1. And (va): Anvar and Ikrom are coming to the party tonight. Anvar va Ikrom bugun kechqirun
ziyofatga kelmoqchi.
2. Both … and … (ham …ham): Both Anvar and Ikrom are coming tonight. Anvar ham Ikrom
ham bugun kechqurun kelyaptilar.
3. But (lekin): He studied hard but couldn’t pass the exam.
U qattiq tayyorlandi lekin
imtihondan o’tolmadi.
4. Not only … but also (faqat … emas …ham): Not only boys but also girls came to the party
yesterday. Kecha ziyofatga faqat o’g’il bolalar emas balki qizlar ham keldi.
5. Or (yoki): Our house is about five or six kilometers from here. Bizning uyimiz bu yerdan besh
yoki olti kilometr.
6. Either … or … (yoki …yoki): The manager is either at the office or at the laboratory.
Boshqaruvchi yoki idorada yoki laboratoriyada.
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