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1. National independence and democracy are inextricably linked
2. Theoretical foundations of statehood ideas and their formation.
3. The place and role of increasing human activity in deepening democracy
The question of what path the Republic of Uzbekistan will take in the future after gaining independence remains one of the most urgent issues on the agenda. There were also a number of objective and subjective reasons and factors for its relevance. One of its objective reasons was that there is no ready-made model of socio-economic development in the world suitable for all countries and it is impossible to have one. The second objective reason was that the social relations and rules typical of the system based on administrative orders did not correspond to the interests of the legal democratic state based on the new socially oriented market economy that is now being established in the republic. It was necessary to create a completely new form of state management, taking into account the increase in the human factor in property, property ownership and its management. So, first of all, a certain period of time was required for each country to enter the path of democratic development. Secondly, without losing time, it was necessary to develop a new concept, not to delay the development of Uzbekistan's unique path of development on the basis of the traditions of development historically formed over the centuries.
Speaking about independence, which is a natural right and a supreme blessing for the citizens of Uzbekistan, the President of the country described it as the basis of the development of the society, the condition of our development today and in the long term, the criterion of all our reforms and, finally, the main principle that everyone should follow. Therefore, he constantly sets new tasks before the members of the society and demands their fulfillment. After all, each stage of development consists of various problems and measures to eliminate them.
The experience of large and small nations and states of the international community shows that laxity in solving the problems that arose in the early years of independence can lead to serious social upheavals. Indeed, any unsolved problem creates a number of other risks and complicates the development of the state. Therefore, the power structure that takes responsibility for the fate of the country cannot allow a single breath of uncertainty in this regard, it is always awake and active. Indeed, on the one hand, independence imposes a great responsibility in freely choosing the path of national development, and on the other hand, it creates an incomparable opportunity to end the old and create a foundation for a new society. From this point of view, we can consider independence as the most necessary condition for democracy.
At such historical times, when the past, present and future are intertwined, every country that is experiencing the period of independence, on the one hand, the rich experience gained by the peoples of the world in terms of democracy and its use in the interests of the nation, and on the other hand, the problem of introducing it in a unique situation. historical experience has confirmed in the case of many countries.
At such a conflicting and complicated time, Uzbekistan could solve its national independence by ensuring the integral relationship of democracy. In the process of solving this issue, the political leadership of our country faced both internal and external resistance. Outside the country, especially in the former center, in order to poison the worldview of our people, they say: "You are incapable of building an independent state!", "You are a dumb, dependent nation!" biased opinions took place in the mass media. Partocrats in some regions of the country asked: "Can the people live without a center now?", "Will social and political stability be ensured in the republic?" and everyone had their own answers to questions such as "What kind of society will be built in Uzbekistan?" In the words of I.A. Karimov, "the situation was such that independent Uzbekistan was forced to stand on its feet and walk on its own on the day it came back to the world...". In such conditions, it was extremely important and historical for Uzbekistan to choose a unique path of independence and development, to develop its own model based on the universal principles of national independence and democracy.
As the leader of Uzbekistan, who assumed such a great responsibility, he mainly carried out two things in common. One of them was to study the centuries-old experience of developed countries in developing our country's own socio-economic development path and to adopt their acceptable aspects in a positive way, and the second one was to rely on the lifestyle, mentality and traditions of the people of Uzbekistan. Islam to him Five main principles proposed by Karimov were taken as a basis.
The extremely complex conditions require enormous intellectual and spiritual power from every nation. This task becomes a criterion of political activity that is directly measured by the potential of being able to turn a historical practice into one of the important means of social development.
We are talking about the ability and practice of transferring the unique and suitable customs, morals, set of laws, the general dictionary, i.e. the constitution, and the style of national administration based on them to completely new conditions, in order to make our national statehood permanent. There is one side of this issue, and the other side of it is that in order to ensure the development of democracy in our country, even the geographical location, as well as the economic tools and skills formed by our ancestors over the centuries, as well as interpersonal relations, must also be taken into account. In order to deepen the democratic foundations of independence and successfully operate, Uzbekistan took this path. As a result, democracy has turned from theory to practice or from abstraction to the "Uzbek model" on the scale of our country.
