On phenomena in ionized gases
Transport properties of hot dense plasmas
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- Effects of Air, N 2 , and CO 2 Plasma Irradiation
- Ambient gas species Plants Air N 2 CO 2
- 5. References
- Nitrization of graphite during its interaction with nitrogen plasma jet
- 2. Experimental results
- 3. References
- The movement of the optical inhomogeneities and the velocity of the plasma jet
Transport properties of hot dense plasmas
S.K. Kodanova 1 , T.S. Ramazanov 1 , M.K. Issanova 1 , E.E. Shokparbayeva 1
1 IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
In this work the transport properties of non-isothermal dense plasmas were studied. Transport processes in dense plasmas were studied on the basis of the effective potentials using the Coulomb logarithm. These potentials take into consideration long-range multi-particle screening effects and short-range quantum-mechanical effects in two-temperature plasmas. The obtained results were compared with the theoretical works of other authors and with the results of MD simulations.
Investigation of transport properties of the dense plasma is a great importance for plasma physics, as well as for the problems of inertial confinement fusion (ICF), warm dense matter driven by heavy ion beams [1]. Experimental investigation of dense nonideal plasmas based on using of a shock wave compression, a high-power laser and an ion accelerator devices [1-2]. In presented work transport properties of hot dense, non-isothermal plasma are considered. One of the important values describing the transport coefficients of deuterium-tritium plasma is the Coulomb logarithm. The Coulomb logarithm is obtained on the basis of effective potentials. These interaction potentials take into consideration long- range many particle screening effects as well as short-range quantum-mechanical effects [3]. The Coulomb logarithm is determined by the center of mass scattering angle c [4-5]: , 2 sin 1 max
0 2 2 bdb b b c (1) , )
1 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 r b E r r dr b c r c (2)
where 2 2 1 m E c is the energy of the center of mass, ) (
m m m m is the reduced mass of the particles of kinds α and β (electron and ion); ) (
e Z Z b , , max min
b describes the minimum
impact parameter, where is
T k m B 2 is the thermal de Broglie wavelength.
For inertial confinement fusion applications, we have calculated diffusion and
viscosity of
deuterium-tritium plasma for density 3 5 cm g and temperatures ranging from 2 to eV 10 using the Coulomb Logarithm based on effective potentials. Fig.1 show a comparison of the calculated data on diffusion and viscosity in a DT plasma with the theoretical results of other authors [6] such as finite- temperature Kohn-Sham density-functional theory molecular dynamics (QMD) and orbital-free molecular dynamics (OFMD).
(b) Fig. 1. The diffusion (a) and viscosity (b) coefficients for the DT plasma as function of temperature.
[1] V.E. Fortov et al. Physics-Uspekhi 51 (2) (2008). [2] N.A. Tahir et al. Phys. Plasmas 18 (2011) 032704. [3] T.S. Ramazanov, Zh.A. Moldabekov, M.T. Gabdullin. Phys.Rev. E 92 (20015) 023104. [4]
M.K. Issanova, S.K. Kodanova, T.S. Ramazanov, et al. LPB 34 (2016) 457-466. [5] T.S. Ramazanov, et al. Contrib. Plasma Phys.
J.D. Kress, J.S. Cohen, D.A. Horner, et al. Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 036404.
Topic number: 2 235 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Effects of Air, N 2 , and CO 2 Plasma Irradiation to Seeds of Radish Sprouts, Potato and Soybean Masaharu Shiratani, Thapanut Sarinont, Yosuke Wada, and Kazunori Koga
We compare growth enhancement effects of air, N 2 , or CO
2 plasma irradiation to seeds of radish sprouts, potato and soybean. Air and CO 2 plasma irradiation in a short duration of 3 min lead to growth enhancement of plants in a long term for radish sprouts and potato. The maximum average length is 1.42 and 1.14 times as long as that of control for radish sprouts and potato, whereas the length is nearly the same as that of control for soybean. N 2 plasma irradiation shows no effects indicating reactive oxygen species are key species for the plant growth enhancement.
In recent years, a novel trend of plasma applications towards biomedical and agricultural areas has spread wide, because
plasma can offer extracellular control of cell division, cell growth, and apoptosis. 1-6) Our previous study shows, for instance, that compared with non-treated seeds, air nonthermal plasma irradiated seeds lead to a 11-percent shorter harvest time, a 56-percent increase in total seed weight, and a 39-percent increase in the number of seeds harvested from the grown plants. 5) In this study, we investigated effects of plasma irradiation to seeds of radish sprouts, potato and soybean using air, N 2 , or CO
2 plasmas.
