Out of circulation (fig) (1) muomaladan, iste'moldan chiqqan (2) birorbir narsadan bexabar, xabarsiz bo'lmoq.
I am sorry, hut the book you want is out of circulation.
I do not know what happened. I have been out of circulation for a while due to my illness.
Out of consideration (for someone or something) biror kishiga yoki biror narsaga hurmat yuzasidan.
Out of consideration for your past efforts, I will do whatyou ask.
They let me do it out of consid eration. It was very thoughtful of them.
Outofdate urfdan qolgan, chiqqan, eskirgan.
Is not that suit sort of outof date?
AU my clothes are outofdate.
Out of the woods (fig) xavfdan xoli, bexatar holat, xavfsiz.
When the patient got out ofthe woods, everyone relaxed.
2.1 can give you a hetter prediction foryour future health when you are out ofthe woods.
Out of this world (1) ajoyib, mazali, zo'r, hayratlanarli, beqi yos (2) o'zini tanimas darajasida mast, oyoqda arang turar darajada mast.
Whatever she cooks is out ofthis world.
Why did you drinkuntil you were out ofthis world?
Over my dead body men o'lga nimdan keyin, so'ng, meni o'ldirasan, ana undan keyin.
Over my dead body you will sell this house!
Do you want to quit college? Over my dead body!
Pack of lies yolg'onlar, qipqizil yolg'onlar.
The thief told a pack of lies to cover up the crime.
The teacher listened to his pack of lies about the fight and became very angry.
Pad the bill hisobda yo'q narsalarni umumiy hisobga qo shmoq, yoq narsani yonidan, osmondan olib hisobga qo'shib qo'ymoq (qimmatroq qilish uchun).
The plumber had padded the hill with things we did not need.
I was falsely accused ofpadding the bill.
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