The Present simple tense

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tayyori 2003

They are certain to come to London.
Likely bilan yasalgan infinitivli birikmalar aniqlovchi ergash gaplarda uchraydi.
The delegates, who are likely to arrive tomorrow, will be lodged at this hotel.
( Ertaga yetib kelishlari ehtimol tutilayotgan delegatlar bu mehmonxonaga joylashtiriladi.)
Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin ma’nolariga qarab “ to “ ham “ ing “ ham kelishi mumkin

+To infinitive



Biror ishni qilishdan oldin eslansa
*Remember to take your hat when you go out. (first remember , and take it)

Biror ishni qilingandan keyin eslansa
*I clearly remember locking the door before I left.
(I locked it, and I remember it)


Biror ishni qilishni unutsa (kelajak)
*Don’t forget to bring your notes!

Biror ishni qilganini unutsa (o’tmish)
*I forgot giving the money to John


Urinish,harakat qilish,kuch sarflash
*I tried to lift the luggage but it was very heavy

Sinab ko’rish, tajriba q-b ko’rish
*He tried taking an aspirin but it didn’t help

Be afraid

Of bilan kelsa
*I’m afraid of falling while walking on ice

Of siz kelsa
*I’m afraid to go out alone at night


Egasi jonli bo’lsa (aniq nisbat)
*I need to learn English

Egasi jonsiz bo’lsa (majhul nisbat0
*The dress needs cleaning (yoki need to be cleaned)


Yordam bermoq ma’nosida
*Can you help me to do my homework?

O’zini to’ xtata, tiya olmaslik (oldidan Can’t,Couldn’t keladi0
*I tried to be serious but I couldn’t help laughing


Maqsadida to’xtash
*We stopped at a restaurant to have dinner

Biror faoliyat yoki jarayonni to’xtatish
*I stopped drinking alcohols


Biror ishni qilishidan afsuslanish( ya’ni aytishdan)
*I regret to tell you about your test results

Biror ishni qilib qo’yganligidan keyin afsuslanish
*I regret being too rude to you


Maqsadida kelish
*He came here to learn English (o’rganishga)

Biror holatda kelish
*He came hurring up here (shoshilib)

Go on

Bir ish tugashidan keyin yana boshqa yangisini boshlash, davom ettirish
*After the interval, Pavarotti went on to sing an aria from Tosca,

Bir ishni to’xtatmasdan, bir zaylda davom ettirish
*Although she asked him to stop, he went on speaking,


Niyat qilish, …moqchi bo’lish
*I meant to phone you last week.

Anglatmoq,maqsadida ma’nosida
*If we want to get there by 7.00, that means getting up before 5.00.

