Today it is a challenge to get a proper solution in terms of linguistics. Significant contribution to the development of this problem has made A. A. Shakhmatov


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    1. Methods and techniques in learning English

Many scientists like I.P. Podlasyy , V.I. Zagvyazinsky , N.V. Basova and others believe that the method is the main instrument of pedagogical activity. It is with his help that the product of education is produced, the teacher and students interact.
What is the method? The method (from the Greek methodos - "research") - the way to achieve the goal, a certain orderly activity (see philosophical dictionary); reception, method or mode of action (see the dictionary of foreign words); a set of techniques or operations of practical or theoretical assimilation of reality, subordinate to the solution of a specific task. There are many definitions of the concept of "method". The method of instruction is a "system of purposeful actions of the teacher, which organizes the cognitive and practical activities of the student, ensuring the assimilation of the content of education by him, and thereby the achievement of learning goals"[43]
There are many different ways to learn a foreign language, but choosing the best of them is not so easy. In other words, the teaching method organically includes the teaching work of the teacher (teaching) and the organization of the educational and cognitive activity of the students (teaching) in their interrelations, as well as the specifics of their work in achieving educational, developmental and educational goals.
As is known, the following methods are distinguished in the works on the history of the technique: 
1) translated (grammar and translation and lexical-transfer); 
2) direct and natural methods and their modifications; 
3) mixed methods; 
4) consciously-comparative method; 
5) activity-personal-communicative. [17, 220]
Each of these methods was considered innovative in its time, and when its time passed, it was included in the number of those who did not justify themselves, they were out of date.
Throughout the history of the development of pedagogical science 
and theorists, and practitioners, two simple and seemingly tempting solutions to the problem of choosing teaching methods attracted. The first decision: to find a universal method of training which at any difficulty will always help out.
What is the best or universal method? "There are no universal methods," L.V. Shcherba. "There is something valuable in every new method that you need to take advantage of, but it's hardly possible to find cases in history where new methods could be used to the fullest in life. Meanwhile , our teachers often, in pursuit of new methods, forget about their responsibilities to children and society and do not teach their pets what should undoubtedly remain with any methods" [51,110]
It is worth taking into account the fact that each method has a certain structure and provides a certain type of activity and level of mental perception and knowledge. During the lesson, you can use a combination of methods.
However, here we can talk only about the leading direction, but teachers are connected with the choice of teaching methods, understanding of their essence, which ultimately reveals the basis of the methodology of its work. The teacher has the right to choose. Although it is more correct to talk not about the choice, but about a reasonable combination of the methods used, which do not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, are mutually complementary. The famous Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky said: "The lower the class, the wider the basis of the technique"[46]
Special attention was paid to A.V. Konysheva in one of his books: "Extreme supporters of the grammatical-translation method recommended it to all students regardless of age, the purpose of learning and the duration of the course. But it was still an undeveloped, one-sided method that did not take into account the psychological characteristics of students. The advanced "reform method", usually called the "direct method", is an elaborate method that absorbed the most important provisions of other methods, tested, developed and improved by several generations of highly qualified teachers and teachers. This method was, as it were, a breakthrough from language to speech"[25]
The direct method corresponds to the requirement that the 
goal of education is a gradual acquaintance with foreign culture, which leads the students to a deeper understanding and evaluation of the culture of their people. This method is a combination of features or tools borrowed from many other methods: both the grammatical method, both natural and phonetic, each contributed, and each in its time claimed a special position due to special merits. The direct method represented a certain result in the method of teaching foreign languages, created by the best teachers and scientists of many generations.
The history of the methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​has evolved in several stages: translation, grammar and translation, mixed, and, finally, since the 60s of the XIX century - a direct or natural method that has become relatively widespread.
The basis of the direct method is the process of mastering the children's native language, so when teaching adults using the direct method, absolute elimination of the native language of the students is envisaged. Each lesson is conducted with an oral lead, while using the same means and methods of instruction. Representatives of natural methods consider the teaching of a foreign language as the goal of teaching a foreign language, emphasizing, in addition, the need for cultural acquaintance of students with the country of the language they are studying. They pay great attention to grammar and especially to phonetics. The basis for language learning is the active assimilation of a connected phrase by the principle of imitation, i.e. language is studied intuitively, through imitation and mechanical repetition.
In general, the recommendations of modern Western European PM supporters on the organization of the educational process do not differ to a large extent from the development of methodologists of past periods of its development and are as follows:
- oral speech is much more important than writing; 
- unflagging attention should be given to phonetics; 
- all the educational material should be studied on models (grammar in the first place); 
- when selecting training exercises at any level, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the pupil's native language, while the mother tongue should be used in exceptional cases; 
- practical purposes of language learning require repeated repetition of 
memorized material with the obligatory observance of the structural and situational characteristics characteristic of speakers of the given language; 
- without abandoning the use of visual aids recommended by the artists from the time of reform, it is necessary to make maximum use of audio- lingual and other modern technical means; 
- for the effective study of the language, the most careful selection of all linguistic material to be memorized must be done.
