On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- 2. Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE)
- Collisional-radiative model of iron vapour released in thermal arc plasma from molten electrodes
- References
- Energy dependence of intensity ratio between nitrogen spectral lines of N II and N I from electrostatic discharge in air
- 3. Results and discussions
- Simulating Propagation of Spots over Cathodes of High-Power Vacuum Circuit Breakers
- Astronomical radio-reception techniques for emission spectroscopy of molecular and short lived species in cold plasmas
1. Experimental device To inflame aluminium powder we used a Hartmann tube which is a polycarbonate transparent cylinder fitted with two tungsten electrodes that are cerium doped, having a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 2.4 mm whose ends are tip shaped with an angle of 40°. Compressed air blower spreads the deposited metallic dust and the spark generator provides the discharge which inflames the dust.
The spark discharge energy is correlated with the discharge duration and the Langlie test [1] is used to determine the inflammation probability of a dust cloud with the spark discharge energy. The determined MIE of 350 mg of aluminium powder with a mean particle diameter between 15 µm and 25 µm is equal to 15.13 mJ.
Pyrometric measured temperatures are close to 2600 K and correspond to the burning particles temperatures in the Hartmann tube. However spectroscopic measured temperatures using vibro- rotational lines of AlO are about 3000 K and correspond to gas molecules temperatures and are certainly representative of temperature in flame front.
The spark discharge interacts with the flammable medium through an ignition delay during which all the chemical processes of heat transfer from the spark to the inflammable product take place. The ignition delay follows a parabolic evolution versus the dust mass concentration. The average value is around 25 ms.
To evaluate the discharge energy, it is necessary to determine the spark temperature. The spark discharge duration is fixed to 100 µs. Optical emission spectroscopy is used for the acquisition of the WI emission lines from different zones of the arc. An Abel inversion was performed to set up a radial distribution of the measured emissivity by defining a cylinder of radius r whose axis corresponds to the inter-electrode axis. Spatial-time evolution of WI excitation temperature is given assuming excitation equilibrium and using Boltzmann plot.
6. References [1] S. Bernard & al. Statistical Method for the Determination of the Ignition Energy of Dust Cloud- Experimental Validation, Journal of lost prevention in the process industries, 23-3 (2010), 404-411. 74
Figure 1 : Excitation Temperature at 50 µs
148 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal Collisional-radiative model of iron vapour released in thermal arc plasma from molten electrodes
U M. Baeva
UP 1 P , D. Uhrlandt P1 1 P , A. B. Murphy P 2
P 1 P
A collisional-radiative model for technological plasmas is set up. It considers the ground state and fifty effective levels of atomic iron, and one level for singly-ionized iron. The model provides the population of excited states of iron due to collisional and radiative processes. It is applied to a thermal argon arc plasma, in which iron vapour is released respectively from the molten steel anode in tungsten-inert gas and from the consumable iron electrode in a gas-metal welding arc. Input parameters are provided by magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The results clearly identify the conditions in the arc under which the atomic state distribution satisfies the Boltzmann distribution, with an excitation temperature equal to the plasma temperature or deviates from it.
Iron vapour is important in many arc plasma processes. The electronic structure of the iron atom is characterized by energy levels and ionization potential being lower than the energy of the first excited state of the shielding gas [1], i.e. iron atoms are more easily excited and ionized and can influence the radiative and electrical arc plasma properties. To obtain the population of excited states, cross-sections and transition probabilities for excitation and
de-excitation, ionization and recombination, and radiative processes between the levels are required. However, there exists a drastic lack of data in the literature for iron atoms. Data obtained in the Opacity Project and the Iron Project is restricted to astrophysical applications [2]. For that reason, collisional data is described in the model by means of theoretical approximations [3]. Atomic transition probabilities data for allowed and forbidden transitions is critically evaluated and given in [4]. The net result of emission and absorption transitions between two levels is considered with transition probabilities modified by the optical escape factor. The model neglects the transport of excited atoms [5]. It is applicable to technological plasmas both in and out of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). Magneto-
hydrodynamic simulations of tungsten-inert gas and gas-metal welding arcs serve with input parameters. The atomic state distribution (ASD) obtained for gas-metal tungsten arc is shown in Fig. 1. At low temperatures (a) observed respectively near the consumable electrode and the workpiece, the ASD deviates from the equilibrium one (straight line). Then, temperature determination from line intensity measurements can be inaccurate. Deviations from thermal equilibrium occur. In contrast, in the most of the central part of the arc column where the temperature is high (b), the excitation temperature and the plasma temperature are equal. The application of diagnostic techniques that are based on the assumption of LTE is better justified.
Fig.1 Atomic state distribution of iron at a) low and b) high temperatures in gas-metal welding arc plasma. In each case, results are shown for two iron partial pressures. The straight lines represent Boltzmann distributions.
The work was supported by DFG under Grant UH106/11-1.
