They are certain to come to London.
Likely bilan yasalgan infinitivli birikmalar aniqlovchi ergash gaplarda uchraydi.
The delegates, who are likely to arrive tomorrow, will be lodged at this hotel.
( Ertaga yetib kelishlari ehtimol tutilayotgan delegatlar bu mehmonxonaga joylashtiriladi.)
Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin ma’nolariga qarab “ to “ ham “ ing “ ham kelishi mumkin
+To infinitive
Biror ishni qilishdan oldin eslansa
*Remember to take your hat when you go out. (first remember , and take it)
Biror ishni qilingandan keyin eslansa
*I clearly remember locking the door before I left.
(I locked it, and I remember it)
Biror ishni qilishni unutsa (kelajak)
*Don’t forget to bring your notes!
Biror ishni qilganini unutsa (o’tmish)
*I forgot giving the money to John
Urinish,harakat qilish,kuch sarflash
*I tried to lift the luggage but it was very heavy
Sinab ko’rish, tajriba q-b ko’rish
*He tried taking an aspirin but it didn’t help
Be afraid
Of bilan kelsa
*I’m afraid of falling while walking on ice
Of siz kelsa
*I’m afraid to go out alone at night
Egasi jonli bo’lsa (aniq nisbat)
*I need to learn English
Egasi jonsiz bo’lsa (majhul nisbat0
*The dress needs cleaning (yoki need to be cleaned)
Yordam bermoq ma’nosida
*Can you help me to do my homework?
O’zini to’ xtata, tiya olmaslik (oldidan Can’t,Couldn’t keladi0
*I tried to be serious but I couldn’t help laughing
Maqsadida to’xtash
*We stopped at a restaurant to have dinner
Biror faoliyat yoki jarayonni to’xtatish
*I stopped drinking alcohols
Biror ishni qilishidan afsuslanish( ya’ni aytishdan)
*I regret to tell you about your test results
Biror ishni qilib qo’yganligidan keyin afsuslanish
*I regret being too rude to you
Maqsadida kelish
*He came here to learn English (o’rganishga)
Biror holatda kelish
*He came hurring up here (shoshilib)
Go on
Bir ish tugashidan keyin yana boshqa yangisini boshlash, davom ettirish
*After the interval, Pavarotti went on to sing an aria from Tosca,
Bir ishni to’xtatmasdan, bir zaylda davom ettirish
*Although she asked him to stop, he went on speaking,
Niyat qilish, …moqchi bo’lish
*I meant to phone you last week.
Anglatmoq,maqsadida ma’nosida
*If we want to get there by 7.00, that means getting up before 5.00.
Infinitive va gerund qabul qiluvchi fe’llar
Accustomed to Ving O'rganib qolmoq
Admit Ving qabul qil-q
Advise Ving Maslaxat ber-q
Advise me ToV Ga maslaxat b-q
Afford Ving Urin-q
Afford (can't) ToV qilishga qodir emas
Agree ToV Ko'n-q
Aim ToV maqsad qil-q
Allow Ving ruxsat et-q
Allow me ToV Ruxsat et-q
Allowed (be) ToV Ruxsat etil-q
Amaze ToV Xayron bo'l-q
Anxious ToV bezovta
Appear ToV Paydo bo'l-q
Appreciate Ving Baxolan-q
Approve Ving sinab ko'r-q
Arrange ToV Kelish-q
Ask ToV So'ra-q
Attempt ToV urinib ko'r-q
Avoid Ving Chetlab o't-q
Be ToV Bo'l-q
Be advised To V1 maslhat berildi
Bear (cant) ToV, Ving chiday olmay q-q
Beg ToV, Ving Yalin-q
Begin ToV Boshl-q
Believe ToV Ishon-q
