On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of agricultural seeds with effect on wettability and surface chemical changes
- Theoretical and experimental study of plasma jet interaction with surface
- Optical Emission Spectroscopy Investigations in a Non-Transferred DC Plasma Torch
- Dynamics of a nanosecond diffuse pin-to-plane discharge – Effects of pin material at high overvoltage
- Figure 1.
- Plasma structures induced by external magnetic field
2. Experimental The atmospheric pressure DC glow discharge at energy of up to 50 W was created between stainless steel electrodes in pure nitrogen containing 1-5 % of methane. The flow rate of gaseous mixture was fixed at 100 Sccm. Whole system was evacuated before measurement by rotary oil pump to minimize the gaseous mixture contamination by oxygen. The optical emission spectra of discharge were collected using Jobin Yvon TRIAX 550 spectrometer with CCD detector. The exhaust gas was analysed using proton transfer time of flight mass spectrometry allowing simultaneous detection of many stable discharge products without fragmentation. 3. Results The nitrogen molecular second positive and first negative bands and CN violet CN bands were determined as the most intense in the discharge emission spectra. The hydrogen lines and C 2 Swan molecular bands were determined, too. Using these spectra, the rotational temperature of about 2000 K was calculated. This temperature is nearly independent on the applied power and slightly increases with the increase of the methane content in the gaseous mixture. The vibrational temperature obtained from neutral nitrogen molecule is also not dependent on the applied power but it increases nearly directly proportionally from 300 K (at 1% of methane) to 3600 K (at 5% of methane). In the contrary, vibrational temperatures obtained from nitrogen molecular ion and CN showed the same trend: temperature is decreasing with the increase of nitrogen in the gaseous mixture and they are increasing directly proportionally with applied discharge power. Both of them are significantly higher (up to 5700 K) than was calculated for neutral nitrogen. An example of PTR-TOF spectrum is given on Fig. 1 there the main determined compounds are marked. Totally, 32 compounds were identified and their relative intensities were studied under the same conditions as were used for the OES measurements.
This work was supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under project LD15011 and in was carried out as a part of broader research done under the frame of COST Action TD1308.
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XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of agricultural seeds with effect on wettability and surface chemical changes
Vlasta Štěpánová 1 , Pavel Slavíček 1 , Jakub Kelar 1 , Jan Prášil 2 , Milan Smékal 2 ,
1 , Jana Jurmanová 1 , Mirko Černák 1
used for plasma treatment of agricultural seeds. The aim of plasma treatment was improvement of wettability and potential reduction of pathogens. Lettuce seeds were plasma treated for a few seconds and analyzed with SEM, XPS and method for measurement of water uptake. Surface morphology was not affected with plasma treatment. Plasma treatment caused surface chemical changes and improvement of water uptake with only slight decrease of germination in comparison with untreated seeds. Change in percentage of chemical bonds containing carbon and oxygen was observed. Significant increase of O/C ratio after few seconds of plasma treatment was reached.
Improvement of germination, reduction of diseases, changing of water absorption properties are crucial parameters for growth process of agricultural seeds. Different plasma sources are used for plasma treatment of seeds. Plasma treatment of agricultural seeds e.g. lettuce using Diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge (DCSBD) operating in ambient air at atmospheric pressure is presented in this
contribution. Diagnostics methods used for evaluation of plasma treated seeds were: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and method for measurement of water uptake (Washburn method). Germination of plasma treated seeds is depending on the duration of plasma treatment. No structural damages were observed on lettuce seeds plasma treated for 10 s (Figure 1). Improvement of water uptake after the plasma treatment was obvious which is important for planting of seeds. Increase in content of oxygen and decrease in content of carbon was observed after the plasma treatment. O/C ratio significantly increased after plasma treatment which indicates hydrophilization of seeds. Potential effect of
plasma treatment on pathogens and microorganisms incidence on seeds will be studied. The conclusion is that DCSBD plasma treatment in order of few seconds is able to affect the properties of agricultural seeds.
This research has been supported by the project LO1411 (NPU I) funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Czech Republic.
