On phenomena in ionized gases
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- References
- Charge transfer and ultra-fast imaging of the surface barrier discharge at argon/water interface
- Numerical study on the dynamics of He plasma jets with N 2 or O 2 admixtures
- 2. Numerical model and results
- 3. References
- Gasification of crude glycerine: experimental and theoretical study
- Bell’s instability in the laboratory: pre-experiment simulation study
- High resolution infrared spectroscopy of ions of astrophysical interest: H 35 Cl + and H
Acknowledgements This research was funded by the Czech Science
Foundation project 16-09721Y and by the project
LO1411 (NPU I) of Ministry of Education Youth
and Sports of Czech Republic.
[1] P.J. Bruggeman et al. Plasma sources sci. technol. 25.5 (2016) 053002. [2] J. Voráč et al. Plasma sources sci. technol. 26 .2 (2017) 025010. [3] J. Voráč et al. submitted to J. Phys. D: Appl. phys. [4] massiveOES software package https://bitbucket.org/OES_muni/massiveoes
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Charge transfer and ultra-fast imaging of the surface barrier discharge at argon/water interface
P. Synek P 1 P , U Yu. S. Akishev UP 2,3
P , A. Petryakov P 2
, N. Trushkin P 2 P , J. Voráč 1 , T. Hoder P 1 P
P 1 P
We report on time resolved study of the charge transfer and 2D imaging of the surface barrier discharge emerging from liquid electrode in atmospheric pressure argon. Using a precise analysis of the constructed Q-V plots (Lissajous figures) the different modes of the barrier discharge are identified. Electrical signatures found in Q-V plots are linked to the optical appearances recorded by ICCD camera and the mechanisms are discussed. Special nanosecond gated camera enabling multiple expositions in a row for a single discharge event reveal the spatiotemporal development of the discharge luminosity. A light emission of an excited gas prior to the breakdown is detected as well as the subsequent contraction to the streamer-driven filament. The streamer-to-leader transition is evidenced, too.
Recently, the water containing plasmas attach an intensive attention [1], mostly due to the emerging applications in plasma medicine or polymer surface treatment [2]. A special case of the discharge generation in contact with water is the surface barrier discharge, where one electrode is created by water. Water interface wetting the dielectric surface in gas atmosphere creates so called triple junction or triple line, where the Laplacian electric field can reach highly elevated values if a voltage source is used. As a consequence, transient plasma is generated at this interface. This phenomenon is considered a complication in electro-wetting devices or it can be favourable for polymer surface treatment, as shown in [2] and patented. 2. Experimental results and discussion The discharge is driven by 100 kHz sine applied voltage and thus the pre-ionization plays an important role here. The applied voltage is connected to the embedded electrode in fused silica cuvette while the deionized water outside the cuvette is grounded. Precise electrical measurements enable the construction of Q-V plots – a charge-voltage phase space attractors describing the dynamical system [3]. Two different modes of the barrier discharge operation are identified. A low-power one, where the discharge is generated just at the triple- line, see in Fig.1, and a high-power one, where the surface of the cuvette is covered by streamer and leader channels. Special nanosecond gated camera enabling multiple short expositions in a row for a single discharge event reveal the spatiotemporal development of the discharge luminosity. The charge accumulation during the pre-breakdown phase is visualised on timescale of units of microseconds. Also a subsequent contraction to the streamer-driven filament is observed. The streamer- to-leader transition is evidenced, spreading the surface charge over a surface area of units of centimetres.
Fig.1: Discharge emerging in argon atmosphere at triple- junction consisting of argon/water/fused silica interface. The triple junction line is created by the elevated water interface wetting the fused silica cuvette. The micro- discharges are reflected at the water surface below.
This research was funded by the Czech Science Foundation project 16-09721Y and by the project LO1411 (NPU I) of Ministry of Education Youth and Sports of Czech Republic.
