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  • The Complex Sentence (Сложноподчиненное предложение)

  • Придаточные предложения делятся на следующие основные типы:

    1. Type of clause (Тип придаточно­го предложения)

    1. Conjunctions, conjunc­tive words (Союзы и союзные слова)

    1. Examples

    1. Subject clause (подлежащее придаточное)

    1. that, whether, if. who. what, which, when, where, how, why

    1. What he loved best in the world was painting.

    2. Whether they ever tried to encourage Peter was unknown to him.

    1. Predicative clause (предикативное придаточное)

    1. that, whether, if, as, who, what, which, when, where, how, why

    1. He looked just as he had looked ten years before.

    2. That was what she did that morning on reaching home.

    1. Object clause (до­полнительное придаточное)

    1. what, if, whether, who, which, when, where, how

    1. I wonder if he likes his job.

    2. 1 don’t know what you mean to say.

    3. 1 d like to see where you live.

    4. It was the best book that he had ever read.

    5. He remembered the day when he was awarded the gold medal.

    1. Attributive clause (определи­тельное прида­точное)

    1. who, whose, which, that, as, where, when

  • 471 Окончание

    1. Type of clause (Тип придаточно­го предложения)

    1. Conjunctions, conjunc­tive words (Союзы и союзные слова)

    1. Examples

    1. Adverbial clause (обстоятельст­венное прида­точное): of lime (времени)

    1. when, while, as, until, Slay here unlilyou till, before, after, as u ’... .. ,.

    2. soon as. whenever, He w'" dlsculhe probl

    3. once (как только) w,lh youhenry<>“

    4. to come.

    1. of place (места)

    1. where, wherever (где бы (то) ни, куда бы (то) ни)

    1. Wherever he came, his friends asked him to tell them about his experi­ments.

    1. of cause (причи­ны)

    1. because, since, as. for . .

    2. the reason that, consid- We got up early the next enng that (принимая rnln* ‘Y\wanJed'° * во внимание, что) ln ,mdon by ,he af,ernoon

    1. of result (результа­та)

    1. so that (так что), so ... that (так ... что)

    1. He felt so tired that he could not make himself eat.

    1. г „ , , that (in order that), so

    2. of purpose (цели) .. . . , , ’

    3. r that, esl (чтобы не)

    1. The girl did not look at him so that he might not see how terribly worried she was.

    1. of comparison (or manner) (сравне­ния или образа действия)

    1. as if (как если бы), as though (как будто), than, the more ... the more (the better, etc.)

    1. He felt as if everything had been completed.

    2. The more I knew him, the better I liked him.

    1. of condition (усло­вия)

    1. if, unless, suppose (если (бы), предположим (что)), provided (при условии (что), если только, в том случае, если)

    1. 1 shall go provided you your­self help me: if you refuse I shall not go.

    1. of concession (ус­тупительное)

    1. though, although, even if (even though) (даже если), however (тем не менее, однако), whoever (кто бы ни), whatever (что бы ни), whichever (какой бы ни)

    1. Although you are a little older than 1, you in fact belong to the same generation.

    1. В английском языке обязательно наличие подлежащего в составе дополнительного придаточного предложения, тогда как в русском языке подлежащее может быть опущено. Сравните:

    1. Не told me all that he knew. Он рассказал мне все, что знал.

    1. Для разговорной речи характерно бессоюзное присоединение до­полнительных придаточных предложений.

    1. Гт afraid he hasn 'tgot our letter yet. Боюсь, что он еше не получил нашего письма.

    1. В современном английском языке наблюдаются случаи бессоюзно­го присоединения определительных придаточных предложений. Могут быть опущены относительные местоимения who(m), whose, which, играю­щие роль любого члена предложения, кроме подлежащего.

    1. Everything depends on the way the matter is presented to the Committee. Все за­висит от того, как вопрос будет представлен в комитете.

    1. Относительное местоимение which может относиться как к одному из членов определяемого им предложения (на русский язык оно перево­дится который), так и ко всему определяемому предложению (на русский язык в этом случае оно переводится относительным местоимением что). Не said he saw them there, which was not true. Он сказал, он видел их там, что было неправдой.

    1. Exercise 1. Read these complex sentences and define subordinate clauses. Translate the sentences into Russian. Look up the words you do not know in the diction­ary.

    2. 1. This was what I wanted to do. 2. “What you ask is impossible,” said Harris. 3. Whether he talked or not made little difference to me then. 4. “May I ask how you heard this?” he said. 5. What we’ve got to decide now, however, is whether we really trust him or not. 6. And this is what he remembered. 7. Now the question is whether he’ll go back on his word or not. 8. But you know per­fectly well this is not what I meant. 9. “Which team wins does not concern us here,” he said. 10. I’m sorry that 1 allowed you to call on us. 11. Eric wondered whether Haviland was really the man he ought to work for. 12. Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can. 13. Then Harris, who was sitting near the window, looked out. 14. In the distance lay the park where the trees were cov­ered with snow. 15. Have you found the book we were talking about the other day? 16. The lecturer dwelt on the fact he had mentioned previously. 17. I saw everything there was to see. 18. I was back where I had been before. 19. I shall always think so as long as I live. 20. The weather was wet and cold for quite a while, as it often can be in the west country in early summer. 21. Since he seemed nervous even at the dress rehearsal, Mary agreed not to go. 22. I recom­mend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves. 23. As a novel it fails, for the characters are wooden and uninteresting, but as a piece of fictionalized reporting it is excellent. 24. I was terribly afraid lest some­one might meet me there. 25. I’ll change the ticket so that you may be able to go with the evening train. 26. He always treated boys as if they were his equals. 27. Whatever we do we must think of him as well as of ourselves. 28. Though she had only twice seen Mr Bell, she recognized him at once. 29. Actually, passive as he may seem in comparison with his predecessors, today’s student is anything but smug. 30. Being asked whether it was better to marry or not, Socrates replied, “Whichever you do, you will repent it.” 31. Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid. 32. To have

    3. 473 the reputation of possessing the most perfect social tact, talk to every woman as if you loved her, and to every man as if he bored you.

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