1. I know what Procedure is
2. I know the generic structure of Procedure text
3. I know what tense is used in the Procedure text
4. I know kinds of Procedure text
5. I know what verb is used in the Procedure text
Rancangan Asesmen Formatif
Waktu dilakukan : Pertemuan pertama
Persiapan : Menyiapkan tugas proyek alternatif
Pelaksanaan : Arahkan siswa melaksanakan tugas proyek berdiferensiasi.
Tindak lanjut : Melakukan pengolahan pada hasil asesmen.
1. Make procedural texts individually based on your experience of making something you do
at home and put it in writing and pictures taking into account the social function, text
structure, and linguistic elements of the procedural text.
use the keywords below which might be helpful in writing:
Cut - Push
Put it - Pull
Insert - Shake
Press - Stir
Tindak Lanjut Kriteria Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran (KKTP) Petunjuk:
Berilah tanda
check list (√) pada kolom yang sudah disediakan.