Sportchini tayYorlash
kengroq tuShuncha bo‘lib, u sportda yuksak ko‘rsatkichlarga erishishga tayyor bo‘lishi va uni amalga oshira borishni ta’minlovchi barcha vositalardan foydalanishni o‘z ichiga oladi.
Mashq bilan chiniqqanlik- mashg‘ulot vositasida organizmning muayyan bir ishga moslashganlik darajasidir.
Tayyorgarlik darajasi atamasi tayyorgarlikning qaysi darajada ekanligini ko‘rsatadi.
as a broader concept, it involves the readiness to achieve high performance in the sport and the use of all means to ensure that it continues to be achieved.
Exercise is the degree to which the body adapts to a particular activity through exercise.
The term readiness level refers to the level of preparation.
Sport mashg‘ulotlari tizimi
bu sportchilar tayyorlashda beriladigan bilimlarni, tamoyillarni, uslublari va sport ko‘rsatkichini, Shuningdek, mashg‘ulot jaraYonini boshqarish va tashkil qilishda amaliy faoliyatini bir butunligidir.
it is the integrity of the knowledge, principles, methods and sports performance imparted in the training of athletes, as well as their practical activities in the management and organization of the training process.
Sport ko‘rsatkichlari
bu sport mahorati va sportchi qobiliyatini qaysi darajada ekanligini ko‘rsatib, aniq natijalarda beriladi. Aniq holda, tayyorlash izimini samarali amalga oshirishi mobaynida sport ko‘rsatkichlari, sportchini iqtidorligini aniqlaydi
it is given in concrete results, showing the degree to which the sportsmanship and ability of the athlete. Clearly, sports performance, during the effective implementation of the training track, determines the ability of the athlete