Fig : Back to back connection of NPN transistor in CMOS
6. Sub - threshold conduction:
As V
is increased and the channel is occupied by depletion region of drain leading to increase in
electric field and thus the presence of channel before threshold is attained
by the device it is
called as subthreshold conduction.
Thus the conduction occurs when V
This effect can lead to damage to the device due to high current.
So in a short channel device we need
to ensure how fast the V
starts reducing below V
so that
the I
is reduced by a factor of 10. This principle is called the slope factor.
Once slope factor of a device is taken to consider the damage of the device.
Fig : subthreshold conduction
7. Gate induced drain leakage:
GIDL occurs when the gate partially overlaps source and drain and when V
is high and V
is at
low potential.
The gate drain overlap region is present due to band to band tunnelling effect as the
region of drain keeps increasing in a manner that at some point of V
the electrons from valence
band tunnel towards the oxide’s conduction band known as band to band tunnelling effect.
This tunnelling effect leads to leakage current at drain which is induced
by the gate thus gate
induced drain leakage.