Index and Concordance to Alexander Vassiliev’s Notebooks and Soviet Cables Deciphered by the National Security Agency’s Venona Project

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Venona New York KGB 1943, 106; Venona New York KGB 1944, 456;  Venona USA Diplomatic

63; Venona Secret Writings New York/Buenos Aires, 15.

COLUMBIA [KOLUMBIYA] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified, likely a Soviet staffer.  Venona 

New York KGB 1945, 40; Venona Special Studies, 36.

Com. Party of “Helmsman’s” country: Communist Party, USA.  Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 43.

Combat Information Center: Described as an internal U.S. Army journal.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2


“Combat”: See “Boy”.

COMBINE [KOMBINAT] (cover name in Venona): People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade.  Venona 

New York KGB 1944, 86, 265, 276, 285–86, 308, 335, 342, 381, 392–93, 472, 480, 634, 742–43, 

754; Venona New York KGB 1945, 84, 165, 194; Venona San Francisco KGB, 300; Vassiliev 

White Notebook #1, 29.

Combined Chiefs of Staff, Allied (Anglo-American): Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 94; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #4, 139.

Combined Civil Affairs Committee, U.S. (CCAC): Joint military – State Department committee planning 

civil affairs policies for liberated enemy territories.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 50, 61.

Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS): Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff 

committee on technical intelligence.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 139–40, 143.

Combined Liberation Areas Committee (CLAC): U.S. Department of State war-time planning committee.  

  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 50.  See also Committee on Liberated Regions.

Comintern: Communist International. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 10, 13, 147; Vassiliev Odd Pages, 2–4; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 78, 135, 140–41, 146, 148, 156; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 1, 

14, 28, 40, 43, 50, 54, 105; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 114, 120, 122, 124; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #2, 8; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 1–2, 46, 52, 65–66, 69–70, 74–75, 85; Venona 

New York KGB 1941–42, 73; Venona New York KGB 1943, 78; Venona New York KGB 1944

125, 397 (this identification in a footnote by Venona analysts is in error).

Comité des Forges: French political movement aligned with General Henri Darlan. Venona New York 

KGB 1943, 164–65.

Commerce and Industry Association: Venona New York KGB 1943, 223.

Commerce Committee, U.S. Senate: Venona Washington KGB, 40–41.

Commerce, U.S. Department of: Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Tea Shop” [“Chaynaya”].  Cover 

name in Venona: TEA SHOP [CHAJNAYA].  As Commerce: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 49, 55–

56, 60, 68, 78; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 3, 26–27, 56, 115; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 51, 

155; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 21, 26, 38, 72, 120 Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 35; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 64, 67; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 63; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #4, 3–4, 9, 23, 28, 30, 47, 58, 63, 73, 91; Venona New York KGB 1944, 679.  As “Tea 

Shop”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 115.  As  TEA SHOP [CHAJNAYA]: Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 679.

Commission for the investigation of anti-American activities: Reference to the U.S. House Special 

Committee on Un-American Activities.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 155.

Committee for State Security, USSR: Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB).  Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 138–39; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 156; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 45, 74, 77, 

141, 147, 151, 154; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 61–63, 66–67; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2







Committee of Civil Liberties: Likely a reference to Senator LaFollette’s Civil Liberties Subcommittee of 

the Senate Education and Labor Committee. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 95.

Committee of Free Germans: Soviet sponsored group in Moscow.  Venona USA GRU, 96.

Committee of Information (KI): In 1947 the MGB’s foreign intelligence directorate was combined with 

the foreign intelligence arm of Soviet military intelligence (GRU) to form a combined foreign 

intelligence agency, the Committee of Information (KI).  The MGB remained as a separate 

agency but with only domestic responsibilities.  However, in the summer of 1948 many of the 

military personnel in KI were returned to the Soviet general staff to reconstitute GRU as a 

foreign military intelligence agency.  KI sections dealing with the new Soviet dominated Eastern 

European regimes as well as Soviet émigrés were returned to the MGB in late 1948.  Finally, in 

1951 the KI’s foreign intelligence functions were returned to the MGB, and the latter evolved 

into the KGB in 1954.  As Committee of Information: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 143–45; 

Vassiliev Odd Pages, 34; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 131; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 107; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 94; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 50.  As KI (K. I.): Vassiliev 

Black Notebook, 72–73, 75–77, 79, 81, 83, 92, 97–98, 138–39, 146; Vassiliev Odd Pages, 7, 10, 

28–29, 31–33; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 91; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 33, 52–53; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 44, 148.

Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists, and Scientists: Venona New York KGB 1943, 225; Venona New 

York KGB 1944, 82.

Committee of Political Action: Reference likely to the National Citizens Political Action Committee but 

possibly to the CIO Political Action Committee.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 40.

Committee on Artistic Affairs (USSR): Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 53.

