘qing! Kitoblarning ma’nosiga kirib o‘qing, xuddi o‘z ona tilingizdagi kitobni o‘qigan kabi voqealar rivojini tasavvur qilib boring. Shunda gapirishingiz tezlashadi. Demak, men sizga bugungi vazifani, ya’ni sistemamizning eng muhim 2-usulini o‘rgatdim. Endi buni katta xohish bilan davom ettiring! *** Bugungi darsimizda oson boyish haqida aytib bermoqchiman. Men juda oddiy oilada tug‘ilganman. Oilamizda pul doim keragidan ozgina kamroq bo‘lardi. Toshkentga kelganimdan keyin “Nega ba’zilar boyib ketadi, boshqalar esa kambag‘allikda davom etadi?” – degan savolga javob izlay boshladim. Hozirgi kunda o‘zimga yoqqan ish bilan shug‘ullanaman, moliyaviy ahvolim yaxshi. Maqtanmoqchi emasman. Men sizga hozir bermoqchi bo‘lgan maslahatimni o‘zim allaqachon amalda qo‘lladim hamda natijasini ko‘rdim demoqchman. Buni men milliarderlardan o‘rganganman. Har bir milliarder buni yaxshi biladi. Ular doim e’tiborini shunga qaratadi. Tayyormisiz? Demak, boshladik! Kam pul ishlayotganlarning qancha ko‘p insonga yordam berayotganligiga e’tibor qarataylik. Masalan: quruvchi. U bir vaqtning o‘zida bir oy yoki bir yil, xullas, belgilangan vaqt mobaynida faqat bir kishiga yordam bera oladi. Bu ahvolda u milliarder bo‘lish haqida o‘ylamasa ham bo‘ladi. Yoki bir kompaniya kotibasini olaylik. U kotiba faqat direktorgagina yordam beradi. Shuning uchun uning oladigan puli juda kam miqdorni tashkil etadi. Endi boshqa misolda ko‘proq odamlarga yordam beradigan insonni olamiz: eshik va deraza romlari sexi egasi. Bu kishining sexi bir vaqtning o‘zida 10 kishining 232 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically uyiga eshik va romlar ishlab chiqarishi mumkin. Demak, bu sex egasi o‘z-o‘zidan boyagi kotibadan ko‘proq odamga yordam beradi va kotibaga qaraganda, albatta, ko‘proq pul topadi. Men ko‘p ishchilarni ishlatishga ulgurganman. Faqat olish haqida ko‘p gapiradigan ishchi va xodimlarni ishga qabul qilmayman. Nega? Chunki u kompaniyaga ko‘proq narsa berish haqida o‘ylamayapti, ko‘proq berish haqida o‘ylamayaptimi, demak, kompaniya u bilan o‘smaydi, uning oyligi ham ko‘tarilmaydi. Aksincha, berish haqida gapiradigan xodimlarni ishga olishni tavsiya qilaman. Lekin hamisha faqat berishni gapiradiganlarni topishga harakat qilmang, umuman biron xodimsiz qolishingiz mumkin. Ana endi siz-u bizga ma’lum eng boy odamlar haqida gaplashib ko‘raylik. Dunyoning eng boy odamlaridan biri Rey Krokning Mc Donalds oshxonalar tarmog‘i orqali bir kunda 68 milliondan ko‘proq odam ovqatlanadi. Endi, siz tushunayotgan bo‘lsangiz kerak nega boylar boy-u, kambag‘allar kambag‘al ekanligini? Nega Rey Krog juda boyib ketdi? Chunki u har doim odamlarga ko‘proq yordam berish haqida o‘ylagan. Dunyoning eng boy odamlaridan yana biri – Mark Sukerberg “Facebook” ijtimoiy tarmog‘i orqali milliardlab insonlarni bog‘lab turibdi. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, Mark bir paytning o‘zida milliardlab insonlarga yordam berayapti. Shuning uchun Mark dunyoning eng boy odamlari qatorida turibdi! Siz ham boyib ketishingiz uchun, albatta, boshqalarga yordam berishingiz kerak. Qanchalik ko‘p odamga yordam bera olishingiz naqadar boy bo‘lishingizni belgilab beradi. Agar biron kompaniyada ishlayotgan bo‘lsangiz, faqat va faqat berish haqida o‘ylang. Nima olishingiz har doim nima berishingizga bog‘liq. Agar shundoq ham ko‘pchilikka yordam berayotgan bo‘lsangiz, qanday qilib yanada ko‘proq odamlarning hojatini chiqarishim mumkin degan savol bilan biznesingizni kengaytiring. Har doim shu haqida o‘ylang. Menimcha, bugunga yetadi! Keyingi darsimizda ko‘rishguncha! 