Ubiquity of English Ingliz tilini o'rganish

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Ubiquity of English - Ingliz tilini o'rganish

Wide spread use of English today is obvious, and the fact of its becoming a global language is inevitable. Presently, it has spread its roots all over the world. In the field of politics, economics and diplomacy English became an essential skill. Hence, students of all directions and specialties are highly interested in language acquisition. The environment itself supports learners, providing them with language bits from all around.- Bugungi kunda ingliz tilini keng qo'llash aniq va uni global tilga aylantirish haqiqatan ham muqarrar. Bugungi kunda butun dunyoda ildizlari tarqaldi. Siyosat, iqtisod va diplomatiya sohalarida ingliz tili muhim mahoratga aylandi. Shuning uchun barcha yo'nalishlar va mutaxassisliklar talabalari tilni o'rganishga katta qiziqish bildirishadi. Atrof-muhit o'qituvchilarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, ular atrofdagi til bitlarini ta'minlaydi.

The Internet makes learning process incredibly easier, in ways that were not possible before. It makes it easier to connect with people who speak different languages. An enormous amount of information is processed in English, and more than half the world’s technical and scientific papers are published in English as well. The widespread use of English has been a great argument. The Chinese government is promoting the teaching of Mandarin in order to establish Chinese as the new international language. Yet the difficulty in means of writing Chinese characters, and the tonal nature of the language, make it unlikely to come out as a preferred language for not native speakers of Chinese.- Internet ta'lim jarayonini ancha osonlashtiradi, bundan oldin imkoni yo'q edi. Turli tillarda gapiradigan odamlar bilan aloqa qilishni osonlashtiradi. Ko'p ma'lumot ingliz tilida olib boriladi va dunyodagi texnik va ilmiy maqolalarning yarmidan ko'pi ingliz tilida chop etiladi. Ingliz tilidan keng foydalanish katta dalil bo'ldi. Xitoy hukumati yangi xalqaro til sifatida Xitoyni yaratish uchun Mandarin ta'limini targ'ib qilmoqda. Biroq, xitoycha belgilarni yozish vositalarining qiyinligi va tilning tonal tabiati, xitoycha ona tili bo'lmagan kishilar uchun afzalroq til sifatida chiqishi mumkin emas.

Another case is French. French used to be the language of diplomacy and the preferred language of international exchange. Educated people in Europe, as well as the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East were proud to speak French. However, this is much less so the case today. And subsequently Esperanto, is offered up as an alternative. It was offered as a politically neutral international language. It also has been constructed quite rationally and easy to learn, but in the foreseeable future no society is likely to change English as a highly convenient means of international communication to any other language. The same is about our own country. Wherever you go or whatever you deal with you surely stumble on something in English.- Yana bir holat esa frantsuzcha. Frantsuzlar diplomatiya va xalqaro almashinuv tilining tiliga aylandi. Evropada, shuningdek, Amerika, Afrika, Osiyo va Yaqin Sharqdagi savodli odamlar frantsuz tilida gapirishdan faxrlanishgan. Biroq, bu hozirgi holatdan kamroq. Keyinchalik Esperanto alternativ sifatida taklif etiladi. Siyosiy jihatdan betaraf xalqaro til sifatida taqdim etildi. Shuningdek, u juda oqilona va o'rganish uchun oson qurilgan, biroq yaqin kelajakda hech bir jamiyat ingliz tilini boshqa tillarga juda mos xalqaro aloqa vositasi sifatida o'zgartirishi mumkin. Xuddi shu narsa bizning mamlakatimiz haqida. Qaerga ketsangiz ham, siz bilan qanday muomalada bo'lsang, ingliz tilida ham biror narsa qoqinadi.

