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Quantum interference effects in delta layers of boron in silicon
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Quantum interference effects in delta layers of boron in silicon Vit. B. Krasovitsky * and Yu. F. Komnik B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pr. Lenina 47, 61164 Kharkov, Ukraine M. Myronov and T. E. Whall Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK ͑Submitted April 6, 2000͒ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 26, 815–820 ͑August 2000͒ The behavior of the conductance upon changes in temperature ͑in the interval 1.5–40 K͒ and magnetic field ͑up to 20 kOe͒ is investigated for a series of samples with a ␦ ͗
͘ layer
in Si, with hole concentrations in the conducting ␦ layer of 2.5 ϫ10 13 –2.2 ϫ10 14 cm Ϫ2 . It is
shown that the temperature and field dependences obtained can be explained successfully as a manifestation of the weak localization effect and the interaction of mobile charge carriers ͑holes͒ in a two-dimensional electron system under conditions of strong spin–orbit interaction. An analysis of the behavior of the quantum corrections yields the temperature dependence of the phase relaxation time of the carriers, ϭAT Ϫ1 , with A Ϸ(1.4Ϯ0.3)ϫ10 Ϫ12
K •s, where this temperature dependence is treated as a manifestation of hole–hole scattering processes, and the values of the interaction constants are also obtained (
Ϸ0.64–0.73). © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S1063-777X͑00͒01008-2͔ INTRODUCTION Among the various classes of two-dimensional electron systems are delta layers in semiconductors. 1 These are struc- tures in which the impurity atoms are located in a single monolayer inside a pure single crystal of a semiconductor. The preparation of structures is usually done by molecular- beam epitaxy. The charge of the impurity atoms lying in a single crys- tallographic plane of the semiconductor creates a potential well for mobile charge carriers. This well is manifested as a two-dimensional electron gas: in the plane of the layer the electrons behave as free electrons, while in the perpendicular direction there are discrete quantum levels ͑subbands͒. The depth of the potential well, the number of the quantum lev- els, and the occupation of these levels are determined by the ‘‘sheet’’ concentration of impurity atoms, i.e., the density of two-dimensional ͑2D͒ electrons. The subject of ␦ layers is of both purely scientific and applied interest, since a very wide range of concentrations of 2D electrons can be obtained in them, including extremely high values ( ϳ10
14 –10
15 cm Ϫ2 ). However, the mobility in the
␦ layers is relatively low ͑inferior to heterojunctions͒ on account of the contribution of elastic scattering of carriers on the impurity atoms that create the potential well. Moreover, this circumstance creates conditions for the manifestation of quantum interference effects in ␦ layers ͑weak localization of electrons and the electron–electron interaction ͒. 2,3
The study of these effects, as we know, can yield information about the parameters of the relaxation and interaction of the electrons. In this paper we investigate the effects of weak localiza- tion of the electrons ͑WL͒ and of the electron–electron in- teraction ͑EEI͒ in ␦ layers of boron ( ␦ ͗ B ͘ ) in silicon. The mobile charge carriers in this case are holes, but to simplify the terminology we shall by convention refer to them below as electrons. The obtaining of ␦ ͗ B ͘ layers in Si was first reported in Refs. 4 and 5, and the manifestation of WL and EEI effects in these objects was first demonstrated in Refs. 6 and 7. It is of interest to study quantum interference effects for a series of samples with different concentrations of 2D electrons.