Better (had) V Yaxshiroq bo'lardi
Bother To V, Ving Ovora bo'l-q
Bound ToV Boshla-q
Busy Ving Band
Call ToV Chaqir-q
Can/ could V Qila ol-q
Can't bear ToV Yoqtirmay
Can't bear Ving yoqtirmay
Can't help Ving To'xtata olmayman
Can't stand Ving Chiday olmasgalik
Care To
Cause me ToV Sabab bo'l-q
Certain ToV Aniq
Challenge me ToV Chaqir-q
Chance To bo’lib q-q
Chance of Ving imkoniyat
Choice ToV Sodir bo'l-q
Come ToV, Ving Kel-q
Come Ving Kel-q
Choose To tanla-q
Claim To talab-q
Command ToV Buyruq ber-q
Commence To boshlamoq
Confess to Ving Ko'nmoq
Consent ToV rozi bo'l-q
Consider ToV Xisobla-q
Continue To V,Ving Davom et-q
Dare To V Jur'at et-q
I dare say
Daren't V Jur'atsizlik qil-q
Decide ToV Karor qil-q
Decision ToV qaror
Declare ToV E'lon qil-q
Decline To kamaymoq
Demand To talab-q
Delay Ving orqaga qoldir-q
Deny Ving rad et-q
Describe ToV Tasvirla-q
Deserve ToV xizmat kil-q
Desire To orzu-q
Desirable ToV Yoqimli
Determine To aniqlamoq
Don't like Ving yoqtirmay qol-q
Difficulty Ving Qiynal-q
Dislike To yoqtirmaslik
Dread To qo’rqmoq
Earlier ToV Vaqtliroq
Earn ToV pul ishla-q
Easy ToV oson
Enable ToV imkon ber-q
Encourage Ving Ruxlantir-q
Encourage me ToV Ruxlantir-q
Engine Ving Jixozla-q
Enjoy Ving Ektir-q
Enough ToV yetarli
Excuse Ving Kechir-q
Expect ToV umid qilib kut-q
Expensive ToV qimmat
Explain ToV Tushuntir-q
Fail ToV omadsialikka uch-q
Fall ToV Yiqil-q
Fancy Ving yoqlamok
Feel V xis qil-q
Find Ving Top-q
Finish Ving Tugat-q
First ToV Birinchi
For me ToV men uchun
Forbid Ving Taqiqla-q
Forbid me ToV Taqiqla-q
Force me ToV Majburla-q
Get nothing ToV Yo'q bo'l-q
Get round to Ving Yetib olmoq
Get smb ToV bor bo'l-q
Get smth V3 bor bo'l-q
Go Ving Bor-q
Go on (eskisini) Ving davom ettir-q
Go on (yangisnni) ToV davom ettir-q
Go+joy nomi To V Bor-q
Going ToV moqchi
Good (no) Ving yaxshi emas
Happen To V sodir bo'l-q
Hate To V V ing Nafratlan-q
Hate (would) ToV nafratlanmok
Have smb ToV Bor
have smth V 3 CAUSATIVE
Have to V Kerak
Have(got) ToV bor
Have+smth V3 CAUSATIVE
Hear+Smb V,Ving Eshit-q
Heard (be) ToV Eshitil-q
Help ToV, Ving Yordam ber-q
Help (can't) Ving O'zini to'xtata olmaegalik
Help (can't)+to'ld To V/V Yordam ber-q
Hesitate To ikkilanmoq
Hire me ToV Yolla-q
Hope ToV umid qil-q
How Ving Qanday
Imagine Ving tasavvur qil-q
Impossible ToV Iloji yo'q
Instruct me ToV Ko'rsatma ber-q
Intend ToV, Ving niyat qil-q
Introduce me ToV menga tanishtir
Invite ToV Taklif qil-q
Involve Ving jalb qil-q
It is + sifat ToV ..dir
Keep Ving Davom ettir-q
Know ToV Bil-q
Last ToV Oxirgi
Late ToV Kech
Learn To V.V ing O'rgan-q
Let V Ruxsat et-q
Like Vtag Yoqtir-q
Like (should) ToV Yoqtir-q, ista-q
Likely ToV Extimol
Lit ToV Yoq-q
Look forward to Ving Kutmoq
Love V Sev-q
Love (would) ToV Sev-q
Made (be) ToV Majburlan-q
majxul nisbat ToV
Make V Majburla-q
Manage ToV Uddala-q
Mean ToV Niyat qil-q
Mean Ving Anglat-q
Mention Ving Eslat-q
Mind Ving qarshi emas
Miss Ving O'tkazib yubor
Money (take) Ving pul ol-q