Not only in capital Tashkent but in distant regions you can come across English expression. For instance, here in Tashkent even in some areas like Chorsu, Chopon ota or Kukcha where national bias are favored, one may count out lots of] English words used in ads, brand names, tabloids and so on. Therefor language acquisition is now less laborious owing to the whole environment contributes] its improvement. Also less actual is the argument of! lacking due environment, because basic words are mostly known for inveterate housewives as well.- Faqat poytaxtda emas, balki uzoq joylarda ingliz tilida ifodalash mumkin. Misol uchun, Toshkentda hatto Chorsu, Chopon ota yoki Ko'kcha kabi ba'zi joylarda ham milliy manfaatdor tomonlar mavjud bo'lganida reklama, tovar nomlari, tabloidlar va boshqalarda ishlatiladigan ingliz tilidagi so'zlar ko'p bo'lishi mumkin. Shu sababli, tilni egallash hozirgi sharoitda uning yaxshilanishiga yordam beradi. Bundan tashqari, argumenti ham kamroq! chunki asosiy so'zlar, odatda, uy bekalari uchun ham ma'lum.

The proclamation of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 1, 1991, is a landmark in the history of the republic. On August 31, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the resolution "About Proclamation of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan'".- 1991 yil 1 sentyabrda O'zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligini e'lon qilish respublika tarixida muhim voqeadir. 1991 yil 31 avgustda O'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Kengashi "O'zbekiston Respublikasining davlat mustaqilligini e'lon qilish to'g'risida" gi qarorni qabul qildi.

On March 2, 1992, the United Nations adopted a resolution to admit the Republic of Uzbekistan into its membership. Uzbekistan became a full member of the United Nations and was recognized by over 131 states of the world.- 1992 yil 2 martda Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti O'zbekiston Respublikasini o'z a'zoligiga qabul qilish to'g'risida qaror qabul qildi. O'zbekiston Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining to'la a'zoligiga aylandi va dunyoning 131 dan ortiq davlatlari tomonidan e'tirof etildi.

The Republic of Uzbekistan has favourable natural ;uul Keu conditions. It is situated in the central part of Central Asia between the Ainu I )tii;yo and the Syr Daryo rivers. The territory of the republic stretches for 1425 kiloniulciM Irom west to east and for 930 kilometers from north to south. In the northeast it borders on Kazakhstan, in the east and southeast on Kirghizstan and Tajikistan, in the west on Turkmenistan and in the south on Afghanistan.- O'zbekiston Respublikasi qulay sharoitga ega, Keu shartlari. Markaziy Osiyoning markaziy qismida Ainu I ti va SyrRaryo daryolari o'rtasida joylashgan. Respublika hududi sharqdan g'arbdan 1425 kilogrammgacha, shimoldan janubgacha 930 kilometrgacha uzoqda. Shimoli-sharqda Qozog'iston, sharqda va janubi-sharqda Qirg'iziston va Tojikiston, g'arbda Turkmaniston va janubda Afg'oniston bilan chegaradosh.

Uzbekistan is the republic of sunshine. The climate of Uzbekistan is very hot in summer and very cold in winter. Temperatures in winter may drop to 33-36 degrees below zero. The hottest summer month is July. The temperature then cnn reach more than 45 degrees. High summer temperature makes it possible to cultivate heul-loving crops such as cotton, grapes, figs, melons, water-melons and others. Uzbekistan is a multinational republic. The population of Uzbekistan is more than 21 million people.- O'zbekiston quyoshli respublika. O'zbekiston iqlimi yozda juda issiq va qishda juda sovuq. Qishda qishning temperaturasi 33-36 darajaga tushishi mumkin. Eng issiq yoz oyi - iyul. Keyin cnn harorati 45 darajadan oshib ketadi. Yuqori yozgi harorat paxta, uzum, anjir, qovun, suv-qovun va boshqa kabi ezgu ekinlarni etishtirishga imkon beradi. O'zbekiston ko'pmillatli respublika. O'zbekiston aholisining soni 21 milliondan oshdi.

