On the absorption of light by crystals
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rspa.1938.0137 (1)
V J ’ an d r/q = A / ( P + A + B). Consider first r)e, rem em bering t h a t vjA 10 5. Downloaded from https://royalsocietypublishing.org/ on 01 January 2023 387 In fig. 2 tje is p lo tted as a function of te m p eratu re for different values of th e ratio W '/W (the value of v'/v is consistently ta k en to be so th a t for high tem peratures r/e approaches th e value f). I f W > th ere will be a sharp On the absorption of light by crystals —r t = oo 6 F ig . 2. Free electrons produced per absorbed quantum. F ig . 3. Number of quanta re-emitted per quantum absorbed. drop as the tem perature is lowered; i)e reaches about 1 % of its original value for a tem perature Te, given by exp and thus by (v\ W Te = W lkloge(-A x lO O j-O - 0 6 ^ . ( 1 ) Vol. CLXVII. A. 2 5 Downloaded from https://royalsocietypublishing.org/ on 01 January 2023 388 N. F. Mott I f W > W ', r]e will fall somewhat less sharply (the drop being caused here m ainly by the term (v' jv)e(W~W)lkT). We now consider the num ber >jQ of q u an ta reradiated per quantum ab sorbed Vg [ 1 + * e - W l k T + V' - W ' l k T A J ■T\ rjq will have fallen to about 1 % of its low tem perature value a t one of the tem peratures Tq or T q given by _!L e -wikTq ~ 100 and V —r e~w'lkT'q ~ 100 A A and hence by J ^ ~ 0-14 W/k, ~ 0-14 (2) whichever is th e lower. The form of rjq is shown in fig. 3 . 2. C omparison with experim ent (a) Alkali-halides with F centres. As shown by the work of Pohl and his co-workers on photoconductivity (Pohl 1937), th e current per absorbed quantum in coloured alkali-halides drops sharply by a factor of th e order of 1000 as the tem perature is lowered below a critical tem perature, — 150 ° C. in sodium chloride. Gurney and M ott (1938) have interpreted this on lines similar to those of this paper, b u t have tak en A and B independent of T, so th a t [ 1 + e W / k T r They found fair agreem ent w ith experim ent w ith W = 0-075 e-volt and {A + B )/v = 0 - 0033 . W ith the larger num ber of variables available in the present theory it will certainly be possible to obtain a fit, b u t one can no longer deduce a value for W, i.e. the work required to remove an electron from an excited F centre. (b) Pure alkali-halides. No photoconductivity is observed, probably because th e work W necessary to separate an “ ex cito n ” into an electron a n d positive hole is too large. Theoretical estim ates of W are m ade below. (c) Silver halides. The work of Lehfeldt (1935) has shown th a t even at liquid-air tem peratures rje is greater th a n 0-5. No m easurem ents of the prim ary photoelectric current have been made a t lower tem peratures, but th e secondary current shows, according to Lehfeldt, a very sharp drop at about 50 ° K . for AgCl and 25 ° K. for AgBr. The drop in the secondary current is believed to be due to a drop in the prim ary current. Downloaded from https://royalsocietypublishing.org/ on 01 January 2023 |
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