The Central Asian Heritage Group

o'siq: overgrown, grown out or long. ~  qamish long, tall reed.  o'siqcha

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o'siq: overgrown, grown out or long. ~ 
qamish long, tall reed. 
o'siqcha: s. o'simta. 
o'siqlik: abstr. of ~lik darajasi degree 
of growth. 
o'sir-: v.i.  to fart. [o'sirish-, o'sirtir-] 
o'siriq: fart. 
o'sma 1: ?? [us'ma] (plant from which 
a kohl-like substance is prepared); 
mascara made from this plant. 
o'sma 2: tumor. 
o'smali: lined with o'sma. 
o'smir: youth, young teenager (app. 
12-16 yrs. old). 
o'smirlik: youth. 
o'smoqchila-: v.i.  to feign ignorace, to 
play the fool (to discover information 
from s.o. else). 
o'smoqla- rare: s. o'smoqchila-. 
o'spirin: boy, young man. 
o'spirinlik: youth, childhood. 
o'stir-: v.t.  caus. of o's-; to grow, to 
raise. [o'stiril-] 
o'suvchan: fast-growing. 
o'suvchanlik: abstr. of o'suvchan. 
o't 1: fire. ~ chiqdi fire broke out. ~ 
qo'y- to light a fire; to set fire to. ~ 
bilan suvdek like fire and water. ~ ol- 
to catch fire, to blaze up. ~ chiqqanday 
said when s.t. heroic is performed by 
an unlikely person. ~ga kerosin sep- to 
pour kerosine on a fire. o'zini ~ga 
(ham) suvga/~ och- to open fire. ~ 
ochish nuqtasi weapon emplacement. ~ 
oldir- to light, to ignite. ~ o'chir- to 
extinguish a fire. ~ o'chirish komandasi 
fire brigade, firefighting team. ~ yigit 
fiery young man. ~iga kuy- to grieve 
for. ~dek kuy- to suffer greatly. 
o't 2: grass, herbs. 
o't 3: bile, gall; gall bladder. ~i yorildi 
to be scared nearly to death. 
o't- v.i.,: v.t.  to pass (by, through, 
over, from, to), to go through; to pass 
by, to go by, to be over (time); to move 
(to, on), to go, to transfer; to travel; to 
cut through (knife); to cross; to 
surpass, to exceed; to be felt, to affect, 
to influence, to hurt; (+yorib ~- to split 
through. yog'ib ~- to rain and then pass 
on. kechib ~- to pass through. kirib ~- 
to stop by. ko'rib ~- to take a look at, to 
look through. Esiga solib ~- to remind 
(in passing). to'xta(li)b ~- to pause on, 
to discuss. uchib ~- to fly through or 
by. uqdirib ~- to emphasize. ko'z 
yumib ~- to close one's eyes (for s.t.). 
qayd Etib ~- to mention, to point out. 
qochib ~- to run off to, to escape to. 
olamdan ~- to pass away, to die. 
jon-jonidan ~- to hurt deeply. 
birovning qo'lidan ~- to pass out of 
one's hands, to no longer be in one's 
control. bir qoshiq qonidan ~- to 
pardon, to spare the life of. inobatga ~- 
to be worthy of notice. kuni ~adi to get 
by. ko'zi ~maydi His eyes cannot see 
(well). nomeri ~madi His trick didn't 
work. yuzidan ~- to be disrespectful of. 
o'zingizdan ~ar gap yo'q You know all 
there is to know. chuv ~maydigan 
plashchh waterproof raincoat. nur 
~maydigan muhit medium impervious 
to light. ~gan yil last year. ~gan kuni 
the other day. 19-yanvarga ~ar kechasi 
the night of January 18th. boshqa ishga 
~ish munosabati bilan on the occasion 
of transferring to another job. gapdan 
ishga ~- to switch from talk to action. 
fikrim ~di my idea was accepted. 
undan go'sht ~maydi He can't digest 
meat. ~maydigan mol goods which do 
not sell well. uning ota-bobosi ham 
ishchi ~gan His ancestors were also 
laborers. mendan ~di It was my fault. 
unga hech gap ~di Nothing you say to 
him has any effect. sendan kaltak ham 
~maydi Even hitting has no effect on 
you. mendan unga yuz so'm ~di He 
borrowed 100 soum from me. 
~maydigan pul invalid money. ~inglar! 
