The Central Asian Heritage Group

yuragi ~di to have one's  heart jump.  shoqul

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 yuragi ~di to have one's 
heart jump. 
shoqul: plumb (line). 
shosh-: v.i.  to rush, to hurry, to be in a 
hurry; to get excited, hasty, or 
apprehensive. ~ma hali/hali ~ma Hold 
on a second, Don't get excited. 
~a-pisha/~gan(i)cha/~ib-pishib in a 
hurry or rush, hastily. [shoshil-, 
shoshiltir-, shoshtir-] 
shoshilinch: urgent, pressing; hastily, 
in a rush; rush, hurry. 
shoshilish: v.n. of ~ yordam 
emergency aid. ~ ravishda urgently, 
shoshir-: v.t.  caus. of shosh-; to hurry, 
to rush; to surprize; to fluster, to alarm, 
to bewilder. [shoshirish-] 
shoshma-shoshar: hasty, hurried, 
shoshma-shosharlik: hastiness, 
shoshqaloq: s. wowma-wowar. 
shoshqaloqla-: v.i.  to hurry, to rush, to 
be hasty or uncareful. 
shoshqin: rushing; quick, hasty. 

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shoshqinlik: abstr. of 
shoshqin.shoshqoq coll. dial.hasty, 
rash, jumpy. 
shosse: (Russian) high road; surfaced 
shosupa: (Persian) large supa.shotara 
shoterak bot.: (Persian) Lombardy 
poplar (s. mirzaterak). 
shoti: body of a cart; shaft of a cart; 
(dial.) ladder. 
shotikapa atlas: a type of xon atlas. 
shotir: (Arabic) horse-holder, running 
attendant (of khan or high official); 
footman, lackey. 
shotland: (Russian) Scot, Scotsman. 
shotlandka: (Russian) Scottish 
woman.shotut bot.purple mulberry. 
shov-shuv: noise, ruckus, commotion
noises, rumors. 
shov-shuvli: noisy. 
shov-shuvsiz: noiseless, quiet.shov 
ono.whooshing sound. 
shovdira-: v.i.  to rustle, to murmur. 
shovinist: (Russian) chauvinist. 
shovinistik: (Russian) chauvinistic. 
shovinistlik: s. shovinizm. 
shovinizm: (Russian) chauvinism. 
shovqin-suron: noise and commotion, 
shovqin-suronli: noisy, clamorous. 
shovqin: noise, din, clamor, 
commotion; unvoiced sound. ~ ko'tar- 
to raise one's voice. ~ sol- to raise one's 
voice; to roar. 
shovqinchi: noisemaker, troublemaker, 
habitual complainer. 
shovqinla-: v.i.  to raise one's voice, to 
yell. [shovqinlash-] 
shovqinli: noisy; roaring, thundering. ~ 
undosh voiceless consonant. 
shovul 1 bot.: (Russian) sorrel. 
shovul 2: abundant, plentiful, in tons 
or bunches; covered with, overflowing 
with, full of. 
shovuldek/day: s. shovul 2. 
shovulla-: v.i.  to make a rushing or 
roaring noise. [shovullat-]shovun 
coll.cord; plumb (s. 
shoqul).shovur-shovur ono.din, clamor, 
shovush: ice. ~ bog'la- to become 
covered with frost, to ice up. 
shovva: s. shalola. 
shovvoz: (Persian) fine, capable, 
stalwart; crafty, sneaky. 
shovvozlik: abstr. of shovvoz. 
shox 1: (Persian) branch; horn. ~ ot- to 
put out branches, to branch out. ~ 
otgan tut branches with fruit. ~ ariq 
branch canal. ~ chiqar- to put forth 
shoots, to sprout. ~ing chiqadimi? 