This complex process of democratic transition, that is, the transfer of power to the hands of the people, required tenacity, patience, and, moreover, political determination from the nation, and above all from the political leadership that armed a completely new idea. In this context, special attention should be paid to the fact that the "Declaration of Independence" adopted by the second session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 20, 1990 was an unforgettable date in history. After all, in those days, unexpectedly for many, the birth of independent Uzbekistan as a subject of international politics, embodying all the attributes of national statehood, was solemnly announced to the world community. It is true that, in the former Union, whose territorial inviolability has been recognized, some thoughts appeared at that time regarding the creation of another independent state, that is, Uzbekistan, from the point of view of the norms of international law. But that's another problem. But from the point of view of the democratic will of countless ancestors and generations who have lived in this corner for centuries and shed blood for its integrity and independence, it is completely legal for our nation to take absolute power over all internal resources and components, and only establish the sovereignty of the Uzbeks, or in other words, it had political and moral legitimacy. However, this or that legal or legal act never arose by itself. Perhaps it, i.e. "Declaration of Independence", is primarily an internationally recognized educational message to inform the world community that the dreams, goals and aspirations of the people for several hundred, even thousands of years, and most importantly, their hard struggle have become a reality from the international political point of view, and that it serves this nation. style.
Regardless of whether it was within the former Union or not, it was at those times that the sovereign Uzbekistan was established, based on the rich experience and traditions of nation-state building, the highest duty and right of the people to determine their own destiny and future, and also a deep sense of historical responsibility for the future of their people on the part of the top leadership. was the proof that he did. If it is possible to compare the huge democratic turn that took place in some regions of the world with the declaration of the sovereignty of an illegal, immature state in terms of security based on the interests of one or another ethnic group or confession at the will of a group of politicians and activists, then this political decision is the responsibility of the international community and, above all, It should be emphasized that it is an expression of the basic will of the people of Uzbekistan.
It is known that the central leadership of the former Union, which is experiencing its last days, certainly resisted it tooth and nail. Because the declaration of Uzbekistan as an independent state was actually a sign that the Soviet empire was illegal and based on injustice from the point of view of international law, that it was severely weakened in social and political and, moreover, all aspects, and that a huge political upheaval took place in the southern region of the empire. Therefore, the approval of the metropolis was tantamount to passing a death sentence on itself.
Since those days, the ability of Uzbekistan to feel itself as an absolute sovereign in many aspects in all matters was increasing more and more. Islam Karimov, the head of the national political leadership, openly announced to everyone that the sovereignty of the state is not just on a piece of paper, but that it will definitely be realized, first of all, it is the will of the multi-ethnic Uzbeks. And it is appropriate to emphasize that the political practice has started to be conducted on this basis. Everyone is aware of the fact that Islam Karimov frankly told the world community about the rights of the Uzbeks to national independence at all levels of forums organized by the Center and strongly defended it.
The "Uzbek model" is an important unique model of building a democratic society today, which is being studied and analyzed by many leading political scientists of the world54. For example, Russian researchers M.S. Gafarli, A.G. Kasaev, German L. Levitin55, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences F. Burlatsky highly evaluated it.
The fact that the President paid serious attention to the issue even at the last meeting (July 1990) of the so-called "CPSU", which in fact holds a huge territory in its hands, the declaration of independence of Uzbekistan is not just a feeling, but an irrevocable strategic goal or is a clear proof that it is an act.
