60-odd years of moscow mathematical
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Moscow olympiad problems
2) in Problem 49.8.3 was occasioned in the general case by Newton’s method for finding roots of the arbitrary function f (x). Problem 49.10.5 is related to the theory of approximations of functions. The list of examples can be extended further (e.g., to indicate some problems from the number theory) but unfortunately it is impossible to explain the idea in more detail if we want to remain on the high school level. The school curricula have been changed several times for the last 50 years and new trends in the curricula immediately affected problems of Moscow Olympiads. So in certain years there were given problems on complex numbers, problems with a derivative, etc. Our solutions and hints correspond to the present school curriculum although it is worth saying that a different (often more cumbersome for the lack of an adequate language) solution was expected from the participants in some cases. For HISTORICAL REMARKS 185 example, in Problem we made use of the properties of the integral, well-known to today’s school pupils, and gave a solution taking up just a few lines (in contrast to the two-page solution of this problem in [SCY].) H.12. What makes Olympiads run. Despite the great help of enthusiasts, the compilation and selection of an olympiad’s problems is one of the most arduous tasks in the work of the organizing committee. It is the subject for debate at a number of meetings that last for many hours and where the organizing committee members argue till they are blue in the face fighting for some problems and rejecting others. Problems may change beyond recognition before one’s eyes; sometimes several seemingly quite different ideas are integrated into one problem but sometimes, on the contrary, one problem disintegrates into two or three others that may be from different mathematical disciplines. When problems are selected for an olympiad, they have to be kept in secret, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, attempts are made to find out whether heads of circles (who never are members of the organizing committee) have ever given the same or similar problem to their disciples. This was always a delicate matter since a problem unknown before could be made public by chance and so spread widely among students. So the final selection of problems have always been quite difficult. As the olympiad approaches, the ‘problem rush’ increases more and more. More often than not, the final list of problems is approved one or two days before the start but it has also happened that the list was typed during the night on the eve of an olympiad. So one should not blame the organizing committees of olympiads for a rushed work in this respect since it was the compilation of final variants literally on the eve of contests that made it possible to keep the problems in secret and also to take advantage of lucky discoveries made, as usual, at the last moment. The complexity of problems at olympiads varied noticeably in different years. The most difficult problems of early olympiads which were solved by just a few participants, now look nothing out of the ordinary. The inquisitive reader will notice that the style itself of later problems has changed substantially as compared with that of the first olympiads. However, the complexity of the olympiad in each particular year has always been very high. Sometimes it was impossible to make variants easier however hard the authors worked on it. There have been some particularly difficult olympiads, including the 27-th (1964), 29-th (1966), 31-st (1968), and 35-th (1972). Nobody solved some of the problems in these olympiads (we can cite as an example Problems,,, and and sometimes only one participant succeeded (e.g., Problem The jubilee 48-th Olympiad (50 years of Olympiads) can not be called very difficult; still, it had problems that none of the kids in the respective grade could solve (48.7.4, 48.8.5, and 48.9.5). But all this is exception rather than a rule; every problem at most olympiads was solved by at least one participant and there were difficult problems solved by many participants. The spirit and nature of an olympiad, and the content and complexity of its problems were affected to a great extent by the professors of mekh-mat, who headed the organizing committee in different years and who were entrusted with this task by the Board of the Moscow Mathematical Society. Here is the list of the Chairpersons of the Organizing Committee: Olympiad Year Chairperson Olympiad Year Chairperson 1 1935 P. S. Alexandrov 23 1960 I. R. Shafarevich 2 1936 N. A. Glagolev 24 1961 V. A. Efremovich 3 1937 A. N. Kolmogorov 25 1962 N. V. Efimov 4 1938 A. G. Kurosh 26 1963 A. N. Kolmogorov 5 1939 L. A. Lusternik 27 1964 I. R. Shafarevich 6 1940 L. S. Pontryagin 28 1965 N. V. Efimov 7 1941 A. O. Gelfond 29 1966 A. A. Kronrod 8 1945 I. M. Gelfand 30 1967 V. V. Nemytsky 9 1946 S. A. Galpern 31 1968 N. S. Bakhvalov 10 1947 I. G. Petrovsky 32 1969 V. A. Efremovich 11 1948 V. V. Nemytsky 33 1970 V. M. Alekseev 12 1949 A. I. Markushevich 34 1971 I. R. Shafarevich 13 1950 M. A. Kreines 35 1972 B. P. Demidovich 14 1951 B. N. Delone 36 1973 A. A. Kirillov 15 1952 P. K. Rashevsky 37 1974 V. I. Arnold 16 1953 D. E. Menshov 38 1975 A. N. Kolmogorov 17 1954 S. V. Bakhvalov 39 1976 A. V. Arkhangelsky 18 1955 G. E. Shilov 40 1977 V. A. Uspensky 19 1956 E. B. Dynkin 41 1978 Yu. I. Manin 20 1957 O. A. Oleinik 42 1979 V. M. Tikhomirov 21 1958 V. G. Boltyansky 43 1980 A. S. Mishchenko 22 1959 E. M. Landis 44 1981-?? O. B. Lupanov After 1981, the prime of “stagnation period”, and by inertia after it the Chairman was the Dean of mekh-mat, Prof. O. B. Lupanov. The Chairpersons of the organizing committee usually did not overwork. The Vice-Chair, on the other hand, not only worked hard to arrange the event but also headed the numerous meetings of their organizing committees, etc. The VC had several main assistants, including heads of school grades. Among VC ’s numerous responsibilities were arrangements for lectures to be delivered to the school students, putting up posters of the olympiad, the run of the olympiad itself, publication of the collection of preparatory problems and blank forms for certificates to be awarded to winners, arrangements for the rooms where the olympiad is to be held, to be followed by reviews of problems and the awarding ceremony, etc. In addition, the VC had to participate in discussions of problems and help to conceive them. One of the authors of this book served as VC and can testify how difficult this job is. The grade’s managers are also very busy; in addition to helping the VC in organization, they must also select the problems they like best for their respective grades to be used later by the organizing committee in the final variant of problems for a particular school grade. They should also supervise the progress of the olympiad in their grade, go round the rooms and answer 186 HISTORICAL REMARKS questions of participants (to an extent specified by the organizing committee in advance); organize the checking of the papers in their grades, and find the best papers presenting all ir decisions to regular meetings of the organizing committee. When an olympiad is in progress, it is served by many university students who help the school pupils to find their rooms, sit in the rooms (answering questions if necessary to an extent specified by the organizing committee in advance), see to it that the corridors and toilets are not turned into discussion clubs by the participants, and collect papers at the end. Then heads of grades distribute the collected papers among the university students for checking and grading. H.13. How grading is being done. The grading is the most important part of the job; it often happens that an interesting paper is read by several members of the organizing committee and those nominated for an award by all members. The diversity of demands placed on papers makes the opinion of each individual member of the organizing committee rather subjective and it is only the collective discussion makes the final decision correct and objective. The papers are evaluated not in marks as at school but using a more flexible system of pluses and minuses. The marks that a solution may get are: (0) there was no attempt to solve the problem; (−) the problem was not solved or solved incorrectly; (−?) the solution is wrong and contains very bad errors; ( Download 1,08 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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