Handout 3
Students draw or use pictures from magazines to create an illustration for the story.
Students read very quickly in order to give answers to one or two general questions.
After reading the first paragraph/sentence of the text students read
several possible continuations of the story and then predict which one the author used
The teacher draws attention to some of the grammar in the text.
Before reading the teacher introduces some new words.
Students write a paragraph, which could come immediately before the beginning of the story.
Students complete a detailed True/False exercise.
Students infer the meaning of selected words and expressions from the context.
Students discuss topics related to the content of the text.
Students scan the text to find the name of the main character.
... a learning activity which involves learners working together in pairs. *a) pair work
... are the guiding principles (often moral or ethical in nature) that govern behaviour; they are typically rooted in tradition, religion or in individual or shared philosophy and in education they help to inform decisions at all levels, from national policy right through to the classroom. *a) values
... is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. *a) A lesson plan
... is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. *a) A lesson plan
...is the most abstract of all three concepts and refers to the linguistic, psycho-and sociolinguistic principles. *a) approach
.…is teachers detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. *a) A lesson plan
_____ discover the language and familiarize themselves with the sound of English. *a) A1
______ between two evils” *a) it’s not worth while choosing
_______ a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a) Brainstorming
____________ has become the most important tool for delivering distance education. *a) Internet
____________ has become the most important tool for delivering distance education. *a) Internet
___________________ is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a) Distance education
___________________ is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a) Distance education
… a word or phrase used in an imaginative way to describe something else to show that the two things have the same Qualities *a) metaphor
… gives students the opportunity to prove they can communicate ideas effectively by simulating university classroom and student life communication. *a) IELTS academic module
… is a related activity, requires the pupils to only take notes of the key words used as they listen and then later reconstruct the text so that it has the same meaning as the original text although perhaps not exactly the same form *a) Dictogloss dictation
… is important because it shows what the teacher hopes to achieve in the lesson. *a) Lesson planning
… must be comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher and it must provide all the recorder material. *a) Teachers’ books
… starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied. *a) Deductive approach
… the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language *a) grammar
… the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning. *a) context
… was widely used in teaching the classics, namely Latin. *a) Grammar translation method
… which began to be widely used in schools in the 1870’s. *a) The direct method
…. a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a) brainstorming
…. all the words a person knows or uses *a) vocabulary
…. between two evils” *a) it is not worth while choosing
…...are statements of what is to be achieved in a course or lesson. They are detailed descriptions of exactly what a learner is expected to be able to do at the end of a period of learning. *a) Objectives
…...is used at the end of the term, semester, or year in order to measure what has been achieved both by groups and individuals *a) Summative assessment
…..is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups *a) cluster
…..the study of teaching methods and approaches. *a) pedagogy
….designed to show what level a student has reached at any one time, and are used by employers and universities, for example, who want a reliable measure of a student’s language abilities. *a) Proficiency test
….enables the learners to interact in a better way when giving ideas a) Communicative approach
….is a day in honor of those Americans who have given their lives to their country in all wars *a) Memorial day
…… are series of connected acts which have become automatic or semi-automatic as the result of repetitions. *a) Habits*
……...a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a) brainstorming
……….. is intended to enable students to give group presentations and assess their performance *b) oral presentation
……….are combination of specific useful habits, serving a definite purpose and requiring the application of definite knowledge *a) Skills
………… assessment of language allows teachers to see students using language in context, through tasks that require performance of language. *c) direct
…………. are directly related to the language courses taught to the examinees *b) Achievement tests
………….. provides valuable information regarding a number of core objectives related to students’ behavior. *b) observation of students
……………… is agreement between parts of the test *d) Consistency
……………format means that the examinees are given brief notes of a public address and the task is to “unfold” these brief entries into full text *c) Contextual
…enables the learners to interact in a better way when giving ideas *a) Communicative approach
…expose students to real language as it is used in real life situations by native speakers? *a) authentic materials
…is a mini-lesson that participants teach to each other *a) Microteaching
…is a person who helps an individual or a whole group to learn and/or express themselves. *a) Facilitator
…is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction for one class *a) a lesson plan
A ___ is a self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent and self-directed leaning activities. Get information on learning centers and how to incorporate them in to your instructional routine using this advice. *a) Learning Centers
A _____is a self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent and self-directed learning activities. Get information …. *a) Learning Centers
A bird in the hand -------- *a) is worth two in the bush
A bird in the hand *a) is worth two in the bush
A chart to be filled in by learners or teacher-participants, often used to summarise ideas or to focus reflection *a) grid
A common reference for describing language learning, teaching. *a) CEFR
A common reference for describing language learning, teaching. *a) CEFR
A conversation can consist of up to ………. words per minute *a) 220
A conversation can consist of up to ………. words per minute *a) 220
A generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Primarily concerned with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of contexts. *a) Method
A good reading lesson has … *a) pre, while and post stages
A good reading lesson has … *a) pre, while and post stages
A good writing task should have _____, ________ and _________ stages *a) pre/ while / post
A group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a) Brainstorming
A group of activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a) Brainstorming
A ------is a self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent and self-directed learning ac…on learning centers and how to incorporate them in to your instructional routine using this advice. *a) Learning Centers
A learning activity which involves a small group of learners working together. The group may work on a single task, or on different parts of a larger task. Tasks for group members are often selected by the members of the group. *a) groupwork
A learning style … *a) is a specific way a person learns things.
