Involuntary Resettlement Assessment and Measures
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- 4.6.3 Compensation Entitlements
- Agricultural land impacts .
- For lease holders
- Houses, buildings and structures
- Business workers and employees.
- Agricultural tenants and workers.
- Community Structures and Public Assets
- Table 4.2: Compensation Entitlements Matrix ASSET DISPLACED PERSON PROPOSED ENTITLEMENTS
- 4.7.2 Cash Compensation
- 4.7.3 Agricultural Land
- 4.7.4 Residential/Commercial Land
Presidential land is similar to Dekhan land. It was allocated in small plots to private households in the late 1990s by Presidential Decree. The essential difference between Dekhan and Presidential land is the timing of the decree that released land for small household plots. 81. Reserve Fund land usually includes unused land. It also includes land plots for which land use rights have been abandoned. State reserve land is at the disposal of the district administrations and is rented out or distributed for individual tilling for agricultural purposes. Article 100 of the Land Code says State land stock is reserved for agricultural, industrial, transport and other needs of the national economy. 13 4.6.2 Eligibility 82. The DPs entitled to compensation or at least rehabilitation provisions under the project are (i) all DPs losing land and other assets with legal title/traditional land rights including permanent land users of all the types of listed above and lease holders, (ii) any tenants; (iii) owners of buildings, crops, plants, or other objects attached to the land; and (iv) DPs losing business, income, and salaries. 83. The DPs entitled to compensation or at least rehabilitation provisions under the project are (i) all DPs losing land and other assets with legal title/traditional land rights including permanent land users of all the types of listed above and lease holders, (ii) tenants; (iii) owners of buildings, crops, plants, or other objects attached to the land; and (iv) DPs losing business, income, and salaries. 84. Compensation eligibility is limited by an approved cut-off date established at the end of the impact survey on 30 November 2009. Copies of published notices of this date are given in Appendix 7. DPs who settle in the affected areas after the cut-off date will not be eligible for compensation. They, however, will be given sufficient advance notice, requested to vacate premises and to dismantle affected structures prior to project implementation. Their dismantled structures will not be confiscated and they will not pay any fine or suffer any sanction. 4.6.3 Compensation Entitlements 85. The DPs in the project are entitled to various types of compensation and resettlement assistance to help in restoring their livelihoods to the pre-project levels. The combination of compensation measures and resettlement assistance depends on the nature of the lost assets and scope of the project’s impact, including the social and economic vulnerability of the affected persons. All DPs are eligible for compensation and rehabilitation assistance, irrespective of their land ownership status, to ensure that those affected by the project shall be at least as well off, if not better off, than they would have been without the Project. The compensation packages shall reflect replacement costs for all losses (such as land, crops, trees, structures, businesses, incomes, etc.) as detailed below • Agricultural land impacts. Rehabilitated through the provision of an allowance for loss of land-use right additional to standard crop compensation and equal to: • For permanent land holders: 5 years of yearly gross income of affected annual crops land at market rate or 1 year of yearly gross income of affected fruit trees land. 13 ARD/Checchi Consultants, (2005). Final Report: Legal Infrastructure for a Market Economy Project, translation of Land Code of the Republic of Tajikistan 30 The same allowance will be provided to all land users permanently affected including individual land users, cooperative land users. • For lease holders: same as above • Residential/commercial land. For holders of land use rights, compensation equivalent to the current land lease rate of $0.1 per m 2 in the Project area multiplied by 25 years will be provided. This may be revised during the finalization of the LARP based on the outcome of the ongoing efforts to revise the Land Code and development of methodology for land valuation. • Houses, buildings and structures. These will be compensated in cash at full replacement cost (cost of materials plus cost of labor plus cost of transport of materials) free of deductions for depreciation, salvaged materials, and transaction costs irrespective of the registration status of the affected item . House compensation is given for the entire building both in the case of full and partial impacts. • Crop Losses. Crop compensation will be paid by default to all DPs irrespective of their legal status in cash at full market rate for 1 years’ yield. This shall apply whether the land is fallow, or in crop. Crop compensation will be paid both to landowners and tenants based on their specific agreements. • Loss of Perennial Crops. Reimbursement will be at the full market rate of one year’s production, as assessed by the district administration and agreed with the DPs. • Loss of Businesses. If business is lost permanently, it will be compensated in cash equal to a 1 year income based on tax declaration or, if unavailable, based on the maximum official non-taxable salary; temporary business losses will be compensated in cash for the business interruption period based on tax