Index and Concordance to Alexander Vassiliev’s Notebooks and Soviet Cables Deciphered by the National Security Agency’s Venona Project

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courier between her husband and KGB.  As “Homer’s” wife: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 51, 70.

MacLean, Peter: Soviet intelligence source/agent described as possibly compromised by Whittaker 

Chambers’ defection.  (Spelling unconfirmed: alternative translations: Maclean, McLean)  Cover 

name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “101


”.  As MacLean and  “101


”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 77.

MacLeish, Archibald: Poet, New Deal activist, and Assistant Secretary of State, 1945.  Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #4, 122.

Macmillan, ?: Unidentified.  May be an American diplomat.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 3.

MacMorris, Rear-Admiral Charles H.: Commander of the American cruiser force in battles with the 

Japanese navy near the Aleutian Islands.  Venona USA Naval GRU, 236.

“Mad” (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Harry Gold, 1950.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 46–47, 

99, 110.

“Madchen” [Medkhen] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Guy Burgess. (From the German, 

Mädchen, for Girl.)  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 81, 114, 122.

“Madeleine”: See “Madeline”.

“Madeline” [Madlen] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Helen Lowry in 1937–39.  Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 120; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 21, 76.

Madison (and Maddison), Louis Edward: OSS staff.  Birth name Louis Edward Matasoff, The name is 

spelled as Madison in OSS personnel records and in Vassiliev’s notebooks, but as both Maddison 

and Madison in Venona text and NSA footnotes.  As Madison: Vassiliev White Notebook #3

110; Venona New York KGB 1944 526.  As Maddison: Venona New York KGB 1944, 525, 779

“Madlen” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Madeline”.






Madrid, Spain: Venona New York KGB 1943, 219, 351–52; Venona New York KGB 1944, 3, 576, 587; 

Venona New York KGB 1945, 170; Venona USA Naval GRU, 114, 366; Venona Secret Writings 

New York/Buenos Aires, 4, 6.

“Magadan”: Soviet ship.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 283.

“Magazin” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Store”.

MAGAZIN [STORE] (cover name in Venona): Soviet Government Purchasing Commission (SGPC).  

Venona New York KGB 1944, 35, 50, 72, 180, 185, 240–41, 290, 308–9, 334, 342–43, 350–51, 

380–82, 394, 406–7, 419–20, 434–35, 442, 481–82, 597–98, 631, 634–35, 747, 754–55, 777–78; 

Venona New York KGB 1945, 29; Venona San Francisco KGB, 2–3, 41, 44, 75, 77, 148, 167, 


MAGDA (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 508; Venona New York KGB 1945, 40; Venona Special Studies, 44.

Magdoff, Harry: Soviet intelligence source/agent. Cover names in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Kant” prior to 

29 December 1944, then “Tan”, party name: “Hank”.  Cover names in Venona: KANT and TAN.  

As Magdoff: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 78; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 19; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 68, 76, 83; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 50, 66; Venona New York KGB 1944, 76, 

113, 174; Venona Special Studies, 33.  As “Kant”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 48; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #1, 11; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 4, 10; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 55, 68, 71, 

74; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 62, 66.  As “Tan”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 51, 67, 76, 78; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 4, 10, 19, 30; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 74, 76–77, 79–80, 82; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 64, 66–67, 75.  As “Hank”: Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 19; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 79.  As KANT: Venona New York KGB 1944, 76, 113, 161, 172, 

174; Venona Special Studies, 33.  As TAN: Venona New York KGB 1945, 71; Venona Special 

Studies, 70.

Magidov, Robert: American journalist of Russian origin.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 177–78, 693.

Magidova, Nila: Journalist and Russian-born wife of Robert Magidov.  As Magidova: Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 692.  As Neonila Shevko (maiden name): Venona New York KGB 1944, 178.

Magidson, ?: Name in the Whalen documents, 1930.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 75.

Magil, A. B.: Senior CPUSA official.  Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 69.

“Magnate” [Magnat] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence 

source/agent dealing with technology: armor, armored vests, and bugging equipment in 1930s, 

targeted for revival in 1943.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 17, 23, 27, 31, 111.

Magnikovsky, ?: Amtorg official mentioned by Vasily Delgass in 1931.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4


Magnuson, Warren: U.S. Senator (D. Washington).  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 35.