[1] P. Bruggeman et al. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 053002 [2] D. Pavlinák et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 154102 [3] P. Synek, Yu. Akishev et al., J. Appl. Phys. to be submitted
Topic number 6 183 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal Numerical study on the dynamics of He plasma jets with N 2 or O 2 admixtures P. Viegas, A. Bourdon LPP, CNRS, Ecole polytechnique, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Univ. Paris-Sud, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris- Saclay, Sorbonne Universités, PSL Research University, 91128 Palaiseau, France Simulations performed with a 2D fluid model address the study of the dynamics of Helium plasma jets in dielectric tubes with several admixtures of N 2 or O 2 and different geometrical set-ups, applied voltage waveforms and repetition frequencies, to compare with several experimental conditions. Recently different techniques have been developed to measure the electric field in plasmas jets. In this work, comparisons are carried out between simulations on the electric field measured by an external electro- optic probe and measurements based on the Pockels effect. The influence of different gas mixtures and species kinetics on the jet post-discharge is also addressed. Finally, for repetitive conditions, the influence of initial conditions of species densities and surface charge deposition for the next jet is studied. 1. Introduction Recently, to tailor the generation of reactive species in plasma jets for biomedical applications, several research groups [1-3] have studied the use of admixtures (mostly O 2 and N 2 ) to the helium buffer. Furthermore, there exists also a recent interest for the consideration of electric field associated with the plasma plume delivery over tissues, with the development of several different measurement techniques of the electric field [4-7]. In this work, we present a numerical study on the dynamics of a Helium plasma discharge with N 2 or O 2 admixtures in a dielectric tube. At the tube exit, the mixing of helium with air is neglected. However, to be close to experimental conditions a grounded target is set at 1 cm from the tube exit. In this work, we focus on the calculation of electric field and its comparison with experimental results in different conditions (geometry, applied voltage, repetition frequency) for both positive and negative polarities and for different gas mixtures. 2. Numerical model and results The simulations are performed with a 2D fluid model. In order to study the influence of different amounts of N 2 and O 2 admixture on the helium discharge dynamics, detailed kinetic schemes have been used. We first compare time-resolved measurements using an electro-optic probe [4] and simulations of longitudinal and radial electric field components, as well as the creation of species such as He*, associated with plasma propagation in the dielectric tube and in the plasma plume. A good agreement is obtained on the dynamics of both components of the electric field during the ionization front propagation in the tube. After the arrival of the ionization front at the grounded target, a rebound of electric field is observed for both positive and negative polarities of the applied voltage. Interestingly, a first increase of the density of He* is observed behind the ionization front and a second increase is observed due to the electric filed rebound. Then, a detailed study of the influence of the geometry of the set-up (electrode inside or outside the tube, location of the target) is presented. Second, we compare simulations with the technique of measuring the electric field through charge deposition on a dielectric surface perpendicular to jet propagation [6]. Finally, as in most experimental conditions, sinusoidal or repetitive voltage pulses are used, we have studied the post-discharge of a jet for different gas mixtures. The dependence on the gas mixture of the initial conditions at the breakdown of each jet is also obtained for different repetition frequencies. Focus is given to the densities of species left in the gas inside the tube between discharges, as well as to the surface charges left in the tube inner walls.
[1] S. Iseni, S. Zhang, F. van Gessel, S. Hofmann, B. van Ham, S. Reuter, K.-D. Weltmann and P. Bruggeman, New J. Phys. 16
123011 (2014) [2] B. van Gessel, R. Brandenburg and P. Bruggeman Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 064103 (2013) [3] A. Bourdon, T. Darny, F. Pechereau, J.-M. Pouvesle, P. Viegas, S. Iseni and E. Robert, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 035002 (2016) [4] T. Darny, C. Douat, V. Puech. J.-M. Pouvesle, S. Dozias and E. Robert, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf.
[5] A. Sobota et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 065026 (2016) [6] E. Slikboer, O. Guaitella and A. Sobota, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 03LT04 (2016) [7] G. B. Sretenovic, I. B. Krstic, V. V. Kovacevic, B. M. Obradovic and M. M. Kuraica, J.
10 184 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Gasification of crude glycerine: experimental and theoretical study
Q. Follador 1 , D.M.G. Leite 1 , A. Essiptchouk P 2 PP
P 1 Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil
Biofuels industry produces demethylated crude glycerine on a large scale, which presents a potential raw material for the production of several high-benefit by-products. The aim of this work is to study the production of synthesis gas from crude glycerine via thermal plasma processing. The experiments were carried out at the plasma-chemical reactor operated at 33 kW. The mean operating temperature was ~1000K and the feedstock flow rate – 5 g/s. The concentration of H 2
experimental results were compared with numerical simulation of the process, assuming the thermodinamical equilibrium conditions. This study shows that synthesis gas could be effectively produced from crude glycerol through the thermal plasma treatment.
The looking up for alternative energy sources has been proving, over the last years, that reducing the harmful effects, caused by the fossil fuels use, is a right way for improving of the human life quality. A plasma-chemical experimental system is used in this work for the study of biofuel plasma reforming. The system consists of a compact, water-cooled, plasma- chemical reactor working with a transferred arc at atmospheric pressure, a DC power supply, a glycerol supply system, a gas scrubber, and an exhaust fun for controlling of the inside reactor pressure. A mass-spectrometer and a gas chromatograph were
used to
quantify the
components of the produced gases. In order to eliminate moisture before the quantitative analysis the sampling gas was conducted through condenser immersed in a thermostatic bath with the temperature -5°C. In experiments, the crude glycerine with 15,5% of water and 1.9% of sulphur was used. The flow rate of feedstock was calibrated for 5×10 -3 kg/s of crude glycerol. The arc current and interelectrode distance were adjusted to operate at power of 33 kW to maintain an average temperature inside the reactor at 1000±50 K during the tests. Small quantity of air, gasification agent, was added. Under these conditions, the sample of produced gas contained 34% of H 2 and 24% of CO with remainder compounds like carbon dioxide, methane, and lights hydrocarbons. In order to evaluate the reforming performance of the experimental system, it was quantified in terms of energy conversion efficiency (relation between the lower heating value of the synthesis gas and sum of the lower heating value of glycerine and the plasma torch power), which attains approximately 36%. A numerical simulation of the process was carried out in a thermodynamic equilibrium approximation. The obtained experimental data corroborate well with the theoretical results and confirm the potential available in the plasma gasification process of crude glycerine. Figure. Numerical simulation (solid lines) versus experimental data (points)
A comparison with experimental works of different authors and methods, [1]-[3], indicates that the reforming process may be improved that requires more detailed studies together with a kinetic modelling. We acknowledge FAPESP and CAPES for financial support of work.