declaration or, if unavailable, official minimum salary. • Business workers and employees. Indemnity for lost wages for the period of business interruption up to a maximum of 1year. • Severe impact losses. When more than 10% HH income is affected in the case of households engaged primarily in agriculture, the DPs (owners, leaseholders, tenants, and informal settlers) will receive an allowance for severe impacts equal to the market value of a year’s net yield of the land lost, in addition to standard crop compensation. • Agricultural tenants and workers. Tenants will receive their share of harvest at market rates (if the impact is temporary) plus 1 additional crop compensation (if the land is lost permanently). Agricultural workers, with whose employment will be interrupted, will receive an indemnity in cash corresponding to their salary, in cash and in kind, for the remaining part of the agricultural year, inclusive of both winter and summer crop. • Relocation Allowances. DPs forced to relocate will receive a relocation subsidy sufficient to cover transport costs and living expenses for 3 months at minimum salary. This subsidy must be more than sufficient to cover transport costs and the average monthly income of an affected HH. 31 • Community Structures and Public Assets. These will be fully replaced or rehabilitated to achieve their pre-project functions. • Vulnerable DPs. HHs below the poverty line and women headed HHs will be given employment priority during construction of the project, and for road repair and maintenance jobs after completion. Additionally, they will be paid contribution equal to 2 months’ minimum salary. 86. The above provisions are summarized below. Table 4.2: Compensation Entitlements Matrix ASSET DISPLACED PERSON PROPOSED ENTITLEMENTS Individual land-use rights holder An allowance for loss of land use rights in cash equal to 5 years of the gross income of the affected annual crops land at market rate or to 1 yesr of gross income of affected fruit trees land at market rates. Agricultural Land: All losses irrespective of impact severity Cooperative land holder An allowance for loss of land use rights in cash equal to 5 years of the gross income of the affected land at market rate Residential/ Commercial Land Residential rights holder Provision of alternative land or rehabilitation cash allowance for loss of land use rights equal to the current land lease rates multiplied by 25 years ($2.5 per m 2 ) Houses and Structures All relevant DPs. • Cash compensation at replacement rate for affected structure/other fixed assets free of salvageable materials and transaction costs. All buildings will be compensated in their entirety House/building rent Renter/leaseholder Rental allowance in the form of 1 to 3 months rent in cash Income from Crops All DPs • Crop compensation in cash equal to 1 year of the gross income of affected land at market rate. This shall apply whether the land is fallow, or under ultivation. Income from trees All DPs • Cash compensation for wood trees based on volume of wood • Cash compensation for productive trees based on the net annual harvest from the tree(s) for the number of years taken for replacement tree(s) to reach comparable production Business or Employment loss; temporary or permanent All DPs (including informal settlers) -Business Owner: Cash compensation for lost income up to 1 year’ (if income is permanent) or Cash compensation for the period of business interruption ( if the loss is temporary). The compensation iis assessed at actual income as per tax declaration or if taxes have not been paid at the maximum non-taxable indome. -Permanent worker/employers: Indemnity for lost wages for business stoppage of up to 1 year Allowance for severe impacts (More that 10% of income loss) All severely DPs -Agricultural income: One severe impact allowance equal to the net market value of the harvest from the affected land for 1 year (inclusive of winter and summer crop) and in addition to the standard crop compensation . Relocation allowance All relocated DPs Provision of sufficient allowance to cover transport expenses and basic livelihood expenses for the transitional period Communal/ Public assets Rehabilitation/substitution in kind or cash at replacement cost of affected items and rehabilitation of their functions Vulnerable DPs DPs below poverty line and households headed by women. • Employment priority in project-related jobs • Cash contribution equal to 2 month’s official minimum salary. 32 4.7 Approaches and Methodologies for Land Compensation 4.7.1 Replacement of Affected land with Alternative land 87. The method that exists in Tajikistan for land compensation and for which there is a legal basis, is compensation with replacement land, or, land for land. This is the preferred approach by the Government especially in cases where there is an available adjoining or nearby land to the affected plot. The current practice is to alocate a replacement plot of 800 m 2 residential land to citizens affected by land acquisition especially those who have lost significant portions of their plots. For plots used for commercial purposes, replacement plots may be provided proportionate to the business requirement of the DP. In the case of road widening however, most use-rights holders lose very narrow strips of land. Practical difficulties therefore arise with regard to re- allocation of new land. Contiguous plots with the affected land are seldom available, and the provision of a small land plot far away from the affected plot may not be economically justified. It has also to be noted that the identification of plots available for