Медиа дискурсларда “Ғурур” концетини ифодаловчи бирликларнинг лингвокультурологик тадқиқи
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G\'urur.Dissertatsiya.14.11 (3)
(praɪd ) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense prides, present participle priding, past tense, past participle prided 1. UNCOUNTABLE NOUN Pride is a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good. ...the sense of pride in a job well done. [+ in] We take pride in offering you the highest standards. [+ in] They can look back on their endeavours with pride. Synonyms: satisfaction, achievement, fulfilment, delight 2. UNCOUNTABLE NOUN Pride is a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself. Davis had to salvage his pride. It was a severe blow to Kendall's pride. Synonyms: self-respect, honour, ego, dignity More Synonyms of pride 3. UNCOUNTABLE NOUN Someone's pride is the feeling that they have that they are better or more important than other people. [disapproval] His pride may still be his downfall. Synonyms: conceit, vanity, arrogance, pretension More Synonyms of pride 4. VERB If you pride yourself on a quality or skill that you have, you are very proud of it. Smith prides himself on being able to organise his own life. [V pron-refl + on] Doyle prides himself on his accuracy. [V pron-refl on -ing/n] 5. COUNTABLE NOUN [usually NOUN of noun] A pride of lions is a group of lions that live together. pridein British English (praɪd ) NOUN 1. a feeling of honour and self-respect; a sense of personal worth 2. excessive self-esteem; conceit 3. a source of pride 4. (usually capital) a. a movement encouraging self-respect and camaraderie among members of a particular group, 5. satisfaction or pleasure taken in one's own or another's success, achievements, etc (esp in the phrase take (a) pride in) 6. the better or most superior part of something; flower 7. the most flourishing time 8. a group (of lions) 9. the mettle of a horse; courage; spirit 12. See pride of place VERB 13. (tr; foll by on or upon) to take pride in (oneself) for 14. (intransitive) to glory or revel (in) Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Derived forms prideful (ˈprideful) ADJECTIVE pridefully (ˈpridefully) ADVERB Word origin Old English prӯda; related to Latin prodesse to be useful, Old Norse prūthr stately; see proud64 Demak, lug‘atda g‘urur quyidagi yirik tushunchalarni o‘z atrofida birlashtiradi: Hurmat Haddan tashqari mag‘rurlik, o‘zini boshqalardan ustun qo‘yish-kibr. o‘z-o‘zidan mag‘rurlanish, chiroyi, tashqi ko‘rinishi, kiyinishi, boyligi va shu singari o‘zida bor moddiy va ma’naviy jihatlar bilan g‘ururlanish; kimningdir g‘ururi va quvonchi-ota-onaning g‘urur-iftixori, biroro shasxning faxrlanishiga sabab bo‘lish. biror narsaning mag‘rurligi. o‘z o‘rniga ega bo‘lish/faxrlanish Ingliz tili media diskurslari tahlili davomida g‘urur konseptining quyidagi semantic xususiyatlari aniqlandi: Download 1,63 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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