[1] C.E. Moore, Atomic energy levels, vol. 2, Ntl. Bur. Stand. (US) Circ. 467 (1952, repr. 1971). [2] D.G. Hummer et al, A&A, 279, 298 (1993). [3] L. Vriens, A.H.M. Smeets, Phys. Rev. A, 22(3), 940 (1981). [4] J. R. Fuhr, W. L. Wiese, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 35(4), 1669 (2006) [5] B. Van der Sijde et al, Beitr. Plasmaphysik, 24, 447 (1984) Topic number 11 149
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Energy dependence of intensity ratio between nitrogen spectral lines of N II and N I from electrostatic discharge in air
T. Miura P
For development of practical method to estimate energy of spark discharge in air without electrical measurements, dependence of spectral characteristics of light emission from the discharge on electrostatic energy was investigated. It was found that the relative light intensity of N II to N I increased with electrostatic energy in the region from 0.1 mJ to 10 mJ.
For risk assessment of fires caused by spark, minimum ignition energy of the combustibles has been well evaluated using explosion apparatus, including a spark generator and a basic electric circuit with a capacitor, resistor, induction coil, and high-voltage supply. However, estimating the energy of an actual spark—such as a spark between an electrified human body and an ungrounded conductor—from the condition of an equivalent electric circuit is impossible in practice, even if the surface potential of the human body can be measured. We has studied spectral characteristics of spark discharge in air. It was found that the relative intensity of the emission line from N II to that from N I increased with the initial electrostatic energy of the charged capacitor. In this study, dependence of their intensity ratio on electrostatic energy was measured in detail.
A spark was generated in a gap between two spherical electrodes during the process of their approaching each other; one was grounded and the other was connected to a high-voltage charged capacitor. The electrodes were made of stainless steel, and their radius of curvature was 7 mm. The speed of approach was in the region between 0.5 and 5 mm/s. The room temperature was 24-27ºC, and the relative humidity was 30-60%. The maximum voltage was 6 kV. Capacities were varied from 47 to 1000 pF. Simultaneously discharge current was measured by means of current probe with digital oscilloscope and recoded.
Figure 1 shows the typical spectrum of a spark due to a capacitor discharge in air. The spectrum shows emission lines from electronic excited nitrogen atoms (N I), monovalent positive ions (N II), and so on. The intensity ratio of N II to N I was measured as a function of the electrostatic energy accumulated to the capacitor before discharge, as shown in Figure 2. The electrostatic energy was varied by changing the voltage of the capacitor. The intensities were obtained by integrating the spectrum’s peak without any background. As shown in Figure 2, the relative intensity of N II increased with the electrostatic energy of the capacitor. The current measurement implied that accumulated charge was almost discharged. A function between the ratio and the energy was found, although each voltage group has individual line. 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 0 0.5 1 N I I 500 nm N I 822 nm H N II N II
N I,
O I Wavelength [nm] In te
ity [ a. u .]
Fig.1. Emission spectrum of spark discharge (470 pF, 3.0 kV)
1 10 0 0.5 1 2±0.5 kV 3 4 5 6 Electrostatic energy [mJ] N II/
Fig.2. Relation between the relative intensity of the N II emission to the N I and the initial electrostatic energy of the capacitor, categorised by the applied voltages. Topic number 150
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Simulating Propagation of Spots over Cathodes of High-Power Vacuum Circuit Breakers
M. D. Cunha P 1,2
P , N. Wenzel P 3
U M. S. Benilov UP 1,2
P , W. Hartmann P 3
Departamento de Física, FCEE, Universidade da Madeira, Largo do Município, 9000 Funchal, Portugal P
A model of an ensemble of a large number of spots on cathodes of high-power vacuum circuit breakers is developed by means of generalization of the concept of random walk of a single cathode spot in low-current vacuum arcs. The model is formulated in terms of a convection- diffusion equation governing the evolution of the distribution of spots along the cathode, taking into account the variation of the total number of spots with the arc current. A reasonably good agreement between the model and the experiment is found. The model can be used as a module of global numerical models of the interruption process in high-power vacuum circuit breakers.
The motion of a spot on a cathode of a vacuum arc can be described as a random walk consisting of a sequence of displacements with a characteristic step length and a characteristic time interval, and with probabilities dependent on the spot location. The evolution of the probability of a spot to be at a certain position at a certain time instant is governed by the Fokker-Planck equation. Assuming that there is no interaction between individual spots and multiplying the above-mentioned equation by the total number of spots, we obtain an equation governing the evolution of the surface density of spots. Creation of new spots and extinction of existing ones is accounted for with the use of the assumption that the net local rate of creation of spots is proportional to the local density of those already existing. The proportionality coefficient is determined from the condition that the total number of spots at each moment conforms to the instantaneous value of the arc current, which is essential for the model to be applicable to high- power vacuum circuit breakers. The drift velocity is associated with the retrograde motion of the spots in a tangential magnetic field and was estimated from the experimental data [1] with the account of the effect of axial magnetic fields [2]. It is assumed that the spots are extinguished on reaching the boundary of the contact.
