Tasks Pre/While/Post

What is the structural view to language?

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Handout 3

What is the structural view to language? *a) It is the view behind the audio-lingual method

  • What is the topic about? It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a) distance education

  • What is the topic about? It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a) distance education

  • What is the word building? *a) To make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation

  • What is the word building? *a) To make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation

  • What is the word-building? *a) To make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation

  • What is torrent network?*a) Decentralized data sharing network

  • What is TPR? *a) Total Physical Response

  • What is TPR? *a) Total Physical Response

  • What is typical for storytelling technique? *a) It provides a realistic context for presenting grammar points and holds and focuses students‘ attention, convenient and flexible technique for teaching any phase of a grammar lesson

  • What is VAK? *a) Learning styles

  • What is VAK? *a) visual, auditory, kinaesthetic

  • What is Visual intelligence? *It is an activity that develops pupils learning process through exercises supported by pictures or use flashcards.

  • What is WELL Project? *a) Web Enhanced Language Learning

  • What is while reading? *a) Tasks draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message

  • What is while reading? *a) Tasks draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message

  • What is while reading? *Tasks draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message

  • What is while-activity? *a) what learners do while they are doing an activity

  • What is while-activity? *a) what learners do while they are doing an activity

  • What is WWW? *a) World Wide Web

  • What kind of activity Info-Gap activity? *a) It is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.

  • What kind of activity Info-Gap activity? *a) It is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.

  • What kind of activity is jig saw activity? *a) A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task.

  • What kind of activity is matching opposites ? a) vocabulary activity

  • What kind of activity is true false activity? *a) It is a strategy of teaching students, where a teacher allows students to compare two different historical perspectives to the same question. It allows students to see differing opinions to the same problem and go about doing history. It is designed to add inquiry into the teaching of history.

  • What kind of instructions are possible to give pupils? *a) short and simple

  • What kind of intelligence of Psychological and cognitive concepts of EFL learning do we have? *a) all are correct

  • What kind of organizer is a “T”-charts? *a) analyzing

  • What kind of specialists needed to develop a software designed to learn languages? *c) Programmers, Designers, Photographers, Language specialists

  • What kind of texts can be used for dictation? *a) all sorts of texts from single words at a vocabulary list to sentences to full paragraph

  • What language is used in grammar translation method? *a) Native language

  • What language level was the “Keep Chain Story” activity? *a) pre-intermediate/ intermediate

  • What lessons should we use pre-, while-, and post-activities for? *a) Reading, speaking, writing and listening

  • What level is called BREAKTHROUGH? *a) LEVEL A1

  • What level is called BREAKTHROUGH? *a) LEVEL A1



  • What level is called MASTERY? *a) LEVEL C2

  • What level is called MASTERY? *a) LEVEL C2

  • What level is called THRESHOLD? *a) LEVEL B1

  • What level is called THRESHOLD? *a) LEVEL B1

  • What level is called VANTAGE? *a) LEVEL B2

  • What level is called VANTAGE? *a) LEVEL B2

  • What level is called WAYSTAGE? *a) LEVEL A2

  • What level is called WAYSTAGE? *a) LEVEL A2

  • What method is cluster? *a) is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups

  • What of the following is an mobile operating system? *d) Android, iOS, Symbian

  • What of the following is physical network? *c) LAN, WAN

  • What opportunities can students get through TOEFL? *a) to demonstrate their ability to communicate in English;

  • What problems do usually teachers have in the lessons when they teach listening to the pupils? *a) pupils don’t understand the passage

  • What role does the facilitator play in the EFL classroom? *a) helper of the student

  • What role does the facilitator play in the EFL classroom? *a) helper of the student

  • What should be a listening task? *a) it should be close to the real life

  • What should be a listening task? *a) it should be close to the real life

  • What should be done to organize extracurricular activities? *a) to prepare the plan and scenarios

  • What should the teacher check after giving instruction? *a) To check the comprehension of the students

  • What should we do when we teach the pupils in elementary school? *a) to divide most children into groups based on the basic channel of perception

  • What skill is firstly taught in direct method? *a) Speaking

  • What skills are assessed with the help of IELTS? *a) Listening, reading, writing and speaking