We investigated the behavior of the resistance and its dependence on the magnetic field at various temperatures for four samples 1 ͒
carrier concentration n in them varied by an order of magni- tude
͑from sample A to sample C͒, while samples B-I and B-II had concentrations of around 7 ϫ10 13
Ϫ2 but differ- ent elastic scattering times. According to Ref. 6, these carrier concentrations correspond to the region of ‘‘metallic’’ be- havior of the electronic properties of ␦ ͗ B ͘ layers, since the metal–insulator transition in such systems occurs at a con- centration р1ϫ10 13
Ϫ2 . The arrangement of the sub- bands in the potential well for the corresponding carrier con- centrations can be obtained from the calculated curves (N
) given in Ref. 6, or from estimates that can be made according to the theory of Ref. 8 with the use of the param- eter
ϭN A a B 2 , where N A is the concentration of acceptor impurities in the ␦ layer, a B ϭ ប/me 2 is the effective Bohr radius, and is the dielectric constant of the lattice ( ϭ11.4 for silicon͒. 9 The values of thus obtained agree roughly with the calculated functions in Ref. 6. Quantum interference leads to quantum corrections to the conductance of the object under study. The conductance of the ␦
quantum subbands. As the number of the subband increases, the partial concentration of carriers in the subbands falls off, LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2000 598
1063-777X/2000/26(8)/5/$20.00 © 2000 American Institute of Physics while the partial mobility increases ͑see Refs. 1 and 10–12͒. On balance the conductances of the subbands are approxi- mately the same. If one takes into account the appreciable intersubband scattering inherent to ␦ layers; then in the de- scription of such integral characteristics as the total conduc- tance of the ␦ layer and the quantum corrections to it, one can use a certain effective diffusion coefficient D and other averaged characteristics in accordance with the formulas for a two-dimensional electron system. The contributions of the heavy and light holes to the conductance are indistinguish- able. We have used the averaged value ͑of the ‘‘Ohmic’’ effective mass types ͒ mϭ0.24m 0 , which is obtained in an analysis of the temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the amplitude of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations for the conductance of hole heterojunctions in silicon. 13
The quantum corrections determine the features of the temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the resistance of the investigated ␦ ͗ B ͘ layers in Si: as the temperature is lowered, the resistance passes through a minimum and then increases below 10–5 K ͑inset to Fig. 1͒, while the positive magnetoresistance effect has the typical functional form for the WL effect and it decreases appreciably in amplitude as the temperature is raised ͑Fig. 2͒. We have done an analysis of the relations obtained in accordance with the formulas for the WL and EEI effects. The temperature dependence of the quantum corrections to the conductance is described by the relation 3,14,15
2 2 2 ប a T ln T ;
a T ϭ ͭ p ϩ
Ͼ , Ϫ 1 2 p ϩ
Ͻ , where
is the elastic relaxation time of the electrons,
the dephasing time of the electron wave function,
is the spin–orbit interaction time during elastic scattering of elec- trons,
is the interaction constant, and p is the exponent in the relation
ϰT p . The conversion from the change in resistance to the conductance corrections is done by the for- mula
Ϫ⌬ (T) ϭ͓R(T)ϪR(T min
) ͔/R(T)R ᮀ (T min ), where
R ᮀ is the resistance per square of the the two-dimensional conductor. The experimental curves for samples A, B-I, and B-II 2 ͒
Ϫ⌬ versus ln T ͑Fig. 1 ͒, and this is true both for Hϭ0 and for a rather high mag- netic field ͑Fig. 3͒. With increasing field the slope of the straight lines Ϫ⌬ (lnT) increases as a result of suppression of the WL contribution. The increase in the slope of the lines with increasing field in Fig. 3 is evidence that the signs of the corrections from the WL and EEI effects are different, as is observed in the case of a strong spin–orbit interaction,
. In a two-dimensional system in a perpendicular mag- netic field the change in conductance due to the WL effect is given by
16 ⌬ H L ϭ
2 2
2 ប ͫ 3 2
2 ͩ
បc * ͪ Ϫ 1 2
2 ͩ
បc ͪͬ , ͑2͒ TABLE I. Physical characteristics of the samples. Sample
n, 10 13 cm Ϫ2
ᮀ ,
min ) , 10 15 s D, cm 2 /s
A 2.53
7691 ͑13 K͒
4.4 8.1
0.64 0.48
B-I 7.00
2497 ͑18 K͒
4.9 25 0.73 0.36 B-II
7.15 1824
͑7 K͒ 6.6
33.8 0.64
0.48 C 22.30 468 ͑20 K͒
8.4 133
– – FIG. 1. Plots of Ϫ⌬ (T) and R(T) in zero magnetic field for samples A ͑curves 1͒ and B-I ͑curves 2͒. FIG. 2. Resistance of sample B-II versus the magnetic field at different temperatures. 599
Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Krasovitsky et al.