Uzbekistan has great economic potential from its own resources. In the world production of quality gold, Uzbek gold has recently won two international prizes. Besides gold, other metals like copper, lead, zinc, tungsten and lithium are also produced in Uz­bekistan. Even gas, coal and oil are readily available. Uzbekistan has about 1000 joint ventures with other countries.--- O'zbekiston o'z resurslaridan katta iqtisodiy salohiyatga ega. Jahonda sifatli oltin ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha o'zbek oltinlari yaqinda ikki xalqaro sovrinni qo'lga kiritdi. Oltindan tashqari, O'zbekistonda mis, qo'rg'oshin, rux, volfram va lityum kabi boshqa metallar ham ishlab chiqariladi. Hatto gaz, ko'mir va neft ham oson. O'zbekistonda boshqa mamlakatlar bilan 1000 ga yaqin qo'shma korxonalar mavjud.

Education_in_Uzbekistan_-_Ozbekistondagi_talim'>Education in Uzbekistan - O'zbekistondagi ta'lim

During the history of mankind educated people were the most honorable among others. At first educated people knew only reading and writing. Later thanks to Greek philosophers there appeared a lot of schools. Students of schools studied mathematics, history, literature, astronomy, medicine, arts. Later in the middle ages many Universities were opened and people became more and more educated. But only the rich could study at the Universities. The poor couldn't get. education. At that time women were not allowed to study.- Insoniyat tarixi davomida o'qimishli odamlar boshqalar orasida eng sharaflidir. Ilgari o'qimishli odamlar faqat o'qish va yozishni bilishardi. Keyinchalik yunon faylasuflari tufayli ko'plab maktablar paydo bo'ldi. Maktab talabalari matematika, tarix, adabiyot, astronomiya, tibbiyot, san'at kabi yo'nalishlarni o'rganib chiqdi. Keyinchalik o'rta asrlarda ko'pgina universitetlar ochildi va odamlar ko'proq bilimga ega bo'ldi. Ammo boylar faqat universitetlarda o'qishlari mumkin edi. Kambag'al ololmadi. ta'lim. O'sha paytda ayollar o'qish uchun ruxsat berilmagan edi.

Today there are many schools, colleges, Universities all over the world and people may get knowledge and profession. There are also thousands of professional schools. In the nineteenth century new schools appeared in Turkistan. More than 23,410 boys and 109 girls went to 2013 primary schools and madrassahs only in Samarkand.- Bugungi kunda butun dunyo bo'ylab ko'pgina maktablar, kollejlar, universitetlar mavjud va odamlar bilim va kasbga ega bo'lishlari mumkin. Bundan tashqari, minglab professional maktablar mavjud. XIX asrda Turkistonda yangi maktablar paydo bo'ldi. Samarqandda 2013 yilda boshlang'ich maktab va madrasalarga 23 ming 410 dan ziyod o'g'il va 109 qiz kirdi.

Uzbekistan has its own Education System. According to "National Educational Program" education system in Uzbekistan is divided into 7 stages. The first stage is preschool education. 2-7 years old children can go to
kindergartens or special schools (gymnasiums). The second stage is compulsory school education which divides into primary education and secondary education. 7-16 years old pupils go to general secondary schools. The next stage is secondary special or professional education in academic lyceums and professional colleges.- O'zbekistonda o'z ta'lim tizimi mavjud. "Milliy ta'lim dasturi" ga ko'ra O'zbekistonda ta'lim tizimi 7 bosqichga bo'lingan. Birinchi bosqich - maktabgacha ta'lim. 2-7 yoshdagi bolalar bolalar bog'chalari yoki maxsus maktablarga (gimnaziyalarga) o'tishlari mumkin. Ikkinchi bosqich - boshlang'ich va o'rta ta'limga ajratiladigan majburiy maktab ta'limi. 7-16 yoshdagi o'quvchilar umumta'lim maktablariga boradilar. Keyingi bosqich akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlarida o'rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta'limi hisoblanadi.

