Recent insights into polysaccharide-based hydrogels and their potential applications in food sector: a review
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5. Conclusion
Hydrogels exhibit several promising characteristics such as prolific potency or biocompatible properties making them suitable for diverse food applications. Various applications of hydrogels are dependent on the tailoring of the networks developed within hydrogels. Hydrogels are primarily considered for alteration of fat content, modifying texture, rheological characteristics, or encapsulation of different key ingredients in food-processing applications. Nevertheless, several applications of hydrogels currently not discovered within the food sector such as syn- thetic hydrogels are created to be extremely receptive are yet to be found suitable food-grade hydrogels due to the constraints within the capa- bility to artificially functionalize biopolymers. Polysaccharide-based hydrogels like chitosan play a pivotal role in controlling body weight by lowering the cholesterol level by interacting with bile salts. Furthermore, chitosan-based hydrogels are responsible for providing impetus to the solubility and stability of key nutrients. Alginate-based hydrogels have shown promising results in maximizing the viability of A. Manzoor et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 213 (2022) 987–1006 1002 probiotics under hostile conditions by acting as a strong encapsulating agent. The pectin-based hydrogel may be used as a potential texturizing agent in various food applications. To sum up, polysaccharide-based hydrogels could be altered into different formulations to expand their use in diverse food applications. Therefore, considering their immense potential there is ample scope for further studies, to explore their potential in food processing and other industrial applications. References [1] Y. Cao, R. Mezzenga, Design principles of food gels, Nat. Food. 1 (2) (2020) 106–118 . [2] M. Klein, E. Poverenov, Natural biopolymer-based hydrogels for use in food and agriculture, J. Sci. 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