Wrong: I am very poor, If I have a lot of money, I will buy a house in Jeneva.
Right: I am very poor. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a house in Jeneva.
Bunday gaplar hozirgi zamon yoki kelajakda sodir bo’lish ehtimoli yo’q bo’lgan ish-harakatlarda ishlatiladi.
O’z nomi bilan no real haqiqatga to’g’ri kelmaydigan gaplar biz shunchaki tasavur qilib gapiramiz
The second conditional formulasi: If + past simple, + would/could/might+verb (infinitive)
If I were you I would tell all the truth – Agarda o’rningda bo’lganimda(men sen bo’lganimda) , men hamma haqiqatni aytardim( lekin bu ish no real sababi men sizni o’rnizda bo’lolmayman)
Wrong: If I would have more time, I would take up golf.
Right: If I had more time, I would take up golf.
Muxim ikki qoida if gaplarda if dan keyin will/would kelmaydi, no real ishlarda hozirgi zamon uchun o’tgan zamon shakllari ishlatiladi. Agar siz gapiryotgan gapiz haqiqatga to’gri kelmasa, tasavvur qilib gapirsangiz, siz shu the second conditional formulasidek gaplarni tuzing
101. “The third conditional” Past Perfect o’rniga Past simple ishlatish va if bor qismda would have P.P ishlatish xato
Wrong: If you would have studied more, your English would have improved. Right: If you had studied more, your English would have improved.
“The third conditional” gaplari o’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lmagan hayoliy yoki imkonsiz ish-harakatlarida, pushaymonlik va tanqid gaplarda ishlatiladi.
The third conditional formulasi If + past perfect, + would/could/might + have + verb 3
If we had arrived at the theatre earlier, we would have found a seat. – Agarda biz teatrga ertaroq kelganimizda edi, biz o’rindiq topgan bo’lar edik(lekin biz erta kelmaganmiz va bo’sh o’rinlar qolmagan)
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