Experiments were carried out with a scalable DBD device described in elsewhere. 5) The discharge voltage and current were 9.2 kV and 0.2 A. Seeds of radish sprouts (R. sativus), potato ( S. tuberosum ) and soybean (
) were employed for plasma irradiation. 10 seeds for each species were arranged at 3 mm below the electrodes in chamber filled with air, N 2
2 . After 3 min plasma irradiation, the seeds were cultivated using a water tray for radish sprout and soybean, and using soil for potato. The length of their stem was measured 7 days for beans and 30 days for potato and soybean after the onset of cultivation.
3. Results and discussion Table 1 shows average length of plants 7 days cultivation for Radish and soybean, and 30 days for Potato after 3 min plasma irradiation in dry air, N 2
2 . The length was normalized by that of control.. Radish sprouts has the maximum average length 1.42 times and 1.24 times longer than that of control for Air and CO 2 , whereas that for N 2 is
nearly the same as that of control. CO 2 plasma irradiation to soybean brings about slight inactivation. Average length of Radish and Potato were significantly greater by Tukey test, P<0.1 with air plasma irradiation than that control. These results clearly show that each species has its own unique response to plasma irradiation. Because N 2
oxygen species are key species for the plant growth enhancement.
Plants Air N 2 CO 2 Radish
142%* 98%
124%* Potato
114%* 106%
108% Soybean
96% 102%
Table 1. Average length of plants 7 days cultivation for Radish and soybean, and 30 days for Potato after 3 min plasma irradiation in dry air, N 2 and CO
2 . The length was normalized by that of control. N=10, * : P<0.1.
This work was partly supported by MEXT KAKENHI Grant Number 24108009 and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16H03895.
[1] G. Fridman, et al., Plasma Proc. and Polym. 5 (2008) 503. [2] S. Kitazaki, et al., Proc. IEEE TENCON (2010) 1960. [3] S. Kitazaki, et al., Curr. Appl. Phys. 14 (2014) S149. [4] T. Sarinont, et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 605 (2016) 129. [5] K. Koga, et al.,
Appl. Phys. Express 9 (2016) 016201. [6] T. Sarinont, et al., Matr. Adv. (2017) doi.org/ 10.1557/adv.2017.178. Topic Number 236
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Nitrization of graphite during its interaction with nitrogen plasma jet
V.F. Chinnov, M.A. Sargsyan, D.I. Kavyrshin, A.V. Chistolinov PP
The results of spectral analysis of the nitrogen plasma jet and graphite surface interaction zone provide quantitative data on the effect of the surface and volumetric graphite nitrization on the component composition of plasma. The analysis was conducted with spatial and temporal resolution as the graphite sample was heated to the temperatures of 2500 – 3000 K. An experimental setup was designed and constructed that included a generator of high-enthalpy (H>20 kJ/g) argon, nitrogen and air plasma jets with a diameter of 8-20 mm and a partitioned calorimeter that is designed to measure the heat fluxes in the plasma-sample interaction zone. The measuring equipment used also included three high-speed video cameras, two fibre-optic spectrometers, one MS5204i
spectrometer with
a high-sensitivity matrix at
its outlet.
