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Termiz davlat universiteti xorijiy filologiya fakulteti 5111400 - xorijiy til va adabiyoti yo’nalishi ( ingliz tili va adabiyot) talabalariga attestatsiya uchun

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Termiz davlat universiteti xorijiy filologiya fakulteti 5111400 - xorijiy til va adabiyoti yo’nalishi ( ingliz tili va adabiyot) talabalariga attestatsiya uchun
tayyorlangan test savollari

№ 1.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 11-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
According to the history of the language can be subdivided … .
Historical phonetics (phonology), historical morphology, historical syntax, historical lexicology
Ancient phonetics (phonology), ancient morphology, ancient syntax, ancient lexicology
Historical phonetics (phonology), historical morphology, ancient syntax, ancient lexicology
Ancient phonetics (phonology), ancient morphology, historical syntax, historical lexicology
№ 2.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 11-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The East Germanic subgroup was formed by the tribes who returned from … .
North Midland
Eastern Roman Empire

№ 3.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 11-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Find the infinitive form of the word “choose” in Old English.

№ 4.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 14-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Find the word “rose” in Old English.

№ 5.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 14-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Old English or with the beginning of writing begins … .
with the Germanic settlement and ends with the Norman conquest
with the tribes attitude and ends Norman conquest
with the Norman conquest and ends of printing
with the Norman conquest and ends with Middle English

№ 6.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 14-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Find the chronology of English language according to Sweet’s division
early, classical, late
a division of history by centuries
into periods of 200 years

№ 7.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 14-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Find the chronology of English language according to Rastorguyeva’s division
early Old English, OE, early ME, classical English, early NE, normalization period, Modern English
early, classical, late, into periods of 200 years
a division of history by centuries
early Old English, OE, early ME, classical English, NE, present day English

№ 8.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter I. 16-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Find the three alphabets that chronologically changed … .
the Runic alphabet, the Sanskrit alphabet, Latin alphabet
the Hieroglyphic alphabet, Sweden’s Sanskrit alphabet, Latin alphabet
alphabet the Runes, Ulfilas’s gothic alphabet, Latin alphabet
the Runes, the Greek alphabet, Latin alphabet

№ 9.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter II. 18-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
How many cases were in Old English language?
nominative, dative, accusative, emulative
nominative, accusative, genitive, ablative
nominative, genitive, dative, accusative
nominative, dative, genitive, suppletive

№ 10.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter II. 19-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Genitive case indicates … .
indirect object and objects of most prepositions
possession or partitivity
direct object in transitive verb
direct object in intransitive verb

№ 11.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter II. 19-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
All nouns had the ending ………….. for dative plural.

№ 12.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter II. 20-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Old English language was … .
a syntactic
a synthetic
an analytical
an isolating

№ 13.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter III. 20-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
The forms of OE verbs were … .
Ablaut and umlaut
Synthetic and syntactic
Finite and nonfinite
Strong and preterit
№ 14.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter III. 22-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
The category of tense was represented in OE by … .
the present and the past
the present and the future
the present and the adverb with future meaning
the present and the future

№ 15.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter III. 21-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What does Oblique Mood mean in OE?
denoting any case other than the nominative or vocative
denoting a mood verbs expressing simple statement
denoting mood adverbs as expressing compound statement
a verb or phrase
№ 16.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter III. 23-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Find the basic forms of strong verbs according to the paradigmatic form
the infinitive, the past singular, the past plural, participle II
the infinitive, the past, participle I, participle II
the infinite, the present, the past, the participle II
the infinitive, participle I, participle II, modals with future meaning
№ 17.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter IV. 25-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
The suffix “-ipa” was used to form …….. .
Compound nouns
Abstract nouns
Concrete nouns

№ 18.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter IV. 26-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Find productive word-building prefixes
ere-, ofer-, um-, un-, an-, ge-
end-, ere-, for-, fore-, um-
for-, be-, ere-, un-
be-, for-, fore-, ge-, ofer-, un-