Move ToV Ko'ch-q
Must V Kerak
Need (S jonsiz) V ing (tobe+V3) qilnnishi zarur
Need me ToV qilishim zarur
Neglect To V,V ing mensimay qara-q
Notice V.Ving payqa-q
Submit ToV tavsiya qil-q
Succeeded in Ving Muvaffaq qoz-q
Suggest ToV taklif qil-q
Sure ToV Ishon-q
Take V Ol-q
Tartib son ToV
Teach ToV O'qit-q
Tell ToV Buyur-q
Tend ToV xoxishi bo'l-q
The last ToV eng oxirgisi
The next ToV Keyingisi
Threaten ToV Qo'rqit-q
Think ToV O'yla-q
Time ToV Vaqt
Time (take) Ving vaqt ol-q
Try Ving Urin-q
Try ToV kuch sarfla-q
Turn out ToV Buril-q
Understand Ving Tushun-q
Unlikely ToV O'xshamaydi
Urge me ToV Majburla-q
Use (no) Ving befoyda
Used to V odatlangan
Used to (be) Ving Odatlangan
Used to (get) Ving Odatangan
Volunteer ToV Ko'ngilli bo'l-q
Vow To qasam ich-q
Wait To kutmoq
Want ToV Xoxla-q
Warn (S jonsiz) To \ (Ving) Ogoxlantar-q
Waste time/money Ving Yo'qot-q
Watch V, V ing Kuzat-q
Watched (be) ToV Kuzatil-q
What ToV .ligini
Where/when ToV Qaerdaligini
While/when Ving ...ganda
Forget ToV Unut-q
Get nothing ToV Yo'q bo'l-q
Get round to Ving Yetib olmoq
Get smb ToV bor bo'l-q
Get smth V3 bor bo'l-q
Go Ving Bor-q
Go on (eskisini) Ving davom ettir-q
Go on (yangisnni) ToV davom ettir-q
Go+joy nomi To V Bor-q
Going ToV moqchi
Good (no) Ving yaxshi emas
Happen To V sodir bo'l-q
Hate To V V ing Nafratlan-q
Hate (would) ToV nafratlanmok
Have smb ToV Bor
have smth V 3 CAUSATIVE
Have to V Kerak
Have(got) ToV bor
Have+smth V3 CAUSATIVE
Hear+Smb V,Ving Eshit-q
Heard (be) ToV Eshitil-q
Help ToV, Ving Yordam ber-q
Help (can't) Ving O'zini to'xtata olmaegalik
Help (can't)+to'ld To V/V Yordam ber-q
Hesitate To ikkilanmoq
Hire me ToV Yolla-q
Hope ToV umid qil-q
How Ving Qanday
Imagine Ving tasavvur qil-q
Impossible ToV Iloji yo'q
Instruct me ToV Ko'rsatma ber-q
Intend ToV, Ving niyat qil-q
Introduce me ToV menga tanishtir
Invite ToV Taklif qil-q
Involve Ving jalb qil-q
It is + sifat ToV ..dir
Keep Ving Davom ettir-q
Know ToV Bil-q
Last ToV Oxirgi
Late ToV Kech
Learn To V.V ing O'rgan-q
Let V Ruxsat et-q
Like Vtag Yoqtir-q
Like (should) ToV Yoqtir-q, ista-q
Likely ToV Extimol
Lit ToV Yoq-q
Look forward to Ving Kutmoq
Love V Sev-q
Love (would) ToV Sev-q
Made (be) ToV Majburlan-q
majxul nisbat ToV
Make V Majburla-q
Manage ToV Uddala-q
Mean ToV Niyat qil-q
Mean Ving Anglat-q
Mention Ving Eslat-q
Mind Ving qarshi emas
Miss Ving O'tkazib yubor
Money (take) Ving pul ol-q
Move ToV Ko'ch-q
Must V Kerak
Need (S jonsiz) V ing (tobe+V3) qilnnishi zarur
Need me ToV qilishim zarur
Neglect To V,V ing mensimay qara-q
Notice V.Ving payqa-q
noticed (be) ToV Payqal-q
Object to Ving Qarshilik qilmoq
Offer To taklif-q
Omit To majbur-q
Opportunity ToV buyruq ber-q
Opportunity of Ving imkoniyat
Order ToV Imkoniyat
Order (in) ToV maqsadida
ought to V kerak
owe To V qarzdor b-q
Permit Ving ruxsat et-q
permit me ToV ruxsat et-q
permitted (be) ToV ruxsat etil-q
Persuade ToV Ishontir-q
Phone ToV telefon qil-q
Plan ToV Reja tuz-q