Figure 1. Surface morphology of plasma treated lettuce seeds.
Topic number 17 363 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Theoretical and experimental study of plasma jet interaction with surface
I. Schweigert P 1, P 2 P , U L. Lin
P 1 P , M. Keidar 1
Characteristics of streamer propagating over helium jet at atmospheric pressure are studied in 2D simulations and in the experiment. This type of streamer often referred as cold atmospheric plasma jet is widely used for medical applications. We study effect of surface presence and interaction of the streamer with surface with different properties (surface charge, ion-electron emission, biased surface). The enhancement of streamer properties is obtained with biased ring placed some distance from dielectric tube.
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) jet becomes attractive research topic due to different applications, in particular for cancer treatments (see for example [1]).
The CAP jet forms as a result of ionization along the gas flow passing through high voltage electrodes. Streamer propagates by ionizing neutral particles at front. In Ref. [2],
the idea of using a ring with DC voltage was proposed. It was shown that the jet length can be changed by setting up different ring potentials.
Fig. 1. Experiment: CAP jet with a ring potential and grid.
To study the effect of additional DC voltage from the ring and interaction of jet with a surface we performed experimental and computational analysis of CAP jet shown in Fig.1. The jet is generated by an AC voltage of 4 kV pk-pk at 12.44kHz in a 5LPM helium flow. The ring with applied voltage is place 1 cm apart from the discharge tube. Additionally a grid made from crossed wares covered by dielectric is placed 4 cm apart from discharge tube which models a cell membrane. The photographs of some details of experimental set up is shown in Fig. 1. We have performed 2D simulations of DC discharge in dielectric tube and streamer formation and propagation outside of tube. In our simulation model we use the fluid approach with additional continuity equation for electron energy. The surface charge accumulation and ion- electron emission are taken into account. We assume that streamer propagates over helium at atmospheric gas pressure. In Fig. 2, the ionization rate and electrical field distribution are shown at the time when streamer head is 3 cm apart from the discharge tube exit (at z=2.5 cm) for the case of a 10 V ring potential. 0.05 0.10 0.15 3.5 4.0
4.5 5.0
5.5 r, cm
z , c m 1.0E17
1.6E17 2.6E17
4.2E17 6.9E17
1.1E18 1.8E18
2.9E18 4.7E18
7.6E18 1.2E19
2.0E19 0.2 0.4 0.6 3.5 4.0
4.5 5.0
5.5 r, cm
z ,c m 10.00 1009
2008 3007
4006 5005
6004 7003
8002 9001
Figure 2. Simulation: Ionization rate, 1/cm 3 s (left) and electrical field, V/cm (ring) with a ring with 10 V bias.
In simulation the ionization front speed is about 17 km/s. The ionization rate is about 2x10 19
cm -3 s -1
and this value is constant during streamer propagation up to 4 cm and then quickly decreases. Note that in simulation the gas flow is assumed to be laminar. Streamer channel radius is 300 microns. The electrical field E in streamer head is about 10 kV/cm. The
measured and
computed jet
characteristics are in good agreement. A variation of ring potential from -1.5 kV to 1.5 kV considerably affect CAP jet properties. The sheath structure and strength of electrical field near grid surface are essentially changed for different surface potentials and emission yield.
[1] M. Keidar at al Br. J. Cancer 105 (2011) 1295. [2] A. Shashurin, M. N. Shneider, and M. Keidar, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21 (2012) 034006. Topic number 3 364
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Optical Emission Spectroscopy Investigations in a Non-Transferred DC Plasma Torch
Vidhi Goyal, P. Bharathi and G. Ravi Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382428, India We present the nitrogen species evolution and plasma temperature measurements [1] at different operating conditions of a non-transferred dc plasma torch. For estimations of plasma parameters, high resolution optical emission spectroscopy (OES) is performed for wide range of gas flow rates (20 to 60 lpm) in the presence of external magnetic field (100 to 300 G) for various currents (70 to 120 A) at atmospheric pressure with nitrogen as working gas. These OES investigations allow us to study the variation of the dominant species with various operational parameters of the torch. The plasma temperature is estimated from three independent techniques: (i) intensity analysis of molecular bands of first negative systems of N 2 + , (ii) Boltzmann plot of neutral atomic lines and (iii) line broadening analysis of the same neutral nitrogen lines. For the former two techniques, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) is assumed. These estimations yield plasma temperature in the range of 3000 – 8000 K for the range of parameters mentioned above. Additionally, influence of various operating parameters on the plasma temperature is also presented and discussed in this work.