№ 19.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter IV. 27-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Find the words those were borrowed from Latin into OE.
apostol, cyrce, pope
apostol, biscop, munuc
biscop, abbot, cyrce
pilgrim, nun, cyrce, apostol, pope
№ 20.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter IV. 28-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Native words of the OE language are subdivided into etymological layers as:
common Indo-European words, common Germanic words, a few specifically English words
proto-Indo-European words, proto-Germanic words, Latin words
Proto-Germanic languages, Latin words, Celtic words
Proto-Indo-European words, Latin words, Celtic words, Jutes words, Greek words
№ 21.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 30-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Middle English period … .
№ 22.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
In Middle English period writing was dominated by … .
the Norman French ruling class
the Scandinavian ruling class
the Norman West-Saxon ruling class
the Scandinavian East-Midland ruling class
№ 23.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece the Canterbury Tale’s was written in the … .
North Midland Dialect
West Midland Dialect
East Midland Dialect
South Midland Dialect
№ 24.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Find the Major dialects of Middle English.
Northern, East Midland, South-eastern, Anglian, Scandinavian
Northern, East Midland, West Midland, West-Anglian, South-western
Northern, West Midland, East-Anglian, South-eastern, Anglian
Northern, Midland, East-Anglian, South-eastern, South-western

№ 25.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter VI. 33-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Find the infinitive form of the verb “deem” as the weak verb form in Middle English.
№ 26.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter VI. 34-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Modern English words have arisen as a result of … .
semantic changes
metonymic change
№ 27.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter VI. 34-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Suffixation has been …… way of forming adjectives.

№ 28.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter VI. 36-§.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
English borrowed many French words with the prefix …..
№ 29.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter VII. 52-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Find the infinitive form of the word “bear” in Old English.

№ 30.

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What organ of speech may move in the horizontal or vertical directions?
the tongu
the lower teeth
the upper teeth
the lips

№ 31.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How many aspects of phonetics do we distinguish?
5 aspects
3 aspects
4 aspects
2 aspects

№ 32.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is pronunciation?
it is a result of a speech noise
it is a composition of vowels and compositions
it supposes the presence of at least two persons
it is a branch of linguistics

№ 33.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Name the first founders of “the phoneme” concept.
I.A. Badouin de Courtenay, N. Krushevsky, P. Passy and others
S. Pit Corder, H. Sweet, N. Krushevsky, A. Rosetti and others
P. Passy, O. Jespersen, I.A. Badouin de Courtenay and others
P. Passy, H. Sweet, N. Krushevsky, A. Rosetti and others
№ 34.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who is the founder of the phonological theory?
D.M. Vassilyev
A.N. Reformatsriy.
L. N. Torsuyev.

№ 35.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who suggested the term “phonemic line”?
A.A. Reformatsky
N.S. Trubetzkoy
N.F. Jakovlev
№ 36.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What representatives of the Prague phonological school do you know?
B. Havranek, A.A. Reformatsky, D.M. Vasilyev and others
W. Matezius, B. Havranek, N.S. Trubetzkoy and others
N.S. Trubetzkoy, L. Armstrong, N.F. Jakovlev and others
all answers are correct
№ 37.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who was the author of the book called “Handbook of Phonetics”?
Henry Sweet
B. Havranek
L. Armstrong
A.C. Gimson

№ 38.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2

What is a literary variant of a language?

Lexical, grammatical, orthographic and pronunciation norm.
The written and spoken norm.
Spoken and orthoepic norm.
Lexical, grammatical, written

№ 39.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2

What is dialectology?

It is a branch of linguistics which studies the variability of a given language
It is branch of phonology that studies phonemes
It is a branch of linguistics which studies the vowels and consonants
There is no correct answer

№ 40.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What principal varieties of English are distinguished?
Formal English, Informal English, Dialectal English and Orthoepic English
Formal English, Dialectal English, General English and Informal English
Formal English, Informal English, Spoken English and Non-standard English
Formal English, General English, Informal English and Non-standard English

№ 41.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How many regional pronunciation types exist in Great Britain?
3 types
5 types
6 types
4 types

№ 42.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Consonants may be voiced and voiceless according to…..
The degree of force of articulation
The work of vocal cords
The place of articulation
Tongue position

№ 43.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Acoustically vowels are characterized by …..
Great intensity of their structure
The presence of a strict formant structure
Tone prevails over noise
All answers are correct

№ 44.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How many general phonetic principles of the classification of consonant sounds do you know?