  • What skills are called the active/productive skills? *a) speaking and writing

  • What skills are called the passive/receptive skills? *a) reading and listening

  • What skills are there in a language learning? *a) All variants are right

  • What stages are there in the listening lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post listening

  • What stages are there in the listening lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post listening

  • What stages are there in the listening lessons? *a) pre-, while- and post listening

  • What stages are there in the reading lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post reading

  • What stages are there in the reading lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post reading

  • What stages are there in the writing lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post writing

  • What stages are there in the writing lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post writing

  • What style is it? For these kinds of learners, it is not enough to read or hear information to learn. They have to do the information to remember. They learn best through different activities. For these learners it may be difficult to sit still for a long class.*a) kinaesthetic learners

  • What style is it? These learners learn best through hearing information. They enjoy discussions and lectures. They like to talk about things they learned. These learners remember better when they read something aloud or listen to a tape recorder. *a) auditory learners

  • What style is it? These learners need to see things to learn better. It helps if they see the teacher’s face and body language during class. They may think in pictures, and learn best from Handouts and videos. During a lesson, these learners like to take notes. *a) visual learners

  • What task is it? Put similar words into groups of three-two with one sound, and one with a different (although similar) sound. Or you could have groups of four or five which contain the same sound, but only one that‘s different. For example: meet, seat, sit (for vowels), plays, pace, space (for consonants). *a) Odd One Out

  • What task is it? This is one of the easiest ways to focus on particular pairs of sounds. A Bingo card commonly has 5 x 5 squares, so you can use 25 words (12 minimal pairs, or more than two words for some sounds). One or more spaces on each card could be a ―free‖ spot, or you could change the size, maybe to 4 x 4. (I have found that 25 words works well for a full lesson and everyone will be able to learn them all by the end.) *a) Minimal Pairs Bingo

  • What task is it? When someone is genuinely whispering, and therefore not using their voice, it‘s nearly impossible to hear the difference between some words. For example: ―bit‖ and ―pit.‖ In a social situation where whispering is used we rely on context to fill out the meaning. *a) Chinese Whispers

  • What task is it? You could have your minimal pairs on flashcards or you could simply write two (or more) words at a time on the board. Create two teams and then pair pupils up with a member of the opposite team. In turn, each pair goes to stand at the back of the room, looking down an aisle at the board. When you call one of the minimal pairs out, the pair races to the front to touch the correct word (the odd word out) on the board or grab the appropriate flashcard. Pupils from the winning team could have a turn at calling the words for others to run to. *a) Run and Grab

  • What task is it? Younger pupils especially enjoy any activity that involves movement. Designate particular movements to particular sounds, as lively or as gentle as you like. For instance, they could be sitting at their desks and raise a hand, clap or stand up when they hear a particular sound, or they could be standing in a space and jump or run in response to sounds. *a) Sound TPR (Total Physical Response)

  • What techniques can be useful and effective for auditory learners? *a) Short lectures, hearing the information in a song or asking students to repeat information aloud help these learners remember new things

  • What types methods of teaching and learning do we have? *b) methods, activities

  • What types of assessment do we have? *b) formative and summative assessment

  • What types of language acquisition do you know? *a) Oral and written

  • What usually includes itself Principles of Constructive Approaches? *a) Cultural Awareness

  • What VAK stand for *a) visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.

  • What was the objective of the “Chain Story” activity? *a) to practise past tenses, story telling

  • What was the objective of the “Keep Talking” activity? *a) to develop fluency

  • What word is used synonymously to the high quality pictures? *b) High-resolution

  • What`s CEFR? *a) A common reference for describing language learning, teaching and assessment

  • What's the word "app" stands for? *c) Application

  • When are mistakes corrected in speaking activities? *a) after speaking

  • When is it appropriate to ask pupils to read aloud in class? *a) When pupils do exercises on pronunciation, intonation or when pupils role-play.

  • When is microteaching used? *a) in training situation to concentrate on a particular aspect of a teacher’s teaching skills

  • When the Musical-rhythmical intelligence activated? *a) Musical-rhythmical intelligence is activated when children listen to and imitate intonation and rhythm, sing songs and recite verses.

  • When the Musical-rhythmical intelligence activated? *a) Musical-rhythmical intelligence is activated when children listen to and imitate intonation and rhythm, sing songs and recite verses.