The next stage is higher education, consists of two academic stages: Bachelor (4 years) and Master's (2 years). Then comes the stage of Doctorate, which can be last 3 years or several years for independent researchers. - Keyingi bosqich oliy ta'limdan iborat bo'lib, ikki bosqichdan iborat: bakalavr (4 yil) va magistr (2 yil). So'ngra mustaqil tadqiqotchilar uchun so'nggi 3 yil yoki bir necha yil bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan doktorlik bosqichi keladi.

But it is not compulsory for everybody. Not all 3-7 old children can preschool education. Some of them go to kindergartens, but some of them are taught at home in their families. That's why the abilities of children are different.

At the age of sixteen teenagers may go to different professional colleges or lyceums. There are many professional colleges and academic lyceum in our Republic. Teenagers can get different professions attending (technical, pedagogical, medical, agricultural, etc) colleges and academic lyceums for three years. Students get some professional skills and are prepared to enter Institutes and Universities.-- Lekin bu hamma uchun majburiy emas. 3-7 yoshgacha bo'lgan barcha bolalar maktabgacha ta'lim olish imkoniga ega emaslar. Ulardan ba'zilari bolalar bog'chalariga boradi, biroq ularning ba'zilari oilasida uyda o'qitiladi. Shuning uchun bolalarning qobiliyatlari boshqacha.

O'n olti yoshdagi turli kasb-hunar kollejlari yoki litseylarga ketishi mumkin. Respublikamizda ko'plab kasb-hunar kollejlari va akademik litseylar mavjud. Yoshlar uch yil davomida kollejlar va akademik litseylarda (texnik, pedagogik, tibbiyot, qishloq xo'jaligi va hokazo) turli kasblarga ega bo'lishlari mumkin. Talabalar bir nechta professional ko'nikmalarga ega bo'lib, Institut va Universitetlarga kirishga tayyor.
Education in Great Britain - Buyuk Britaniyada ta'lim

Education in Great Britain is provided by the Local Education Authority (LEA) in each county. Until recently, each LEA was free to decide how to organize education in its own area. However, in 1988 the ^'National Curriculum" was introduced. It means that there is greater government control over what is taught in schools now.- Buyuk Britaniyada ta'limni har bir viloyatda Mahalliy Ta'lim Tashkiloti (LEA) taqdim qiladi. So'nggi paytgacha har bir LEA o'z hududida ta'limni qanday tashkil etishni hal etishga qaror qildi. Biroq, 1988 yilda "Milliy o'quv qo'llanma" joriy etildi, ya'ni hozir maktablarda o'qitiladigan narsalar ustidan davlat nazorati katta.

Children under five don't have to go to school, but there is some free nursery-school education before that age. The places are usually given to families in special circumstances, for example families with one parent only. That's why in many areas parents have formed play groups where children under five years can go for a morning or afternoon a couple of times a week. - Besh yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar maktabga bormaydi, ammo o'sha yoshdan oldin bepul maktab-tarbiya mashg'ulotlari mavjud. Joylar odatda maxsus holatlarda oilalarga beriladi, masalan, faqat bitta ota-onasi bo'lgan oilalar. Shu sababli ko'plab sohalarda ota-onalar besh yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalarga haftada bir necha marta yoki kunduziga ikki marta tashrif buyurishlari mumkin bo'lgan o'yin guruhlari tuzadilar.

In England schooling is compulsory for children of 5 to 16 years of age. Any child may attend, without paying fees, a school provided by the public authority, and the great majority attends such schools. Yet, a limited number of schoolchildren attend fee-paying schools called public, though they are in fact-private schools.- Angliya maktabida o'qish 5 yoshdan 16 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun majburiydir. Har qanday bola davlat organi tomonidan taqdim etilgan maktab uchun haq to'lamasdan qatnashishi mumkin va ko'pchilik bunday maktablarga qatnaydi. Shunga qaramay, cheklangan miqdordagi maktab o'quvchilari pulli maktablarga qatnayaptilar, ammo aslida xususiy maktablarda.