№ 45.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In phonetic comparison we deal with ……
Etic units
Structural emic units
Both emic and epic units
Functional units

№ 46.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is a monophthong?
A complex sound consisting of two vowel elements
A pure vowel sound
A complex sound in the articulation of which the organs of speech change their position
A complex sound consisting of three vowel elements

№ 47.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
According to the position of the lips vowels may be …..
Rounded and unrounded
Close or high
Broad and narrow
Open or low

№ 48.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Do you know the two subsystems of English vowels?
No answer
Acoustic and articulatory features
Monophthongs and diphthongs
The stressed vocalism and the unstressed vocalism

№ 49.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How many basic approaches to the phonological status of English diphthongs?

№ 50.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is a syllable?
Is a wave of loudness characterized by prosodic features such as stress, pitch, sonority and length.
Constitutive functions of syllable or structure.
From the functional point of view a syllable like other phonetic units
Delimitative function, some syllables may occur in initial.

№ 51.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
From the functional point of view a syllable fulfills four functions. What are they?
Constitutive, distinctive, recognitive and delimitative functions
Genuine, secondary, distinctive and dispensable functions
Constitutive, delimitative, accentual and structural functions
Secondary, distinctive, accentual and structural functions

№ 52.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who gave these types of syllables? V, CVG, CV, VC
J. Kramsky
V. A. Vassilyev
G. P. Torsuyev
A.C. Gimson

№ 53.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What languages are regarded as languages of syllable-counting?
Spanish, German and English
Russian, French and Uzbek
English, French and Spanish
English, Russian and Uzbek

№ 54.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is meant by word stress?
It is a accentual structure
Word stress or accent defined as a degree of force
It is a culminative function of word accent
Word stress which have force or dynamic stress or accent

№ 55.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What kind of word is called polysyllabic word?
a word consisting of more than two syllables
a word consisting of more than three syllables
a word consisting of less than three syllables
a word consisting of only one syllable

№ 56.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who emphasized the culminative function of word accent?
N.S. Trubetzkoy
P. Ladefoged
V. A. Vassilyev
A.C. Gimson

№ 57.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is pitch?
is a fundamental frequency of tone
is word accent intensity
is a type of stress
is a degree of word stress

№ 58.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is intonation?
voice pitch or speech melody
the prominence of words or their accent
intonation is an essentualprosodic element of human speech
intonation is a complex combination of speech melody

№ 59.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In how many aspects may intonation be studied?
№ 60.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What type of intonation serves to distinguish the communicative types of sentences?
a distinctive (phonological) function
delimitative function
constitutive function
text-forming function

№ 61.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who distinguishes the five basic functions of speech melody?
R. Nash
M. Romportl
V. A. Vassilyev
A.C. Gimson

№ 62.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is meant by assimilation?
Assimilation is universal process in all languages include the influence of a vowel on a consonant, a consonant on a vowel
Vowel harmony means that the vowel system
Affecting the place of obstruction
Affecting the work of the vocal cords

№ 63.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Combinatory-positional changes are classified into …..
assimilation, accomodation, reduction, elision and others
elision, phoneme, intonation, assimilation and others
accomodation, reduction, stress and others
intonation, elision, assimilation and others

№ 64.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Abduazizov A. Theoretical Phonetics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What types of assimilation may be distinguished according to its degrees?
complete, partial and intermediate
open, mid and high
formal, secondary and constitutive
positional, partial and delimitative
№ 65.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They are found not to change their expressions as much depending on the sex of the persons they speak to…
Gender markers.
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers of female language.

№ 66.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They generally use more polite expressions both to the male and female listeners alike…
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers of female language.
Gender markers.

№ 67.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They generally use more polite expressions when they speak to female friends than to males…
Gender markers.
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers of male language.

№ 68.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Such special colloquial words which are used by most speakers in very and highly informal, substandard communication …
General slang.
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers.
General slang.

