Publicist Styles
These styles possess many features in common yet texts belonging to these styles present considerable variety and may be divided into 2 groups: 1. Texts containing information and 2. Texts commenting on information
News in brief and information articles – newspaper style proper, are devoid of emotive and individual colouring, hence wide use of Impersonal Passive and Nominative with the Infinitive constructions which are also impersonal in character. Clichés form an outstanding feature of this type of text. They are characterized by a considerable compactness of form which is due to want of space. Condensation in its extreme form is especially apparent in headlines and that is the reason why headlines have their own structural peculiarities: 1. omission of auxiliaries, 2. a wide use of verbals, 3. a wide use of attributive models, etc., all making for compactness