Perhaps one of the most striking examples of modern PM is the so-called French audio-visual method (AVM). The basic principles of AVM are reduced to the following three provisions:
- the material is introduced and semantisized with simultaneous auditory perception. Given that each sounding phrase corresponds to the visual image of a particular situation, AVM supporters use the image as the main element, which, in their opinion, is a segment of reality and should be announced in a foreign language at the time of its consideration; 
- the main educational material are dialogues, all other teaching materials are of an auxiliary nature. Emphasizing the importance of this provision, the French Methodists state that the dialogue provides an opportunity "from the inside" to consider all the features of the people speaking the language in question. 
To change the expressions most characteristic for him, to study the language on the basis of natural situationalism (the latter is typical for the past periods when the language was studied on the basis of artificially dramatized texts); 
- the student must learn the material through repetition of the structures of the 
language, which should not be decomposed into their components, but be "globally", i.e. entirely.
Found not a direct method of teaching foreign languages. However, the educational structures, according to the supporters of the AVM, should not completely change the usual learning of the language in general and grammar, in particular, whereas American methodologists are trying to completely "turn" the traditional language learning by memorizing its models. It was in the United States that teaching foreign languages ​​with the help of PM became a profitable business.
The basic provisions of the neo-directional methodology are most clearly stated by the American M. Berlitz and are as follows: a direct association of perception and thought with foreign speech and sounds is necessary; only foreign language is used permanently in class. In the opinion of M. Berlitz , it is possible to achieve these goals by teaching specific vocabulary by demonstrating objects; abstract - with the help of mental associations; grammar - with the help of examples and visual aids.[18,121]
The main features of the method of M. Berlitz : 
- classes are conducted exclusively in the studied language; 
- only the vocabulary that is needed in everyday life is studied; 
- Speaking and listening are taught through consistent speech patterns and the exchange of questions and answers between the teacher and students; 
grammar is not explained separately, but is given only inductively; 
- new words are explained by demonstrating visual aids, facial expressions and gestures, but never - with the help of translation; 
- the number of students in the group is small and the classes are held for 
3-4 hours a day.
M. Berlitz completely excluded his native language from the educational process, believing that difficulties in learning a foreign language and grammar are created only by translating and comparing the meaning of words and forms in two languages. The full term of study in his schools encompasses four courses, the first three of which aim to educate listeners in all types of speech activity - speaking, reading and writing, and the fourth has a specialized character - studying commercial correspondence, literature, etc.
The method of M. Berlitz was a great success among the wealthy highly motivated clients, but attempts to implement it in secondary school did not bring the desired results, because it does not take into account the realities of school education and does not have a rigorous methodological basis. In addition, the direct method has a number of shortcomings: not all teachers - native speakers are professional enough and can adhere to methodological principles, and, in addition, they often have to go into long explanations in those cases where it would be much more effective to give a brief explanation in their native language students. Among its other shortcomings, it should be noted also the high cost of training, the need for special technical means of instruction and in long-term occupations, the lack of a fundamental teaching methodology, the dependence of the success of the teaching process, almost exclusively on the experience and personality of the teacher.
In addition, many people are engaged in modern methods for teaching English. Below we give several such methods.
Technique of Alexander Dragunkin. In our opinion, the best method of learning English, which helps begin to talk and build sentences from the very first classes. Dragunkin simplified the rules, removed complex cumbersome wording, structured the entire language - choosing methods of learning English, you quickly understand all the advantages of the courses by the method of Alexander Dragunkin.
Own terminology, the way of submitting material, competently formulated rules, for example, using irregular verbs or articles. Dragunkin combined words into various groups on general grounds, also found connections between the identified groups - thereby simplifying the training. The system of learning English by Dragunkin is a simple, logically arranged way to learn the language.
Simplification, systematization, competent delivery - all this accelerates the assimilation of new knowledge at times. So, for example, the basic course of English in Dragunkin in Minsk lasts 4 months, if you do it 2 times a week.
The methodology is intended for both beginners to learn English, and for those who already have some knowledge. These are the best English courses for adults and teenagers.
Shekhter's method. The method of studying the language is special, since its creator claims that it is necessary to master English as well as mastering one's native language. The technique implies interactivity, active learning, various game forms. This system of learning English uses human emotions to better memorize the material - it's how children remember their native language .
Technical means of teaching are used in pedagogical systems for a relatively long time. Initially, they were ordinary projectors with a set of transparent 
"slides", the image from which was fed to the screen of white fabric. 
However, to date, technology has moved far ahead and new modern technologies have firmly become part of a number of training systems, including foreign languages. Below are examples of audio, visual and audio-visual training aids.
Songs. The purpose of music is to make the activity attractive and fruitful. Often it helps to understand the content of the text, the work with which is necessary in the study of a foreign language. The most important, according to E. Perfilieva, is the understanding of music itself, which permeates the product of speech and can become a link in the process of communication with a foreigner. From the didactic point of view, exercises can be modified into the following groups: understanding, lexicon, grammar, combining passages into a single text, if language knowledge is to be consolidated. 
The way of using the songs in the lessons of a foreign language: 
- singing / listening to songs; 
- discussion of texts of songs, groups, singers; 
- Translation of lyrics; 
- as a source for working with grammar and vocabulary; 
- the transfer of a certain cultural content through the night; 
- emotional expressions.