Postpone Ving keyinga qoldir-q
Practice Ving tajriba o'tkaz-q
practice (take) Ving tajriba ol-q
Predlog Ving Eng oxiri
Prefer Ving to Ving Yoktir-q
Prefer ToV than V Yoqtir-q
prefer (would) ToV Afzal ko'r-q
Prepare To Ving Tayyorla-q
Pretend ToV Mug'ombirlik
prevent from V ing dan ximoya qil-q
Promise ToV Va'da ber-q
Propose To V, V ing taklif q-q
Prove To V isbotlamoq
put off Ving orqaga qoldir-q
Rather(would) V... today Afzal ko'r-q
Rather(would) To V than V Afzal ko'r-q
Recommend ToV tavsiya qil-q
Refuse ToV rad et-q
Regret Ving qilganidan afs-q
Regret ToV qilishidan afsus-q
Remember Ving qilganini es-q
Remember ToV qilishini es-q
Remind ToV Eslat-q
Report ToV Ma'ruza qil-q
Resist Ving qarshilik qil-q
Return to Ving
Rove ToV O'zini oqla-q
Say ToV Ayt-q
Second ToV Ikkinchi
See Ving Ko'r-q
Seek To izlamoq
Seem ToV Tuyul-q
Seen (be) ToV Ko'ril-q
Sit/stand/lie+joy nomi Ving
So as ToV shuning uchun
Sorry ToV Achin-q
Spend time Ving Vaktini yo'qot-q
Stand (cant) ToV chiday olmaegalik
Start To V, Ving Boshla-q
Stop ToV O'zi to'xtamok
Stop Ving ni to'xtat-q
Struggle To kurash-q
Strive To intilmoq
Swear To ond ich-q
Submit ToV tavsiya qil-q
noticed (be) ToV Payqal-q
Object to Ving Qarshilik qilmoq
Offer To taklif-q
Omit To majbur-q
Opportunity ToV buyruq ber-q
Opportunity of Ving imkoniyat
Order ToV Imkoniyat
Order (in) ToV maqsadida
ought to V kerak
owe To V qarzdor b-q
Permit Ving ruxsat et-q
permit me ToV ruxsat et-q
permitted (be) ToV ruxsat etil-q
Persuade ToV Ishontir-q
Phone ToV telefon qil-q
Plan ToV Reja tuz-q
Postpone Ving keyinga qoldir-q
Practice Ving tajriba o'tkaz-q
practice (take) Ving tajriba ol-q
Predlog Ving Eng oxiri
Prefer Ving to Ving Yoktir-q
Prefer ToV than V Yoqtir-q
prefer (would) ToV Afzal ko'r-q
Prepare To Ving Tayyorla-q
Pretend ToV Mug'ombirlik
prevent from V ing dan ximoya qil-q
Promise ToV Va'da ber-q
Propose To V, V ing taklif q-q
Prove To V isbotlamoq
put off Ving orqaga qoldir-q
Rather(would) V... today Afzal ko'r-q
Rather(would) To V than V Afzal ko'r-q
Recommend ToV tavsiya qil-q
Refuse ToV rad et-q
Regret Ving qilganidan afs-q
Regret ToV qilishidan afsus-q
Remember Ving qilganini es-q
Remember ToV qilishini es-q
Remind ToV Eslat-q
Report ToV Ma'ruza qil-q
Resist Ving qarshilik qil-q
Return to Ving
Rove ToV O'zini oqla-q
Say ToV Ayt-q
Second ToV Ikkinchi
See Ving Ko'r-q
Seek To izlamoq
Seem ToV Tuyul-q
Seen (be) ToV Ko'ril-q
Sit/stand/lie+joy nomi Ving
So as ToV shuning uchun
Sorry ToV Achin-q
Spend time Ving Vaktini yo'qot-q
Stand (cant) ToV chiday olmaegalik
Start To V, Ving Boshla-q
Stop ToV O'zi to'xtamok
Stop Ving ni to'xtat-q
Struggle To kurash-q
Strive To intilmoq
Swear To ond ich-q
Wish ToV Ista-q
Wish/want/need(ega jonsiz) Ving/to be V3
Wonder ToV So'ra-q
Worth Ving Arziydi
Would rather V1 Today,tomorrow
Would rather have+V3 yesterday then today
Would rather+S V2 Present
Would rather+S Had V3 Past
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