From this point of view, it is correct to consider the announcement of the absolute independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 31, 1991 as a great historical event that created the conditions for a unique political preparation, the legal result of national mobilization and large-scale democratic changes. Based on this, the independence of Uzbekistan, in all the constituent parts of our territory; i.e., the declaration of exclusive sovereignty over all levels of state power from the bottom to the top, underground and surface resources, all branches of state administration institutions, material and intellectual potential of the nation, and all directions of foreign relations meant full national independence. It takes subjects in international relations. Now, the necessary legal and political framework has been created for all the countries of the world to treat Uzbekistan as a full-blooded independent subject and as an independent, inviolable subject of international politics worthy of establishing mutually effective relations, recognizing that it is the only official representative of its fundamental interests. In order to create the theoretical and legal basis of the ideas of our independent state and its formation, there was a decision to establish the Presidential Institute in Uzbekistan on March 24, 1990 (the first session of the 12th convocation of the Supreme Soviet), the first in the former Union. It is known that at that session I.A. Karimov was elected the President of the Uzbek SSR. The establishment of the Presidential Institute in our country was not only the national idea of our statehood, but also the beginning of a unique direction of the struggle for the gradual political and economic independence of our people.
The establishment of the Presidential Institute was the only correct solution to solving the problems that have accumulated in the socio-economic, political, spiritual and cultural spheres in our Republic for many years.
It is known that in the historical development of world statehood, there are mainly two forms of governance - monarchical and republican methods. The republican administration, in turn, has the forms of parliamentary and presidential republics. Presidential Republic is currently the most common form of government. According to 2000 data, 146 out of 192 UN member states have the position of President56.
Most of them are also presidential republics. These are USA, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, France, Russian Federation and others.
The main reason for our detailed consideration of the theoretical foundations of the ideas of statehood and the processes of their formation about the establishment of the presidential institution is determined by the fact that the historical experience that the source of presidential power is the people is suitable and necessary for Uzbekistan, and it is proving to be the most effective form of state administration. At this point, "What is the main difference between a presidential republic and a parliamentary republic?" a natural question arises. First, the President is elected by the people on the basis of alternative and is the head of the state. The government is formed by the President and reports to him. In a parliamentary republic, the parliament, that is, the supreme representative legislative body, elects the president and the members of the government and makes them obey him.
Second, the policy of the Presidency is a guarantee of the implementation of the will of the people, which is an important universally recognized principle of democracy. The power of presidential administration guarantees a person free choice of his political, economic and social lifestyle by the Constitutional laws.
Thirdly, the Presidential Administration coordinates the activities of the legislative, executive and judicial bodies, which are the basis of establishing stability, civil peace and inter-ethnic harmony, legislation and the Constitutional system, in the direction of the highest goals of the country57.
Fourthly, the main principle of the Presidential administration is to ensure the equal rights of the state it governs among the countries of the world, the priority of national interests, the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the republic, the correct and strict observance of the norms and laws of the Constitution, which guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens.
In general, the establishment of the Presidential Institute in our country fundamentally changes the meaning and content of our views on the formation of our national statehood. The proof of this is the fact that our President remains the main initiator of the reforms being carried out in our country and the main leader who coordinates them.
According to the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan on August 25, 199158, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee were legally transferred to Uzbekistan. According to this Decree, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR located on the territory of the Republic were directly subordinated to the President of Uzbekistan. In particular, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic and the State Security Committee, the Prosecutor's Office, the Judiciary, internal troops, parts and units of the Turkestan Military District were completely freed from political parties, which was the beginning of a new stage in the formation of our national statehood.
The political leadership led by I.Karimov, who felt earlier and more clearly the importance of deep, all-round democratic changes in strengthening national independence, began its activities first of all by removing all institutions that are part of the management and security system from the control of the metropolis and transferring them to the control of our national state, which is a symbol of the will of the people. On the surface, this process was gradual, so it was not very noticeable, but in fact it was a turning point for the people of Uzbekistan in terms of establishing an independent democratic state and society. Because the transfer of power bodies to the people meant that the management of the society has now literally risen to the level of national duty and responsibility.