Infinitive va gerund qabul qiluvchi fe’llar

Accustomed to Ving O'rganib qolmoq
Admit Ving qabul qil-q
Advise Ving Maslaxat ber-q
Advise me ToV Ga maslaxat b-q
Afford Ving Urin-q
Afford (can't) ToV qilishga qodir emas
Agree ToV Ko'n-q
Aim ToV maqsad qil-q
Allow Ving ruxsat et-q
Allow me ToV Ruxsat et-q
Allowed (be) ToV Ruxsat etil-q
Amaze ToV Xayron bo'l-q
Anxious ToV bezovta
Appear ToV Paydo bo'l-q
Appreciate Ving Baxolan-q
Approve Ving sinab ko'r-q
Arrange ToV Kelish-q
Ask ToV So'ra-q
Attempt ToV urinib ko'r-q
Avoid Ving Chetlab o't-q
Be ToV Bo'l-q
Be advised To V1 maslhat berildi
Bear (cant) ToV, Ving chiday olmay q-q
Beg ToV, Ving Yalin-q
Begin ToV Boshl-q
Believe ToV Ishon-q
Better (had) V Yaxshiroq bo'lardi
Bother To V, Ving Ovora bo'l-q
Bound ToV Boshla-q
Busy Ving Band
Call ToV Chaqir-q
Can/ could V Qila ol-q
Can't bear ToV Yoqtirmay
Can't bear Ving yoqtirmay
Can't help Ving To'xtata olmayman
Can't stand Ving Chiday olmasgalik
Care To
Cause me ToV Sabab bo'l-q
Certain ToV Aniq
Challenge me ToV Chaqir-q
Chance To bo’lib q-q
Chance of Ving imkoniyat
Choice ToV Sodir bo'l-q
Come ToV, Ving Kel-q
Come Ving Kel-q
Choose To tanla-q
Claim To talab-q
Command ToV Buyruq ber-q
Commence To boshlamoq
Confess to Ving Ko'nmoq
Consent ToV rozi bo'l-q
Consider ToV Xisobla-q
Continue To V,Ving Davom et-q
Dare To V Jur'at et-q
I dare say
Daren't V Jur'atsizlik qil-q
Decide ToV Karor qil-q
Decision ToV qaror
Declare ToV E'lon qil-q
Decline To kamaymoq
Demand To talab-q
Delay Ving orqaga qoldir-q
Deny Ving rad et-q
Describe ToV Tasvirla-q
Deserve ToV xizmat kil-q
Desire To orzu-q
Desirable ToV Yoqimli
Determine To aniqlamoq
Don't like Ving yoqtirmay qol-q
Difficulty Ving Qiynal-q
Dislike To yoqtirmaslik
Dread To qo’rqmoq
Earlier ToV Vaqtliroq
Earn ToV pul ishla-q
Easy ToV oson
Enable ToV imkon ber-q
Encourage Ving Ruxlantir-q
Encourage me ToV Ruxlantir-q
Engine Ving Jixozla-q
Enjoy Ving Ektir-q
Enough ToV yetarli
Excuse Ving Kechir-q
Expect ToV umid qilib kut-q
Expensive ToV qimmat
Explain ToV Tushuntir-q
Fail ToV omadsialikka uch-q
Fall ToV Yiqil-q
Fancy Ving yoqlamok
Feel V xis qil-q
Find Ving Top-q
Finish Ving Tugat-q
First ToV Birinchi
For me ToV men uchun
Forbid Ving Taqiqla-q
Forbid me ToV Taqiqla-q
Force me ToV Majburla-q
Get nothing ToV Yo'q bo'l-q
Get round to Ving Yetib olmoq
Get smb ToV bor bo'l-q
Get smth V3 bor bo'l-q
Go Ving Bor-q
Go on (eskisini) Ving davom ettir-q
Go on (yangisnni) ToV davom ettir-q
Go+joy nomi To V Bor-q
Going ToV moqchi
Good (no) Ving yaxshi emas
Happen To V sodir bo'l-q
Hate To V V ing Nafratlan-q
Hate (would) ToV nafratlanmok
Have smb ToV Bor
have smth V 3 CAUSATIVE
Have to V Kerak
Have(got) ToV bor
Have+smth V3 CAUSATIVE
Hear+Smb V,Ving Eshit-q
Heard (be) ToV Eshitil-q
Help ToV, Ving Yordam ber-q
Help (can't) Ving O'zini to'xtata olmaegalik
Help (can't)+to'ld To V/V Yordam ber-q
Hesitate To ikkilanmoq
Hire me ToV Yolla-q
Hope ToV umid qil-q
How Ving Qanday
Imagine Ving tasavvur qil-q
Impossible ToV Iloji yo'q
Instruct me ToV Ko'rsatma ber-q
Intend ToV, Ving niyat qil-q
Introduce me ToV menga tanishtir
Invite ToV Taklif qil-q
Involve Ving jalb qil-q
It is + sifat ToV ..dir
Keep Ving Davom ettir-q
Know ToV Bil-q
Last ToV Oxirgi
Late ToV Kech
Learn To V.V ing O'rgan-q
Let V Ruxsat et-q
Like Vtag Yoqtir-q
Like (should) ToV Yoqtir-q, ista-q
Likely ToV Extimol
Lit ToV Yoq-q
Look forward to Ving Kutmoq
Love V Sev-q
Love (would) ToV Sev-q
Made (be) ToV Majburlan-q
majxul nisbat ToV
Make V Majburla-q
Manage ToV Uddala-q
Mean ToV Niyat qil-q
Mean Ving Anglat-q
Mention Ving Eslat-q
Mind Ving qarshi emas
Miss Ving O'tkazib yubor
Money (take) Ving pul ol-q
Move ToV Ko'ch-q
Must V Kerak
Need (S jonsiz) V ing (tobe+V3) qilnnishi zarur
Need me ToV qilishim zarur
Neglect To V,V ing mensimay qara-q
Notice V.Ving payqa-q
Submit ToV tavsiya qil-q
Succeeded in Ving Muvaffaq qoz-q
Suggest ToV taklif qil-q
Sure ToV Ishon-q
Take V Ol-q
Tartib son ToV
Teach ToV O'qit-q
Tell ToV Buyur-q
Tend ToV xoxishi bo'l-q
The last ToV eng oxirgisi
The next ToV Keyingisi
Threaten ToV Qo'rqit-q
Think ToV O'yla-q
Time ToV Vaqt
Time (take) Ving vaqt ol-q
Try Ving Urin-q
Try ToV kuch sarfla-q
Turn out ToV Buril-q
Understand Ving Tushun-q
Unlikely ToV O'xshamaydi
Urge me ToV Majburla-q
Use (no) Ving befoyda
Used to V odatlangan
Used to (be) Ving Odatlangan
Used to (get) Ving Odatangan
Volunteer ToV Ko'ngilli bo'l-q
Vow To qasam ich-q
Wait To kutmoq
Want ToV Xoxla-q
Warn (S jonsiz) To \ (Ving) Ogoxlantar-q
Waste time/money Ving Yo'qot-q
Watch V, V ing Kuzat-q
Watched (be) ToV Kuzatil-q
What ToV .ligini
Where/when ToV Qaerdaligini
While/when Ving ...ganda

