f) owing to bilan due to ning farqi shundaki due to so’zi to be bilan ishlatiladi: to be due to
4. Quyidagilar shart ergash gaplarni bog’laydi:
a) if (agar): We shall go to the shop if she comes earlier. Agar u ertaroq kelsa do’konga borardik.
b) on condition that (sharti bilan): I shall lend you the book on condition that you return it on
Monday. Men sizga kitobni dushanba kuni qaytarib berish sharti bilan berib turaman.
c) provided (provided) that (agar, -sa): She will pass the exam providing that she studies hard.
Agar u qattiq o’qisa imtihondan o’tadi.
d) supposing that (agar): Who will do the work? Supposing that he doesn’t come. Agar u
kelmasa ishni kim qiladi?
e) unless (agar -masa): My grandfather can’t hear unless you shout. Agar baqirmasangiz
mening bobom eshitmaydi.
5. Quyidagilar maqsad ergash gaplarni bog’laydi: to, in order to, so as to, in case, for.
a) so that (uchun maqsadida): I am giving you the book so that you read it at home. Uyda
o’qiysan deb men senga kitobni berayapman.
b) in order that (uchun, maqsadida): We are learning English in order that we can enter the
University. Universitetga kira olishligimiz uchun ingliz tilini o’rganayapmiz.
c) that (uchun, maqsadida): I’m speaking slowly that you can understand my words.
So’zlarimni tushuna olishingiz uchun men asta gapirayapman.
d) LEST (-maslik maqsadida): We took our umbrellas lest we might be wet in the rain. Yomg’ida
ho’l bo’lmaslik uchun zontigimizni oldik.
6) Quyidagilar ravish ergash gaplarni bog’laydi:
a) as (-dek, -day): I shall do it as you told me. Men buni sen aytganingdek qilaman.
b) as if (xuddi): You are answering as if you didn’t know the answer. Sen xuddi qoidani
bilmaganday javob berayapsan. c) as though (xuddi): You are reading the text as though you hadn’t
seen it before. Sen matnni xuddi oldin ko’rmaganday o’qiyapsan.
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