What will that do for you? ~ini 
sindir-/~ tashla- to become lame; to 
slip to one side; to bend from side to 
side in a playful manner; to hee and 
haw, to be indecisive. ~i bormi? Is he 
special?, What's so special about him? 
shox-shabba: sticks and branches. 
shoxalak: s. shoxilak.shoxilak 
bot.common Russian thistle. 
shoxla-: v.i.  to put forth branches, to 
branch out. [shoxlan-, shoxlat-, 
shoxli: branched; horned. 
shoxobcha: minor canal; branch line; 
branch, division. 
shoxsiz: branchless; hornless. 
shoyad(ki): (Persian) would that, if 
shoyi: (Persian) silk (material). 
shoyibof: (Persian) silk weaver. 
shoyifurush: arch.    (Persian) silk 
shoyigul bot.: (Persian) canna. 
shoyon lit.: (Persian) worthy. ~i diqqat 
worthy of attention. 
shpaklyovka: (Russian) putty. ~ qil- to 
fill, to putty (holes). 
shpal: (Russian) sleeper, railroad tie. 
shpargalka: (Russian) crib sheet. 
shpat: (Russian) spar. dala ~i feldspar. 
shpatel": (Russian) palette knife 
(spackle knife??); (doctor's) spatula. 
shpil"ka: (Russian) hairpin. 
shpindel": (Russian)  
shpindelli: outfitted with a spindle. 
shpion: (Russian) spy. 
shpionlik: abstr. of shpion; espionage. 
shponka: (Russian) dowel, bushing 
shpor: (Russian) spur(s). 
shprits: (Russian) syringe. 
shrift: (Russian) type (face). 
shtab: (Russian) staff. 
shtab-kvartira: (Russian) headquarters. 
shtamp: (Russian)  
shtampla-: v.t.  to stamp; to punch, to 
press. [shtamplan-] 
shtampovka: (Russian) stamping, 
pressing, punching; punched, stamped, 
shtampovkachi: puncher, punch 
shtanga: (Russian) weight (for weight 
lifting); goalpost; bar, rod. 
shtangachi: weight lifter. 
shtangentsirkul": (Russian) slide 
gauge, sliding calipers. 
shtapel": (Russian) staple (cloth). 
shtat 1: (Russian) state. 
shtat 2: (Russian) staff; list of staff 
members and responsibilities. 
shtativ: (Russian) tripod, stand, base. 
shtatsiz: non-staff member. 
shtempel": (Russian) stamp. 
shtik: (Russian) bayonet. 
shtorm: (Russian) gale. 
shtraf: (Russian) fine, penalty. ~ qil-/~ 
maydonchasi penalty area. ~ batal'oni 
penal battalion. ~ to'pi penalty kick. 
shtreykbrexer: (Russian) strikebreaker. 
shtrix: (Russian) line, stroke; feature, 
shturm: (Russian) storming, assault. 
shturman: (Russian) navigator. 
shturmanlik: abstr. of shturman. 
shturmbozlik: s. 
shturmchilik.shturmchi coll.strafer, 
strafing aircraft. 

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shturmchilik: rushed, sporadic 
production work (in order to meet the 
shturmovik: (Russian) attack plane; 
storm trooper. 
shturval: (Russian) wheel, controls. 
shturvalchi: helmsman, pilot. 
shu'ba: arch.    (Arabic) branch office; 
name of each section of the six types of 
shu'la: (Arabic) light, luster, shining; 
flame, glow. 
shu'lalan-: v.i.  to shine. [shu'lalantir-] 
shu-shu: since then, since that 
time.shu shun+ w/ case endingthis
that. ~ atrofda around here, in this area. 
~ orada/~nda here; at that time, then. 
~nga for that reason. ~ bu yil this 
(very) year. ~ bugun this very day. ~ 
qadar this much. ~ ham ishmi? or ~ 
ham ish bo'ldimi? What is this?, What 
do you call this?, What the hell have 
you been doing? kuni ~nga qolipti This 
is all he has left. ~-da! What else? 
~ndan-~nga for a long way. ~ 
vaqtgacha/~ kam Edi or ~nisi this, this 
shuaro: obs. (Arabic) poets. 
shuba: (Russian) fur coat. 
shubha: (Arabic) doubt, suspicion. 
kimdan ~ng bor? Who do you 
suspect/have suspicions about? ~ yo'q 
no doubt. (+~ qil- to suspect, to have 
doubts about. ~ tug'dir- to breed 
suspicion, to cast doubts. ~ga sol- to 
cause to doubt. ~ga tush- to begin to 
doubt. (+~ bos- to be overcome by 
shubha-shikva: (Arabic) (+~ qil-/Et- to 
have doubts and suspicions. 
