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На современном этапе развития общества языкознание развивается не только как комплекс общения и знаний об 
окружающем мире, но и как исследовательская область, которая считается кладовой памяти, отражающей 
материальные, социальные и духовные характеристики. степени и достижения, которые считаются признаком культуры 
страны. Мы должны учитывать, что язык является инструментом национального менталитета. В последние годы стало 
ясно, что люди и их характеристики находятся в центре внимания исследований во многих областях науки. В данной 
статье обсуждаются понятие соматизма, идея и размышление о метафоре в выражении соматизмов. 
Ключевые слова: Языкознание, метафора, концепт соматизма, парадигма, лексикология, выражение, языковой 
инструмент, фразеологизмы. 
Jamiyat taraqqiyotining hozirgi bosqichida tilshunoslik nafaqat aloqa va tashqi dunyo haqidagi bilimlar majmuasi, balki moddiy, 
ijtimoiy va ma’naviy xususiyatlarni aks ettiruvchi xotira ombori deb hisoblangan tadqiqot sohasi sifatida ham rivojlanmoqda. 
mamlakat madaniyatining belgisi deb hisoblangan darajalar va yutuqlar. Til milliy mentalitetni vosita ekanligini hisobga 
olishimiz kerak. Keyingi yillarda inson va ularga xos xususiyatlar fanning ko‘plab sohalaridagi tadqiqotlarning asosiy yo‘nalishi 
ekanligi ma’lum bo‘ldi. Ushbu maqolada somatizm tushunchasi, somatizmlar ifodasidagi metafora haqidagi fikr va mulohaza 
Kalit so‘zlar: Tilshunoslik, metafora, somatizm tushunchasi, paradigma, leksikologiya, ifoda, til vositasi, frazeologik birliklar. 
The anthropocentric paradigm has also taken hold in 
linguistics. As one of the oldest lexical layers in any language, 
somatisms (from the Greek “soma” - body) play a significant 
role in the overall linguistic structure of the universe. The 
oldest and most fundamental layer of mental qualities serves 
as the cornerstone of any language's vocabulary, which is how 
somatisms are separated from other mentalities. Since 
emotions that occur immediately through the body's organs are 
where the process of self-realization and the development of 
one's view of oneself as a person begins in relation to the 
world around us, somatisms are the subject of ongoing 
attention. Although the names of human body members are 
present in all languages, but each language representative 
assesses body parts differently, so it is considered a valuable 
material in the study of the linguistic picture of the world. 
Such concepts have been employed in proverbs and 
proverbs, which are regarded the origin of fiction, because 
somatisms have been one of the sources of knowledge and 
comprehension of the world from ancient times. A thorough 
examination of somatic paremes allows the researcher to 
explore the linguistic environment of the language users to 
whom that pareme pertains. The field of anthropology known 
as somatology examines how the human body and its 
components change over time in terms of shape, size, and 
weight. He divided all somatic phraseology into three groups: 
expressions describing only people, describing people and 
animals, and expressing only animals. In the following years, 
somatic phraseologisms were studied comparatively within the 
framework of languages of different systems.
In this place, significant progress was made in the 
research of scientists such as Y. Dolgopolov (somatic 
phraseology in Russian, English and German), M. 
Abilgaliyeva (somatic phraseology in Kazakh and German), 
D. Saipullayeva (somatic phraseology in Turkmen and 
English). N.A. Bagdasarov's research is devoted to the study 
of the lexical expression of emotions in Russian and English 
culture (phraseological lexicon), but it contains information 
related to the somatological lexicon. According to N.A. 
Bagdasarov, the face is the most “expressive” part of the body 
in both languages. But the similarity ends there. For the rest of 
the body, it has opposite meanings in both languages. In 
Russian, eye somatism is emphasized. In English culture, the 
main emphasis is on “head” and “body”. Although there are 

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