Primary Schools. At five years old, the age at which education becomes compulsory, children go to infant schools until they are seven and then on to junior schools until the age of 11. Over 80% of all primary schools are mixed.- Boshlang'ich maktablar. Besh yoshga to'lgunga qadar ta'lim olish majburiy bo'lgan yoshdagi bolalar yetti yoshga to'lgunga qadar maktabga, so'ngra 11 yoshgacha bo'lgan o'rta maktabga ketadilar. Boshlang'ich maktablarning 80 foizdan ko'prog'i aralashtiriladi.

Some junior schools carry out a policy of streaming. Pupils are streamed, according to their abilities to learn, into A, B, C and D streams — the brightest children go to the A stream and the least gifted to the D stream. - Ba'zi kichik maktablar oqim siyosatini olib boradi. O'quvchilar o'zlarining A, B, C va D oqimlariga o'rganish qobiliyatiga ko'ra oqadilar, eng yorqin bolalar A oqimiga, eng kamida, D oqimiga iqtidor beradilar.

Secondary Schools. At the age of 11 when children leave junior school to start the second stage of their education they go to assessment centers or for interviews at local secondary schools. This system has replaced the old selective examination (it was called «Eleven Plus"). Examination which was much criticized by teachers and parents. Nowadays most of the secondary schools in Great Britain have gone over to the comprehensive system. Almost 50% of all secondary schools are single sex. - O'rta maktablar. 11 yoshida bolalar o'rta maktabni tark etishganida, ular ikkinchi bosqichini boshlash uchun baholash markazlariga yoki mahalliy umumta'lim maktablarida intervyularga borishadi. Ushbu tizim eski tanlov imtihoni o'rnini egallagan ("Eleven Plus" deb nomlangan), o'qituvchilar va ota-onalar tomonidan tanqid qilingan imtihon Bugungi kunda Buyuk Britaniyadagi umumta'lim maktablarining ko'pchiligi keng qamrovli tizimga o'tdilar. o'rta maktablar bir jinsdir.

The Comprehensive school takes all children over eleven regardless of their supposed intelligence. In these schools children are not separated according to ability. On graduating, the students can choose the profession according to their abilities.

Comprehensive schools wan/ to develop Ihc talents of each individual child. So they" offer a wide choice of subjects, from art and craft, woodwork and domestic science to the sciences, modern languages, computer studies, etc. All these subjects are enjoyed by both girls and boys. All pupils move to the next class automatically at the end of the year. - Zamonaviy maktab barcha aql-idroklaridan qat'iy nazar o'n bir yoshdan oshgan. Ushbu maktablarda bolalar qobiliyatiga ko'ra ajralishmaydi. Bitirgandan so'ng, talabalar o'zlarining qobiliyatlariga ko'ra kasbni tanlashlari mumkin.

Umumjamol maktablar har bir bolaning IXc iste'dodlarini ishlab chiqdi. Shunday qilib, ular "san'at va hunarmandlik, yog'och ishi va mahalliy fanlardan fanlarga, zamonaviy tillarga, kompyuterni o'rganishga va hokazolarga keng tanlov taklif etadilar. Bularning barchasi ham qizlar, ham o'g'il bolalar tomonidan ma'qullandi. yil oxirida.

At the age of 14 or 15 pupils begin to choose their exam subjects. In 1988 a new public examination — the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) — was introduced for 16 year-olds. This examination assesses pupils on the work they do in the 4th and 5th year at secondary school. For University entrance pupils have to take «A» Level (Advanced Level) GCE exam.

Many people decide to leave school at the age of 16 and go to a Further Education (FE) College for practical vocational training, for example in engineering, typing, cooking or hairdressing. --- 14 yoshdan 15 yoshgacha bo'lgan o'quvchilar imtihon mavzusini tanlashni boshlaydilar. 1988 yilda 16 yoshga to'lgan yangi umumiy imtihon - Umumiy o'rta ta'lim sertifikati (GCSE) joriy etildi. Ushbu imtihon o'quvchilarni o'rta maktabda 4 va 5 yillarda qilgan ishlari bilan baholaydi. Universitetga kirish uchun talabalar "A" bosqichi (Advanced Level) GCE imtihonini topshirishlari kerak.