№ 69.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Such special colloquial words which are highly emotive and expressive…
General slang.
Gender markers.
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers of male language.

№ 70.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense (“echo – writing”.…
Indirect onomatopoeia.

№ 71.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It aims at attaching logical stress or additional emotional colouring to the surface meaning of the utterance…
Gap-sentence link.
Stylistic Inversion
Individual style.
Functional styles

№ 72.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Expressions of this sort should not be used in serious prose…
Gender marker.
General slang.
Functional stylistics

№ 73.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The overwhelming majority of lexis…
Bookish words.
Special terms.
Neutral words

№ 74.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Find oxymoron:
Nasty blonde
Painful suffering
Dark blue
Adult childhood

№ 75.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
"I could sleep for a year":

№ 76.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A system of interrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means which is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that basically serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader…
Newspaper style.
Belles-lettres style.
Official style.
Publicist style.

№ 77.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Its main aim is to state the conditions binding two parties in an undertaking (the state and the citizen, citizen and citizen, the society and its members, two or more enterprises or bodies, a person and subordinates.…
Newspaper style
Publicist style.
Belles-lettres style.
Official style.

№ 78.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is covering such genres as essay, feature article, most writing of “new journalism”, public speeches, etc. Its general aim is to exert a constant and deep influence on public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that the interpretation given by the writer of the speaker is the only correct one and to cause him to accept the point of view … not merely by logical argumentation, but…
Publicist style.
Newspaper style.
Official style.
Belles-lettres style.

№ 79.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific and academic publications. Its aim is to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose the internal laws of existence, development, relations between different phenomena, etc.
Scientific style.
Newspaper style.
Official style.
Belles-lettres style.

№ 80.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a peculiar interrogative construction which semantically remains a statement; It does not demand any information but serves to express the emotions of the speaker and also serves to call the attention of listeners; makes an indispensable part of oratoric speech for they very successfully emphasise the orator’s ideas….
Rethorical question

№ 81.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A combination of two semantically contradictory notions, that help to emphasise contradictory qualities simultaneously existing in the described phenomenon as a dialectical unity…

№ 82.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A combination of two words (mostly an adjective and a noun or an adverb with an adjective. in which the meanings of the two clash, being opposite in sense…

№ 82.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Its stylistic function is to emphasise both the logical and the ‘emotional meaning’ of the reiterated word (phrase.…
Ordinary repetition.

№ 83.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It serves the purpose of singling out one definite and singular object out of a whole class of similar objects…
Ordinary meaning
Nominal meaning.
Expressive meaning.

№ 84.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is joining two semantically disconnected clauses into one sentence…
Nonsense of non-sequence.
Rhetorical question.
Nominal meaning.

№ 85.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They are not neologisms in the true sense for they are created for special communicative situations only, and are not used beyond these occasions…
Nominal meaning.
Expressive meaning.

№ 86.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a linguistic expression of a logical, pragmatic and aesthetic arrangement of thought…
Nominal meaning.
№ 87.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a reiteration of the structure of several sentences (clauses., and not of their lexical “flesh” almost always includes some type of lexical repetition, and such a convergence produces a very strong effect, foregrounding at one go logical….
Nominal meaning.
Parallel construction.

№ 88.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is an identical or similar, syntactical structure in two or more sentences or parts of a sentence in close succession…
Nominal meaning.
Parallel construction.

№ 89.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a qualifying, explanatory or appositive word, phrase, clause, sentence, or other sequence which interrupts a syntactic construction without otherwise affecting it, having often a characteristic intonation and indicated in writing by commas, brackets or dashes…
Parallel construction.

№ 90.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is using a roundabout form of expression instead of a simpler one…
Parallel construction.

№ 91.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is using a more or less complicated syntactical structure instead of a word…
Parallel construction.

№ 92.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a metaphor that involves likeness between inanimate and animate objects…
Parallel construction.

№ 93.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a metaphor that involves likeness between inanimate and animate objects…
Parallel construction.

№ 94.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
This level includes: onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, graphon…
Graphical level.
Phono-graphical level.
Morphological level.