Forget ToV Unut-q
Get nothing ToV Yo'q bo'l-q
Get round to Ving Yetib olmoq
Get smb ToV bor bo'l-q
Get smth V3 bor bo'l-q
Go Ving Bor-q
Go on (eskisini) Ving davom ettir-q
Go on (yangisnni) ToV davom ettir-q
Go+joy nomi To V Bor-q
Going ToV moqchi
Good (no) Ving yaxshi emas
Happen To V sodir bo'l-q
Hate To V V ing Nafratlan-q
Hate (would) ToV nafratlanmok
Have smb ToV Bor
have smth V 3 CAUSATIVE
Have to V Kerak
Have(got) ToV bor
Have+smth V3 CAUSATIVE
Hear+Smb V,Ving Eshit-q
Heard (be) ToV Eshitil-q
Help ToV, Ving Yordam ber-q
Help (can't) Ving O'zini to'xtata olmaegalik
Help (can't)+to'ld To V/V Yordam ber-q
Hesitate To ikkilanmoq
Hire me ToV Yolla-q
Hope ToV umid qil-q
How Ving Qanday
Imagine Ving tasavvur qil-q
Impossible ToV Iloji yo'q
Instruct me ToV Ko'rsatma ber-q
Intend ToV, Ving niyat qil-q
Introduce me ToV menga tanishtir
Invite ToV Taklif qil-q
Involve Ving jalb qil-q
It is + sifat ToV ..dir
Keep Ving Davom ettir-q
Know ToV Bil-q
Last ToV Oxirgi
Late ToV Kech
Learn To V.V ing O'rgan-q
Let V Ruxsat et-q
Like Vtag Yoqtir-q
Like (should) ToV Yoqtir-q, ista-q
Likely ToV Extimol
Lit ToV Yoq-q
Look forward to Ving Kutmoq
Love V Sev-q
Love (would) ToV Sev-q
Made (be) ToV Majburlan-q
majxul nisbat ToV
Make V Majburla-q
Manage ToV Uddala-q
Mean ToV Niyat qil-q
Mean Ving Anglat-q
Mention Ving Eslat-q
Mind Ving qarshi emas
Miss Ving O'tkazib yubor
Money (take) Ving pul ol-q
Move ToV Ko'ch-q
Must V Kerak
Need (S jonsiz) V ing (tobe+V3) qilnnishi zarur
Need me ToV qilishim zarur
Neglect To V,V ing mensimay qara-q
Notice V.Ving payqa-q
noticed (be) ToV Payqal-q
Object to Ving Qarshilik qilmoq
Offer To taklif-q
Omit To majbur-q
Opportunity ToV buyruq ber-q
Opportunity of Ving imkoniyat
Order ToV Imkoniyat
Order (in) ToV maqsadida
ought to V kerak
owe To V qarzdor b-q
Permit Ving ruxsat et-q
permit me ToV ruxsat et-q
permitted (be) ToV ruxsat etil-q
Persuade ToV Ishontir-q
Phone ToV telefon qil-q
Plan ToV Reja tuz-q
Postpone Ving keyinga qoldir-q
Practice Ving tajriba o'tkaz-q
practice (take) Ving tajriba ol-q
Predlog Ving Eng oxiri
Prefer Ving to Ving Yoktir-q
Prefer ToV than V Yoqtir-q
prefer (would) ToV Afzal ko'r-q
Prepare To Ving Tayyorla-q
Pretend ToV Mug'ombirlik
prevent from V ing dan ximoya qil-q
Promise ToV Va'da ber-q
Propose To V, V ing taklif q-q
Prove To V isbotlamoq
put off Ving orqaga qoldir-q
Rather(would) V... today Afzal ko'r-q
Rather(would) To V than V Afzal ko'r-q
Recommend ToV tavsiya qil-q
