Ministry of health protection of the republic of uzbekistan

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Exercise 1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
close [klouz] а близкий, закрытый, yaqin, yopiq
constitute ['konstitju:t] v образовы­вать, составлять, tashkil qilmoq
tiny ['taini] а очень маленький, кро­шеечный, mayday, juda kichik
dilate [dai'leit] v расширять(ся), kengaymoq
dilation [dai'lei ( )n] n расширение, распространение, kengayish
transparent [tr ns'pear nt] а про­зрачный, просвечивающийся, tiniq
flow [flou] v течь, протекать; n поток, ток (крови), oqmoq, oqim
though [ ou] cj хотя, несмотря на, …ga qaramasdan
neck n шея, bo’yin
blood pressure ['bl d 'pre ] кровя­ное давление, qon bosimi
occur [ 'кэ:] v происходить; встре­чаться, sodir bo’lmoq, uchramoq
trace v следить, проследить, нахо­дить, различать, kuzatmoq, topmoq
thick [0ik] а густой, частый, плотный, qo’yik, zich, qalin
the same pron тот же самый, huddi
clot [klot] n сгусток крови, тромб, qon ivig’i
due [dju:] а должный, надлежащий, kerakli, ma’lum
due to вследствие, из-за, благо­даря, …ga ko’ra, tufayli
be due to быть вызванным, быть обусловленным, …dan kelib chiqmoq

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations.
1. on the one side, on the other side, on the opposite side; 2. due to, in due time, with due respect; 3. according to the rule

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences.
1. The walls of the arteries and veins are thicker than those of the capillaries. The former are less permeable for fluid. 2. There are no blood capillaries in certain parts of the body. These are the epidermis, epitheli­um and some others. 3. We call the valve that separates the chambers, the atrium and the ventricle the mitral valve. 4. Both the superior and inferior venae cavae empty into the right atrium. Both carry venous blood.

Exercise 4. Look through text В in 10 minutes. 1) Say what the main idea of the text is. 2) Find the sentences with: а) preadicates in Perfect; b) adjectives in comparative and superlative degree; c) words because, because of. 3) Translate these sentences.


Almost all parts of the body are vascular. Minute and very close-set canals, which have opened into one another traverse them and consti­tute a small-meshed network. The canals or rather tubes have distinct but very delicate walls. The walls contain a membrane that includes a number of thin epithelial cells, which are bound (связаны) together at their edges. There is a small oval nucleus in each of these cells. These tubes are the blood capillaries. They vary in diameter from 7 to 12 mm. But there are certain parts of the body in which these blood capillaries have been absent. These are the epidermis and epithelium, the nails and hairs, the substance of the teeth and the transparent cornea of the eye.

Tiny rings of muscles, precapillary sphincters, regulate the flow of blood into capillaries. The question of nervous control of the precapil­lary sphincters still remains the subject of the study.
The capillary tubes contain the red fluid, blood. They join on opposite sides and form larger tubes, with thicker walls, which are the smallest arteries on the one side, and veins, on the other. These again join on to larger arteries and veins, which ultimately communicate by a few principal arterial and venous trunks with the heart. The mere fact that the walls of these vessels are thicker than those of the capillaries constitutes an impor­tant difference between the capillaries and the small arteries and veins.
The most important difference between these vessels and the capillar­ies, however, is that their walls are not only thicker, but also more complex. They have got several coats, one, at least, of which has been muscular. The number and even nature of these coats differ according to the size because the vessels are not the same in the veins as in arter­ies, though the smallest veins and arteries resemble each other.
The venous system starts with the venules into which the capillaries empty. Small veins join and form larger ones. The larger veins join and form the venae cavae. The superior vena cava collects the blood from the head, neck, arms, and thorax, and the inferior vena cava, from the legs and abdomen. Both empty into the right atrium.
Pressure in the venous system is low. In the vein at the level of the heart the pressure would be more than 5—7 mm Hg. It is evident that in the erect position blood that returns to the heart from the feet has to overcome the force of gravity through a distance of about 4 ft. Veins, probably because of the low blood pressure and the absence of pulse waves, are in comparison to arteries, relatively immune to disease. Phlebitis sometimes occurs; this is the formaiton of blood clots within veins because of some infectious process in their walls.

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