Committee on Cultural Liaisons with Foreign Countries (USSR): Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 78; 

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 58.  See VOKS (All-Union Society for Cultural Relations).

Committee on Emigration: See Immigration and Naturalization, U.S. House Committee on.

Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry, U.S. Senate: Chaired by Senator Nye.  Also 

known as the Nye Committee.  As Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry: 

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 10.  As Nye Committee: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 14, 23, 25, 33–34.

Committee on Liberated Regions: US. Department of State committee. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 61.  

See also Combined Liberation Areas Committee (CLAC).

Committee to Aid Spain: Likely a reference to the North American Committee to Aid Spanish 

Democracy. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 143.

Committee to Aid Victory: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 63.

Committee to Combat Communism: See International Committee to Combat Communism.

Commonweal (journal): Venona New York KGB 1943, 223.

Communications Research Institute in Köthen, Germany: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 141.

Communism and Communists: References to communism and Communists are too numerous to be on 

any indexing value.  In addition to numberous plain text references, cover names in Vassiliev’s 

notebooks for a Communist or Communists: “Fellowcountryman”, “Fellowcountrywoman”, and  

“Fellowcountrymen”.  Cover names in Venona: Cover names in Venona: 




separate entries.

Communist International Youth: Likely a garbled title for a journal associated with the Young 

Communist International such as the International of Youth or perhaps the American Young 

Communist League’s Young Communist Review.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 67.

Communist International (Comintern): Soviet run coordinating body of non-Soviet Communist parties.  

Cover names in Vassiliev notebooks: “Big House” [“Bol'shoy Dom”] and, possibly, “Le”.  Cover 

name in Venona: BIG HOUSE [BOL'SHOJ DOM].  As Communist International and Comintern: 






Vassiliev Black Notebook, 10, 13, 147; Vassiliev Odd Pages, 2–4; Vassiliev White Notebook #1

78, 135, 140–41, 146, 148, 156; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 1, 14, 28, 40, 43, 50, 54, 105; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 114, 120, 122, 124; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 8; Vassiliev 

Yellow Notebook #4, 1–2, 45–46, 52, 65–66, 69–70, 74–75, 79, 85; Venona New York KGB 

1941–42, 73; Venona New York KGB 1943, 78; Venona New York KGB 1944, 125, 397 (this 

identification in a footnote by Venona analysts is in error).  As “Big House”: Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 55; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 52.  As “Le”: Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 38.  As 

BIG HOUSE [BOL'SHOJ DOM]: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 73; Venona New York KGB 

1943, 9, 144, 182, 285.

Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) and Communists: References to the CPUSA are too numerous to be of 

research use.  Also referred to as the American Communist Party, Comparty, Com. Party, CP, 

CPA, ACP, Com. Party of “Helmsman’s” country, and “Helmsman’s” organization.  Cover 

names in Vassiliev’s notebooks: the “Fellowcountryman” organization, “the Fraternal”, “the 

Brothers”, and “the Club”.  Cover names in Venona: FELLOWCOUNTRYMAN,  


and ZEMLYACHKA] (KGB cables), FRATERNAL [BRATSKAYA] (KGB cables), and 

CORPORATION [KORPORATSIYA] (GRU cables).  See separate entries.

Communist, The: theoretical journal of the CPUSA, predecessor to Political Affairs.  Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #2, 67.

Communist University of the Peoples of the East: Refers to the Communist University of Toilers of the 

East, a Soviet university for non-Russian and non-European minorities of Eastern and Southern 

Russia.  Black Americans were also sent there.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 138.

COMPACT [PLOTNYJ] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified.  Venona Special Studies, 112.

Comparty: Communist Party.


[KONKURENTY] (cover names in Venona): KGB term for intelligence officers or the 

intelligence and security agencies of other nations and usually used connoting that the other 

service is hostile or potentially hostile.  Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 14–15; Venona New 

York KGB 1943, 80, 103–04, 108–09, 147–48, 150–52, 155–58, 160, 187, 188, 203–04, 215–16, 

240–41, 243, 353–54; Venona New York KGB 1944, 43, 267, 325–26, 504, 522, 533, 567, 587–

88, 597–98, 689, 696–97, 720, 735, 776; Venona New York KGB 1945, 158, 192–93, 209–10; 

Venona San Francisco KGB, 20–21, 85.

“Competitor” [“Konkurent”] (Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): KGB term for intelligence officers 

or the intelligence and security agencies of other nations and usually used connoting that the 

other service is hostile or potentially hostile. However, there are cased where this term referred 

to the KGB’s sister agency, the Soviet GRU.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 113–14, 131–32, 181; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 1–2, 7–8, 29, 33, 37, 40–41, 57, 80, 89, 115; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #2, 36, 44, 116, 129, 132; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 18; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook 

#1, 26, 41–42, 44–46, 81; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 45, 84; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3


“Complex” [Kombinat] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): United States Service and Shipping 

Corporation, 1943–1945.  Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 154–56; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 1, 

8, 10, 20–26, 30–31.