№ 95.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
This style deals with verbal forms specific for poetry…

№ 96.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is repeated use of conjunctions. It is to strengthen the idea of equal logical/emotive importance of connected sentences…

№ 97.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is the identity of the vowel sound and the following consonant sounds in a stressed syllable (might – right, needless – heedless.…
Full rhyme.
Vowel rhyme.

№ 98.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It shows concordance in consonants and disparity in vowels (worth – forth, tale – tool – Treble – trouble; flung – long.…
Consonant rhyme.
Full rhyme.
Vowel rhyme.

№ 99.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a combination of the ideal metrical scheme and the variations of it, variations which are governed by the standard…
Full rhyme.
Consonant rhyme.
. Rhythm.
Vowel rhyme.

№ 100.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is a flow, movement, procedure, etc. characterised by basically regular recurrence of elements or features, as beat, or accent, in alternation with opposite or different elements or features…
Vowel rhyme.
Full rhyme.
Consosnant rhyme.
. Rhythm.

№ 101.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What levels are tropes and figures organized into?
A. Phonetic, graphical, lexical, syntactical, lexico-syntactic devices
B. Graphical, lexical, syntactical, lexico-syntactic devices.
C. Phonetic, graphical, lexical devices.
D. Phonetic, graphical, lexical, grammatical devices.
№ 102.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which ones are not terms to denote particular means by which utterances are fore grounded?
Stylistic markers.
Expressive means.
Stylistic means.
№ 103.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How many styles does Galperin distinguish in present-day English?
A. 6
B. 4
C. 3
D. 5
№ 104.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is not a part of newspaper style by Galperin?
Emotive prose
Advertisements and Announcements.
The Editorial.

№ 105.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who insists on the validity of the ‘newspaper style’ theory?
№ 106.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In the handbook by Morokhovsky, Vorobyova, Likhosherst the following classification of style is given:
Official business style; scientific – professional style; publicistic style; literary
colloquial style; familiar colloquial style
Official business style; scientific – professional style; publicistic style; literary
colloquial style.
Official; scientific; artistic; publicistic; of daily intercourse (=colloquial..
Belles lettres; publicistic style; newspapers; scientific prose; official documents.
№ 107.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is Galperin’s classification?
Belles lettres; publicistic style; newspapers; scientific prose; official documents
Official business style; scientific – professional style; publicistic style; literary
colloquial style.
Poetic style; scientific style; newspaper style; colloquial style.
Official; scientific; artistic; publicistic; of daily intercourse (=colloquial..
What is Galperin’s classification?

№ 108.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What styles of language does Kozhina list?
Official; scientific; artistic; publicistic; of daily intercourse (=colloquial..
Official business style; scientific – professional style; publicistic style; literary
colloquial style.
Poetic style; scientific style; newspaper style; colloquial style.
Belles lettres; publicistic style; newspapers; scientific prose; official documents.

№ 109.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What style is the style of reporting and conveying serious scientific idea?

№ 110.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What style has brevity of expression, strong logic, strict organization of syntactical structure and a wide system of syntactical connection belong to?
№ 111.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A part of what style is newspaper style considered to be?
№ 112.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The basic function of what style is informative and aesthetic?
A. Belles-lettres.
B. Poetic.
C. Publicistic.
D. Colloquial.
№ 113.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What word demonstrates the maximum of aesthetic value?

№ 114.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words are also stylistically heterogeneous?
№ 115.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words are either formal synonyms of ordinary neutral words?

№ 116.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words originally borrowed from a foreign language?
Special terms

№ 117.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
New creations?
Special terms

№ 118.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words used in special (professional) spheres?
Special terms.
№ 119.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Colloquial words which demonstrate the minimal degree of stylistic degradation?
Special terms.

№ 120.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words which appear in professional or social groups as informal?
Special terms.
№ 121.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words which are considered too offensive for polite usage?
Special terms.

