4. In spite of va Despite (-ga qaramasdan) so’zlaridan keyin faqat ot so’z turkumi keladi.
Chunki bu so’zlar predlogdir: In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday. Yomg’irga qaramasdan, biz
ta’tildan rohatlandik. I didn’t get the job despite my high qualification. Yuqori malakamga
qaramasdan ishga kirolmadim.
Lekin: in spite of the fact (that) va despite the fact (that) bog’lovchilaridan keyin ega + kesim
keladi: in spite of the fact (that) I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep. Juda charchaganimga
qaramasdan, uxlayolmadim. He is quite fit despite the fact that he smokes 40 cigarettes a day. U bir
kunda 40 ta sigareta chekishiga qaramasdan, juda sog’lom.
5. “Although” va “in spite of/despite” larning qiyosi:
Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
Qatnov yomon bo’lishiga qaramasdan vaqtida yetib bordim.
In spite of the traffic, I arrived on time. Qatnovga qaramasdan vaqtida yetib bordim.
I couldn’t sleep, although I was really tired.
I couldn’t sleep, despite being really tired. UNIT-112
1. Like – (o’xshash, o’xshab) so’zi predlog bo’lganligi uchun undan keyin ot yoki olmosh so’z
turkumi ishlatiladi. Biz like ni biror narsani boshqa biror narsaga o’xshatganimizda ishlatamiz, lekin
haqiqatda birinchisi ikkinchisini o’rnini bosolmaydigan bo’ladi: What a beautiful house! It’s like a
palace. Qanday chiroyli uy! U qasrga o’xshaydi. (Lekin haqiqatda qasr emas). George is a teacher like
me. Jorj menga o’xshab o’qituvchi. She looks so beautiful – like a princess. (lekin haqiqatda malika
emas). U jud go’zal – malikaga o’xshab. Everyone is ill at home. Our house is like a hospital. Uyda
hamma kasal. Uyimiz kasalxonaga o’xshaydi.
2. As (-dek, day, o’xshab) so’zi esa bog’lovchi bo’lib undan keyin ega + kesim keladi va bu
bog’lovchi biror narsa yoki kishining haqiqatda nima yoki kim ekanligini ko’rsatib berish uchun
ishlatiladi: My father works as a bus driver. Otam avtobus haydovchisi bo’lib ishlaydi. During the war
this hotel was used as a hospital. Urush paytida bu mehmonxonadan kasalxona sifatida foydalanilgan.
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