The gradual transfer of the sovereignty of the people to the authorities, that is, to the will of the people, has strengthened the great process of building new democratic institutions that are compatible with all at the level of national traditions, skills, and mutual individuals. Therefore, the declaration of national independence; it should be seen in the context of the great reformation work of the top political leadership in order to save the nation and its gene pool from complete destruction.
At that time, in order to preserve the young national democracy, the repressive organization called "State Security Committee", which took the anti-national totalitarian approach as its criterion of activity, was abolished, the new National Security Service was established, and the National Security Council was founded under the leadership of the President of the country, Internal Affairs Reform of the Ministry and its military units, formation and re-equipment of internal military units capable of working in new conditions from a structural point of view; These include the transformation of the Ministry of Emergency Affairs, the Ministry of Defense into the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and other works.
For hundreds of years, in those historical times, the foreign political institution - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is able to adequately connect the national Uzbek state with the outside world, and reflect its national interests in the world political arena, began to operate on the basis of completely new global standards. The activities of the national system of diplomatic and consular service were formed in various regions and influential countries. In these years, the national customs service system was also founded. Undoubtedly, it is appropriate to understand the establishment of full public control over the system of power, which is extremely necessary in today's turbulent times, within the framework of the process of building a new national democratic society.
It is known that the border of the state has never been considered as a mere geographical or topographical concept. As a result of the continuous increase in the importance of the territory and border for the nation and its development, they have risen to the level of national political and spiritual value. This problem shows completely new aspects, especially when the national independence is declared and the isolated power of the people is established in this area.
On September 15, 1995, the first President I.Karimov, in his speech at a seminar on the issue of cooperation and security in Central Asia, stated the need to "develop cooperation necessary for regions bordering the region in addition to regional security" and on October 27, in his answers to the questions of a reporter of Uzbekistan TV, he said "Peoples, states of Central Asia "If they decide to live more harmoniously, there will be no need for someone to guard our border."
According to the decree, the border troops were removed from the Ministry of Defense and merged into a separate, independent command, and an important political obligation was imposed on the authorities and the necessary funds for its implementation. Abstract-geographical concepts that did not have any meaning before independence, such as "territory", "border" and "national security", have now risen to the level of sacred values for all Uzbeks, regardless of their nationality, religion and other characteristics. Preservation of independence was literally raised to the level of a nationwide task.
Above we have seen the people's taking power due to independence, a new political system we talked about democratic guarantees necessary for its establishment and stable functioning. But everywhere, it is becoming increasingly clear that in order for political power to function at the required level, it needs the democratic participation of citizens like water and air. Taking this into account, in the way of establishing a civil society in our country, we have gone through the painstaking process of reforming, renewing, spiritual and spiritual "repair" related to the human mind and heart.
It is a social necessity that requires enormous patience, political power, political culture and political will. The inability to completely get rid of old patterns, the fact that important political decisions are made from the top, the cases of some people becoming victims of thoughtless decisions, the difficulty of abandoning the evils of administrative-commandism, autocratic system, and many other defects that are far from democracy are among these.
It is known that the level of national political culture and political consciousness determines the level of human participation in the life of society. Where it is high, people participate more actively in the work of government. they monitor and react to how decisions are made, how their execution is controlled. They do not look indifferently at events directly related to their life and basic interests, but on the contrary, they participate in their preparation, feel their responsibility for the implementation of decisions.
First President I.A. Karimov has been paying special attention to the need to strengthen the political activity of the population, to form strong mechanisms that ensure balance between interests and conflicting forces in society. This mechanism, first of all, by liberating the society, requires citizens to participate in every election as a political choice for the fate of the country. It is one of the important conditions for people to understand the need to participate in elections in order to realize their interests and goals and protect their rights.
