7. As well as (shuningdek): The radio as well as newspapers is a means of propaganda. Radio
shuningdek gazetalar targ’ibot vosiatasidir.
Izoh: Mustaqil soda gaplarni bir-biri bilan bog’lshda quyidagi ravishlar ham ishlatiladi:
9. moreover (bundan tashqari): She speaks Arabic fluently, moreover she knows English very
well too. U Arabchani ravon gapiradi bundan tashqari u inglizchani ham juda yaxshi gapiradi.
10. therefore, that’s why (shuning uchun): He studied hard that’s why he could pass the exam.
U qattiq tayyorlandi shuning uchun imtihondan o’ta oldi.
11. otherwise, else, or else (aks holda): It is raining heavily. You must wear your raincoat,
otherwise you will be wet through. Qattiq yomg’ir yog’ayapti. Siz plashingizni kiyishingiz kerak aks
holda shalabbo bo’lasiz.
12. Nevertheless (shunga qaramasdan, biroq): I had invited them to the party, nevertheless
they didn’t come. Men ularni ziyofatga taklif qilgan edim, shunga qaramasdan ular kelmadi.
13. However (har holda, shunday bo’lsa ham):
1. That, if, whether bog’lovchilari ega kesim va to’ldiruvchi ergash gaplarni bosh gap bilan
Whether Anvar will arrive tomorrow is not certain. (ega ergash gap). Uning ertaga yetib kelishi aniq
The problem is that they will not come tomorrow. Muammo shundaki ular ertaga kelmaydi. (kesim)
I don’t know if they will come tomorrow. Men ularning ertaga kelish kelmasligini bilmayman. (to’ld).
2. Quyidagi bog’lovchilar payt ergash gaplarni bog’laydi:
a) When (qachon): When he comes I will tell you. Qachon u kelsa men senga aytaman.
b) As (-da): As I was walking home I met my friend. Uyga kelayotganimda do’stimni uchratdim.
c) Until (till) – (-gacha): I shall stay here until I have finished my work. Ishimni tugatguncha shu
yerda bo’laman.
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