The above-described model was applied to conditions of experiments [3, 4]. An example is shown in Fig. 1. The figure refers to the case of a cathode made of CuCr25 with a diameter of 40 mm operating under a sinusoidal current wave with frequency of 50 Hz and current peak of 7 kA, with variable axial magnetic field B n . The agreement between simulation results and the experiment is reasonably good.
0.8 1.2
1.6 0 4 8 12 16 20 R (mm)
t (ms) B n = 0 10 mT 70 mT
Fig.1 Time dependence of cathode arc root radius. Lines: modelling. Symbols: experiment [4, Fig. 12].
The work at Universidade da Madeira was supported in part by FCT of Portugal through the project Pest-OE/UID/FIS/50010/2013 and in part by Siemens AG. 4. References [1] A.M. Chaly, K.K. Zabello and S.M. Shkol’nik, in Proc. 26th Int. Symp. Discharges Electr. Insul. Vacuum, vol. 1, pp. 229-232 (2014). [2] A.M. Chaly and S.M. Shkol’nik, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 1311-1318 (2011). [3] W. Hartmann, A. Lawall, R. Renz, M. Römheld, N. Wenzel, W. Wietzorek, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 1324-1329 (2011). [4] X. Song, Z. Shi, C. Liu, S. Jia and L. Wang, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 2061- 2067 (2013).
Topic 3
151 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Astronomical radio-reception techniques for emission spectroscopy of molecular and short lived species in cold plasmas
I. Tanarro 1 , B. Alemán 2,4 , R. J. Peláez 1 , V. J. Herrero 1 , J. L. Doménech 1 , P. de Vicente 3 ,
J. D. Gallego 3 , J. R. Pardo 2 , K. Lauwaet 2 , G. Santoro 2 , J. A. Martín-Gago 2 , J. Cernicharo 2
1 Inst. de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 123, 28006 Madrid (Spain) i.tanarro@csic.es
3 Observatorio de Yebes, IGN, Guadalajara (Spain), 4 IMDEA Materiales, Eric Kandel 2, 28096 Getafe (Spain)
In this work we describe the proof of concept of the use of standard radio-astronomy receivers to conduct emission spectroscopy of different molecular precursors and products at room temperatures in low pressure plasmas. The goal is to obtain in laboratories valuable spectroscopic information on rotational transitions of molecular species of astrophysical interest at high spectral resolution. An inductively coupled RF discharge was employed to generate the plasma. OCS, CS 2
2 were used as plasma precursors. The experiment was performed with the 33-50 GHz band HEMT detector available in the Observatory of Yebes (Spain), where the beam of its radio- telescope of 40 m diameter pointing towards the zenith was used as cold emission background.
With the increasing use and continuous development of powerful radio-telescopes (like ALMA), spectral line surveys at mm and sub-mm wavelengths have enhanced tremendously the detection of stable molecules and transient species in interstellar molecular clouds and other astronomical regions. Evaluation of these data takes great advantage of laboratory information on the spectral fingerprints and reactivity of these species. In this work we describe the successful joint use of standard
radio-astronomy High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) receivers and plasma reactors for laboratory simulations of astrophysical observations.
The plasma was produced in a 25 cm diameter, 42 cm length SS vacuum chamber by an inductively coupled RF discharge (13.56 MHz) through a refrigerated Cu coil inserted axially. Upilex windows of 75 m thickness were placed at both ends of the chamber. A differentially pumped mass spectrometer was used to identify the plasma precursors and stable products. Gas pressures 10- 30 Pa allowed stable plasma operation and produced similar column densities to those of typical interstellar clouds. The radio-receiver operated in the 33-50 GHz spectral band, with 2 GHz bandwidth and 38 kHz spectral resolution. Data were acquired with a Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometer. A frequency switching method for background subtraction was used for stable gas detection, whereas turning on and off the plasma was most convenient to detect short lived species. Depending on the weather conditions, the background for emission measurements came from the antenna of the radio-telescope pointing towards the zenith (clear blue sky) or from a blackbody load of liquid N 2 (cloudy or rainy weather), implying 42 K or 77 K, respectively, at 45 GHz spectral frequency. 3. Results OCS was selected for preliminary gas detection in the observing emission band, displaying maximum equivalent radiation temperatures of 4 K. At the lowest pressure (5 Pa), its linewidth was due in part to thermal broadening and at the highest one (60 Pa), it was dominated by pressure broadening. OCS and CS 2 were selected as plasma precursors of the CS radical, which emits also in this region. It was routinely detected in different plasma conditions, with equivalent temperatures up to 3 K. O 2 discharges applied after sulphur deposition on the reactor walls by the previous S rich containing OCS and CS 2
SO 2 and the detection of its rotational transitions in different bending vibrational states, v 2 = 0,1,2, the intensity of the transitions from upper levels increasing with discharge power. The RF discharge didn’t induce any electromagnetic spurious signals in the receivers, and astronomical detection of a SiO maser in the AGB star TX Cam showed identical results with plasma on and off. In conclusion, these experiments confirm the viability of using standard radio-astronomy receivers to detect molecular and short lived species in gas simulation chambers based on plasma reactors.
Topic number 6 152 |
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