Protection of human rights and freedoms, state building, management system and liberation of society are of special importance in meeting their needs. In this regard
If we assume that Uzbekistan is home to more than 130 nationalities and peoples with different worldviews and lifestyles, and 16 religious denominations are active, the work being done to create an environment of inter-ethnic reconciliation in a multi-ethnic country is of great importance. In fact, it is clear that harmonizing the aspirations of people with different religious and ideological views, uniting and directing them around the idea that determines the development of the country requires an extraordinary great potential. At the same time, it is also necessary to come to common opinions not at the expense of stifling the freedom, personal demands and incentives of each person. After all, man is an absolutely unique phenomenon according to his divine and natural destiny. For this reason, our great scholars also emphasized this issue and emphasized that one of the sacred rights given to man is voluntary choice, striving for normative balance and the ability to find the truth according to one's own motivation. However, regardless of nationality, race and worldview, citizens of the country should have all the opportunities to meet their needs, lead their lives on the basis of voluntary choice, maintain a balance of stability in the society, find a place for compromise and understanding, mutual solidarity and democratic participation. creates a wide range for
In conclusion, it should be emphasized once again that since the first days of independence in our country, it is closely related to consistent and, at the same time, unique and appropriate democratization, the determination of the principle of absolute sovereignty of the people in all spheres, and finally, which nation they are all in social processes. or the necessity of active participation of the people, regardless of their religious affiliation, is now deeply felt by our people and political leadership.
The most important, main issue for Uzbekistan, which has embarked on the path of independent development, was to establish the foundations of national statehood, to create the political-legal, socio-economic foundations of independence. All the countries that gained independence faced this problem at different times and they solved it in different ways. For this reason, concepts such as "Swedish model", "American model", "Japanese model" of social development are used in scientific literature. At the core of these concepts, the social development of certain regions or countries differ from each other in what way and in what direction political-economic reforms are implemented.
For example, if the "American model" is characterized by extremely liberal market relations, the "Japanese model" is determined by the leading role of the state in economic relations. In the "Swedish model", the social orientation of the economy is a priority.
Also, the model of Eastern European countries and the models of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States differ from each other in their specific aspects.
Uzbek After gaining its independence, it was necessary to deeply study the experience of developed countries and create a unique model suitable for the historical-national characteristics and geographical-demographic conditions of our country in order to establish the foundation of national statehood and determine the path of independent development. Despite the fact that a lot of economic, social and problems have been inherited from the former totalitarian system, the leadership of the republic has clearly defined the specific path of our country's development since the first years of independence.
The first and most important task in this direction was: "Finishing the old administrative-command system, authorities and management bodies corresponding to it, as well as creating the political-legal, constitutional foundations of the new statehood"59.
As a result of steadily solving this task, the authorities and management bodies, which were the pillars of the old administrative-command system, were abolished. In particular, the single rule of the former Communist Party was put an end to. The old system of local executive power was abolished.
The introduction of the Presidential Institute in Uzbekistan on March 24, 1990, the establishment of the Cabinet of Ministers in the presence of the President on November 1, 1990, the establishment of the position of governor in charge of representative and executive offices in regions, cities and districts served as the political and legal basis of the new national statehood.
The declaration of state independence in Uzbekistan on August 31, 1991, the country's path towards a democratic-legal state and civil society required the creation of a new Constitution of the republic. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted on December 8, 1992, became the constitutional foundation of the new national statehood.
This Constitution is primarily a political and legal document that provides the creative development of national statehood on a new basis, relying on the historical experience and traditions of Uzbek statehood.
The Constitution of independent Uzbekistan fully complies with the internationally recognized rules of democracy and human rights, and serves as a legal basis for large-scale social, economic and political reforms in our country.
Large-scale reforms that began in the early years of independence were aimed at the strategic goal of our country's development - building a just civil society based on a democratic legal state and a market economy.
These reforms were implemented based on five principles. These principles include:
- Economy should rule over politics, it should be free from any ideology. The economy should develop based on its own laws;
- In managing the economy, especially when transitioning to a new market economy, the state is the main reformer and its management system should not be lost;
- Constitution and supremacy of law. It should be observed by everyone, in different areas of our life;
- Strong social policy. This is the most important task in the market economy;
The transition to the market economy should be carried out step by step without haste.
