O`quv-uslubiy majmua (I kurs talabalari uchun mo`ljallangan) Navoiy -2021

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VAYRONKOR (BUZG’UNCHI) G’OYAyovuzlik va jaholatga, ayrim jinoyatkor kuchlarning hukmronligini o’rnatishgaxizmat qiladigan, insonlar, millatlar va jamiyatning mustaqilligiga, erkinligiga, ijodkorligiga zid bo’lgan g’oyalar majmuini ifodalovchi tushuncha.
THE DESTRUCTIVE IDEA - wickedness , and the ignorance of some people that will serve to establish the rule of the murderous forces of the creativity of the freedom and independence of the society of nations, representing a set of ideas that are contrary to the concept.
VIJDON ERKINLIGIijtimoi-falsafiy tushuncha; har kimning o’z e’tiqodiga ko’ra, mazkur jamiyatda mavjud ijtimoiy me’yorlarni buzmagan holda vijdoni buyurgani bo’yicha yashash, ishlash imkoniyati. Bunda dinga munosabat masalaning bir tomoni hisoblanadi.
FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE – social philosophical concept; the opportunity to live and work which every man according to his beliefs in this society without prejudice to the principles of social conscience.
GLOBALLASHUV- turli mamlakatlar iqtisodi, madaniyati, ma’naviyati, odamlari o’rtasidagi o’zaro ta’sir va bog’liqlikning kuchayishidir. Globallashuvga berilgan ta’riflar juda ko’p. Fransiuz tadqiqotchisi B. Bandi ta’rifida globallashuv jarayonining 3 o’lchovli ekaniga urg’u beriladi:
1. Globallashuv - muttasil davom etadigan tarixiy jarayon.
2. Globallashuv - jahonning gomogenlashuvi (bir jinsli) va universallashuvi jarayoni.
3. Globallashuv - milliy chegaralarning «yuvilib ketish» jarayoni.
GLOBALIZATION – increasing dependence and influence between the people of various countries economy, culture and spirituality. There are many descriptions to express globalization. In the description by creater B.Bandi it is accented that there are 3 measuring processes:
Globalization – the process which continues without stopping.
Globalization – the process which
Globalization – the process which national border’s “washed away”.
GUNOH (fors – jinoyat , ayb; asli shu ma’nodagi arab. “junoh” so’zidan olingan) - shariat qonunlariga va diniy aqidalargaxilof ish yoki harakat.
FAULT (persian – crime, fault;the original sense of the word comes from the Arabic word “junoh”) – work or activity which is contrast to Islamic religious laws and persuasions.
DEMOKRATIYA (yunoncha, “demos” – xalq, “kratos” – hokimiyat) – xalq hokimiyati ma’nosini anglatib, xalqni hokimiyat manbai, deb biluvchi siyosiy tizimni shakli. Demokratiya insonni har tomonlama barkamol rivojlanishi uchun berilgan imkon bo’lib, davlat konstitusiiyasidaozchilikning ko’pchilikka bo’ysunishi tamoyili rasmiy e’lon qilindi, hamda fuqarolarning erkinligi teng huquqligi e’tirof etildi. Demokratiya har bir davrning ijtimoiy – iqtisodiy sharoitlariga mos shakllanib, rivojlanib boruvchi chegarasiz tabiiy – tarixiy jarayondir.
DEMOCRACY (from Greek “demos” – people, “kratos” – power ) – means population’s authority, form of political system knows the people as the source of power. Democracy allows for the development of the harmonious development of man and it is announced in official constitution as the principle of obedience to the majority of the minority and it is admitted citizen’s freedom and equal rights. Democracy is formed and developed in a period of social and economic conditions and unlimited access to the natural – historical process.

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