№ 122.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words and phrases the lexical meanings of which have nothing indecent or on the whole, improper about them?
Stylistic vulgarisms
Special terms.
№ 123.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words of general use, possessing no specific stylistic reference?
Special terms.
Neutral words
Stylistic vulgarisms.
№ 124.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words don’t belong to the group of colloquial words?
Bookish words

№ 125.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words belong to the group of literary words?
Bookish words

№ 126.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is a word or phrase used as the name of something, especially one that
connected with a particular subject or used in a particular type of language?
№ 127.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words which are used in poetry?
№ 128.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words are in the stage of gradually passing out of general use?
A. Obsolescent.
B. Archaic proper.
C. Term.
D. Vulgarism.

№ 129.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words have already gone completely out of use but are still recognized by the English-speaking community?
Archaic proper.

№ 130.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Words which are no longer recognizable in modern English, words that were in use in Old English and which have either dropped out of the language entirely or have changed in their appearance so much that they have become unrecognizable?
Archaic proper.
№ 131.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They are not registered by English dictionaries, except in a kind of addenda?
Archaic proper.
№ 132.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They are not registered by English dictionaries, except in a kind of addenda?
Archaic proper.

№ 133.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is a coinage?
It is the terminological borrowing.
It is the aging process when the word becomes rarely used.
It is the category of obsolescent words.
It is a newly invented word or phrase.

№ 134.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What are obsolete words?
It is the category of obsolescent words.
It is the aging process when the word becomes rarely used.
It is the second group of archaic words.
It is the terminological borrowing.
№ 135.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A group of words that exists in almost every language and whose aim is to preserve secrecy within one or another social group?
№ 136.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A deviation from the established norm at the level of the vocabulary of the language?

№ 137.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The words used in a definite trade, profession or calling by people connected by common interests both at work and at home?

№ 138.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The words which in the process of integration of the English national language remained beyond its literary boundaries, and their use is generally confined to a definite locality?
Dialectal words
№ 139.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Expletives and swear words which are of an abusive character?

№ 140.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Nonce-words of a colloquial nature?
Colloquial Coinages.
№ 141.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Two negative words in a sentence …
Continuous infinitive passive.
Double negative.
Dialectical words.
№ 142.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The construction whereby a passive infinitive directly follows a passive verb…
Double negative.
Continuous infinitive passive.
Double passive.
Dialectical words.
№ 143.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The ’s construction after the of-construction…
Double possessive
Continuous infinitive passive.
Double passive.
Dialectical words.
№ 144.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
“A stopping short for rhetorical effect” …
Apokoinu constructions.
№ 145.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A special type of predicate which presents a crossing of two predicates – a verbal
Continuous infinitive passive.
Double predicate.
predicate and a nominal predicate…
Double negative.
Double passive.

№ 146.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It combines the features of two different types of predicate: the simple verbal
predicate, expressed by a notional verb denoting an action or process performed by the person/non-person expressed by the subject, and the compound nominal
predicate, expressed by a noun or an adjective which denotes the properties of the subject in the same way as the predicative of the compound nominal predicate proper does…
Double predicate.
Continuous infinitive passive.
Double passive.
Double negative.
№ 147.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A deliberate omission of at least one member of the sentence …
Double negative.
Double passive.
Double predicate.
№ 148.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Omission of certain members of the sentence …
Double negative.
Double passive.
Double predicate.
№ 149.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is one of typical phenomena in conversation …
Double negative
Double passive.
Double predicate.
№ 150.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Materialises a concept in the word, but, unlike logical meaning, it has reference not directly to things or phenomena of objective reality, but to the feelings and
emotions of the speaker towards these thighs or to his emotions as such…
Emotional meaning
Scientific meaning.
Continuous infinitive passive.
Bookish meaning.

№ 151.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It bears reference to things, phenomena or ideas through a kind of evaluation of
them ...
Bookish meaning.
Continuous infinitive passive.
Scientific meaning.
Continuous infinitive.
№ 152.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Materialises a concept in the word, but, unlike logical meaning, it has reference not directly to things or phenomena of objective reality, but to the feelings and emotions of the speaker towards these thighs or to his emotions as such…
Bookish meaning.
Scientific meaning.
Stylistic meaning.
Continuous infinitive
№ 153.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It has function to reveal the subjective, evaluating attitude of the writer to the things or events spoken of …
Continuous infinitive passive.
Scientific meaning.
Connotative meaning.
Bookish meaning.
№ 154.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
An evident increase in the volume of the corresponding concepts...
Quantitative climax.
Logical climax.
Emotive climax

№ 155.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
SD by which separate things, objects, phenomena, properties, actions are named one by one so that they produce a chain …
Bookish meaning
Continuous infinitive.
Emotive meaning.