1. Experimental set-up As the plasma generator, a plasma torch with vortex stabilization and an expanding outlet channel is used, which provides a high flow performance, efficient heating of the working medium and low thermal losses into a water-cooled surface of the anode. Broad research and technological capabilities of such plasma torches are presented in [1]. The plasma torch with an expanding output electrode (anode) 6 or 10 mm diameter creates a downstream plasma jet with a temperature at the anode outlet of 10000 – 15000 K, which is defined by the plasma forming gas (argon, nitrogen, air) and the current arc that varies in 100-400 A range. The plasma jet outflows into the air atmosphere at a rate defined by the plasma forming gas flow rate and plasma density at the nozzle outlet. Heat-resistant sample (in this case graphite) is located on the plasma jet axis at a selected distance from the outlet section of the plasma torch. The graphite sample has a cylindrical shape with the bottom flat surface being mounted on an uncooled tungsten rods 2mm in diameter. Spectral systems for longitudinal and transverse scanning of the plasma jet emission enable continuous monitoring of the emission spectra with a spatial resolution of 0.5 mm throughout the tests. Monitoring of spatial-temporal changes of plasma emission spectra is performed by scanning of the plasma jet’s sharp image formed by lenses using spectrometers’ fibre optic light guides. The detailed picture of changes in the near-surface region of the plasma is recorded with a scale of 1:1 on the high- speed camera and MS 5204i spectrometer with an Andor matrix camera at the spectrometer’s outlet. The Andor camera records plasma’s spectral intensity distribution along the vertical z axis near the sample’s surface (0 – 5 mm above the sample’s
surface) and thermal radiation of the heated sample in the selected spectral range. As shown by a comparison of the experimental spectrum with the model, vibrational and rotational temperature of cyanogen drop when approaching the surface of the sample and the relative concentration of cyanogen increases rapidly (Table. 1). The latter is probably due to the nitrization of the carbon that is released into a high-enthalpy nitrogen plasma stream during the destruction of carbon sample in the process C+N→CN, this process commences at high temperatures in both the gaseous environment around the sample and on the sample’s surface [2, 3].
Table 1. Temperatures and relative plasma component concentration above the investigated graphite sample Distance from the surface, mm Vibratio
nal temperat
ure, K Rotation
al temperat
ure, K Relative concentrat ion of CN Relative concentrat ion of N2+
2 7800
5500 0,80
0,20 1 7500 5000 0,87
0,13 0 7000 5000 0,95
0,05 Another essential carbonaceous component that was observed in the surface region, is a strong spectral line C I 247,8 nm.
1. E.Kh. Isakaev, O.A. Sinkevich, A.S. Tyuftyaev and V.F. Chinnov, High Temp, 48 (2010) 97-125. 2. T. Suzuki, K Fujita, T. Sakai. J Thermophysics Heat Tr., 24 3 (2010). 3. B. Vancrayenest and Douglas G. Fletcher. 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference 2006, Topic number 6 237
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
The movement of the optical inhomogeneities and the velocity of the plasma jet
V.F. Chinnov, M.A. Sargsyan, M.Kh. Gadzhiev, D.I. Kavyrshin, M.A. Khromov Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Movement of the plasma jets during transient operation flow is accompanied by a large-scale turbulence, caused by twisting of the plasma flow needed to increase the resource life time of the cathode and the anode, the disruption of the boundary layer at the exit of the divergent nozzle of the plasma torch, the features of the current flow in the plasma jet and its binding to the electrodes, the roughness of the walls of the anode vortex channel, etc. When the plasma jet is registered by the video camera with high frequency v ≥ 1∙10 4 Hz and low exposure time τ e ≤ 20 µs, the “instant” structure of the turbulent flow can be obtained, with a typical size of turbulent moles of 5 – 10 mm, which is comparable to the radius of the jet. Therefore, in such flows the velocity measuring method could consist of measuring the velocity of plasma emission’s optical inhomogeneities that are caused by the turbulization of the jet.
The proposed method of introducing a localized inhomogeneities in the plasma stream [1] consists of placing in the desired longitudinal coordinate along the diameter of plasma jet a source of plasma clumps, micro- and nanoparticles, that will move in the plasma stream without slipping and that will have a different luminous intensity when compared to the surrounding environment. The plasma stream with a temperature 7000 – 8000 K that is generated by the plasma torch is incident on the rod that is placed across the centre of the plasma stream. The formed sublimate moves away from the rod and forms fragments and clumps that are characterized by a bright luminescence, compact form and their weak change over time that allows to track the geometric centres or forefronts of these clumps. Optical inhomogeneities are recorded with one or two high- speed cameras, which with the necessary field depth, the scale of M = 1:5 and spatial resolution of 30-59 microns perform frame by frame video recording of the extended paraxial region of the stream with a frequency of (0.5-10)×10 4 frames/s and selected exposure time τ exp
= 2-50 µs, which is determined by the luminosity of inhomogeneities and their velocity. The velocity of these clumps’ forefronts was determined by the scale of their displacement from frame to frame, and the time length between adjacent video frames τ=1/ν, where ν – the frame rate. Local measurements of the velocities of the microparticles that are ablated from the graphite rod’s surface and are lying in the center plane can be accomplished by the synchronous illumination of this plane by “laser sheet” with a width of 1-1.5 mm and length of several diameters of the plasma jet, and front video registration of this plane. The pulse duration of a repetitively pulsed laser and the exposure time of the camcorder are selected in accordance with the luminance and diffusing capacity of the particles and the speed of their movement. To test the effectiveness of this method a quantitative analysis was carried out on the results of high-speed video recording of optical inhomogeneities in the nitrogen plasma jet with a diameter of about 20 mm without the marker rod and with graphite, copper and tungsten rods with their diameters varying in 0.7 – 1.0 mm range. The aggregate value of the velocity of the plasma’s “own” inhomogeneities and the velocity of inhomogeneities introduced by the rod that was placed at z = 20 mm in the zone z 30 mm have similar values and show a reduction in the speed of the plasma jet as it propagates downstream from 160 m/s at z=30 mm to 100 m/s at z = 70 mm. To analyse the perturbing influence of the graphite sublimate on the temperature of the plasma jet a registration of the plasma emission spectra was performed at 1-2 mm downstream from the rod. The first results of the use of optical inhomogeneities introduced into the stream by graphite rods for measuring the speed of the plasma jet, show the suitability of the proposed method and merit further development.
