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Children from first through twelfth grade are all called students.Bolalar 1-dan 12-darajaga yetishganda barchasi talabalar deb ataladi. In fact, anyone studying, from kindergarten through advanced university, is called a student in America.Dalillarga tayanib, shuni aytishimiz mumkinki, kimdir bog’chadan oly universitetga o’tsa, u Amerika talabasi hisoblanadi. Sometimes schoolchildren are called "first-graders," "second-graders" and so on. Ba’zan o’quvchilar “1-darajali”, “2-darajali” va shunga o’xshash ataladilar.The last four years of school, they are sometimes known by different names also.Maktabning oxirgi 4 yilida, Ular yana turli xil ismlar bilan ham ataladilar. Ninth-graders may be called "freshman," tenth-graders "sophomores," eleventh-graders "juniors" and twelfth-graders "seniors."9-bosqichdagilar “endi tugatayotganlar”,10-bosqichdagilar “sophomorlar”, 11-bosqichdagilar “kichiklar” va 12-bosqichdagilar “kattalar” deb atalishi mumkin.These are the same names used for the four years of college or university.Bular Jamoada yoki universitetda 4 yil davomida ishlatiladigan bir xil nomlardir.The system of secondary school education in the USA includes different kinds of schools: public and private, large and small, urban and rural, traditional and experimental.AQSH o’rta maktab ta’lim tizimi turli xil maktablarni o’z ichiga oladi: In secondary schools, all students study English, mathematics, history and science – o’rtra maktabda barcha o’quvchilar enliz tili , matematika , tarix fanlarini o’rganishadi.. Other subjects are selected by the students according to their interests – boshqa fanlar esa o’quvchilar tomonidan o’zlarining qiziqishlari asosida tanlanadi... Other classes may include foreign languages, typing or sewing, art or music, metal or woodworking, agriculture or mechanics- u fanlar birorta chet tili, to’qish, duradgorlik, chilangarlik qishloq xo’jaligi yoki shu qatori boshqa fanlar ham bo’lishi mumkin.. Students study six to ten subjects at a time- o’quvchilar o’sha vaqtda 6 ta dan 10 tagacha fan o’qishlari mumkin. Children in the United States are required to attend school either through the end of their secondary education or until they are 16 years old or older- ular ta’limga alohida e’tibor berishlari kerak bo’ladilar chunki ular o’rta maktabni tugatganlarida allaqachon 16 yoshga to’lgan bo’lishadi.. If they want to go to college or university, students must complete secondary school- Agar ular kollej yoki institutga borishni xoxlasalar ular o’rta maktabni tugallagan bo’lishlari shart.. Students who have completed secondary education are said to have "graduated" and they receive a diploma.- o’quvchilar o’rta maktabni tugatsalar ular bitiruvchilar hisoblanadi va ular diploma olishadiDownload 259.5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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