A session plan is… *a) A compass
A silent period is recommended until learners are ready to produce at their own pace in the target language. *a) The Natural Approach
A task which replicates or resembles a real-life task, e.g. scanning an article for particular information; this may be contrasted with a task which is specifically designed for, and only relevant in, the classroom. *a) Authentic task
A teacher can make listening using the following *a) Asking the questions
A teacher uses talk to support vocabulary development by: *a) Establishing a role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc
A teacher uses talk to support vocabulary development by: *a) Establishing a role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc.
A teacher uses talk to support vocabulary development by: Establishing a role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc. *a) Displaying whole class vocabulary choices, for example by using images of the pupils, with speech bubbles showing good examples, providing a range of quality texts and text types that link to and extend the pupils‘ interests
A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete at reading work. *a) jig-saw activity
A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. *a) jig-saw activity
A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete at reading work. *a) jig-saw activity
A type of speed reading technique which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. For example, the reader may read a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born. *a) Scanning
A type of speed reading technique which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage *a) scanning
A type of speed reading technique which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. For example, the reader may read a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born. *a) Scanning
A typical communicative activities involve … *a) Role-play, info-gap activities, jigsaw, etc.
A typical communicative activities involve… *a) Role-play, info gap activities, jigsaw, etc.
A typical feature of association methods in vocabulary instruction is… a. Encouraging learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words
A typical feature of association methods in vocabulary instruction is…*a) encouraging learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words
A typical feature of association methods in vocabulary instruction is… *a) encouraging learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words
A word doesn’t depend on dictionary”. About what approach is this definition correct? *a) Non-traditional approach
A word family/ a group of related words is …. *a) Lexical set
A1 and A2 are…? *a) Basic user
A1….. *a) breakthrough
According to …. authentic materials are a way to contextualize language learning. *a) Gephard
According to CEFR B2 level is determined for *a) Vantage
According to CEFR B2 level is determined for *a) Vantage
According to CEFR C-2 level is determined for: ________. *a) Mastery
According to long term observations early teaching of foreign languages. It gives an emphasis on writing skills rather than ORAL *a) It opens a broad way to write a better composition.
According to the teachers point of view dictation activities work well in the classroom and such kind of activities make better… *All answers correct
According to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, methodology is…" *a) "“a body of methods, procedures, working concepts, rules and postulates employed [...] in the solution of a problem or in doing something”"
Acquired language is called … *a) L2
Active vocabulary is ... *a) The numbers of words students can confidently use in speaking and writing
Active vocabulary is… *a) The number of words students can confidently use in speaking and writing
Activity *a) A short task which is a part of a lesson
Advantages of using pair and group work – *a) all pupils are active
Affixes are ….*a) prefixes and suffixes
All advertising must …..the right product image. *a) boost
All the hotel in the town was full up so we stayed in a ______village. *a) nearby
All the words that someone knows, learns or uses… *a) Vocabulary
An activity in which a pair or two group of students hold different cards, where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t. *a) Information gap
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t. *a) Information gap activity.
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one partner knows something that the other doesn't. This gives a real purpose to a communication activity. *a) Information gap activity
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different cards, where one partner knows something that the other does not *a) Information gap
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t. *a) Information gap activity.
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different cards, where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t *a) information gap
An activity to make learners feel less nervous inhibited when they first meet. *a) Ice-breaker
An activity to make learners feel less nervous inhibited when they first meet. *a) Ice-breaker
An activity which involves re-ordering a mixed up text to find its correct order; it helps learners see the connections between parts of a written text. *a) jigsaw reading
An activity which involves re-ordering a mixed up text to find its correct order; it helps learners see the connections between parts of a written text. *a) jigsaw reading
An activity which involves re-ordering a mixed up text to find its correct order; it helps learners see the connections between parts of a written text. *a) jigsaw reading
An approach is a way of looking at________________ *a) teaching and learning
An approach is a way of looking at________________ *a) teaching and learning
An informal interview may improve student`s____ skills *a) Speaking
Another reason for using authentic materials is that……..*a) they represent an unlimited source for planning and organizing teaching and learning activities;
Anticlockwise is ….*a) In the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock.
Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. *a) Technique
Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. *a) Technique
Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. *a) Technique
Apostrophe is used….*a) all answers are correct
Applied linguistics… *a) the study of second and foreign language acquisition and learning the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as lexicography, translation or speech pathology.
Approach is … *a) Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability of both pedagogical settings
Approach is ….*a) theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings
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