Magol Trading Company: Venona New York KGB 1943, 318.

MAI (cover name in Venona): Stepan Z. Apresyan.  Elsewhere in the Venona decryptions this cover 

name appears as MAJ [MAY].  Venona Special Studies, 129.

MAI: Moscow Aviation Institute: Venona New York KGB 1944, 675; Venona Special Studies, 137–38, 


Maisky: See Maysky.

Maissurov, Donald K.: Student at the U.S. Army Military Intelligence School.  Venona New York KGB 

1943, 44.

MAJ [MAY] (cover name in Venona): Stepan Zakharovich Apresyan.  Venona analysts initially believed 

that the real name behind the cover name MAY [MAJ], acting chief of the KGB New York 

Station for part of 1944 and 1945, was Pavel Fedosimov, a diplomat at the New York consulate.  

Eventually, however, Venona analysts realized that this was an error and that MAY was Stepan 

Apresyan, another Soviet diplomat at the New York consulate who in 1945 transferred to the San 

Franciso consulate (with the MAY cover name simultaneously disappearing from the New York 

KGB message traffic and appeared in San Francisco traffic).  In the decrypted messages 






occasionally Venona analysts corrected the footnotes misidentifying MAY as Fedosimov but 

most were left unchanged because the small staff of Venona analysts were aware of the situation 

and did not need to go back and physically alter each note.  Consequently, all MAJ [MAY] 

references should be regarded as Apresyan even if the footnote identifies the real name as 

Fedosimov.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 23, 26, 29–30, 34–35, 37–40, 42–52, 54–57, 59–63, 

65–66, 68, 72–80, 82–85, 87–93, 96–102, 106, 108–12, 114–22, 125, 129, 135, 137–38, 140–44, 

150–53, 155–57, 159, 163–64, 166, 168–70, 173, 176–78, 180–81, 185–91, 195–98, 200–207, 

209, 211–13, 216, 219–22, 224–30, 232–34, 236–37, 240–41, 245–49, 252–55, 257–61, 263, 

267–69, 274–77, 284, 287, 290, 293, 297–98, 300, 304, 307–10, 313–14, 317–20, 323, 325, 329, 

331, 333–36, 338, 340–43, 345–48, 350–51, 353, 358, 361, 364, 366, 369–72, 379–84, 386, 390–

94, 397, 403–5, 407, 409–11, 413–21, 424–25, 427, 433–35, 437–42, 445–48, 450–52, 454–57, 

460, 462–63, 465–67, 470, 473–75, 479–81, 483–84, 486–92, 494–95, 497, 500–505, 510–16, 

520–21, 523, 525–26, 528–33, 536, 540–42, 544–47, 549–51, 553–55, 557, 559–60, 562, 564–

65, 568–70, 572–76, 578–81, 584, 586, 588, 590, 592–93, 595–96, 598–608, 611–14, 618–20, 

622, 625–28, 630, 633, 636, 638, 640–41, 644, 649–50, 652–54, 656, 658–60, 663, 665, 667–68, 

670–71, 673–74, 677–78, 683, 686–88, 690, 692–93, 697, 700–702, 704, 709–11, 713, 717–19, 

722, 726, 730–31, 733–37, 741, 744, 748–49, 752–54, 756–58, 761, 764–73, 779; Venona New 

York KGB 1945, 2–4, 6, 9–10, 12–13, 15–16, 19, 22–23, 26, 29, 32–36, 39–46, 49–52, 54, 57–

58, 61–62, 84, 90, 93, 104, 107–8, 110, 117, 123–24, 144–45; Venona San Francisco KGB, 100, 

168, 185, 194, 196, 211–12, 215, 221–22, 224–26, 228–29, 233, 237, 244, 248, 254–55, 258–59, 

263–64, 268, 270, 276, 287, 289–90, 292–93, 295–97, 299–301, 304–5, 311; Venona Special 

Studies, 29, 44, 105.

“Majkop”: Soviet ship.  Venona San Francisco KGB,  59, 192.

MAJOR KEY [MAZHOR] (cover name in Venona): Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Misluk.  Venona New 

York KGB 1944, 233; Venona San Francisco KGB, 14, 24, 29, 50–51, 75, 78–79, 97, 104–5, 110, 

116, 155, 225; Venona Special Studies, 105–6.

