noncustodial records, n. ~ Archival records, usually in electronic format, that are held by the agency of origin, rather than being transferred to the archives. RT: custody, postcustodial theory of archives Notes: A noncustodial agreement may be made between an archives and the office of origin if the records require special software or hardware to read the records. †223 (Personal communication, Terry Cook, posting on Aus-Archivists, 19 November 1996.): To Australians, it is important to note that the National Archives of Canada has not adopted a non-custodial or distributed custody approach in toto, but neither has it rejected such an approach....While the normal practice of the NA is to acquire electronic records into our custody, some specified categories of electronic records will be ‘left out’ under the control of their creators, and indeed perhaps left there for a very long time. Ultimately, however, if the agency goes defunct, or no longer operates the system, or maintains records in it for any sort of operational use, the NA would assume custody.
Qamoqqa olinmagan yozuvlar, n. – Arxivga topshirilmasdan, kelib chiqish
Organida saqlanadigan, odatda elektron formatdagi arxiv hujjatlari.
RT: saqlash, arxivning postkastodial nazariyasi
Eslatmalar: Arxiv va arxiv o’rtasida qamoqqa oid bo’lmagan shartnoma tuzilishi mumkin.
Agar yozuvlar yozuvlarni o’qish uchun maxsus dasturiy ta’minot yoki apparat vositalarini talab qilsa,
Kelib chiqish idorasi. †223 (Shaxsiy aloqa, Terri Kuk, Aus-Archivists-da e’lon qilish, 19
Rad etmaslik
Noyabr 1996.): Avstraliyaliklar uchun shuni ta’kidlash kerakki, Kanada Milliy arxivi
Qamoqqa olinmagan yoki taqsimlangan qamoqqa olish usulini umuman qabul
Qilmagan, lekin u ham bunday yondashuvni rad etmagan.... Oddiy amaliyot NA
Elektron yozuvlarni bizning saqlashimizga olishi kerak, elektron yozuvlarning ba’zi
Belgilangan toifalari o’z yaratuvchilari nazorati ostida “qolib ketadi” va, ehtimol,
U erda juda uzoq vaqtga qoldiriladi. Oxir oqibat, agar agentlik tugatilgan bo’lsa
Yoki tizimni boshqa ishlamasa yoki har qanday operatsion foydalanish uchun undagi
Yozuvlarni saqlasa, NA nazoratni o’z zimmasiga oladi.
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