On phenomena in ionized gases
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- 3. References
- Method of pulsed DC bias for negative-ion production study on surfaces of insulating materials in low pressure H2 plasmas
- TiC nanopowder plasma-chemical synthesis with titanium tetrachloride raw material in the DC plasma-arc reactor
- 3. Results and discussion
- The temperature of leucoxene melted zone under DC plasma arc anode spot
- 2. Calculation model
- Model and Simulation of the formation of cathode spot in vacuum arc
P [W] N O , N O 2 [ppm ] dry air, NO dry air, NO2 water spray, NO water spray, NO2
Fig. 1: NO and NO 2 generation in TS in dry air vs. air with water electrospray for increasing dicsharge power.
TS in atmospheric air provided high production rates of NO x
x formation was lowered but induced chemical changes in water make it of biomedical importance.
[1] M. Janda, V. Martišovitš, L. Dvonč, et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 23, 065016 (2014). [2] Z. Machala, B. Tarabová, K. Hensel, et al., Plasma Process. Polym., 10, 649 (2013). [3] M. Janda, V. Martišovitš, K. Hensel, Z. Machala, Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 36, 767 (2016) This work was supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency APVV-0134-12 and Slovak grant agency VEGA 1/0918/15. 17
372 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Method of pulsed DC bias for negative-ion production study on surfaces of insulating materials in low pressure H2 plasmas
R. Moussaoui 1 , D. Kogut 1 , J.M Layet 1 , J. Achard 2 , A. Gicquel 2 , G. Cartry 1
2 LSPM, CNRS-UPR 3407 Université Paris 13, 99 Avenue J. B. Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse We present a study of negative ion surface production
in hydrogen and deuterium low-pressure plasmas. A sample facing a mass spectrometer is negatively DC biased with respect to the plasma potential. Upon the positive ion bombardment some negative ions are formed on the surface and are accelerated towards the mass spectrometer where they are detected according to their energy. In the present contribution, a DC pulsed bias technique is introduced to enable the study of negative ion surface production on insulating samples.
Introduction Negative-ions (NI) production mechanisms in low- pressure plasmas is of interest for many plasma applications such as
microelectronics, space
propulsion, magnetically confined fusion… In the latter intense hydrogen negative-ion beams are extracted from a low-pressure hydrogen plasma source and accelerated to high energy. They are then neutralized and injected inside the fusion plasma where they deposit their energy and contribute to the plasma heating. Next generation fusion devices requires high intensity (40 A) negative-ion beams which pushes towards the development of efficient negative-ion sources. Volume production of negative-ions by dissociative attachment of electrons on molecules is not efficient enough and these sources rely on surface production. In the present study we investigate surface production of negative ions on diamond materials.
A sample is introduced in a low-pressure (2 Pa) hydrogen plasma and negatively biased (using DC bias) with respect to the plasma potential. The negative- ions formed on the surface upon positive ion bombardment are accelerated by the sheath in front of the sample and then self-extracted towards a mass spectrometer facing the sample at a distance of 4 cm. Negative ions are detected according to their energy and mass, and Negative-Ion Energy
Distribution Function (NIEDF) is measured. This experimental method proved to be efficient for the study of negative ions production on different materials. In particular we have shown that boron doped diamond is producing high yield of negative- ions [1] compared to metals such as stainless steel or molybdenum. In order to extent this method to insulating materials that cannot be DC biased we developed a pulsed DC bias method and applied it to the study of non-doped diamond samples. When an insulating sample is DC biased it acts as a capacitor. The DC bias initially appears on the sample surface. Positive ions are therefore attracted towards the sample and the capacitor is charged by the positive ion saturation current. The rate of change of the surface bias is given by the ratio of the ion saturation current over the sample capacitance (dV/dt = I i /C). For a few µm thick diamond layer the capacitance of a 1 cm 2 sample is on the order of 1 nF. The ion saturation current is below 100 µA/cm2 in our experiment giving a surface bias rate of change on the order of 0.1 V/µs. As the time resolution of the mass spectrometer is 2 µs, measurements can be performed on diamond samples at an almost constant surface bias. We show that with this method it is possible to measure energy distribution functions of negative ions created on insulating materials.
Result NIEDF measurements are synchronized with the pulsed DC bias. The surface bias rate of change is determined experimentally based on the energy of the negative ions detected. The sample current is measured by a microamperemeter. A model is developed to better understand the charge of the sample by the positive ions during the pulse ON phase, and the unload of the sample by electrons in the pulse OFF phase. The model is compared to the time resolved measurements of sample bias and current. The effect of pulse frequency and pulse duty cycle on the negative-ion surface production is studied. It is shown that a low duty cycle (10 %) at a frequency around 1 kHz allows for efficient negative-ion production and detection. Surprisingly, negative-ion surface production on boron-doped diamond is much higher in pulsed mode than in continuous mode. Production on non-doped diamond is as high as the one on boron doped diamond. This effect is attributed to a less defective diamond surface in pulsed mode.