233 Jumanazar Khushbakov LESSON 2.2 2.2-DARS Mini Story A donkey who couldn’t speak Hi, my name is Jumanazar. Welcome to the next lesson. So this lesson is going to be a mini story lesson. As usual, whenever you are listening to the mini story lesson, I want you to do something. I want you to move your body, to smile, to breathe deeply, have a huge smile on your face. Whenever you are listening to the Mini Story lessons, I want you to answer the questions. If you want, you can shout the answers. If you want, you can just give a short answer or a lot of short answers. That’s fine too. So, let’s go! There was a donkey. Bitta eshak bor edi. He was very angry, U juda jahldor edi, because he couldn’t speak. chunki u gapira olmasdi. He wanted to communicate U boshqa odamlar bilan with other people. gaplashishni xohlardi. Was there a mosquito? Chivin bor edimi? No, there wasn’t a mosquito. Yo‘q, chivin yo‘q edi. Was there a lion? Sher bor edimi? No, there wasn’t a lion. Yo‘q, sher yo‘q edi. Was there an owl? Boyqush bor edimi? No, there wasn’t an owl. Yo‘q, boyqush yo‘q edi. Was there a swallow? Qaldirg‘och bor edimi? No, there wasn’t a swallow. Yo‘q, qaldirg‘och yo‘q edi. 234 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Was he annoyed? Uni jahli chiqqanmidi? Yes, he was very angry. Ha, u juda jahldor edi. Was he furious? U o‘ta jahldor edimi? Yes, he was furious. Ha, u o‘ta jahldor edi. Was he smiling? U kulayotgan edimi? No, he wasn’t smiling. Yo‘q, u kulmayotgan edi. Was he frowning? U xo‘mrayib olganmidi? Yes, he was frowning. Ha, u xo‘mrayib olgandi. Why was he angry? U nimaga jahldor edi? She was pissed of because U gapira olmagani uchun he couldn’t speak. jahldor edi. Did he crave to communicate U boshqa odamlar bilan with other people? gaplashishni xohlarmidi? Yes, he desired to have Ha, u boshqa odamlar a conversation with bilan suhbatlashishni other people. xohlardi. Did he burn to talk U boshqa odamlar bilan to other people? gaplashishni juda xohlarmidi? Yes, he burned to talk Ha, u boshqa odamlar to other people. bilan gaplashishni juda xohlardi. He couldn‘t speak any U boshqa tilda umuman language. He had an aspiration. gapira olmasdi. Uning He wanted to speak Uzbek. bir istagi bor edi. He lived in New Jersey. U o‘zbekcha gapirishni He was very busy. xohlardi. U Nyu Jersida He had to work all day long. yashardi. U juda band edi. U kun bo‘yi ishlashiga to‘g‘ri kelardi. Did he speak Russian? U ruscha gapirarmidi? No, he didn’t speak Russian. Yo‘q, u ruscha gapirmasdi. Did he speak Irish? U irlandcha gapirarmidi? 235 Jumanazar Khushbakov No, he didn’t speak Irish. Yo‘q, u irland tilida gapirmasdi. Did he speak Swedish? U shved tilida gapirarmidi? No, he didn’t speak Swedish. Yo‘q, u shvedcha gapirmasdi. What language did he speak? U qaysi tilda gapirardi? He didn’t speak any language. U hech qaysi tilda gapirmasdi. Did he have a strong wish Unda gapirishga xohish to speak? kuchlimidi (Unda gapirishga katta xohish bor edimi)? Yes, he had a strong wish Ha, unda gapirishga xohish to speak. kuchli edi. Did he have an ambition Unda boshqa odamlar to communicate with bilan suhbatlashish istagi other people? bor edimi? Yes, he had an ambition Ha, unda boshqa odamlar to communicate with bilan gaplashish niyati bor other people. edi. Did he have a desire to have Unda boshqa odamlar a conversation with bilan gaplashishga qiziqish other people? bor edimi? Yes, he had a desire to have Ha, unda boshqa odamlar a conversation with bilan gaplashishga other people. qiziqishi bor edi. Did he want to speak Italian? U italyancha gapirishni xohlarmidi? No, he didn’t yearn Yo‘q, u italyancha to speak Italian. gapirishni xohlamasdi. Which language did he U qaysi tilda gapirishni want to speak? xohlardi? He wanted to speak Uzbek. U o‘zbekcha gapirishni xohlardi. Where was his accommodation? U qayerda yashardi? His accommodation Nyu Jersida yashardi. was in New Jersey. 236 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically Where did he inhabit? U qayerda yashardi? He inhabited in New Jersey. U Nyu Jersida yashardi. Who had to work all day long? Kim kun bo‘yi ishlashga majbur edi? The donkey George had Uni kun bo‘yi ishlashiga to work all day long. to‘g‘ri kelardi. Did he have to work U haftasiga 2 marta twice a week? ishlashiga to‘g‘ri kelarmidi? No, he didn’t have to work Yo‘q, u haftasiga 2 marta twice in a week. ishlashiga to‘g‘ri kelmasdi. Did he have to work 6 times U oyiga 6 marta ishlashiga a month? to‘g‘ri kelarmidi? No, he didn’t have to work Yo‘q, u oyiga 6 marta 6 times a month. ishlashiga to‘g‘ri kelmasdi. He worked at a restaurant. U restoranda ishlardi. He was a waiter. U ofitsiant edi. He got tips