Come visit! bunisi ~ib tushdi That 
went well. undan ~ar kishi yo'q No one 
surpasses him. [o'til-, o'tkaz-, o'tkazil-, 
o'tkazish-o'tkiz-, o'tkizil-, o'tkizish-, 
o'tqiz-, o'tqizdir-, o'tqizil-, o'tqizish-] 
o't-alaf: (all kinds of) grasses. 
o't-dalali: grassland/crop rotation. ~ 
dehqonchilik sistemasi grassland/crop 
rotation agricultural system. ~ 
almashlab ekish rotation of grassland 
and crops. 
o't-o'lan: grasses. 
o't-olov: fire and flame, flames; fiery. 
o'ta-: v.t.  to carry out (duty), to serve 
as. [o'tal-, o'tat-, o'tash-] 
o'ta-: v.t.  to weed. [o'tal-, o'tat-, 
o'ta: impf. form of ~ ko'rinadigan 

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o'tacha rare: s. o'taketgan. 
o'taka: ~si yoril- to be frightened 
nearly to death. 
o'taketgan: uncommon, extreme, quite 
o'tar-o'tmas: no sooner had... gone by 
that..., within. bir yil ~ turmush qurdik 
We were married within a year. 
o'tar: herd of sheep. 
o'tgan-ketgan: passing by; bygone, 
dead and gone. ~lar passersby; those 
who have passed on. 
o'tgan: past. part. of ~ zamon past 
time; past tense. 
o'timli: transitive. 
o'timsiz: intransitive. 
o'tin-: v.i.  to plead, to beg. 
o'tin-cho'p: firewood, kindling. 
o'tin: firewood. ~ yor- to chop 
o'tinch: plea, entreaty. 
o'tinchi: woodcutter, seller and 
gatherer of firewood. 
o'tinfurush: firewood-seller. 
o'tinkash: s. o'tinchi. 
o'tinkashlik: abstr. of o'tinkash; 
firewood collection. 
o'tinxona: firewood shed. 
o'tir-: v.i.  to sit; to get on (transport), 
to ride; to occupy a position; to stay, to 
live; to settle; to suit, to fit; (after 
V+(i)b) denotes continuous action, 
e.g., nima qilib ~ibsan? What are you 
doing? sizdan so'rab ~armidik? Would 
we be sitting here asking you? uyda ~- 
to stay at home. poezdga ~- to get on, 
to take the train. turmada ~- to lie in 
prison. [o'tiril-, o'tirish-, o'tirt-, 
o'tirg'ich: seat.o'tirik arch.lie.o'tirik 
o'tirish: v.n. of o'tir-; party, gathering, 
o'tish: v.n. of o't-; crossing; mutual 
o'tkar-: s. o'tkaz-. 
o'tkaz-: v.t.  caus. of bir-biridan ~ to 
outdo one another. muhokamadan ~- to 
subject to discussion. tirikchilik ~- to 
get by. temir yo'l ~- to build a railway. 
[o'tkazdir-, o'tkazil-, o'tkazish-] 
o'tkazgich: conductor. 
o'tkazuvchan: conductive, conducting. 
o'tkazuvchanlik: conductivity. 
o'tkinchi: passerby; passing, transitory. 
o'tkir: sharp; moving, effective, 
o'tkirla-: v.t.  to sharpen. [o'tkirlan-, 
o'tkirlash-: v.i.  to become sharp, to 
sharpen. [o'tkirlashtir-] 
o'tkirlik: sharpness; effectiveness
o'tla-: v.i.  to graze; to digress. 
[o'tlatil-, o'tlat-, o'tlash-] 
o'tli 1: fiery; passionate, impassioned. 
o'tli 2: grassy. 
o'tli-shudli: energetic; capable. 
o'tloq: pasture. 
o'tlov: s. o'tloq. 
o'tmas: dull, not sharp. ~ burchak 
obtuse angle. ~ mol slow-moving or 
non-selling item. fikri ~ dull-witted. 
o'tmaslan-: v.i.  to become dull. 
o'tmaslash-: v.i.  s. o'tmaslan-. 
aqlini/zehnni/fikrni o'tmaslashtir- to 
dull the mind. [o'tmaslashtir-] 
o'tmaslik: dullness. 
o'tmish: the past. 
o'tog'asi: leader, elder. 
o'toq 1: weeding. 
o'toq 2: surpassing, superior. 
o'tov: yurt. ~ tik- to set up a yurt. oy ~ 
tikibdi The moon has rings around it. 
o'tparast: fire worshipper. 
o'tparastlik: fire-worship. 