[1] Kumar et al Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, nᵒ 37 372002 Topic 8
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
TiC nanopowder plasma-chemical synthesis with titanium tetrachloride raw material in the DC plasma-arc reactor
A.V.Samokhin, D.E.Kirpichev, M.A.Sinaiskiy, N.V.Alexeev A.A.Baikov Institute of metallurgy and material science, Moscow, Leninskiy av., 49
The possibility of TiC nanopowder plasma-chemical synthesis
in the DC plasma-arc reactor is shown. The dependence of the molar ratio C/Ti in the raw material in the range 0.7 – 2.1 and carbon concentration in the TiC product is investigated. Carbon concentration in the TiC nanopowder grows with increase of molar ratio C/Ti in the raw materials. TiC nanopowder with stoichiometric composition was produced at molar ratio C/Ti = 1.4. It was determined that molar ratio C/Ti in raw material more over 1.5 leads to free carbon formation in the TiC nanopowder product. Chlorine concentration decrease in the TiC nanopowder product with molar ratio C/Ti increase in the raw materials is shown.
Powder materials are claimed of many industry areas. Productions of wear- and corrosion-resistant hard alloys, deposition of coatings are some of them. Nanosized powders allow improve final product properties. Plasma chemical DC-arc processes are allocated with high efficiency; these processes have potential to
regulate produced powders characteristics in the wide range. The TiC nanopowder synthesis in the DC plasma-arc reactor is presented.
DC plasma-arc reactor is experimental setup on the base of DC electro-arc thermal plasma generator with power rating 25 kW. The hydrocarbon and chloride mixture are feeded with piston dispenser to vaporizer. Resulting vapour is feeded with transport gas to plasma jet through mixing chamber. Condensed reaction product deposited on the reactor water cooled walls and filter. Contained in exhaust gas chlorine was trapped with alkaline solution scrubber. Experiment parameters of
TiC nanopowder production in thermal plasma flow are presented in the table 1.
№ Parameter Range 1 Plasmatron useful power 4.8 – 9.3 kW 2 Plasma forming gas H 2 + Ar 3 Total plasma forming gases consumption 1.4 – 2.5 n.m 3 /h
4 Plasma jet useful enthalpy 1. 6 – 5.9 kWh/n.m 3
5 TiCl
4 consumption 0.2 kg/h 6 CH 4 consumption 0.02 – 0.2 n.m 3 /h 7 Molar ratio C/Ti 0.7 – 2.2
It is experimentally established that TiC nanopowders are formed at interaction of TiCl 4 + CH 4 vapor mixture with hydrogen-argon plasma jet. Produced TiC nanopowder have a single phase and cubic NaCl type crystal latice. It consists of nanosized cubic shape particles with 10-80 nm size and aggregates on its base (fig.1).
Output of TiC depended on molar ratio C/Ti. Increase of molar ratio C/Ti from 0.7 to 2.1 leads to increase of TiC output from 60% to 90%. Carbon concentration in the TiC nanopowder increases with molar ratio C/Ti increase. Stoichiometric carbon concentration in the product is reached when C/Ti=1.4. Significant quantity of carbon in the process is in the gaseous phase as a part of methane and its pyrolysis products. Molar ratio C/Ti strong influences on chlorine concentration in the product. Inrease of C/Ti from 0.7 to 0.9 leads to decrease chlorine concentration from 1.6 to 0.4.
374 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
The temperature of leucoxene melted zone under DC plasma arc anode spot
A.A.Nikolaev, D.E.Kirpichev, A.V.Nikolaev, Yu.V.Tsvetkov A.A.Baikov Institute of metallurgy and material science, Moscow, Leninskiy av., 49
Leucoxene concentrate is a perspective titanium source. Leucoxene concentrate consists of TiO
2 and SiO
2 with similar mass quantities. Plasma-arc heating of concentrate with carbon allows to separate titanium from silicon. The reaction SiO 2 + C = SiO + CO takes place and volatile SiO evaporates. Experimental results of DC plasma arc melting of leucoxene concentrate in graphite and copper water-cooled crucibles are compared. It was established that melting in the graphite crucible leads the less overheat of leucoxene pool under the anode spot of DC plasma arc then in the copper water-cooled crucible. The calculation method of the temperature field of melting pool is considered.
Copper water-cooled crucible
and graphite crucible were used [1]. The enrichment of TiO 2 was worse in graphite crucible then in cooper water- cooled. The both crucibles had a similar geometry and arc power. The anode spot in graphite crucible was disperse (≈ 10 A/cm 2 )
and the anode spot in copper crucible was constricted (≈ 100 A/cm 2 ). Thus
the material was not overheated enough in the graphite crucible. The purpose of this work was to calculate the temperature field of the pool surface under the anode spot in both cases. 2. Calculation model The calculation model is presented on fig.1.