Compton, Arthur: Senior scientist involved in the Manhattan atomic project, directed the “Metallurgical 

Laboratory” at the University of Chicago where the first atomic pile with a self-sustaining atomic 

reaction was achieved.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 49, 110; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 24, 35, 

37; Venona New York KGB 1944, 694; Venona New York KGB 1945, 139, 190–91; Venona 

Special Studies, 153.

Conally, ?: Likely a reference to Senator Tom Connally, (D, TX).  Venona New York KGB 1945, 183.

Conant, James B.: Chemist, president of Harvard University and chairman of the National Defense 

Research Committee in WWII.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 34.






Conason, Emil: New York medical doctor close to the CPUSA and a Soviet intelligence agent. Cover 

name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Invalid”.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 103; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #1, 1.  As “Invalid”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 106, 109, 111; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #1, 1, 10.

“Concern” [“Kontsern”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): William R. Hearst.  Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 21.

“Concessionaire” [“Kontsessioner”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Julius Hammer.  Vassiliev 

Odd Pages, 1; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 104–05.

“Condenser” [“Kondensator”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Kenneth Richardson.  Unidentified 

in Vassiliev’s notebooks but identified in Venona as Richardson.  Vassiliev White Notebook #1


CONDENSER [KONDENSATOR] (cover name in Venona): Kenneth Richardson. Venona New York 

KGB 1945, 198; Venona Special Studies, 37.

Condon, Edward U.: Physicist.  Director of the National Bureau of Standards.  Briefly deputy to Robert 

Oppenheimer at Los Alamos.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 69, 71.

Condray, ?: Venona project translator.  Venona USA Diplomatic, 52, 59.

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO): In Russian: Kongress Promyshlennoj Organizatsii (KPO).  

Black Notebook, 77; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 89–90, 96–97, 99, 101, 126; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #1, 33; Venona Washington KGB, 40, 42, 61; Venona USA GRU, 172.

Congress of Nations in Defense of Peace: Likely a reference to the World Peace Congress of 1952.  

Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 93.

Congress, U.S.: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 11, 13, 17, 23, 42, 47–48, 56–57, 60, 66, 69, 84, 86, 89, 149–

51, 155–57, 163, 180; Vassiliev Odd Pages, 12–13, 21, 24, 26–27, 30; Vassiliev White Notebook 

#1, 65, 76, 90; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 83–84, 86, 88– 91, 97–99, 134; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #3, 43, 77, 87–89, 91, 98–101; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 55, 64, 72, 94; Vassiliev 

Yellow Notebook #4, 10–11, 20–21, 25, 27–29, 38–39, 41, 50, 55, 57, 62, 66, 78, 87, 96, 119–20, 

127, 129–30, 132–33, 143–45, 147–48, 151, 153; Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 32; Venona 

New York KGB 1944, 41, 383, 751; Venona USA GRU, 72.

Conius, Boris: Son-in-law of Sergey Rachmaninoff: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 53.

Connally, Thomas: U.S. Senator (D. Texas).  Vassiliev Odd Pages, 21; Vassiliev White Notebook #3

100; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 38; Venona Washington KGB, 41.  Spelled as Conally: 

Venona New York KGB 1945, 183.

Connelly, ?: Likely Matthew J. Connelly, President Truman’s secretary.  Vassiliev White Notebook #3


Consolidated Aircraft company: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 105.

Constable, George Edward: American military aircraft crewman.  Venona USA Diplomatic, 27.

“Constantine” [“Konstantin”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence 

officer/agent/source, 1945  (Alternative translation: Konstantine).  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 68; 

Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 65; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 79–80.

Constantinova, Katia: See Katerina Konstantinova.

“Constructor” [“Konstruktor”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Abraham Brothman from 1941 

until October 1944. Unidentified in Vassiliev’s notebooks but identified in Venona as Brothman.  

Vassiliev Black Notebook, 110, 117; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 111–12; Vassiliev Yellow 

Notebook #1, 101–3, 106; Venona Special Studies, 37.

CONSTRUCTOR [KONSTRUKTOR] (cover name in Venona): Abraham Brothman. Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 542.

CONSTRUCTOR (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, 1945.  The 

cover name CONSTRUCTOR/Brothman was changed to EXPERT in October 1944.  This new 

CONSTRUCTOR in January 1945 was engaged in oil company mid-east negotiations, activities 

far afield with Brothman’s known work.  Venona New York KGB 1945, 14.






“Consul” [“Konsul”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence 

source/agent, 1933. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 1.

Consulate, Chicago German: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 21; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 96.