where ( * ) Ϫ1 ϭ Ϫ1 ϩ4/3
so Ϫ1 and f 2 (x) ϭln xϩ (1/2 ϩ1/x), where
is the logarithmic derivative of the ⌫ function. In the case of a strong spin–orbit interaction (
Ӷ ) this
relation takes the form ⌬ H L ϭϪ 1 2 e 2 2 2 ប f 2 ͩ 4eHD បc
. ͑3͒
Formula ͑3͒ pertains to a positive magnetoresistance, as is observed for the objects investigated here ͑the conversion from the change in resistance in a magnetic field to the con- ductance corrections was done according to the formula Ϫ⌬
ϭ͓R(H)ϪR(0)͔/R(H)R ᮀ (0). Relation ͑3͒ was able to give a very good description of the experimental curves for all the samples studied ͑Fig. 4͒. The parameters extracted from the fit are the values of D . The results are presented in Fig. 5. One notices the near coincidence of the curves for samples B-I and B-II, which have nearly the same carrier concentration. The very accu- rate description of the experimental data on the magnetore- sistance by Eq. ͑3͒, the formula for the WL effect, indicates that there is practically no contribution to the magnetoresis- tance from the quantum corrections due to the EEI. 3 ͒ In a magnetic field parallel to the ␦ layer the magnetore- sistance curves have the form of a quadratic function in al- most the entire interval of magnetic fields investigated ͑Fig. 6
3,16 the transition from a quadratic to a logarithmic dependence in a perpendicular field occurs at a characteristic field H 0
D ϭL 2 (L is the localization length ͒, while in a parallel field the latter quantity is replaced by the product L
where L is the thickness of the conducting region (L ӷL). Figure 7 shows the curves of Ϫ⌬ (H) in perpendicular and parallel fields for sample C. It is seen that these curves ap- proach one another as the magnetic field increases, i.e., the FIG. 3. Plots of Ϫ⌬
kOe: 5 ( ᭢), 10 (᭺), 15 (᭡), 20 (᭹). FIG. 4. Plots of Ϫ⌬ (H) for sample B-II at different temperatures. FIG. 5. Plots of D
᭹), B-I (᭢), B-II (᭺); C (᭡). FIG. 6. Resistance versus magnetic field at various temperatures for sample B-II in a magnetic field parallel to the plane of the ␦ layer. 600 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Krasovitsky et al.