These principles served as the ideological-theoretical basis of the path of independent development of Uzbekistan, recognized in the world as the "Uzbek model".
The principle of priority of economy over politics proves that the objective laws of the free market economy tested in the world experience are of decisive importance in social development. Structural structures of the economy, free economic activity of economic entities are important in the transition to a market economy. Because the priority of economy over politics and ideology, freedom of economic activity serves as the material basis of a fair civil society.
In the context of the transition to a new democratic society and market economy, the main reforming task of the state is to take the initiative in organizing and implementing social, economic, and political reforms in the country. First of all, this principle originates from the specific features of our country's development and is based on the historical experience of our national statehood. In all periods of the development of the Uzbek statehood, the state was the leading force organizing the life of the society and implementing socio-economic changes. Treating the state and its leader with great trust and respect has been an important political value in the lifestyle of the Uzbek people. This tradition of our national statehood found its logical expression in the conditions of independence and was enriched with new content. The economic and political reforms implemented in our country in a historically short period of time have clearly shown the main reforming role of the state.
Taking into account the complexity of the transition to a market economy, it should be noted that the role of the state in regulation, control and management increases even more when a number of negative situations occur during this transition, including unemployment, lawlessness, and crime. Although With the formation of civil society, the role of the state is slightly reduced, but the place and role of the state in preventing social crises in society, coordinating social relations, and finding a solution to social justice will remain.
The essence of the Constitution and the principle of the rule of law is to ensure the rule of law in all spheres of our country's life, to form obedience to the law.
The supremacy of the law in all spheres of social life is considered the main sign of the legal state. Although there is an opinion that the theory of the legal state was created in Western Europe in the XVII-XVIII centuries, the traditions of the legal state existed in the historical experience of our national statehood in the Middle Ages. For example, Amir Temur, the great representative of Uzbek statesmanship, ruled the huge state he founded with the slogan "Strength is in justice". During the period of Timur, special regulations were followed. In these regulations, the rules of conduct of society members, the duties of officials and rulers, the rules of state and army management are clearly expressed.
The principle of the rule of law provides for the primacy of the Constitution, which is considered the main law of the state.
The principle of conducting a strong social policy is also consistent with the traditions of Uzbek statehood and our national values, and the essence of this principle is that the state undertakes social protection of the population in the context of the transition to a market economy. The transition to a market economy is always a complex process, and this period brings its own challenges. In such conditions, it is one of the important tasks of the state to protect the population in need of social protection.
Showing love and kindness to weak and needy people, providing them with material and spiritual support is an ancient tradition in the lifestyle of our people, as an age-old national value, which is reflected in the experience of statehood. For example, the great statesman Amir Temur followed twelve rules for governing the state in his "Tuzuk". In these rules, among others: - supporting the pillars of the state and kingdom with all layers of the population and protecting their interests;
- Taking into account the demographic conditions of the country, the standard of living of the population, in the conditions of the transition to the market economy in Uzbekistan, the state implements a strong social policy through social protection of the population.
- To be aware of the condition of subjects, to see the elders in the ranks of the elders, and the younger ones in the place of children63.
The principle of step-by-step transition to the market economy corresponds to our national characteristics, the traditions of Uzbek statehood, and this principle, taking into account the complex nature of the transition period, requires the gradual implementation of socio-economic reforms without social upheaval.
It is appropriate to justify the fact that the development of statehood, which is one of the unique national features of the Uzbek statehood, has gradually improved, avoiding revolutionary leaps, with the following thoughts of the First President I.A. Karimov: "Democratic processes in the East have their own and appropriate features that have been formed since ancient times. This cannot be avoided at all. That is, in the East, democratic processes develop organically and gradually. Attempts to make revolutionary changes in this area lead to extremely unpleasant, even tragic results. Western scientists also called the revolution a "primitive and wild form of social development." Naturally, such a way is not right for us at all"64, social development shows how reasonable these thoughts are.