Consulate, Los Angeles Soviet: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 44; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 119, 138; 

Venona New York KGB 1944, 553; Venona San Francisco KGB, 62, 105, 310.

Consulate, New York Soviet: Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Plant” [“Zavod”].  Cover name in 

Venona: PLANT [ZAVOD].  (While “Plant” almost always refers to the New York consulate, 

there are some indications that it was generic cover name for any Soviet consulate.)  As 

consulate: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 3, 41, 76, 115, 153, 163, 179, 189, 190; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #1, 10, 20, 40, 44, 79,-79, 82–83, 115; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 1, 38; Vassiliev 

Yellow Notebook #1, 16–17, 20, 22; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 1; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook 

#4, 149; Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 37, 71; Venona New York KGB 1943, 33, 58, 92, 95, 

113, 172, 225, 238, 254, 262, 270, 303, 334; Venona New York KGB 1944, 27, 29–30, 38, 45–46, 

72, 87, 107, 148, 182, 187, 191, 194, 196, 201, 226, 235, 239, 246, 264, 274, 290, 305, 317, 320, 

331, 347, 380, 391, 405, 415, 424, 443, 445, 448, 461, 482, 503, 511, 535, 559, 571, 573, 575, 

598, 606–7, 609, 614, 616, 639, 668, 691, 697, 704, 716, 732, 764, 773; Venona New York KGB 

1945, 13, 22, 52, 58, 87, 104, 111, 120, 168, 175, 193, 200; Venona San Francisco KGB, 120, 

157, 238, 292; Venona USA GRU, 87, 102, 109, 124.  As “Plant”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1

29, 66, 77, 115; Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 71; Venona New York KGB 1943, 95, 225, 

254, 270, 334; Venona New York KGB 1944, 38, 45, 72, 87; Venona New York KGB 1945, 22, 

58, 193, 200; Venona USA GRU,  56, 67, 69, 73, 91, 94, 108, 123, 128; Venona USA Diplomatic

31, 33–34.  As PLANT [ZAVOD and ZAVÓD]: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 70–71; 

Venona New York KGB 1943, 93–95, 225, 253–54, 270, 332, 334; Venona New York KGB 1944

37–38, 45, 71–72, 87, 106–7, 148, 190–92, 195–96, 234, 238–39, 245–47, 330–31, 346, 380, 

390–91, 404–5, 415, 443, 481–82, 498, 502–3, 508, 534–35, 552–53, 597–98, 606, 615–16, 638–

39, 696–97, 704, 715–16, 764, 772–73; Venona New York KGB 1945, 21–22, 57–58, 192–93, 

200; Venona San Francisco KGB, 119–20, 156, 179, 238, 267–70, 288–89, 292, 296; Venona 

Special Studies, 138, 188.

Consulate, San Francisco Soviet: Venona San Francisco KGB, 14, 26, 80, 105, 147, 156, 179, 196–97, 

206, 231, 268, 270, 289, 296, 308; Venona USA Diplomatic, 22, 25, 62, 71–74.

CONTACT [KOMTAKT] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent.  

Venona New York KGB 1943, 302; Venona Special Studies, 37.

CONTINENT: Venona analysts thought CONTINENT a cover-name denoting some part of Australasia. 

Venona USA Naval GRU, 109–10.

Contracting: KGB term for formal recruitement.  Also know as ‘signing on’.

“Contractor” [Podryadchik] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Alexander Saffian.  Unidentified in 

Vassiliev’s notebooks but identified in Venona as Saffian.  Vassiliev Black Notebook, 119.

CONTRACTOR [PODRYADCHIK] (cover name in Venona): Alexander Saffian.  Venona New York 

KGB 1944, 295, 474; Venona New York KGB 1945, 14; Venona Special Studies, 57.

Contreras, Carlos: Carlos Contreras Labarca, Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Chile.  

Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 24, 26.

COOK [KUK] (cover name in Venona): This is a reference in a study by Venona analysts referring to the 

appearance of KUK at Venona New York KGB 1943,  141–42, likely written at a time when the 

message was only partly decrypted and not yet clear that KUK was an acronym for Komitet 

Ukraintsev Kanady rather than a cover name.  Venona Special Studies, 39.

Cooke, Maurice Bacon: Soviet intelligence source/agent.  Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: 

“Octane” [Oktan].  Cover name in Venona: OCTANE [OKTAN].  As Cooke: Vassiliev Black 

Notebook, 103.  As “Octane”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 101, 103, 124, 173; Vassiliev White 

Notebook #1, 131.  As OCTANE [OKTAN]: Venona New York KGB 1943, 56; Venona New 

York KGB 1945, 205–6; Venona Special Studies, 52.






Coolidge, Calvin: President of the United States, 1923–1929.  Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 2–4, 49–50, 

55–59, 60.

Coolidge, Harold: OSS officer.  Venona New York KGB 1945, 85.

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