A comprehensive study on the fluctuations of the arc root and column in a non-transferred dc plasma torch requires estimations of plasma parameters for various operational conditions of the torch. Such studies are necessary to understand the complex interaction between different forces that act on the plasma column and lead to the above mentioned fluctuations. In the present work, OES on a dc plasma torch was performed using 0.5 m ARC spectrograph with PI CCD and 1800 l/mm grating. Studies on the behaviour of the species evolution and presence of dominant species are carried out. The plasma temperature is obtained using N 2 +
bands (Fig. 1) and excited emissions from neutral Nitrogen atoms (wavelength range: 740 nm to 1100nm).
Figure 1 - Experimental data of N 2 FNS band for 20 lpm, 70A discharge current and 100 G external magnetic field. Study further shows that neutral atomic nitrogen is the dominant species in the discharge. The intensity of dominant specie is maximum at nozzle exit and decreases along the plume. The intensity v/s pressure scaling shows a decrease of intensity indicating a lower temperature at higher gas flow. Few N
2 + FNS molecular bands (Fig. 2) are also simulated using LIFBASE software to benchmark the experimentally obtained temperature values and show good agreement.
Figure 2 - N 2 FNS band simulation for 20 lpm, 70A discharge current and 100 G external magnetic field.
[1] Boulos, M. I., Fauchais, P., and Pfender E., Thermal Plasmas: Fundamentals and Applications, Plenum Press, New York, (1994) 11
365 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Dynamics of a nanosecond diffuse pin-to-plane discharge – Effects of pin material at high overvoltage
P. Tardiveau, A. Brisset, P. Jeanney Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, CNRS, Paris-Saclay Université, 91400, Orsay, France
The dynamics and propagation speed of a pin-to-plane discharge generated in atmospheric air under high nanosecond overvoltage is analyzed and discussed for different pin materials. Pulses of 85kV with 2ns rise time are applied to a conical pin electrode made of different materials: aluminum, titanium, stainless steel, copper, molybdenum and tungsten. Discharge propagation speed is derived from sub-nanosecond time resolved imaging of the discharge front location with an accuracy of 0.3 mm/ns. Results clearly show the slowdown of the discharge with the tungsten electrode and, to a lesser extent, with aluminum. For these two materials, the average speed is decreased respectively by 20 and 10 % compared to the case of copper electrode.
Pin-to-plane discharges generated under very high overvoltage (> 500%) nanosecond pulses, showing a large and diffuse pattern in atmospheric air, are not extensively studied and fully understood [1]. At such high voltages, the very intense electric field at the pin might induce non local mechanisms and specific behaviour (runaway electrons, X-ray emission). Some previous studies, in similar configurations, seem to show X-rays emission from the electrodes [2], which should depend on their material type since X-rays would arise from high energy electrons impact on the electrodes. Within this scope and considering that possible X-rays could influence the dynamics of discharges by photo-ionization effects, our study focuses on the only effect of the pin electrode material on the propagation speed, all the other experimental parameters remaining unchanged.
The diffuse discharge starts to develop from a pin electrode with a well calibrated conical shape and a tip radius of about 30 µm. It extends and propagates towards a plane at 25 mm from the pin. A very high electric field (> 5000 Td at the pin, down to 20 Td at the plane) is generated by a +85 kV peak voltage nanosecond pulse (2 ns rise time and 5 ns width) at 5 Hz. Experiments are carried out with synthetic air (1l/min) at atmospheric pressure. Light emission from the discharge (mainly N 2 (C-B) spectrum) is recorded with an intensified 4-Picos Stanford Camera (200 ps time gate) through a UV-visible lens (F/2.8). Propagation speed is derived from time resolved sequences of the discharge front location. Taking into account the jitter of the camera (100 ps) and the reproducibility of the discharge for given conditions, uncertainty on measurements is estimated to ± 0.3 mm/ns. Figure 1 shows the results for six different materials classified, on x- axis, according to the energy of their characteristic X emission line (K α ). Electronic impacts can produce X-rays of respectively 1.5, 8 and 59 keV with aluminum, copper and tungsten.
