Index and Concordance to Alexander Vassiliev’s Notebooks and Soviet Cables Deciphered by the National Security Agency’s Venona Project
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1941–42, 39, 42. Carrasco-Barrios, Mariano: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 41–42. Carroll, Fred: Party name of Robert Soblen. Fred Carroll is described in Vassiliev’s notebooks as the party name of a Soviet intelligence agent with the cover name “Roman”. “Roman” was unidentified in Vassiliev’s notebooks but identified in Venona as Soblen. Vassiliev Black
Carter, Edward C.: General Secretary of the Institute for Pacific Relations and chairman of the Russian War Relief Fund. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 102; Venona New York KGB 1945, 184. CARTER [KARTER] (cover name in Venona): Eugene Franklin Coleman. Venona USA Naval GRU, 10– 11, 102, 221–22, 279–80, 302–3, 384. CARTHAGE [KARFAGEN] (cover name in Venona): Washington, DC. Venona New York KGB 1943, 4, 82–83, 132, 139, 147–48, 150–51, 154, 164–65, 197–98, 199, 253–54, 268–69, 306–7, 310– 11, 324; Venona New York KGB 1944, 31–33, 53–54, 96, 111, 113, 117, 127, 160, 221, 240, 250, 276, 288, 308, 337, 341, 343, 367, 370, 379, 388, 394, 402–3, 423–24, 446, 461, 488, 563–64, 582–83, 599, 603, 611, 619, 662, 676–79, 690, 703, 724, 727, 731–32, 735, 777; Venona New
York KGB 1945, 9, 19–20, 23, 27–29, 35, 42, 53–54, 57, 84, 126–27, 158–59, 177–78, 183, 185, 188, 194, 202; Venona San Francisco KGB, 9, 68–70, 241; Venona Special Studies, 132–33, 142–43, 152, 164–65, 168, 173; Venona Mexico City KGB, 109, 146, 264–65, 272–73, 276, 316. “Carthage” [“Karfagen”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Washington, DC. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 62; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 1, 4–6, 11–12, 14, 57–58, 66, 69, 73–74, 76, 78, 115; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 36; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 30. CARTHAGINIAN [KARFACNICK'Y] (cover name in Venona): A resident of Washington, DC. Venona
Caruso, Enrico: Well-known Italian opera tenor. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 29. Casa Italiana: Italian government cultural institution. Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 13. Casablanca, Morocco: Venona New York KGB 1943, 37: Venona New York KGB 1944, 215; Venona USA Naval GRU, 116, 204. Casada: Unidentified. Some connection to the Spanish republic. Venona New York KGB 1944, 267. Caserta: Likely a reference to the Italian city of Caserta. Venona New York KGB 1944, 731; Venona
“Cashier” [“Kassir”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Harry Dexter White prior to change to “Jurist” in 1941. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 174–76. CASHIER [KASSIR] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, 1944. Venona New York KGB 1944, 572–75; Venona Special Studies, 35. Cassidy: Journalist. Likely Henry Cassidy, Moscow correspondent for AP. Venona New York KGB 1945, 183. Castillo, ?: Likely Ramón S. Castillo Barrionuevo, Argentine president 1942–43. Venona New York KGB 1943, 129, 207, 276. Castle, William R.: Under Secretary of State and Ambassador to Japan in the Herbert Hoover Administration. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 20; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 118. Castleberry, Donald: American Red Cross official. Venona USA Diplomatic, 65. “Castor” [“Bobrik”]: See “Beaver-Cloth. Castro, Alfonso: Alfonso Castro Valle, Mexican diplomat. Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 39, 42. CAT (cover name in Venona): Mary Price. This cover names appears in Venona only partially deciphered as “...T” and is unidentified. But the 2 September 1944 Venona message is also in Vassiliev’s notebooks where “...T” is clearly seen as CAT, identified as Mary Price. Venona
“Cat” [“Ket”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Mary Price in August 1944. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 55. Catalan Communist Party: Venona New York KGB 1943, 156. Catalan Socialist Party: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 42. Catalonia: Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 40, 42; Venona New York KGB 1943, 157. “Catalyst” [“Katalizator”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence scientific source/agent involved in research on radioactivity. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 106–9. CATALYST [KATALIZATOR] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent.