№ 156.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
An extended simile, sustained expression of likeness…
Scientific meaning.
Epic simile.
Bookish meaning.
№ 157.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What words are employed in non-official everyday communication?
№ 158.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
SD akin to a proverb, the only difference being that epigrams are coined by individuals whose names we know, while proverbs are the coinage of the people …
Bookish meaning.

№ 159
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A terse, witty, pointed statement, showing the ingenious turn of mind of the originator …
Bookish meaning.
№ 160
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The end of successive sentences (clauses. is repeated…
Bookish meaning.
№ 161
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The main stylistic function of it is to add stress to the final words of the sentence…
Bookish meaning.
№ 162
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Foregrounding the emotive meaning of the word to suppress its denotational meaning…
Bookish meaning.
№ 163
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is the most widely used lexical SD …
Bookish meaning.
№ 164
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
It is the most widely used lexical SD …
Emotive meaning
Bookish meaning.
№ 165
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2

A stylistic device based on the interplay of emotive and in an attributive word, phrase or even sentence, used to characterise and object and pointing out to the reader, and frequently imposing on him, some of the properties or features of the object with the aim of giving an individual perception and evaluation of these features or properties…
Emotive meaning
Bookish meaning.
№ 166
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
This stylistic device structurally there should be differentiated: single, pairs, chains or strings, two-step structures, inverted constructions, phrase-attributes …
Emotive meaning
Bookish meaning.
№ 167
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A sense of ease and comfort in pronouncing or hearing…
Bookish meaning.
Emotive meaning
№ 168
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
They are phonetic, morphological, word-building, lexical, phraseological and syntactical forms which exist in language-as-a-system for the purpose of logical and/or emotional intensification of the utterance…
Bookish meaning.
Emotive meaning
№ 169
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Use of words in contextual and very often in more than one , or at least greatly influenced by the lexical environment …
Features of newspaper style.
Features of belles-lettres style.
Bookish meaning.

№ 170
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A vocabulary which will reflect to a greater or lesser degree of author's personal evaluation of things or phenomena…
Features of belles-lettres style.
Features of newspaper style.
Bookish meaning.
№ 171
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A peculiar individual selection of vocabulary and syntax, a kind of lexical and syntactical idiosyncrasy…
Bookish meaning.
Features of newspaper style.
Features of belles-lettres style.

№ 172
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The introduction of the typical features of colloquial language to a full degree (in plays. or a lesser one (in emotive prose. or a slight degree, if any (in poems.—
Features of newspaper style.
Bookish meaning.
Features of belles-lettres style.
№ 173
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Individual, distinctive properties, aesthetic-cognitive effect…
Features of newspaper style
. Features of belles-lettres style.
Bookish meaning.

№ 174
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Alleges and claims, restrictions of time and space…
Features of belles-lettres style.
Features of newspaper style.
Bookish meaning.

№ 175
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Special political and economic terms, non-term political vocabulary, newspaper clichés, abbreviations, neologisms…
Features of belles-lettres style.
Features of publicist style
Features of newspaper style.

№ 176.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. I.R. Galperin. English Sylistics.