[1] Tamošiūnas, A., Valatkevičius P., Grigaitienė V., Valinčius V., Striūgas N. J. Cleaner Production 130 (2016) 187 [2] Yoon S.J., Yun, Y.M., Seo M.W., Kim, Y.K., Ra, H.W., Lee, J.G., Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 14559. [3] Zhu X., Hoang T., Lobban L.L., Mallison R.G., Chem Commun (2009) 2908
17 185 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Bell’s instability in the laboratory: pre-experiment simulation study
Chun-Sung Jao 1 , Ye Chen 1 1 , Gregor Loisch 1 , Alberto Martinez de la Ossa 2 , Jacek Niemiec 3 ,Jens Osterhof 2 , Martin Pohl 1,4 , Frank Stephan 1 , Sergei Vafin 1,4
P 1 P
particles. For efficient acceleration, magnetic field fluctuations stronger than the background interstellar field are indispensable in the upstream region of the shock. Bell’s instability, a parallel electromagnetic instability driven by streaming cosmic rays, is a candidate for providing the required magnetic turbulence [1]. The properties of Bell’s instability had been investigated with MHD studies and PIC simulations [1,2]. We attempt to develop an experiment for testing the saturation level and mechanism of Bell’s instability in the laboratory. Here we would present the pre-experiment numerical investigations, based mainly on fully kinetic Particle-In-Cell simulations, that study physical conditions for the Bell’s instability to occur in our laboratory experiment and its expected properties.
[1] Bell, A. R. 2004, MNRAS, 353, 550 [2] Niemiec, J., Pohl, M., Bret, A., & Stroman, T. 2010, ApJ, 709, 1148 Topic number 7 186
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
High resolution infrared spectroscopy of ions of astrophysical interest: H 35 Cl + and H 37 Cl + , investigated in a cold plasma
J. L. Doménech P 1 P , I. Tanarro 1 , Brian Drouin P 2 P , V. J. Herrero 1 , J. Cernicharo 3
Inst. de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 123, 28006 Madrid (Spain) i.tanarro@csic.es
P Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 (USA) 3
In this work we have accurately measured the frequencies of an extensive set of vibration-rotation lines of the v = 1 0 band of H 35 Cl
and H 37 Cl + in the mid-IR at high spectral resolution, using a difference frequency spectrometer and a hollow cathode discharge reactor. We have also performed an extended and improved isotope independent fit with mm-wave, optical and infrared data. The chloroniumyl cation, HCl + , was identified for the first time in space in 2012 with the Herschel Space Observatory. Now that the Herschel mission is over, IR observations from ground platforms at high spectral resolution can be an alternative and complementary tool to the mm and sub-mm observations, and a way to build up in the study of HCl + and other hydrides. 1. Introduction The study of interstellar hydrides has received a great push in recent years, much of it due to observations like that of HCl + [1,2] from the Herschel Space Observatory. Since hydrides are some of the first molecules to form in space from atomic gas and molecular hydrogen, they provide invaluable information about the environment in which they are found. With the end of the Herschel mission, IR observations from the ground may be one of the few available means to further study this ion in space. In this work we provide a ccurate wavenumber measurements of 183 vibration–rotation lines of H 35 Cl + and H 37 Cl + , measured with a difference- frequency laser spectrometer in a hollow cathode discharge, and provide a new and improved global fit of vis-UV, IR and mm-wave spectroscopic data that will aid in future studies of this molecule [3].
The experimental set-up was described earlier [4]. It is based on an infrared difference-frequency laser spectrometer and a dc modulated hollow cathode discharge reactor with multipass White cell configuration (22.4 m optical path length). The discharge current was 325 mA, with 400 V rms between electrodes. A flowing mixture of 1 mbar He with traces of HCl (<0.001 mbar) was used as gas precursor. The cathode was refrigerated by water or cold N 2 . Double modulation in amplitude of the discharge and the laser at two different frequencies in the kHz range, and phase-sensitive detection at the sum frequency, allowed discrimination of absorptions due to longer lived species in the plasma and IR background removal. The IR radiation was generated by mixing the outputs of an Ar + laser and a tuneable ring dye laser in a LiNbO 3 crystal contained in a temperature- controlled oven, covering without gaps the 1900– 4300 cm
−1 region with 1 mW IR power. The accuracy (3σ) in the IR frequency was 10 MHz (3.3×10 −4
−1 ). The instrumental resolution was ∼3 MHz (10
−4 cm
−1 ), so the observed line widths were limited by the Doppler effect.
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