Refuse ToV rad et-q
Regret Ving qilganidan afs-q
Regret ToV qilishidan afsus-q
Remember Ving qilganini es-q
Remember ToV qilishini es-q
Remind ToV Eslat-q
Report ToV Ma'ruza qil-q
Resist Ving qarshilik qil-q
Return to Ving
Rove ToV O'zini oqla-q
Say ToV Ayt-q
Second ToV Ikkinchi
See Ving Ko'r-q
Seek To izlamoq
Seem ToV Tuyul-q
Seen (be) ToV Ko'ril-q
Sit/stand/lie+joy nomi Ving
So as ToV shuning uchun
Sorry ToV Achin-q
Spend time Ving Vaktini yo'qot-q
Stand (cant) ToV chiday olmaegalik
Start To V, Ving Boshla-q
Stop ToV O'zi to'xtamok
Stop Ving ni to'xtat-q
Struggle To kurash-q
Strive To intilmoq
Swear To ond ich-q
Submit ToV tavsiya qil-q
noticed (be) ToV Payqal-q
Object to Ving Qarshilik qilmoq
Offer To taklif-q
Omit To majbur-q
Opportunity ToV buyruq ber-q
Opportunity of Ving imkoniyat
Order ToV Imkoniyat
Order (in) ToV maqsadida
ought to V kerak
owe To V qarzdor b-q
Permit Ving ruxsat et-q
permit me ToV ruxsat et-q
permitted (be) ToV ruxsat etil-q
Persuade ToV Ishontir-q
Phone ToV telefon qil-q
Plan ToV Reja tuz-q
Postpone Ving keyinga qoldir-q
Practice Ving tajriba o'tkaz-q
practice (take) Ving tajriba ol-q
Predlog Ving Eng oxiri
Prefer Ving to Ving Yoktir-q
Prefer ToV than V Yoqtir-q
prefer (would) ToV Afzal ko'r-q
Prepare To Ving Tayyorla-q
Pretend ToV Mug'ombirlik
prevent from V ing dan ximoya qil-q
Promise ToV Va'da ber-q
Propose To V, V ing taklif q-q
Prove To V isbotlamoq
put off Ving orqaga qoldir-q
Rather(would) V... today Afzal ko'r-q
Rather(would) To V than V Afzal ko'r-q
Recommend ToV tavsiya qil-q
Refuse ToV rad et-q
Regret Ving qilganidan afs-q
Regret ToV qilishidan afsus-q
Remember Ving qilganini es-q
Remember ToV qilishini es-q
Remind ToV Eslat-q
Report ToV Ma'ruza qil-q
Resist Ving qarshilik qil-q
Return to Ving
Rove ToV O'zini oqla-q
Say ToV Ayt-q
Second ToV Ikkinchi
See Ving Ko'r-q
Seek To izlamoq
Seem ToV Tuyul-q
Seen (be) ToV Ko'ril-q
Sit/stand/lie+joy nomi Ving
So as ToV shuning uchun
Sorry ToV Achin-q
Spend time Ving Vaktini yo'qot-q
Stand (cant) ToV chiday olmaegalik
Start To V, Ving Boshla-q
Stop ToV O'zi to'xtamok
Stop Ving ni to'xtat-q
Struggle To kurash-q
Strive To intilmoq
Swear To ond ich-q
Wish ToV Ista-q
Wish/want/need(ega jonsiz) Ving/to be V3
Wonder ToV So'ra-q
Worth Ving Arziydi
Would rather V1 Today,tomorrow
Would rather have+V3 yesterday then today
Would rather+S V2 Present
Would rather+S Had V3 Past

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