Majsurov, ?: Venona analysts thought this might be a reference to Donald K. Maissurov, student at the 

U.S. Army Military Intelligence School.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 44 44  NY43.

Majyur, ?: Venona analysts thought this a garble of the surname of Robert Minor, OSS staff.  Venona 

Washington KGB, 62.

MAK [MAC] (cover name in Venona): Sergej Vasil'evich Makarov.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 200; 

Venona New York KGB 1944, 394–95, 629, 676–78; Venona New York KGB 1945, 163–65; 

Venona San Francisco KGB, 260; Venona Special Studies, 44, 106.

“Makar” (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Mikhail Sumskoi, 1945.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 50–

52, 57; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 56–57, 59.

Makarov, Sergej Vasil'evich: Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  Cover name in Venona: MAC [MAK].  

As Makarov: Venona New York KGB 1943, 128, 200; Venona New York KGB 1944, 175–76, 

395, 630, 678; Venona San Francisco KGB, 260; Venona Special Studies, 44, 106.  As MAK 

[MAC]: Venona New York KGB 1943, 200; Venona New York KGB 1944, 394–95, 629, 676–78; 

Venona New York KGB 1945, 163–65; Venona San Francisco KGB, 260; Venona Special 

Studies, 44, 106.

Makashev, B.D.: Soviet cipher officer.  Venona USA Diplomatic, 10, 40–41.

Make, I.R.: Described as an official of the Department of the Interior.  Suspected of being a fake name in 

a fraudulent document.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 93.

Makhnev, Vasily: Senior deputy to Lavrenty Beria.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 56.

Makhnikovsky,  T.: Amtorg aviation specialist, defector 1927.  Variant spelling: Machnikowski. 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 77–78.

Makhov, ?: Described as a White emigre working at Douglas Aircraft.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4


“Makied” (real name or possible cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence 

source/agent, 1948.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 101.






Makogon, ?: Unidentified.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 76.

MAKOV (cover name in Venona): William Pinsly.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 273, 275, 542; Venona 

Special Studies, 45, 51, 176.

MAKS [MAX] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Venona USA 

GRU, 70, 119–21.

“Maksim Gor'kij”: Soviet ship.  Venona USA Naval GRU, 30, 48, 63 (as “Maxim Gor'kij”).

MAKSIM [MAXIM] (cover name in Venona): Vasily Zarubin.  Zarubin used the pseudonym Vasily 

Zubilin in the United States.  Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 19–20, 23, 28–29, 34, 37, 44–47, 

49–53, 58–59, 64–67, 71, 73, 75–76; Venona New York KGB 1943, 7, 9, 11, 13–15, 17–18, 23, 

25–26, 28–29, 34–35, 45, 47–49, 54–55, 58, 63–64, 81–83, 90, 92, 96–98, 103–4, 144, 149, 151, 

153, 164, 166, 170, 172, 175, 183–84, 194–99, 213–14, 238, 241, 243–45, 257–58, 264–66, 295–

97, 301–2, 322, 338–39, 343, 359, 363, 365; Venona New York KGB 1944, 6, 13–14, 31–33, 35, 

63, 77–78, 91–92, 110, 219–20, 224–25, 230, 236–37, 247, 274–75, 298, 308–9, 339–40, 354–

55, 365–66, 374, 376, 379, 392–93, 418, 502–3, 713, 738, 777–78; Venona New York KGB 1945

30–31, 40–41; Venona Special Studies, 45, 106.

“Maksim” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Maxim”.

Maksimenko, Captain M.: Soviet naval representative in Seattle.  Venona USA Naval GRU, 264–65, 272, 

311, 360.

Maksimov, ?: Unidentified.  Venona USA Naval GRU, 134.

Maksimovich,  Lt. Col. Vladimir Vasilievich: Soviet Assistant Naval Attaché for Air.  Venona USA 

Naval GRU, 75–76, 207.

MAKSVELL [MAXWELL] (cover name in Venona): Jack Bradley Fahy.  Venona USA Naval GRU, 10, 

59, 64, 158, 169.

Malaksianov, Mikhail Nikolaevich: Crewman on the Soviet tanker “Azerbaijan”.  Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 177.