degree of anisotropy of the magnetoresistance decreases. A similar effect is also observed on increasing temperature. In order to calculate the times we have to determine the diffusion coefficient D. For a two-dimensional electron system D ϭ(1/2)v F 2 , and v F ϭប(2
n) 1/2
/m. The elastic re- laxation time can be found from the formula R ᮀ Ϫ1
2 /m. The values obtained for and D are given in Table I, and the temperature dependence of is plotted in Fig. 8. In the temperature interval 4–20 K theoretical data are well ap- proximated by a function Ϫ1 ϰT p , with p ϭ1. At lower tem- peratures one observes a deviation in the direction of smaller n ͑down to 0.85͒. Possibly this deviation occurs under the influence of spin scattering on magnetic impurities, which could be present in trace amounts in the samples studied. DISCUSSION The dependence of the form
Ϫ1 should be regarded as a manifestation of electron–electron scattering processes in a disordered electron system. 17 The
(T) curves obtained for the samples turned out to be close to one another, and they clearly did not exhibit the theoretically predicted 17,18 dependence of ee on the resistance of the samples. Accord- ing to Ref. 18, the electron–electron scattering time for small energy and momentum transfers between electrons can be written as
Ϫ1 ϭ
2 ប 2
D ln ប
D, ͑4͒
is the electron density of states. For a 2D electron system
ds ϭm/ ប
. In calculations of
ϭA *
Ϫ1 accord-
ing to Eq. ͑4͒ one obtains the following values for the coef- ficients A * in samples A, B-I, B-II, and C, respectively ͑in 10 Ϫ11 K •s͒: 4.8, 4.8, 5.5, and 12.6. It turns out that the in- fluence of the diffusion coefficient D on these calculated val- ues is not important, and that is justification for the absence of explicit dependence of the position of the (T) curves in Fig. 8 on the resistance of the samples. The calculated values of
, on the other hand, are more than an order of magni- tude larger than the experimental formulas. For the experi- mental data presented in Fig. 8 the coefficient A * varies in the interval (1.1–1.7) ϫ10
Ϫ12 K •s. Such a disagreement from the use of formula ͑4͒ has been observed previously in several analyses of ␦ layers and heterojunctions ͑see Refs. 7,13, and 19 ͒. Let us return again to the temperature dependence of the resistance ͑see Figs. 1 and 3͒, which manifest both the WL contribution and the interaction in the diffusion channel. In the coefficients a T ϭϪ(1/2)nϩ T determined from the ex- perimental curves of Ϫ⌬ (lnT) one can take n ϭ1 and find the interaction constant
. The values obtained for
are given in Table I. The interaction constants characterizing the quantum corrections to the temperature dependence and magnetic-field dependence of the resistance are usually writ- ten in terms of the universal constant F — the interaction averaged over angles. For example, for a strong spin–orbit interaction,
has the following form in the case of zero or low magnetic field: 2,17
ϭ1Ϫ 3 4 F. ͑5͒
Using formula ͑5͒, we obtain the values of F given in Table I, which, like the values of
, are completely realis- tic. The relatively small range of variation of the carrier con- centrations in the group of samples A, B-I, and B-II does not permit one to reach a definitive conclusion as to the exis- tence of correlation between the constant F and the concen- tration n. We note that for ␦ ͗
͘ layers in Si such a corre- lation was found: 19 the constant F increases somewhat with decreasing n. CONCLUSION From an analysis of the temperature and magnetic-field dependences of the conductance of a series of samples with a ␦ ͗ B ͘ layer in Si in accordance with the concepts of weak FIG. 7. Plot of Ϫ⌬ (H) for sample C in a magnetic field perpendicular ͑1,4͒ and parallel ͑2,3͒ to the plane of the ␦ layer at various temperatures T, K: 1.7 ͑1,2͒, 4.2 ͑3͒, 20.4 ͑4͒. FIG. 8. Plots of (T) for samples A ( ᭹), B-I (᭢), B-II (᭺), and C (᭡). 601 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Krasovitsky et al.
localization and the interaction of electrons in a disordered 2D electron system, we have obtained information about the temperature dependence of the inelastic relaxation time and of the parameters of the interaction of the carriers ͑holes͒ in these objects. The authors thank O. A. Mironov for providing the samples.
* E-mail: 1 ͒
versity of Warwick, Coventry, England. 2 ͒ Sample C was prepared in a different technological cycle than the other samples investigated. The change in the resistance of samples C with tem- perature under the influence of some additional factor was extremely strong, and it was not possible to distinguish the contribution of the quan- tum corrections. However, this factor was not reflected in the change of the resistance with magnetic field, and the magnetoresistance curves were suc- cessfully described by the WL formulas. 3 ͒ Indeed, the characteristic fields for the effects of interaction in the diffu- sion (H 0
ϭ kT/g
, where g is the Lande´ factor and
is the Bohr magneton
͒ and Cooper channel (H 0
tially greater than the characteristic field for the weak localization effect (H 0
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