o'tqaz-: v.t.  caus. of ~gani jo'y 
topmadi to treat well. boshga ~- to 
honor, to treat with great respect; to 
appoint the head of. [o'tqazdir-o'tqazil-, 
o'troq: settled. 
o'troqlash-: v.i.  to become settled. 
o'tsochar: flame-thrower. 
o'ttiz: thirty. 
o'ttizinchi: thirtieth. 
o'ttiztacha: around thirty. 
o'txo'r: grass-loving (animal). 
o'txona: firebox. 
o'tzor: grassland, pasture. 
o'tzorlik: s. o'tzor. 
o'xchi-: v.i.  to gag, to retch. [o'xchit-, 
o'xchiq: gagging noise. ~i tutdi to feel 
like gagging. 
o'xsha-: v.i.  to resemble, to look or be 
like; to seem like; to turn out well. 
[o'xshal-, o'xshat-, o'xshatil-] 
o'xshash: v.n. of o'xsha-; similar, 
same, identical. 
o'xshashlik: similarity. 
o'xshashsiz: incomparable, matchless. 
o'xshat-: v.t.  caus. of o'xsha-; to liken, 
to consider similar to; to do well, to do 
a good job of. [o'xshatil-] 
o'xshatish: v.n. of o'xshat-; likening, 
comparison, analogy. 
o'xshatma: s. o'xshatish. 
o'xshovsiz: unsightly, ugly; 
o'y-: v.t.  to gouge out, to carve out, to 
hollow out, to scoop out; to bore 
through; to pinch hard; to engrave, to 
etch, to chisel. ~ib ol- to put in one's 
place, to tell off. [o'ydir-, o'ydiril-, 
o'y: thought; intention; aptitude, 
smarts. ~iga et- to decide, to come to a 
conclusion. ~ sur- to ponder. 
o'ychan: pensive; tranquil. 
o'ychanlik: pensiveness; peacefulness, 
o'ychi: thoughtful, pensive. 
o'ydim-chuqur: s. o'nqir-cho'nqir. 
o'ydim-chuqurlik: s. o'nqir-cho'nqirlik. 
o'yin-kulgi: fun and games
o'yin-mazax: fun and joking. 
o'yin: game, playing; dance; 
entertainment, fun; joke, joking. loy ~i 

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playing with mud, making mud pies. ~ 
buzuqi spoilsport, sourpuss. ~ga tush- 
to dance. ~ tush- to prance, to dance 
about. ~ qil- to play a game, to play 
around, to joke around. 
o'yinboz: merrymaker. 
o'yinchi: dancer; player; playful. 
o'yinchiq: s. o'yinchoq. 
o'yinchoq: toy, plaything. 
o'yinqaroq: (child) constantly at 
play.o'yinxona coll.playhouse, theater. 
o'yiq: hollowed out, gouged out, 
grooved; hollow place, pit. 
o'yla-: v.t.  to think (of, about), to 
consider. ~b top- to figure out. ~lab 
chiqar- to think of, to make up. 
~b-netib o'tirmay to do s.t. w/o sitting 
and thinking about it. [o'ylan-, 
o'ylantir-, o'ylat-, o'ylattir-, o'ylash-] 
o'ylamsira-: v.i.  to appear to be 
thinking; to fall into thought. 
o'ylan-: v.i.  reflex. of o'yla-; to 
ponder, to consider, to reflect on, to be 
deep in thought. [o'ylantir-] 
o'ylashimcha: in my way of thinking, 
the way I think. 
o'yma: hollowed out, gouged out; 
carved, engraved; stamped, printed. 
o'ymakor: engraver; engraved, etched, 
o'ymakorlik: engraving, carving; abstr. 
of o'ymakor. 
o'ymala-: v.t.  to make pitted, full of 
holes; to pinch, to tweak (hard, over 
and over). 
o'ymoq 1: pit, cavity.o'ymoq 2 
dial.thimble (s. angishvona). 
o'yna-: v.t.  to play; to dance; to play 
with, to cajole, to joke with; to jump or 
prance about, to move about; to move, 
to vibrate, to be loose. qalliq ~- to meet 
secretly with one's fiancee. [o'ynal-, 
o'ynat-, o'ynatil-, o'ynash-] 
o'ynash- v.t.,: v.i.  coop. of o'yna-; to 
have an affair with. 
o'ynash: v.n. of o'yna-; lover. 
o'ynashlik: s. o'ynash. 
o'ynoq: playful, dashing, lively. 
o'ynoqi: playful, frisky, lively; 
invigorating; loose, licentious; 
o'ynoqilik: playfulness, liveliness; 
looseness licentiousness. 
o'ynoqla-: v.t.  to frisk or dash about; 
to be flirtatious. [o'ynoqlan-, 
o'ynoqlat-, o'ynoqlash-] 
o'ynovchi: player, dancer. 
o'yuvchi: active part. of o'y-; caustic. 
o'z-: v.t.  to surpass, to outstrip; to 
carry on, to continue. kim ~di o'yna- to 
race. [o'zdir-] 
o'z: own; self. ~ uyim my own house. 