Discharge propagation is clearly slower with tungsten pin (speed 20 % less than with copper) and speed reaches lower maxima for decreasing K α line
energy between copper and aluminum. Pin material can have significant effects on discharge dynamics at very high electric field.
materials according to the energy of X- ray K α line 3. References [1] P Tardiveau et al 2016 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 054005
[2] C V Nguyen et al 2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 025202 366
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
magnetic field
I. Schweigert 1,2 , M. Keidar 1
1 George Washington University, Washington D.C. 20052, USA 2
The characteristics of 2D periodical structures in propulsion type magnetized plasma are studied in kinetic PIC MCC simulations. With increasing an obliqueness of magnetic field the ridges (maxima) of electron and ion densities form in the plasma volume in cylindrical chamber. These ridges are shifted relative each other that results in the formation of two-dimensional double-layers structure. Depending on Larmor radius and Debye length up to nineteen potential steps appear across the oblique magnetic field.
Recently some methods to control the Hall effect thruster characteristics with applying the oblique magnetic field with respect to the channel walls is widely discussed (see, [1]). Nevertheless with increasing the inclination of the magnetic field, discharge plasma properties can essentially change. For example, a several stationary, magnetized, two- dimensional weak double-layers were observed in a laboratory experiment for this type of plasma by Intrator, Menard, Hershkowitz [2]. In this paper, in kinetic simulations we consider the dc discharge plasma in the external oblique magnetic field at pressure, P=0.0001 Torr. Our purpose is to study the plasma structure modification with
changing the electron temperature,
magnetic field strength and obliqueness for the conditions similar to the Hall thruster ones. In our simulations, the plasma is embedded in a cylindrical chamber with the radius of 4 cm and the height H=10 cm. All walls are grounded and the cathode is biased with -90 V (grey in Fig. 1). The magnetic field B=25-100 G and magnetic field angle α B =0-77
o . To describe the plasma in electro-magnetic field at low gas pressure we solve Boltzmann equations for the distribution functions for electrons and ions with particle-in cell Monte Carlo collision method. The Poisson equation was solved to find the electrical potential and electrical field distributions.
The periodical structure with ridges of ion and electron densities was found for larger obliqueness of magnetic field (see Fig.1). With increasing α B the
periodical plasma structure becomes clearly visible. The electron and ion ridges are shifted with respect to each other and double–layer structure appears across B-field and along the potential rise. The double-layers structure forms due to a distortion of local quasineutrality in the presence of oblique magnetic field. The electron is shifted from the ion in the direction normal to B-field and a local charge appears.
1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 (d) 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 r, cm z, cm 0 2.9E7
5.7E7 8.6E7
1.1E8 1.4E8
1.7E8 2.0E8
r, cm z, c m (a)
Fig. 1. Distribution of ne, cm-3 for α B = 55
o (left) and 77 (right), B=50 G, Te=2.5 eV.
4 6 8 10 1.0 1.5
2.0 3.0
3.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r, cm
z, c m 90.0 90.6
91.3 91.9
92.6 93.0
j i /1 0 -6 , A /c m 2 z, cm
Fig.2. Ion current density over z near side wall for α B =10 o
(solid) and 65 o (dashed), potential (insert).
The ion current shown in Fig. 2 clearly indicates the periodical plasma structure. This effect can lead to an additional local erosion of wall material.
[1] J.Miedzik, et al, Phys. Plasmas 22, 043511 (2015). K. G. Xu, et al, Phys. Plasmas 19, 103502 (2012). [2] T. Intrator, J. Menard, and N. Hershkowitz, Physics of Fluids B, 5, 806 (1993). Topic number 8 367
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