redistribution and comparable in productivity/value to the land lost may be difficult and that the elaboration of a land re- distribution scheme may be very complicated and costly. This applies not only to agricultural land but more generally also to residential/commercial land. For this Project, households/DPs losing substantial portions of their land and who do not have sufficient remaining land to rebuild their affected structures will be provided with replacement plots adjacent to or nearby their affected plots/structures. Expenses related to relocation of utilities, land clearing, land filling, provision of sanitation facilities and land registration will be shouldered by the Project. Households receiving replacement plot will still maintain their land use right in the remaining portion of their affected plots. In cases where provision of replacement land is impractical for implementation, cash compensation will be provided. 4.7.2 Cash Compensation 87. In Tajikistan there are no explicit legal provisions for the compensation of land rights with cash. To compensate land impacts in cash for the project specific arrangements have been agreed with the Government. These agreements are supported by precedents for specific projects such as the Tajikistan-Afghanistan Border transmission line. 88. In addition and related to the lack of explicit provisions on cash compensation Tajikistan laws and by-laws do not provide any legally accepted methodology to value land. The issue is particularly relevant for what concerns residential/commercial land which can be technically priced only in term of market values. During project preparation several options where considered including payng land at tax rates or requesting independednt assessors to devise an acceptable valuation methodology. The first option was discarded because it would have not fit replacement value; the second was discarded because difficult to apply legally in the context of the project. Most of the independent assessors available in the country focus on mass valuation for taxation purposes and for the establishment of lease payments. Following is a description of the valuation approach to be adopted in the Project for agricultural, residential and commercial land. 4.7.3 Agricultural Land 89. Agricultural land valuation for the Project is based on an assessment of the productivity, or income generation capacity of the affected plots. Valuation is done by taking in consideration 33 the value of the product of the land for a period sufficiently long to guarantee the APs rehabilitation. The critical point in determining the period is that the level of compensation must be sufficient to re-establish a livelihood. For this LARP, the period selected is 5 years at gross market value (inclusive of inputs and labor) of the yearly produce of annual crops land. 14 Such a formula provides a solid capital that the APs can invest to improve the land remaining to them and roughly reflects land replacement cost based on information published on the Internet by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 2009 ( MainStreet/MSE_0609.pdf . Regarding orchard land the period selected is given the much higher productivity 1 year at gross market value. Based on this valuation approach the average value of annual crops land (based on the type and area of affected crop) is TJS2.15/m 2 (0.48 $/m 2 ). The average value of orchard land (based on type and area of trees affected) is instead TJS7.16/m 2 ($1.62/m 2 ) 4.7.4 Residential/Commercial Land 90. The valuation of this type of land presents particular challenges since residential and commercial land has no intrinsic productive capacity. Some options like compensating this land by valuing it as agricultural land planted with a standard crop and by the replacement value of improvements such as house embankment water supply and electricity supply were considered but were found not satisfying. As an interim measure, it was agreed with the Land Committee that for marginal losses of portions of residential/commercial plots where provisions of replacement land will be impractical, cash compensation will be paid based on the current lease rate for agricultural land in the Project area amounting to $1,000 per hectare multiplied by 25 years 15 or a unit rate of $2.5 per m 2 subject to acceptability of the DPs during the conduct of wide consultations at the district level. 14 In absence of available market prices for agricultural land, it is difficult to determine whether the land use rights allowances actually correspond to land replacement cost, which is the ADB SPS policy provision ensuring the DP's rehabilitation. For the project, DP rehabilitation is pursued by providing 5 and 1 years of income for annual crops land and perennial crops land, respectively. The methodology used are based on undiscounted gross income (which with productive expenses estimated at 50% of the land annual income is assumed to be the double of the annual profit). These amounts provide the DPs with a capital which can be reinvested on DPs’ remaining land or on other investment opportunities. Considering that all DPs will retain most of their plots and that their livelihood is not threatened, this capital is deemed sufficient to allow for the full rehabilitation of the agricultural land losses caused by the project. 15 The allowances for loss of residential land based on 25 years of rental income. This reflects the average rental income period needed to recover the full value of land in most countries of the world. 