* let’s + fe’l ni taklif qilganimizda ishlatamiz. Let’s = let us (keling).
Let’s help her. – keling unga yordam beramiz.
Unit 8
* Biz there is/are (abaroti/birirkmasi deyiladi) ni biror bir joyda bitta shaxs yoki shaxslar, narsa yoki narsalar, bitta hayvon yoki hayvonlar bor bo’lsa, mavjud bo’lsa ishlatamiz. There is ni qisqartirilgan shakli there’s. Ammo there are qisqartirilmaydi.
There is (there’s) a sofa in the room. – honada bitta divan bor.
There are four children in the garden. – bog’da to’rtta bola bor.
* So’roq shakli: Is there…? Are there…? Bo’lib yasaladi.
Is there a restaurant in the town? – shaxarda bitta restaran bormi?
Are there any apples in the basket? – savatda olmalar bormi?
* Inkor shakli: long form short form
To’liq shakli qisqa shakli
(birlik) There is not there isn’t
(ko’plik) There are not there aren’t
There is not/isn’t a man in the room. – honada bitta kishi yo’q.
There are not/aren’t any cars in the street. – ko’chada hech qanaqa moshinalar yo’q.
Short answers – Qisqa javoblar
Qisqa javoblar quyidagicha yasaladi:
Is there an apple on the table? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
Stolda olma bormi? Ha, bor./ yo’q.
Are there two apples on the table? Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.
Stolning ustida ikkita olma bormi? Ha, bor./ Hech qanaqa olmalar yo’q.
* Biz there is/there are ni biron bir joyda bir narsa yoki narsalar mavjud bo’lsa yoki bor bo’lsa ishlatamiz ammo It is/they are ni o’sha bitta narsa yoki narsalar haqida ko’proq axborot bermoqchi bo’lganimizda ishlatamiz.
There is a house in the picture. It is a big house. – Rasmda bitta uy bor. U katta uy.
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