“Catcher” [“Lovets”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, 1935–1936. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 16–17. “Catherine”: Work name used by Helen Lowry. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 64; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 2. “Cathode” [“Katod”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, scientific-technological intelligence, 1936. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 17. Catholic: See Roman Catholic church. Caustin, Harold Edwin: UNRRA official. Venona New York KGB 1944, 517–18. “Cautious” [“Ostorozhny”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Julius J. Joseph. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 51, 67, 79, 189; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 6, 25, 35, 42, 50, 53, 60; Vassiliev
White Notebook #2, 9, 19, 33; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 74, 80; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 39. CAUTIOUS [OSTOROZHNYJ] (cover name in Venona): Julius J. Joseph. Venona New York KGB 1943, 103; Venona New York KGB 1944, 578, 584–85; Venona Special Studies, 54. CAVALRYMAN [KAVALERIST] (cover name in Venona): Sergej Kurnakov. Venona New York KGB 1941–42, 51; Venona New York KGB 1943, 133–34, 140, 148, 182, 257; Venona New York KGB 1944, 54, 123, 137, 336, 404, 456, 462; Venona Special Studies, 32, 174. “Cavalryman” [“Kavalerist”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Sergey Kurnakov prior to September 1944. Unidentified by Venona analysts but identified in Vassiliev’s notebooks as Kurnakov. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 189; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 8, 55, 149; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 9. Cavemder, Fern: Appointed clerk at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Venona USA Diplomatic, 65. CB (cover name in Venona): V. L. Bogdenko. Venona USA Naval GRU, 314, 318, 320, 324–25, 328–29, 345, 353–54, 358–60, 367–68, 372, 375, 377–78. CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 28; Venona New York KGB 1944, 456; Venona Secret Writings New York/Buenos Aires, 15. CC: Central Committee. CC CPSU: Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 79; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 61, 67; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 57, Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 89. CC VKP(b): Central Committee, All-Union Communist Party (bolshevik). Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 29, 116, 128, 129, 132, 140, 145; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 42, 53; Vassiliev Yellow
CCAC: Combined Civil Affairs Committee, U.S. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 50. Cde.: Comrade. CE (cover name in Venona): Venona analysts thought CE was I.A. Egorichev. Venona USA Naval GRU, 308, 314–15, 318–19, 321, 325, 329, 332, 340, 345, 358–59, 367–68, 371–72, 375, 378–80. Cecil ?: Error for Cedric Belfrage: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 7. “Cecil” [“Sesil'”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Bluma Carp, 1935. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 13.
“Cecil” [“Sesil'”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Lauchlin Currie in Iskhak Akhmerov reports in 1944. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 17. CEDAR [SEDAR] (cover name in the Venona decryptions): Borton Perri. Venona analysts thought this possibly a reference to a Burton Perry or to Ralph Barton Perry, Jr.. Venona San Francisco KGB, 96; Venona Special Studies, 115. Cenkalski, E: Thought to be the name referenced by the text Edward Tsekol'skij. Venona New York KGB 1944, 364. Censorship office, U.S.: Venona Secret Writings New York/Buenos Aires, 12–13. Censorship: U.S. wartime censorship. Venona New York KGB 1944, 109, 197, 418, 445; Venona San
Center [Tsentr]: Also rendered as Centre. KGB and GRU tradecraft term for their agency’s headquarters in Moscow. References to the Center occurs so frequently in the notebooks and the Venona decryptions that indexing the term serves no purpose. Centkiewicz, Stanislaw: Editor of the Polish Review. Venona New York KGB 1944, 363. Central America: See entry for Latin America, Central America, and South America. Central Committee, All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) – CC VKP(b) or TsK VKP(b): Cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Palace” [“Dvorets”]. As CC VKP(b) or plain text variant: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 29, 116, 128, 129, 132, 140, 145; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 42, 53; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 105. As “Palace”: Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 29, 116. Central Institute for Atomic Research, GDR: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 61, 63.
Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. (CIA): Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 134; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 59; Venona New York KGB 1943, 17, 19, 23, 103, 129, 153–54, 176, 179, 255, 287, 299, 322, 325, 340; Venona New York KGB 1944, 206, 301, 527; Venona New York KGB 1945, 64, 68, 70, 133, 135, 138, 166, 199, 203; Venona Washington KGB, 9; Venona San Francisco KGB, 293, 299–300, 304–5, 310; Venona Special Studies, 157; Venona USA GRU, 78, 110, 113. Central Research Institute, USSR: Tsentral’nyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'nyj Institut (TsNII). Venona USA
Cerber: Possible translation of TSERBER. Venona New York KGB 1945, 46. “Cerberus” [“Tserber”] and “Cerberus’s” wife (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Philip and Mary Jane Keeney. “Cerberus” and his wife are described as former GRU agents with some prior connection to OSS. “Cerebus’s” wife was also described as obtaining a job in the UN Secretariat the latter half of 1948. Philip had worked for OSS for a time and Mary Jane took a post with the U.N. in June 1948. 26 “Cerberus” also appeared in the Venona decryptions in 1945 as an unidentified GRU agent who may have lost touch with GRU. Separately, other Venona decryption describes the Keeneys as former GRU agents that the KGB was recruiting for its own use. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 62, 71. CERBERUS [TSERBER] (cover name in Venona): Philip Keeney. Unidentified by Venona analysts but along with the information provided in Vassiliev’s notebooks regarding “Cerberus”, Keeney is indicated. Venona New York KGB 1945, 46; Venona Special Studies, 77. ČETNICI, CETNICI, and Četniks: The Chetnik movement, a Serbian nationalist and royalist paramilitary organization hostile to the Communist-led Partisan movement under Josip Tito. Venona New York KGB 1943, 13; Venona New York KGB 1944, 80. Ceylon: Venona New York KGB 1944, 584. CH. (cover name in Venona): The Neighbor [SOSKO] – GRU. Personal code used by MAJ/Apresyan.
Chabanov, Konstantin Alekseevich: Soviet intelligence officer. Cover name in Venona: SHAH [SHAKH]. Chabanov appears to have been the diplomatic pseudonym used by KGB officer Konstantin A. Chugunov. See Konstantin A. Chugunov. As Chabanov: Venona New York KGB 1944, 86, 97, 191, 225, 264, 331, 391, 405; Venona New York KGB 1945, 62. As SHAH [SHAKH]: Venona New York KGB 1944, 19–20, 29, 46, 86, 96–97, 190–91, 203–4, 224–254, 330–31, 335, 238–39, 263–64, 330, 336, 390–91, 404–5, 412, 472–73; Venona New York KGB
Chadwick, James: Senior British atomic scientist in the bomb project. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 6, 9, 69. CHAJNAYA [TEA SHOP] (cover name in Venona): Department of Commerce. Venona New York KGB 1944, 679. Chakov, ?: Unidentified. Venona USA Diplomatic, 62. Chaliapin, Boris: Described as the son of the Russian opera singer Feodor Chaliapin. Vassiliev White
Chalmers, Henry: U.S. commerce Department official, early 1930s. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 28. Cham, Michael K.: Soviet intelligence source/agent. Employee of Douglas aircraft. Cover names in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Spline” until October 1944 then “Noise”. Cover name in Venona:
——————————— 26. See: Rosalee McReynolds and Louise S. Robbins, The Librarian Spies: Philp and Mary Jane Keeney and Cold War Espionage (Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2009). FBI investagatory files on the Keeneys establish direct contact between the Keeneys and the KGB officer who had contact with Cerberus and his wife and clear evidence of their recruitment into Soviet espionage. SPLINE [SHPONKA] and NOISE [SHUM]. As Cham: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 121. As “Spline”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 110, 117. As “Noise”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 119, 121, 135. As SPLINE [SHPONKA]: Venona New York KGB 1943, 193; Venona New York KGB
[SHUM]: Venona New York KGB 1944, 275, 542–43, 631–32; Venona Special Studies, 79–80. Chamber of Commerce, U.S.: Venona New York KGB 1944, 123; Venona Washington KGB, 60–61. Chamber of Commerce, New York: Venona USA GRU, 123. Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Venona USA Diplomatic, 14. “Chamber” [“Palata”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): U.S. Department of Justice, circa November 1944. Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 115. Chamberlain, William: Moscow correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, 1922–34. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 72. Chambers, Whittaker: Soviet intelligence agent briefly for a KGB network in the early 1930s but chiefly for a GRU-linked CPUSA based network in Washington in the mid-1930s. Dropped out 1938, partial disclosure to authorities in 1939 but no full disclosure until the end of 1948. 27 Cover
name in Vassiliev’s notebooks: “Karl”. Also the “Karl” identified as Robert Tselnis in Vassiliev’s notebooks. As Chambers: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 51, 73, 77; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 29, 67, 74; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 8. As “Karl”: Vassiliev Black Notebook, 51, 73, 76, 77, 81–82; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 46, 48, 65; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 37. As “Karl”/Tselnis: Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 46, 65–66. Chancey, Martin: Senior member of the Maryland CPUSA. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 130. Chandler, Albert: U.S. Senator (D. KY, 1939–45) and Commissioner of Major League Baseball.