Ko'pchilik 16 yoshida maktabni tark etishga qaror qiladi va amaliy mashg'ulotlar uchun, masalan, muhandislik, yozish, pazandachilik yoki kuaförlük kabi qo'shimcha ta'lim (FE) Kollejine boradi.
Holidays in Uzbekistan - O'zbekistonda bayramlar

There are many beautiful holidays in Uzbekistan. The most important holiday is the adversary of independence of Uzbekistan, which we celebrate on September, 1 and it is also the newest holiday in Uzb ekistan. On December 8 we celebrate Constitution Day. We celebrate New Year's Day on January 1. Before New Year's Day we send New Year wishes to our friends, or we ring them up in the evening on December 31, New Year's Eve. On that Day we usually at home with our family or with our friends. We give presents to members of our family and we have a New Year tree with lights and decorations. - O'zbekistonda juda yaxshi dam olish kunlari bor. Eng muhim bayram - 1 sentyabrda nishonlanadigan O'zbekiston mustaqilligining dushmani, bu esa O'zb ekistonda eng yangi bayramdir. 8 dekabr kuni biz Konstitutsiya kunini nishonlaymiz. Biz Yangi yilni 1-yanvar kuni nishonlaymiz. Yangi yil bayrami oldidan do'stlarimizga Yangi Yil yubormoqdamiz yoki ular 31 dekabr kuni, Yangi yil arafasida biz ularni chaqiramiz. O'sha kuni odatda bizning oilamiz yoki do'stlarimiz bilan uyda yashaymiz. Biz oilamiz a'zolariga sovg'alar beramiz va chiroqlar va bezaklar bilan yangi yil daraxti mavjud.

There are two muslim holidays, Ramadan Khait and Kurban Khait. The dates of these holidays change every year. On March, 8 we celebrate Women's Day. On that day we give presents to our mothers and sisters. March 21 is the spring festival of Navruz, which people celebrate with flowers, dancing, music and traditional foods. The most important food is sumalak, a dish made from boiled wheat sprouts. - Ramazon xayiti va Qurbon Hayit ikki musulmon bayrami. Ushbu bayramlar kunlari har yili o'zgarib turadi. 8 mart kuni biz ayollar kunini nishonlaymiz. O'sha kuni onalarga va opa-singillarimizga sovg'alar beramiz. 21 mart - Navro'zning bahor festivali bo'lib, ular gullar, raqs, musiqa va an'anaviy taomlar bilan nishonlanadi. Eng muhim oziq-ovqat sumalak, qaynatilgan bug'doy novdalaridan qilingan taom.

May, 9 is4he Day of Memory and Respect. On that day we remember our ancestors and visit out grandparents. It is really the greatest holiday in Uzbekistan. - 9 may - Xotira va qadrlash kuni. O'sha kuni ota-bobolarimizni eslaymiz va bobo-buvilarimizga tashrif buyuramiz. Bu, albatta, O'zbekistonda eng katta bayram.

Holidays in Great Britain - Buyuk Britaniyada dam olish kunlari

There are a lot of holidays in Great Britain, but we want to tell about some of them.- Buyuk Britaniyada ko'p bayramlar bor, biroq biz ularning ayrimlari haqida gapirishni istaymiz.

Stratford-on-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare, became the site of the first Stratford jubilee in 1769. On the site of Shakespeare's own house a wooden amphitheatre was built, and two wagons arrived with fireworks. The neighboring villages and towns were crammed with visitors. Medals were issued in copper, silver or gold with Shakespeare's likeness on them. There was ringing of bells, firing of cannon at 5.00 in the morning, breakfast in the town hall, speeches and, of course, Shakespeare's plays on the stage. This continued for three days.-
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