It deals with sets, “paradigms” (known as functional styles. of language units of all ةlevels of language hierarchy serving to accommodate the needs of certain typified communicative situations(Prague School.…

Metaphoric periphrasis.
Functional style.
Functional stylistics

№ 177
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
It is dealing in fact with all the subdivisions of the language and all its possible
usages, is the most all-embracing “global” trend in style study…
Metaphoric periphrasis.
Functional style.
Functional stylistics

№ 178
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3

It is at large and its specified directions proceed from the situationally stipulated language “paradigms” and concentrate primarily on the analysis of the latter …

Metaphoric periphrasis.
Functional style.
Functional stylistics

№ 179.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
A way of connecting two sentences Seemingly unconnected and leaving it to the reader’s perspicacity to grasp the idea implied, but not worded…
Gap-sentence link.
Metaphoric periphrasis.
Functional style.
Functional stylistics
№ 180.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.
It is generally indicated by andor but…
Functional style. Metaphoric periphrasis.
Gap-sentence link
Functional stylistics

№ 181.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

They choose from different expressions, depending on whom they are talking to…
Gender markers.
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers of female language.
№ 182
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.
Such special colloquial words which are used by most speakers in very and highly informal, substandard communication …
General slang.
Gender markers.
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers of male language.
Gender markers of female language.

№ 183.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Such special colloquial words which are highly emotive and expressive…
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers.
General slang.
Gender markers of male language.
Gender markers of female language.
№ 184.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.
Such special colloquial words which lose their originality rather fast and are replaced by newer formations, unstable, fluctuating, tending to expanded synonymity within certain lexico-semantic groups …
Gap-sentence link.
Gender markers.
General slang.
Gender markers of male language.
Gender markers of female language.

№ 185
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

It refers our mind to relations between words or to some forms of words or
constructions bearing upon their structural functions in the language-as-a-system
Gender marker.
Grammatical meaning
Gender marker of male language.
Gender marker of female language.

№ 186
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Intentional violation of the graphical shape of a word (or word combination. Used to reflect its authentic pronunciation, to recreate the individual and sociaححeculiarities of the speaker, the atmosphere of the communication act…
Grammatical meaning.
Gender marker.
General slang.
Gender marker of female language.
№ 187
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

It is the contradiction between the said and implied…


№ 188
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского

языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Such special colloquial words which stand close to slang, also being substandard,

expressive and emotive, but, unlike slang are used by limited groups of people,
united either professionally or socially…
Special terms.
Bookish words.

№ 189.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

They serve to satisfy communicative demands of official, scientific, high poetry and

poetic messages, authorial speech of creative prose…
Scientific words.
Poetic words.
Publicistic words.
Colloquial words.
Literary words.

№ 190.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

It is a construction with two negations…


№ 191.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

A phrase synonymic with the words which were substituted by

because the direct nomination of the not too elegant feature of appearance was substituted by a roundabout description…
Logical periphrasis.
Direct meaning.
Logical comparison.

№ 192
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

Repetition of a morpheme, both root and affixational, to emphasise and promote it…
Morphemic repetition.

№ 193

Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

The overwhelming majority of lexis…

Special terms.
Bookish words.
Neutral words.

№ 194.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

A stylistic device in which emphasis is achieved through deliberate exaggeration…

Grammatical meaning.
Gender marker.
Group possessive.

№ 195.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

It does not signify the actual state of affairs in reality, but presents the latter through the emotionally coloured perception and rendering of the speaker…
through the emotionally coloured perception and rendering of the speaker…
Gender marker.

№ 196.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

A deliberate overstatement or exaggeration of a feature essential (unlikeperiphrasis. to the object or phenomenon…
Gender marker.

№ 197.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

It is a device which sharpens the reader’s ability to make a logical assessment of the utterance…
Gender marker..
№ 198
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.
A combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an
echo of its sense (“echo – writing”.…
Indirect onomatopoeia.

№ 199
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

A unique combination of language units, expressive means and stylistic devices
peculiar to a given writer, which makes that writer’s works or even utterances
easily recognizable…
Functional styles.
Individual style.
Gap-sentence link.
Functional stylistics
№ 200.
Manba: 4-kurs. O‘rganilayotgan til nazariy aspektlari. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. Chapter V. 32-§.

It deals with problems, concerning the choice of the most appropriate language

means and their organization into a message, from the viewpoint of the
Gap-sentence link.
Individual style.
Functional styles.
Functional stylistics

Ingliz tili va adabiyoti kafedra mudiri: Z. R.Narmuratov

Ingliz tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi o’qituvchisi: N.Madalov
Ingliz tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi o’qituvchi : F.Xayitova

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