"The competent use of a song or music in foreign language lessons , at any stage of it, helps students not only improve the quality of the studied language, but also broaden their horizons, develop their creative potential"[36]

Art films. Films are used to teach listening , create dynamic visibility and practice of foreign-language communication, create situations of such communication in class and form an audiovisual sphere for learning a foreign language.
The work includes 3 stages. At the pre-demonstration stage, the language difficulties in the perception of the text for the film and the difficulty of understanding its content are removed, new words are introduced and fixed, the country-specific realities unfamiliar to the trainees are analyzed, a 
social and psychological background and informative guidelines for 
further perception of the form and content of the film are formed. 
Before the immediate display of the film, the trainee is offered 
guidelines: content questions, tasks for determining the sequence and dynamics of the characters' behavior, assignments for the evaluation and characterization of the information contained in the film. In addition, they are offered multilevel assignments to determine the author of the replica, on questions to the film, on filling in the passes in the phrases, finding the Russian equivalents of words and expressions. Also it is 
offered to express the opinion (after viewing) on ​​a number of problems. 
Demonstration is accompanied by active learning activity of 
trainees. They make notes of individual words and expressions. 
"At the last demonstration stage, the effectiveness of using the suggested guidelines for the perception of the film by the trainees at the pre- demonstration stage is checked , the understanding of the content and the task is monitored . Particular attention is paid to various types of retelling. In addition, dramatization, role play of dialogues, reproduction and realization of the situations of communication shown are used"[31, 289]
Audiobooks. Audiobooks are a synthesis of written and spoken text. It is firmly established that listening to audiobooks read by professional speakers together with parallel reading of their text facilitates language learning. Various 
researches of scientists prove that such a method of presenting the 
teaching material reduces up to 30% of the time needed to 
memorize new words. This allows you to increase the perceived 
volume of knowledge and serves as an auxiliary method of training speech 
memory. Expected results of using audiobooks: 
- improving the quality of language skills and literacy, vocabulary formation, stimulation imagination, increasing fluency in reading.
- increase of the volume of perceived information per unit time and the development of love for reading.
- leveling the possibility of listeners in the audience. Books provide us with additional, up-to-date language expressions and turns, stimulating ability to understand, regardless of individual abilities.
- development of the ability to highlight the main thing and exclude details,
development of skills for the transformation of linguistic and structural sentences in the direction of normativity, simplicity and conciseness.
Technique of work with audiobooks:
- To start, concentrate on the general understanding of the text. 
Try to catch his main idea. If you do not understand what is at stake, you can specify the meaning of individual words in the dictionary. 
- During the hearing, concentrate on exactly the pronunciation of 
each word.
- Follow the principle of "Better a little, but carefully than a lot, but 
superficially." After you understand the text in general, in order to 
replenish the active vocabulary, specify the meaning of incomprehensible words.
- To do this, select a fragment and completely translate it into Russian. You will learn many new words: adjectives, Synonyms already famous words. 
- Practice regularly. Give time to your occupation and 
do it every day. 
- When the oral text will sound to you as clearly and clearly as the text in Russian, go to passive listening: driving a car, doing some work, resting. The more time you spend on this activity, the deeper and efficiency is your education. 
- In order to translate words and expressions from passive to active , do the following: read aloud, memorize syntactic constructions, write down your speech on the audio carrier to compare your pronunciation with the pronunciation of the announcer
Power Point presentation. The use of presentations in the classroom allows the animation, modification and highlighting of the most significant elements using color, font, size. In addition, in the presentation, you can add photos, charts or tables, which further enhances the impact effect. This technique relies heavily on the visualization of the material, which leads to its better assimilation. A promising form of work at any level of English is the projects (creative assignments). The projects, implemented in the form of presentations, help diversify the activities conducted in the textbooks, as well as implement a comprehensive approach to teaching and significantly increase the motivation of students. Implementing projects using the Microsoft program 
PowerPoint allows you to diversify the work, make the activity more dynamic.
This kind of work is used as an integral part of the module:

  • at the beginning of the module for the introduction of new lexical units, grammatical material

  • in the middle of the material handling module

  • at the end of the module for fixing, repeating the material

Presentations can be prepared by both students and the teacher. In the first case, they are considered as creative works and are judged by the highest score. Even the weakest student can easily make a presentation. The student talks in English about what is happening on the screen. At the end of his presentation, he checks how the others listened to him. Thus, the basic skills are worked out: monologic speech, speech perception by ear.
In the beginning of the work on the topic of complex sentences, it is desirable to give information about the features of complex sentences, and their difference from compound ones. For better mastery, you can use different diagrams. For example, Vienna:

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