~im myself. ~ boshiga by himself. ~ 
so'zli resolute, steadfast, immovable. 
~-~iga to oneself. ~-~idan by itself. 
~-~idan ma'lum self-evident. ~-~icha 
(de-) (to say) to o.s. ~iga kel- to come 
to o.s. again, to pull o.s. together, to be 
one's old self again; to understand a 
problem correctly. ~iga ol- to take 
offense at. ~iga-~i qil- to do s.t. to o.s. 
~ida yo'q extremely, out of one's head 
with (e.g., happiness). ~idan ket- to 
pass out. ~ingizdan o'tar gap yo'q 
There's nothing that you don't know 
about. ~ini-~i eb qo'y- toe eaten up (by 
grief, etc.). ~ini qo'lga ol- to get control 
of o.s. ~ qo'li bilan by his own hands. 
~ingiz bilasiz It's up to you., As you 
like. ~ini bos-/~ini yo'qotib qo'y- to 
lose control of o.s., to lose one's head. 
~icha just like it is, just the way it was; 
in one's own way; on one's own, for no 
reason. nega kelding? -~im Why did 
you come? - No special reason. bu 
nima ~i? What is this thing? ~i nima 
gap? What is the matter/story? o'sha 
kunning ~ida that very day. ~ ixtiyori 
It's up to him. 
o'zag'on: swift, fleet (outstripping all 
o'zak: core, pith; root, origin. 
o'zakdosh: (word) from a common 
o'zan: channel, riverbed. 
o'zaro: common, shared, private. ~ gap 
private matter. 
o'zbek: Ozbek, Uzbek. 
o'zbekcha: Ozbek (language, etc.). 
o'zbekchala-: v.i.  to speak in Ozbek. 
o'zbekchasiga: in Ozbek language or 
fashion. ~ bu narsaning oti nima? What 
do you call this thing in Ozbek? 
o'zbekchilik: Ozbek customs, ways of 
doing things, "Ozbek stuff". 
o'zbeklik: Ozbekness. 
o'zbelgilash: self-determination. 
o'zbilarmon: know-it-all. 
o'zbilarmonlik: willfulness. 
o'zboshimcha: willful, self-willed. 
o'zboshimchalik: license, willfulness, 
arbitrariness; unconstrained or 
unprincipled behavior or goings-on. 
o'zg'ir: fast, fleet (outstripping others); 
foremost, leading. 
o'zga: strange; stranger; other, 
different. undan ~ in addition, 
o'zgacha: different, in a different way. 
~ (qilib) aytganda to put it in other 
words. ~ bir hodisa unique occurrence. 
o'zgalik: difference, distinction. 
o'zgar-: v.i.  to change. [o'zgarish-, 
o'zgart-, o'zgartir-, o'zgartiril-, 
o'zgartirish-, o'zgartish-] 
o'zgarish: v.n. of o'zgar-; change. 
o'zgarishsiz: w/o change. 
o'zgarmas: unchanging, constant. ~ tok 
direct current. ~ miqdor (math) 
o'zgartirish: change, alteration. 
o'zgaruvchan: variable, shifting, 
changing, fluctuating, alternating. ~ tok 
alternating current. ~ yulduzlar 
variable stars. ~ havo changing 
o'zgaruvchanlik: changeableness; 
inconstancy, variability. 
o'zgaruvchi: variable, changing. ~ 
miqdor (math) variable. 
o'zibo'larchilik: indifference, 
unconcern. ~ yo'li bilan unconcernedly, 
apathetically. ishni ~ka tashla- to let 
s.t. go its own way. 
o'zishmachoq: race, competition. 
o'zishuv: v.n. of o'zish-; race, 
o'ziyurar: self-propelled. ~ shassi 
tractor on which various pieces of farm 
machinery can be mounted ?? 
[samoxodnoe wassi]. 