from others. Odamlar unga choychaqa He served people, but he berishardi. U odamlarga didn’t speak anything. xizmat ko‘rsatardi. Lekin hech narsa demasdi. Did he work at the bank U bankda g‘aznachi bo‘lib as a cashier? ishlarmidi? No, he didn’t work at the Yo‘q, u bankda kassir bank as a cashier. bo‘lib ishlamasdi. Did he work at hospital U kasalxonada shifokor as a doctor? bo‘lib ishlarmidi? No, he didn’t work at hospital Yo‘q, u kasalxonada as a doctor. shifokor bo‘lib ishlamasdi. Was he a barman at the bar? U barda barmen bo‘lib ishlarmidi? No, he wasn’t a barman Yo‘q, u barda barmen at the bar. bo‘lib ishlamasdi. Did he work at the pub? U pivaxonada ishlarmidi? 237 Jumanazar Khushbakov No, he didn’t work at the pub. Yo‘q, u pivaxonada ishlamasdi. Did he get coins and money U boshqalardan choychaqa from other people? olarmidi? No, he didn’t get coins and Yo‘q, u odamlardan money from others. choychaqa olmasdi. Did he get drinks from others? U boshqalardan ichimliklar olarmidi? No, he didn’t get beverages Yo‘q, u boshqalardan from others. ichimliklar olmasdi. Did he get advice from others? U boshqalardan maslahat olarmidi? Yes, he got advice from others. Ha, u boshqalardan maslahat olardi. Did he serve monkeys? U maymunlarga xizmat ko‘rsatarmidi? No, he didn’t serve monkeys. Yo‘q, u maymunlarga xizmat qilmasdi. Did he serve zebras? U zebralarga xizmat ko‘rsatarmidi? No, he didn’t serve zebras. Yo‘q, u zebralarga xizmat ko‘rsatmasdi. Did he speak anything when U odamlarga xizmat he served people? ko‘rsatganida gapirarmidi? No, he didn’t say anything Yo‘q, u odamlarga xizmat when he served people. ko‘rsatganida hech narsa demasdi. One day one young and Bir kuni bir yosh, chiroyli beautiful donkey came in. eshak keldi va bir nechta And she asked questions. savol berdi. U haqida ko‘p She wanted to get to know him. narsa bilib olishni xohlardi. He listened to the questions. U uning savollarini tingladi. He wanted to answer, U javob berishni xohladi, but he couldn’t. lekin javob bera olmasdi. 238 NATURAL ENGLISH speak english easily, fast and automatically So he decided to write to her. Shuning uchun, u yozishga qaror qildi. Did an old and ugly Qari va xunuk eshak donkey come? keldimi? No, one young and beautiful Yo‘q, bitta yosh va chiroyli donkey came in. eshak keldi. Was she charming? U chiroyli edimi? Yes, she was charming. Ha, u chiroyli edi. Did she ask much money? U ko‘p pul so‘radimi? No, she didn’t ask much money. Yo‘q, u ko‘p pul so‘ramadi. Did she ask many books? U ko‘p kitoblar so‘radimi? No, she didn’t ask any books. Yo‘q, u kitoblar so‘ramadi. Did she ask where he lived? U qayerda yashashini so‘radimi? No, she didn’t ask where Yo‘q, uni qayerda he lived. yashashini so‘ramadi. Who asked questions? Kim savol berdi? The young and beautiful Yosh va chiroyli eshak donkey asked questions. savol berdi. Did she want to quarrel U bilan urishishni with him? xohladimi? No, she didn’t want Yo‘q, u bilan urishishni to quarrel with him. xohlamadi. Who desired to get Kim u haqida juda bilishni to know him? xohladi? The beautiful donkey Chiroyli eshak u haqida desired to get to know him. bilishni xohladi. Did he listen to the questions U savollarni eshitdimi yoki or didn’t pay attention to them? bee’tibor bo‘ldimi? Of course, he listened Albatta, u savollarni to the questions. eshitdi. Did he pay attention all U hamma berilgan the questions she asked? savollarga e’tibor berdimi? 239 Jumanazar Khushbakov Yes, he paid attention Ha, u berilgan hamma to all the questions she asked. savollarga e’tibor berdi. Did he attentively listen U barcha berilgan savollarni to all the questions? diqqat bilan tingladimi? Yes, she attentively listened Ha, u so‘ragan hamma to all the questions she asked. savollarni e’tibor bilan eshitdi. Who wanted to answer? Kim javob berishni xohladi. George wanted to answer. Jorj javob berishni xohladi. Who committed to write Kim unga yozishga qaror to her? qildi. Goerge committed to write Jorj unga yozishga qaror to her. qildi. Download 1.62 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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