shubhachi: doubter, suspicious person. 
shubhalan-: v.i.  (+dan/+ga) to 
suspect, to have suspicions, to doubt. 
shubhali: suspicious, doubtful. 
shubhasiz: w/o a doubt, doubtless. 
shud: (Persian) ability, dexterity. ~i 
bor yigit talented lad. 
shudgor: (Persian) tilled earth; tilling. 
qora ~ land plowed in the fall but left 
fallow. till 
shudgorla-: v.t.  to till. [shudgorlan-] 
shudli: able, gifted, talented. 
shudring: dew (s. shabnam). 
shudsiz: maladroit, inept. 
shug'ullan-: v.i.  to be occupied with, 
to be engaged in; to work on, to study. 
shuhrat: (Arabic) fame, renown. ~ 
qozon-/top- to find or gain fame. 
shuhratla-: v.t.  to acclaim. 
shuhratlan-: v.i.  to become famous, 
shuhratli: famed, renowned. 
shuhratparast: (Persian) seeker of 
fame, consumed by a desire for fame. 
shuhratparastlik: vainglorious quest 
for fame. 
shukr: (Arabic) s. shukur. 
shukrona: (Persian) (in) thanks, (with) 
shukronalik: thanks, gratitude, 
shukuh lit.: (Persian) celebration
festivity; greatness, magnificence. 
shukuhli: great, glorious, splendid. 
shukur: (Arabic) thanks be, thanks for 
that.shul obs.s. shu. 
shulon: hot food given to the poor. 
shulxa: (Russian) s. sheluxa. 
shum: (Arabic) evil, sinister; ominous, 
dismal; crafty, scheming; mischievous. 
~ oyoq/~ xabar bad news.shumg'iya 
bot.broomrape; parasite. 
shumlik: evil, mischief. ~i tut- to be 
overcome by a desire to do mischief. 
shumshay-: v.i.  to huddle into a ball; 
to frown, to brood; to crouch, to cringe. 
shumshuk: loathsome, repulsive, 
socially outcast. 
shumshuklik: rejection. 
shumtaka: mischievous, naughty, bad 
(child).shumtol bot.ash (tree).shumurt 
bot.bird cherry.shunaqa coll.s. ~si 
(one) like this/that, such a; like this, 
like that, thus.shunaqangi coll.s. 
shuncha: this much/many; so 
shunchaki: just for fun, just for kicks; 
unimportant, simple, plain. ~ gap just 
shunchalik: so, so much; just, simply, 
for no reason; unimportant, simple, 
plain.shunchayiki coll.s. 
shunchaki.shunchayin coll.s. 
shunday: like this/that, such, of that 
sort; thus, so, in that manner, in that 
way; right (as response or tag 
question). ~ bo'lsa ham even so. ~likka 
~-ku ya that's as it may be. ~ Emasmi? 
Isn't that so? ~ qilib thus, in that way. ~ 
deng Now you're talking!; What're you 
saying? What's that? ~(lig)icha just like 
it was.shundayin dial. coll.s. 
shunday.shundoq coll.s. shunday. 
shung: s. shumtol. 
shuningdek: similarly, 
likewise.shunqor zool.gerfalcon; 
champion, hero, ace. 
shuru': obs. (Arabic) ~ qil- to set to 
doing s.t. 
shurup: (Russian) screw. 
shuur lit.: (Arabic) intelligence, 
shuuriy lit.: (Arabic) ~ ravishda 
comprehendingly. g'ayri ~ ravishda 
uncomprehendingly; unreasoningly. 
shuurli: intelligent, sharp of mind. 
shuursiz: unperceiving, 
uncomprehending; unreasoning; 
insane, mentally unfit. 
shuursizlik: insanity (i.e., unfit to 
stand trial).shuv ono.light rustling or 
whooshing noise. ~ Et- to make a light 
rustling or whooshing noise; to do 
quickly or all ata once. yuragi ~ Etib 
ketdi His heart skipped a beat. 
shuva-: v.t.  to plaster (s. suva-). 