Calculation model scheme. 1 – electrode (graphite hollow cathode); 2 – melted pool (anode); Q = Q a - Q
r – heat flow into melted pool; Q a –
heat transfer via electrical physical processes in anode spot of DC plasma arc; Q r – heat radiation of melted surface. The quantity of Q a was determined experimentaly on cold anode. It equaled approximately 50 % from arc power [2]. The quantity of Q r was detemined as: ) 2 r rs 1 r ( T 5 , 0 dr )) r ( T ( r dr )) r ( T ( r 2 Q 2 2 2 4 k 1 r 0 rs 2 r 4 4 r here r
s – pool radius; r 1 , r
2 – inside and outside radiuses of non-radiated area under hot hollow cathode; T s – periphery temperature of melted pool; T(r) – temperature of the pool surface in dependance of radius.
The temperature field of the pool surface is calculated as: s s o T ) r ( ) r ( r Q 282 , 0 ) r ( T ,
(1) here r
o – plasma arc anode spot radius; λ– thermal conductivity of
the material;
2 o 2 o 2 o 2 r 2 r I r 2 r exp
) r ( , Io – Bessel's function of imaginary argument. Calculation results are presented in the figure 2.
surface. r – radial distance from the center; 1 – copper crucible; 2 – graphite crucible; T o – anode spot edge isotherm; r o (1), r o (2) – anode spot radiuses in cupper and graphite crucibles.
The temperature of melted zone under DC plasma arc anode spot is less in hot (graphite) crucible than in cold copper crucible due to less current density. 4. References [1]
A. A. Nikolaev, D. E. Kirpichev, A. V. Samokhin, A. V. Nikolaev. Russian Metallurgy (Metally), Vol. 2016, No. 12, pp. 40–43. [2] Erohin A.A. Plazmenno-dugovaia plavka metallov i splavov [Plasma-arc melting of metals and alloys]. Moscow, Nauka, 1975, 188 p. (In Russ.).
14 375 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Model and Simulation of the formation of cathode spot in vacuum arc
Lijun Wang P , U Xiao Zhang, Shenli Jia
P 1 P
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China P
Abstract: A 2D axisymmetric swirl hydrodynamic model has been developed to describe the formation of cathode spot in vacuum arc. The model includes hydrodynamic equations and thermal conductivity equation which considers surface evaporation and Joule heating. In this model, cathode spot maintains 30μs and during this time, all parameters are fixed. The simulation results show that when the energy flux density coming from the interacting between arc plasma and cathode is 1.5~3*10 12 W/m 2 and current is 3~6A, the crater diameter is 3~7μm, the crater depth is 1.5~2.5μm and the maximum temperature is 2500~5500K. Besides, in the chromium cathode, the temperature is higher but the molten metal is less because of the lower specific heat and higher melting point.
[1] has shown that vacuum arc in cathode consists of independent cathode spots. During the whole lifetime, cathode spots kept moving. The cellular structure and moving track of a cathode spot have been observed in experiment [2] . Based on these observations, the ecton mechanism was proposed [3]
. According to the experimental results, ecton model assumed the size of cathode spot was several microns and the lifetime was several tens of nanoseconds. Old cathode spots extinguished at the edge of contact while new cathode spots appeared in the center of the cathode contact. The beginning of a cathode spot was a micro explosion which resulted in the initial electron emission [4]
. Energy flux density coming from interacting between arc plasma and cathode and Joule heat injected energy to cathode contact. Surface evaporation took away a part of energy and the left energy heated cathode material, the temperature could reach several thousand degrees. At such a high temperature, whether copper or chromium, the cathode material was melting. And the pressure caused by cathode plasma extruded the melting material leaving the center of cathode spot, splashing away and becoming droplets, finally, cathode micro jet appeared [5] .
To simulate this process, in this paper, A 2D
axisymmetric swirl hydrodynamic model has been developed, hydrodynamic equations and thermal conductivity equation are necessary, and the parameters are obtained by fitting the experimental data and predecessors' work [6]
. The energy flux density is in magnitude of 10 12 W/m
2 . The current in each cathode spot is limited, however, because the size of cathode spot is only several microns, the current density can reach 10 8 A/m 2 . Joule heat is produced throughout the contact while the energy flux density only acts on the
Fig.1 Model of cathode spot cathode surface. The cathode plasma pressure is in magnitude of 10 8 Pa. References [1] I.G. Kesaev. Cathode Processes of Electrical Arc, 1968, Moscow, Russia: Nauka. [2] J.E. Daalder, Cathode erosion of metal vapor arcs in vacuum, PhD dissertation, Tech. Univ., Eindhoven, 1978. [3] G.A. Mesyats, Ecton mechanism of the vacuum arc cathode spot, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences, v. 23, N6, pp. 879-883, 1995. [4] G.A. Mesyats, D.I. Proskurovsky, Pulsed Electrical Discharge in Vacuum. Berlin: Springer, 1989.
[5] G.A. Mesyats and N.M. Zubarev, J. Appl. Phys., 2015, 117, 043302 (1-5). [6] G.A. Mesyats and N.M. Zubarev, J. Appl. Phys. 2013, 113(20): 203301(1-4). Topic number 376
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