Our national statehood, which began to be restored on a new basis from the first years of independence, has its own democratic political status and has appeared as a legal continuation of the national statehood that has gradually developed in social development.
The "Uzbek model", which is the path of independent development of Uzbekistan, is the social development program of our country, and this program forms the ideological and theoretical basis of social, economic and political reforms. These reforms go through several stages during the years of independence. In particular, at the initial stage of the reforms, the old administrative-command system was abolished and the political-legal foundation of national statehood was established. At the next stage, the legal basis of socio-economic reforms was created, the economy was stabilized. At the next stage of reforms, the six priority tasks defined in the program work of the first leader of our country I.A. Karimov entitled "Uzbekistan is moving towards the 21st century" began to be increased.
These tasks include:
- Further liberalization of the country's political and economic life, state and community building;
- Increasing the morale of society;
- Personnel policy that determines the future of our society;
- Consistent and stable growth of people's standard of living, stronger social protection of the population;
- Ensuring structural changes in the economy;
- Stability in society, peace, nation
and ensuring civil harmony, the inviolability of our borders, and the territorial integrity of our country;65
- Liberalization of the political life of the society requires, first of all, to strengthen the political activity of the population, to gradually transfer the authority to non-state and public organizations, and citizens' self-management bodies.
The task of further liberalization of the economic sphere includes expansion of economic freedoms of economic entities, strengthening of the position and rights of owners.
It is important to educate people who recognize their rights, who can think independently, who have strong faith, who combine their personal interests with the interests of the country and the people, and who are free and perfect in all respects.
Establishing a legal, democratic state, and a free civil society requires the implementation of the National Program of Personnel Training and the training of mature specialists who will ensure the future of our country.
Stronger social protection of the population has become an important criterion for all stages of socio-economic reforms implemented in our country, corresponding to the content and essence of the "Uzbek model".
Ensuring structural changes in the economy is characteristic of this stage of economic reforms, in which the development of market infrastructure, the increase of production capacities of export-oriented and import-substituting products, and the improvement of the financial and banking system are of great importance.
Ensuring stability in society, peace, harmony between nations and citizens, territorial integrity of our country is considered one of the urgent tasks at this stage. This task requires the creation of security systems that adequately respond to threats that may endanger the sovereignty and stable development of Uzbekistan in the context of globalization in various regions. At this stage, such a system was created.
The "Uzbek model", which is a unique and suitable way of Uzbekistan, is creatively developed at every stage of the country's development, based on the characteristics of social, economic and political reforms.
In general, the "Uzbek model" is a unique development path of Uzbekistan, and this path is a program-action that takes into account the historical-national features, geographical and demographic conditions of our country, is directed towards the main, strategic goal of the republic, and develops creatively at each stage of reforms.
Our main long-term and strategic task remains the same - to deepen the process of building a democratic state, civil society and market reforms, to strengthen democratic capacities in people's minds, consistently and persistently. The first President I.A. Karimov expressed the following thoughts in his work entitled "Our main goal is to democratize and renew society, modernize and reform the country", - "When talking about the development strategy of our country, I would like to emphasize that "controlled economy" or the so-called "managed democracy" models do not suit us at all.
Of course we are, as before. From now on, we strictly adhere to the principle of gradualism, which is an important component of the Uzbek model in reforming and modernizing the state and society 66
In this regard, the President paid special attention to the distribution of powers.
Transferring part of the powers of the President to the upper chamber of the Parliament - the Senate and the government, forming the lower chamber - the Legislature, which works on a professional, permanent basis, expanding its powers and rights;
Second, strengthening the role and responsibility of the Prime Minister and the country's government in general;
Thirdly, implementation of clear, legal measures aimed at strengthening the independence and freedom of the judiciary. 67

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