[shuval-, shuvat-]shuvaran 
bot.flixweed, spinnate tansy mustard. 
shuvilla-: v.i.  to stir, to whisper, to 
rumble. yuragi ~b ketdi s. yuragi shuv 
Etib ketdi.shuvoq 1 
bot.wormwood.shuvoq 2 dial.plaster (s. 
shuvoqchi: plasterer (s. suvoqchi). 
shuvoqzor: field or patch of 
shuvut: yuzi ~ downcast, shamefaced, 

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shuvutlik: yuzi ~ humiliation, shame. 
shuytib dial. thus, so, 
in that way. 
shved: (Russian) Swede; Swedish. 
shveytsar: (Russian) Swiss. 
si: (Russian) C (in music). 
sibir coll.: (Russian) Siberia. ~ qil- to 
exile to Siberia. ~ yong?og?i Siberian 
sibiriyalik: Siberian. 
sibizg'a: a kind of flute. 
sibizg'achi: a sibizg'a-player.sichqon 
zool.mouse. ~ sig'mas iniga, g'alvir 
bog'lar dumiga said when s.o. attempts 
s.t. w/o considering all that is involved. 
~ surdi said when s.o. who has been 
sick for some time ventures out of 
doors for the first time. ~ning ini ming 
tanga any place would do for a refuge 
(said for s.o. looking for a place to 
hide). arslonning o'ligi, ~ning tirigi 
expression meaning that big shots are 
still big shots even after a fall from 
siderik: (Russian) sidereal. ~ davr 
sidereal orbit. ~ oy sidereal month. 
sidir-: v.t.  to scrape up; to yank off, to 
whip off. ~ib sol-/betini ~ib tashlab 
unashamedly. [sidiril-, sidirish-] 
sidirg'a: plain, unpatterned; all over, 
sidirg'asiga: completely, entirely, 
sidiril-: v.i.  pass. of sidir-. ichim ~ib 
tushdi/ketdi to be starving (hungry). 
sidq: (Arabic) devotion. 
sidqidil: (Persian) zeal, fervor. ~lik 
bilan fervently, earnestly. 
sidra: time. ikki ~ twice, two times. 
sidrasiga: one after another. 
sifat: (Arabic) quality; attribute, 
characteristic; mode, manner; 
adjective. ~ida as, in the capacity of. 
do'st ~ida as a friend. 
sifatdosh: participle (e.g., V+ ~ kesim 
parctcipial predicate. ~ oborot ?? 
[prichastnyy oborot] 
sifatla-: v.t.  to describe, to 
characterize.sifatlanmish gram.subject 
or object of a participle. 
sifatlash: v.n. of sifatla-; description, 
characterization; epithet. 
sifatli: (high) quality. 
sifatlovchi: attribute. 
sifatsiz: low quality, cheap. 
sifatsizlik: poor quality, cheapness. 
sifon: (Russian) siphon. 
sifr: arch.    (Arabic) zero (s. nol'). 
sig'-: v.i.  to fit (on, into), to be held or 
contained by; to find shelter (in). ichiga 
~maydi to not be able to contain within 
o.s. (joy, etc.). yuragiga ~maydi not to 
be able to keep to o.s.; not to be able to 
put up with. ta'rifga~maydi (to be) 
indescribable. diliga qil ham ~maydi to 
have no patience or appetite for s.t. 
xayolga ~maydigan unimaginable. 
[sig'dir-, sig'diril-, sig'ish-, sig'ishtir-] 
sig'arli: fitting, holding, able to 
contain. o'n litr suv ~ idish A container 
which can hold ten liters. 
sig'im: volume, capacity. issiqlik ~i 
heat capacity. Elektr ~i (electrical) 
capacity. kemaning suv ~i 
displacement of a ship. 
sig'imli: having a certain capacity; 
sig'in-: v.i.  to worship. [sig'inish-] 
sig'indi: refugee. 
sig'inish: worship. 
sigaret(a): (Russian) cigarette. 
sigir-buzoq: cow and calf or calves. 
sigir: cow. ~ quyruq tapered. 
sigirchilik: cattle-raising.sigirquyruq 
sigirxona: cow shed or barn. 
signal: (Russian) signal. 
signalchi: signaller. 
signalizator: (Russian) signalling 
signalizatsiya: (Russian) signalling. 