  • When the teachers use to check on the progress of their students, to see how far they have learnt, and then use this information to modify their future teaching plans. *a) Formative assessment

  • When was adopted the Resolution №1875 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve foreign language learning system”? *a) December 10, 2012

  • When was adopted the Resolution №1875 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve foreign language learning system”? *a) December 10, 2012

  • Where the conversation is? -Good morning. - How can I help you? -Good morning. I’d like to cut my hair *a) at the hairdresser

  • Where the students’ progress is measured as it is happening, and where the measure of a student’s achievement is the work done all through the learning period and not just at the end *a) Continuous Assessment

  • Which activities do not develop interactive speaking skills? *a) substitution drills

  • Which activity dos not focus on developing ideas? *a) jigsaw reading

  • Which answer can be pros of communicative approach? *a) It develops the speech ability among the students, teaches different ways of expression, it is based on the practical effectiveness; it lays more stress on the functional value of language; it enables the students to converse their ideas both inside and outside the classroom

  • Which are post-reading activity? *a) reflection summarizing

  • Which column stands for vocabulary presenting technique? *a) All are correct

  • Which is correct meaning of speaking? *a) express feelings orally

  • Which is not method of teaching young learners *a) short stories and essay

  • Which module is suitable for candidates who are going to migrate to an English speaking country, planning to work undertake work experience or training programs not at a degree level? *a) The General training module

  • Which of the basic approaches to vocabulary instruction is described? Going beyond the text to include other medias such as visual stimulus, the use of the computer or sign language *a) multimedia methods

  • Which of the following is not considered a disadvantage of case study? *a) The results are not able to be replicated

  • Which of the international testing system has the formats "academic" and "general"? *a) IELTS

  • Which of the international testing system has the formats "academic" and "general"? *a) IELTS

  • Which of the listed features belong only to tablets? *a) Shooting photos, videos, reading books, social networking

  • Which of these are some of the functions that are used in communicative approach? *a) Requesting, informing, expressing likes and dislikes

  • Which speaking scale criteria can be used in the following situation. Has a good command of a board range of language *a) Range

  • Which speaking scale criteria can be used in the following situation. Can link groups of words with simple connectors like “and”, “but”, “because”. *a) Coherence

  • Which speaking scale criteria can be used in the following situation. Can link groups of the words with simple connection like “and”, “but”, “because” *a) Coherence

  • Which test type can be used in the following situation - An English language course has been completed? *b) achievement tests

  • Which test type can be used in the following situation - Students show signs of de-motivation in the lessons *d) diagnostic tests

  • Which test type can be used in the following situation An applicant is seeking admission to a University in the UK. *a) Proficiency tests

  • Who are auditory learners? *a) learners who learn information best by listening to it

  • Who are auditory learners? *a) learners who learn information best by listening to it

  • Who corrects dictations? *a) c, d

  • Who developed a program to increase independent reading among middle school readers?*a) Morris and Kaplan;

  • Who is actively involved in direct method? *a) learner

  • Who is auditory learner? *a) Who learn best by listening

  • Who is the author of the story “The Old Man and the Sea”? *a) Ernest Hemingway

  • Who learns best by listening? *a) auditory learners

  • Who like to learn new information by seeing it? *a) Visual learners

  • Who was the visionary and the CEO of Apple Corp? *d) late Steve Jobs

  • Why CEFR was being adapted in Europe? *d) all answers are correct

  • Why do people read and accept their ideas? *a) For pleasure, to find necessary information.

  • Why do we listen for the first time? *a) To understand the gist

  • Why do we listen for the second time? *a) To understand the details

  • Why is it important to use pair work and group work in speaking activities? *a) It enables a teacher to involve all pupils, to give pupils a certain freedom from teacher’s control; as a result your pupils will feel more confident to speak English

  • Why should we use Icebreaker? *a) it is used to get to know each other

  • Why Teach with the Case Method? *a) Case discussions bring energy and excitement to the classroom, providing students with an opportunity to work with a range of evidence, and improving their ability to apply the vocabulary, theory and methods they have learned in the lesson

  • Word stress is *a) saying a syllable in the word with a greater energy and higher

  • Work in threes or fours!”,- this instruction belongs to… *a) Group work

  • You can demonstrate varying …. within a word by stretching rubber bands. *a) vowel lengths






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