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o'zlash-: v.i.  to feel close to, to get 
along with; to be understood, to be 
assimilated. [o'zlashtir-, o'zlashtiril-] 
o'zlashtir-: v.t.  caus. of o'zlash-; to 
master, to grasp, to assimilate; to take 
for o.s., to appropriate. [o'zlashtiril-] 
o'zlashtirish: v.n. of o'zlashtir-; 
assimilation, mastery; opening (of 
barren lands). 
o'zlashtirma gap: indirect speech. 
o'zlashtirmovchi: incomprehending, 
not making progress (in studies). 
o'zlashtiruvchi: v.n. of o'zlashtir-; 
making progress (in studies). 
o'zlik: self. ~ nisbati reflexive voice. ~ 
olmoshi reflexive pronoun. 
o'zog'(i) yili: the year before last. 
o: Oh!; Ah!; Oh-oh! 
ob pref.: (Persian) water: used in 
constructions such as ~i diyda, ~i 
yovg'on, etc.; amalgam, silvering (paint 
used on the back of a mirror). ~ bo'l- to 
become soggy. ~ ber- to paint (with 
ob'ekt: (Russian) object; objective; 
establishment, works. qurilish ~i 
construction works. harbiy ~ military 
ob'ektiv: (Russian) objective. 
ob'ektivist: (Russian) objectivist. 
ob'ektivizm: (Russian) objectivism; 
ob'ektivlik: objectivity. 
oba: (Persian) embroidered design with 
straight edges. 
obaki 1: (Persian) a type of grape. 
obaki 2: (Persian) s. obakidandon. 
obakidandon: (Persian) a type of sugar 
obba: Hey-hey! My-my!; Aw! For 
crying out loud!obbaholam 
coll.perhaps, possibly, it could be. 
obbo 1: Hey-hey! My-my!; Oh! 
obbo 2 final o long: word used as a 
lullaby. ~ qil Go to sleep. ~ ayt- to lull 
a baby to sleep. 
obbola-: v.t.  to lull a baby to sleep 
saying "obbo." 
obdan: really (well); very (much); 
thoroughly, soundly, all the way. ~ 
savala- to give a sound licking. ~ to'y- 
to be completely full. 
obdasta: (Persian) ewer for washing 
the hands and face. ~ samovar a local, 
ewer-shaped style of samovar. ~ tut- to 
hold the ewer for s.o. to wash 
themselves. puchuq ~ half-witted 
obdastagardon: (Persian) a method for 
catching a thief in which a string is tied 
around the neck of a ewer full of water, 
the ewer is spun around, prayers are 
recited, and whoever the spout of the 
ewer is pointing towards when it stops 
is considered the thief. 
obdira-: v.i.  to sit blankly, to be dazed, 
vacant. [obdirash-]obdish dial.tea 
obdor: obs. (Persian) clear, shiny, 
bright; beautiful, beaming; fine, sharp, 
ornate (knife); daubed with poison 
(arrow).obdov coll.slope (of a roof). 
obed coll.: (Russian) lunch; lunchtime 
(= ~ vaqti). ~ qil- to have lunch. ~dan 
keyin in the afternoon. ~lash- to have 
lunch together. 
obelisk: (Russian) obelisk. 
obgardon: (Persian) a large ladle used 
by cooks. 
obi 1: (Persian) s. oba. 
obi 2: (Persian) excess in weight of a 
loaf of bread over that of flour used; 
profit made from using false 
obi-diyda: (Persian) tears. ~ qil- to 
shed tears. 
obi-havo: (Persian) weather. ~ byurosi 
the weather bureau. 
obi-hayot: (Persian) the water of life
(life-giving) water. 
obi-novvot: (Persian) a sweet type of 
apricot; a type of melon. 
obi-otash: (Persian) rules, ins and outs 
(esp. of cooking s.t.). 
obi-rahmat: (Persian) blessed water, 
water which falls as a blessing. 
obi-ravon 1: (Persian) running water; 
bountiful; bountiousness. 
obi-ravon 2 dial.: (Persian) a type of 
thin printed cloth. 
obi-taom: (Persian) food, victuals; 
dishes; first and second courses. 
obi-tob: (Persian) point of readiness. 
~iga kel- to ripen, to be ready. 
obi-yovg'on: soup without meat or fat; 
meagre food in general. 
obi-zamzam: (Persian) water from the 
well of Zamzam in Mecca. 
obid: obs. (Arabic) devout worshipper. 
obida 1: obs. (Arabic) fem. of obid. 
obida 2: (Arabic) monument, 
gravestone; archeological relic. 

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