sihat: (Arabic) health. ~ top- to 
recover, to get better. 
sihat-salomat: (Arabic) healthy and 
sihat-salomatlik: health and 
sihatlan-: v.i.  to recover from illness. 
sihatlik: health, well-being. 
sihatsiz: unhealthy, sickly. 
sihatsizlik: sickliness, ill health. 
sik- vulgar: v.t.  to have sexual 
intercourse with (of males). [sikil-, 
sikish-, siktir-] 
sil: (Arabic) tuberculosis; one afflicted 
with tuberculosis. ~ kasal(lig)i 
tuberculosis. ~ bo'l- to contract 
tuberculosis; to become pale and 
sickly, to be worn down. ~ qil- to give 
tuberculosis to; to wear down, to ruin 
one's health. 
sila 1: to the brim.sila 2 zool. 
sila-: v.t.  to stroke, to pet, to caress. 
iyagini ~- to hold one's chin cradled 
between the thumb and forefinger 
(indicates one will get revenge for s.t.). 
paxta ~- to treat an area of the body by 
passing bread or cotton around it. 
[silan-, silat-, silash-] 
silama: ~ sandiq chest which is full to 
the brim; stuffy person.silen 
bot.three-awned grass. 
silikat: (Russian) silicate. 
silitsiy: (Russian) silicium. 
silji-: v.i.  to move, to budge; to move 
off; to leak or trickle through. ilgari ~- 
to move forward, to inch forward. 
[siljit-, siljitil-, siljish-] 
siljish: v.n. of silji-; progress; shifting, 
shift, movement. 
silki-: v.t.  to shake, to flap, to wave. 
qanot ~- to flap one's wings. qo'l ~- to 
flap or wave one's arms; to show one is 
fed up with s.t. dunyodan Etak ~- to 
withdraw from the world. [silkin-, 
silkinish-, silkintir-, silkit-, silkish-] 
silkilash-: v.i.  to haggle. 
silkinish: v.n. of silkin-; shock, 
silla: strength, energy. ~si quridi to be 
worn out, to be puckered out. 
silliq: smooth; pretty; polished. ~ tort- 
to fill out, to become beautiful. suvdan 
~ chiq- to come out scot free. 
silliqla-: v.t.  to smooth down or out. 
[silliqlan-, silliqlat-]silliqlanish 
geol.[sglazhivanie]?? (polishing, 
abrasion, smoothing?) 
silliqlash-: v.i.  to become smooth or 

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silliqlik: smoothness. 
silliqlovchi: polisher, burnisher. 
siloh: obs. (Arabic) weapon(s).silon 
zool.offspring of a wolf and a dog. 
silos: (Russian) silage. 
silosla-: v.t.  to make silage. 
silosxona: silo.silovsin zool.lynx.silqi- 
coll.s. sirqi-.silqindi coll.s. sirqindi. 
silsila lit.: (Arabic) chain, line; 
pedigree, geneology; progression. 
silta-: v.t.  to jerk, to move sharply; to 
speak sharply, to cut off, to snap (at). 
qo'l ~- to flail one's arm in disgust. 
siltan-: v.i.  pass. of keyinga ~- to fall 
siltanish: v.n. of siltan-; jerk, dash. 
siltov: v.n. of silta-; motion, jerk; 
pretext, cause. 
sim 1: wire. tikanli ~ barbed wire. ~ 
karavot wire-springed bed. ~ qoq- to 
telephone. ~ jo'yak furrow (made with 
a wire marker). 
sim 2 lit.: (Persian) silver.Sim 3 
geo.former name of Ferghana city. 
sim-sim: throbbing, burning sensation. 
sim-siyoh: jet black. 
simbar poet.: (Persian) having a 
lithesome white body.simbrik bot.little 
love grass. 
simfonik: (Russian) symphonic. 
simfoniya: (Russian) symphony. 
similla-: v.i.  to throb with pain; to 
simir-: v.t.  to sip; to soak up. suv kelsa 
~ib, tosh kelsa kemirib to deal with 
whatever comes one's way. [simiril-, 
simkor: wages paid to an apprentice or 
hired workers; an apprentice or worker 
doing piece work. 
simmental": (Russian) Simmental. 

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