Malaksin, Mikhail: Soviet ship crew.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 98.

Malamuth, Charles: Russian specialist and literary translator.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 12.

Malay language: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 52.

Maleev, Aleksandr Alekseevich: SGPC staff.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 2–3; Venona USA Naval 

GRU, 92–93.

Malemed, G.: Soviet vice consul in New York, 1957.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 106.

Malenkov, Georgy Maximilianovich: Senior Soviet leader, part of Stalin’s inner-circle.  Vassiliev Odd 

Pages, 32–34.

Mali: See Mally.

Malik, Yakov A.: Soviet ambassador to the United Nations from 1948 to 1952, and from 1968 to 1972.  

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 144, 149–50.

MAL'IN (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent, GRU.  Venona USA 

GRU, 112.

Malisoff, William Marias: Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Cover names in Alexander Vassiliev’s 

notebooks: “Talent” prior to October 1944, then “Henry”.  Cover names in Venona: HENRY 

[GENRI] and TALENT [TALANT].  As Malisoff: Venona New York KGB 1944, 10, 62, 66, 543, 

689, 697, 720; Venona Special Studies, 18, 70; Venona USA GRU, 90–91 (spelled Malisov).  As 

“Talent”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 1, 17, 27, 31, 101–3, 105–8, 110, 117, 173.  As “Henry”: 

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 113–14.  As HENRY [GENRI]: Venona New York KGB 1944, 356, 

542–53, 689, 697, 720; Venona Special Studies, 18, 70, 76, 176; Venona USA GRU, 91.  As 

TALENT [TALANT]: Venona New York KGB 1944, 9–10, 62, 65–66, 542–43, 689, 696–97; 

Venona Special Studies, 18, 70; Venona USA GRU, 91.

Malisov, William:  See William Malisoff.  Venona USA GRU, 90–91.

Mallow, ?: Army Air Corps officer.  Venona USA GRU, 40.






Mally, Theodore: Soviet intelligence officer.  Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Man”.  As Mally: 

Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 81.  As “Man”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 34; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 81, 112–13.

“Malody” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Youthful”.

Malov, ? (real name, possibly a cover name): Soviet intelligence officer/agent, Costa Rica, 1976.  

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 59.

MAL'VIN (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent, probably a GRU 

cipher officer.  Venona USA GRU, 80, 131, 162.

MALYAR [PAINTER] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  Venona 

New York KGB 1944, 586, 676–77; Venona Special Studies, 45.

Malygin, ?: Soviet ship captain and internal security source  Cover name in Venona: L'GOV.  As 

Malygin and L'GOV: Venona San Francisco KGB, 109; Venona Special Studies, 105 Spec.

Malygin, Andrej Vasiliyvich: Soviet ship crewman.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 119, 141, 156.

MALYJ [SMALL] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence officer/agent.  Venona New 

York KGB 1944, 394; Venona San Francisco KGB, 163, 217; Venona Special Studies, 45, 106.

MALYSH [KIDDY] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified.  Venona Special Studies, 45.

Malyshev, Mikhail Vladimerovich: Soviet intelligence officer/agent, Naval GRU.  On SGPC staff.  

Cover name in Venona: THORNTON [TORNTON and TORNTEN].  As Malyshev: Venona 

USA Naval GRU, 15–16, 95–96, 131, 290.  As THORNTON [TORNTON and TORNTEN]: 

Venona USA Naval GRU, 131–32, 290–91.

Malyshevich, ?: Name in the Whalen documents, 1930.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 74.

Mamayev, ?: Name in the Whalen documents, 1930.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 75.

Mamlyga, Vitalij Semenovich.  Soviet intelligence agent, a co-optee.  Cover name in Venona: EMA 

[ĒMA].  As Mamlyga: Venona New York KGB 1944, 440–41, 677, 761; Venona Special Studies

82.  As EMA [ĒMA]: Venona New York KGB 1944, 440, 676–77, 761; Venona Special Studies


Mamulov, ?: Senior officer, Moscow, 1945.  Likely Stepan S. Mamulov, Head of the Secretariat of the 

People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 40.

“Man” (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Theodore Mally.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 34; Vassiliev 

White Notebook #3, 81, 112–13., Lewis: Partially decrypted name.  Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 11.