CHANNEL-PILOT [LOTSMAN] (cover name in Venona): Henry A. Wallace. Venona New York KGB 1943, 209; Venona New York KGB 1944, 34, 152, 168, 649; Venona Special Studies, 42. “Chap” [“Chep”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Zalmond David Franklin. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 78, 86, 102, 109–12, 138; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 23–24, 27, 43, 49, 119; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 55–56; Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 122; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 1–4, 7–10, 27. CHAP [CHEP] (cover name in Venona): Zalmond David Franklin. Unidentified by Venona analysts but identified in Vassiliev’s notebooks as Franklin. Venona New York KGB 1944, 306–7, 500, 560, 618; Venona Special Studies, 77. CHAPAJ (cover name in Venona): Petr Vasil'evich Kliminkov. Venona San Francisco KGB, 143, 148, 159; Venona Special Studies, 119. Chaplin, Charlie: Noted motion picture comic of the 1920s and 1930s. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #3, 65, 91, 93, 98. CHAR...: Partial decoding. May be real or cover name. In context, possibly Charles Flato. Venona New
“Charles” [Charl'z] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Klaus Fuchs starting in October 1944. () Vassiliev Black Notebook, 113–14, 119, 122–25, 133–36; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 116, 118; Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #1, 16, 18–19, 23, 27–30, 34, 40, 45–46, 62–63, 67, 70–72, 74–77, 79–94, 104–106, 108–09. CHARLES [CHARL'Z] (cover name in Venona): Klaus Fuchs. Venona New York KGB 1944, 543, 644;
Charles, Frieda: Trotskyist activist. Venona New York KGB 1944, 103, 105. “Charley”: See “Charlie”.
——————————— 27. Whittaker Chambers, Witness (New York: Random House, 1952); Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case (New York: Knopf, 1978); Tanenhaus, Whittaker Chambers. “Charli 7” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Charlie 7”. “Charli” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Charlie”. “Charlie 7” [“Charli-7”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, New York station 1937. May be same as one of the other unidentified “Charlies” of the 1930s. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 27. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Cedric Belfrage. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 65, 79; Vassiliev White Notebook #1, 7–8; Vassiliev White Notebook #2, 9–10, 33. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence contact, described as Browder’s courier in 1942. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 189. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, 1932, used against Trotskyists. May be same as one of the other unidentified “Charlies” of the 1930s. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 10. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, 1937. May be same as one of the other unidentified “Charlies” of the 1930s. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 10. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent. Lived in San Francisco in 1939. May be same as one of the other unidentified “Charlies” of the 1930s. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 101. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified chief of the London KGB station in 1935. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 107. “Charlie” [“Charli”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, technical intelligence, a consultent for Du Pont. May be same as one of the other unidentified “Charlies” of the 1930s. References to in 1934, 1938. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 36, 39.
Charlie [Charli]: Work name used by Joseph Katz in 1944 and 1945. Vassiliev White Notebook #3, 78. CHARL'Z [CHARLES] (cover name in Venona): Klaus Fuchs. Venona New York KGB 1944, 542; Venona New York KGB 1945, 133–36, 160–61; Venona Special Studies, 60, 77, 176. “Charl'z” (Russian original of a cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): See “Charles”. “Charon” [“Kharon”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Grigory Kheifets. Vassiliev Black
CHARON [KHARON] (cover name in Venona): Grigory Kheifets. Venona New York KGB 1943, 133– 34; Venona San Francisco KGB, 5, 8, 11, 15, 17, 21, 24, 34, 39, 41, 43, 46, 59, 62–64, 69–70, 74, 78–79, 81, 84, 88–89, 96–98, 105, 112, 134; Venona Special Studies, 76, 118. Charter of an International Organization: Reference to the draft United Nations Charter. Venona USA
Chase, Joseph: American naval officer and military attache. Venona USA Naval GRU, 123. Chase National Bank: Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 63–64; Venona New York KGB 1944, 312. CHASTNYJ (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent. See PRIVATE. After April 1944 and may be different from earlier CHASTNYJ. Venona San Francisco KGB, 103–4, 106’ Venona San Francisco KGB, 110. CHASTNYJ [PRIVATE] (cover name in Venona): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent. Appears to be Russian, returning to USSR in April, 1944. Venona San Francisco KGB, 81, 86, 89; Venona Special Studies, 119. Chatsky, ?: GPU chief at Amtorg, 1929. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #4, 85. “Chauffeur” [“Shofer”] (cover name in Vassiliev’s notebooks): Unidentified Soviet intelligence source/agent, 1939. Likely technological intelligence. Vassiliev Black Notebook, 161. Chautemps, Camille: French political figure. Vassiliev Yellow Notebook #2, 20. Download 5,28 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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