34 5.0 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 5.1 General 91. This chapter deals with the various institutions responsible for planning, updating and implementing the LARP. The Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Tajikistan (MOTC) will be the Executing Agency (EA) having the lead responsibility for road construction, as well as the implementation of this LARP. In addition to MOTC, a number of other departments will play an instrumental role in the design, construction and operation of the project. The Agency on Land Management, Geography and Cartography is responsible for allocation and registration of new land plots, the Ministry of Justice for registration of any changes in rights to affected immovable properties, and the MBTI will similarly register any changes regarding immovable property and on its physical condition. Representatives of these agencies shall also comprise an ad-hoc Committee with representatives of each Rayon (district) to define the form and size of compensation to the affected proprietors. The role of each of these actors is detailed below. 5.2 Ministry of Transport and Communication (MOTC) 92. The exiting Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in MOTC will be acting as the PIU for this project. The PIU is experienced with handling ADB projects and is staffed with various designated engineers who also look after safeguards issues. The PIU has a full time designated resettlement specialist who, with assistance from other designated officials as necessary, will be overviewing and managing the LAR issues during the further development and the implementation of this LARP, including co-ordination of the agencies involved. It is proposed that a Safeguards Unit (with staff to be seconded from Land Committee) will be established to deal with the updating, finalization, and implementation of the LARP and the LAR issues. Capacity building will be provided to the specialists and relevant officials of PIU, on ADB Safeguards and especially on the implementation of the LARP. 5.3 Agency for Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography (ALMGC) 93. The ALMGC is the central government body with executive power for land management 16 . This Agency, with the state enterprises under it, is responsible to: (i) promote and develop unified state policy in land matters, and the management of government land, (ii) manage survey work including land cadastres, geodesy, aerial imagery and topographic mapping, (iii) control the use and protection of land, geodesy, and further development of the level of government geodetic control, aerial imagery and mapping activities, (iv) undertake government activities on land management, land cadastre, geodetic, aerial imagery, mapping, (v) coordinate scientific research on the study of natural resources using satellite imagery for Government departments; (vi) conduct registration of land use rights and implementation of land reform, (vii) undertake surveying and land plot formation activities, (viii) prepare and issue of Land Use Right Certificates (LURC) 17 , (viii) register changes of land user, (ix) allocate new land plots, (x) acquire land as required for the state, (xi) survey the land plots, the subject of land use 16 Regulation on Agency on land management, geodesy and cartography under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan, approvedd by the Government Decree from December 28 2006, № 613. 17 This is a legal document that verifies the title holding of any parcel of land 35 rights, (xii) develop projects for allocation of land use rights for non-agricultural needs, (xiii) implement land assessment work, soil assessment and economic valuation of land. 18 5.4 MBTI under the State Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services 94. The State Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services, with the enterprises under it are the suppliers of public utilities in Tajikistan, 19 including 31 Mezhraion (Inter-district) Bureaux of Technical Inventory (MBTI). MBTI is established as a self funding enterprise, operating at district and city levels. It is mainly in charge of technical inventory of immovable property, buildings (houses, constructions, etc). The Government Decree No 513, dated 30 December 1998 provides the following roles for MBTI: (i) technical inventory of private houses and land, buildings, apartments and state companies; (ii) technical inventory and valuation of constructions and structures; (iii) technical inventory of the affected assets (iv) technical inventory of engineering networks; and (v) register the ownership and preparation of an Ownership Certificate of immovable assets. 95. Registration of structures and other objects is conducted to establish ownership rights of houses, buildings and apartments and their registration in cities and villages. MBTI registers immovable properties in a Registration Book, based on land plots, including the following information: (i) Date, (ii) Identification Number in the Register, (iii) address of immoveable property, (iv) owner’s name, (v) shares, (vi) legal documents, (vii) encumbrances, (viii) signature of registering staff member, (ix) remarks. A unique number is applied for buildings and apartments based on postal address: (i) District name, (ii) Block Number, (iii) Street name, (iv) Building Number, (v) Apartment Number. However, the block is different to that used by the ALMGC. MBTI is supposed to update the data about the changes of structure and value of the building every three years, mainly for taxation purposes. MBTI offices have specialists in architecture and construction for each district. Download 0.54 Mb. 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