MANAGER [RUKOVODITEL'] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified senior Soviet intelligence officer 

in Moscow GRU headquarters, 1941.  Possibly chief of GRU foreign intelligence.  Venona USA 

GRU, 1, 3.

Mandel, Benjamin: Former Communist and Dies Committee investigator.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3


Mangan, Sherry: Poet, journalist, and editor.  An active Trotskyist, Mangan spent much of the 1930s and 

part of the 1940s in France.  Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 39; Venona New York KGB 1943, 290.

Mangel, Joaquin Manuel Gutierrez: See Joaquin Manuel Gutierrez. Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 41.

Manhattan Engeneering District (Manhattan Project): U.S. cover name for the atomic bomb project.  

Venona New York KGB 1944, 222, 229, 639, 729; Venona New York KGB 1945, 134, 136, 168, 


Maniu, Julius: Romanian political figure.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 175; Venona New York KGB 

1944, 429–30, 504.

Mann, Heinrich: Prominent German author and KGB informant on German exiles in America.  Vassiliev 

White Notebook #1, 138; Venona San Francisco KGB, 9.

Mann, Henry: Described as an owner of a Finnish arms firm.  Venona Washington KGB, 48.

Mann, James H.: Described as a Treasury Department representative in London, 1945.  Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 62–63.

“Mann”: See “Man”.






Mann, Thomas: Prominent German author and exile in America.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 9.

Mannstein: Error for Erich von Manstein.  Venona New York KGB 1945, 156.

Manpu: Venona analysts thought this a garble for the Juliua Maniu.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 175.

Manstein, Erich von: German Wehrmacht Field Marshal.  Venona New York KGB 1945, 156.

Mantu, ?: A Romanian figure.  Venona New York KGB 1943, 111.

Manuel, Fritz: Member of the staff of the Kilgore Committee.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 96, 99.

Manuilov, ?: Soviet ship crewman.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 71, 82.

Manuilsky, Dmitry: Senior Comintern official.  Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 52–53.

“Manych”: Soviet ship.  Venona USA Naval GRU, 58.

“Map” (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Louise Bransten.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 111; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 106, 117–18, 137–38; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 10.

MAP (cover name in Venona): Louise Bransten.  Unidentified by Venona analysts but identified in 

Vassiliev’s notebooks as Bransten.  Venona San Francisco KGB, 13–14, 20–21, 78–79, 211–12, 

221; Venona Special Studies, 107.

MAR (cover name in Venona): Unidentified.  Venona Special Studies, 107.

MARAT (cover name in Venona): Unidentified.  Venona Special Studies, 107.

Marcantonio, Vito: U.S. Representative (American Labor Party, NY).  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 60; 

Vassiliev Odd Pages, 30; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 73.

“Marcel” (cover name/work name in Vassiliev notebooks): GRU agent described as known to Elizabeth 

Bentley.  Likely Michael Endelman.  Elizabeth Bentley in 1945 told the FBI of her relationship 

in the mid-1930s with a GRU agent introduced to her as “Marcel” and who had American 

identification as Michael Endelman.


  Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 14.

Marcus, Ralph: Associate of  Michael Burd/BASS.  Venona New York KGB 1944, 523–24; Venona New 

York KGB 1945, 20, 27–28, 37–39.

Marcuse, Herbert: Target of recruitment.  Refugee German sociologist, naturalized American.  Analyst 

for OSS.  Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 51; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 134–35; Venona New 

York KGB 1945, 30–31.

“Margaret Brent: U.S. ship.  Venona USA Naval GRU,  381.

“Margarita” (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Ruth Greenglass, prior to October 1944.  Vassiliev 

Yellow Notebook #1, 55.

“Margarita” (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent on 

Trotskyist target, 1941.  Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 16.

MARGARITA (cover name in Venona): Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Venona analysts identified 

MARGARITA but NSA redacted the name upon release of the Venona decryptions.  A footnote 

on her by Venona analysts described her as having been born in American, emigrating in 1933 

with her Finnish-American parents to the Karelian region of the USSR, later working for the 

English-language Moscow Daily News, but returning to the USA and from 1942 to 1945 working 

for the U.S. Censorship office and for UNRRA.  The decrypted messages suggest that KGB 

foreign intelligence came to be suspicious of her.  A candidate for MARGARITA is Paula Filpus.  

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