The work was partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (№ 16-08-00323)
[1] Russian Federation patent application №2016150439, MPK9
G 01 P 5/20, (2016).
Topic number 6 238 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Influence of humidity on formation of pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma streamers
1 , J. Voráč 2 , N. Puač 1 , G. Malović 1 , P. Dvořák 2 and Z. Lj. Petrović 1,3
1 Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
Czech Republic
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) falls into one of the most promising non-equilibrium low temperature plasma sources which are convenient for multiple applications. In order to achieve the best possible results in applications and explain the mechanisms that lead to the modification of the samples it is necessary to perform a detailed diagnostics of plasma source. Many studies showed that the low- frequency plasma jet's plume is made of fast pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma streamers (PAPS). In this study we show that the change in the concentration of water vapour within the tube, where the feeding gas flows, significantly affect the formation of PAPS.
The expansion of low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma sources used in the treatment of heat-sensitive samples carries step forward in future bio technologies, methods of healing, etc. These kind of plasmas are particularly suitable for treatment of the samples that do not tolerate vacuum and, more importantly, they produce a huge number of reactive chemical species in its composition.
We have designed and performed detailed diagnostics of atmospheric pressure plasma jet sources with several types of electrode geometries [1]. It is shown that the formation and propagation of PAPS is influenced by electrode geometry, but also by the presence of the water vapour in the helium flow. The propagation of PAPS as a function of humidity of working gas was observed by using an ICCD camera.
In this experiment we used APPJ [2] that operates at 80 kHz and at 6.5 kV of applied voltage. We have used transparent PET foils coated with indium tin oxide as the powered and the grounded electrode (15 mm wide). The electrodes were wrapped around the Pyrex glass tube (O.D. 6 mm and I.D. 4 mm). As a feeding gas we have used 4 slm of helium and mixture of helium and water vapour.
To perform
humidity measurements within the flow tube we set up Vaisala DMT143 dewpoint transmitter in front of the glass tube. For PAPS evolution we set up the ICCD camera that recorded the discharge axially along the glass tube and the plume.
3. Results During the active discharge (water vapour not added in mixture) we noticed that the humidity measured in the helium flow is decreasing and the concentration of H 2 O molecules changes from 400 to 25 ppm . Around 100 ppm of H 2 O we
observe shorter range of PAPS. At the
concentration of 30 ppm PAPS starts to lose its original shape and it becomes increasingly blurred. At concentration of about 20 ppm, the PAPS appear blurred. On the contrary, a high concentration of water molecules (above 1000 ppm obtained with mixture of helium and water vapour) creates a saturated environment in which discharge starts to be quenched.
This research has been supported by the MESTD Serbia, project III41011 and ON171037 and project
LO1411 (NPU I) funded by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
[1] N. Puač, D. Maletić, S. Lazović, G. Malović, A. Đorđević and Z. Lj. Petrović Appl Phys Lett. 101 (2012) 24103 (2).
[2] D. Maletić, N. Puač, N. Selaković, S. Lazović, G. Malović, A. Đorđević and Z. Lj. Petrović Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24 (2015) 025006 (9pp).
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