The Central Asian Heritage Group

ro'y: (Persian) surface, face. ~i jahon/~  ber- to come about.  ro'ya

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ro'y: (Persian) surface, face. ~i jahon/~ 
ber- to come about. 
ro'ya: (Persian) surface. hovli ~si 
courtyard (area). oftob ~ sunlit. 
ro'yan bot.: (Persian) madder. 
ro'yinatan: (Persian) extremely crafty 
or sly. 
ro'yirost: (Persian) straightforwardly, 
plainly; straightly, directly; in its 
entirety. masalani ~ qo'y- to spell out 
the matter in its entirety. 
ro'yixotir: (Persian) respect, homage, 

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ro'yixush: (Persian) affability, 
cordiality. ~ ber- to treat cordially. 
ro'yixushlik: cordiality. 
ro'yjo: (Persian) plain or patterned 
ro'yob: (Persian) ~ga chiq- to be 
realized, to come true; to come to light, 
to appear; to come out into the light; to 
get on in the world. 
ro'yxat: (Persian) list, roster, register, 
etc. aholi ~i census. 
ro'yxatchi: compiler of a list; registrar. 
ro'z lit.: (Persian) day (s. kun). 
ro'za: (Persian) fast(ing); (coll.) 
Ramadhan. ~ tut- to fast. ~ hayiti the 
feast at the end of Ramadhan. 
ro'zg'or: (Persian) household; 
household goods, belongings. ~ qil- to 
start a family; to provide for one's 
family, to make a living. ~ tebrat-/tut- 
to feed a family, to make ends meet. 
ro'zg'orchilik: daily life, everyday 
problems and responsibilities in getting 
ro'zg'orli: married and having a 
ro'znoma: (Persian) agenda, order of 
the day; newspaper.robita obs.tie, 
connection, bond. 
robot: (Russian) robot. 
rodiy: rhodium. 
rogatka: (Russian) slingshot, catapult. 
roh obs., rare: (Persian) road (s. yo'l). 
rohat: (Arabic) pleasure, ease, comfort. 
~i badan s. rohatbadan. 
rohat-farog'at: (Arabic) pleasure and 
relaxation, ease and comfort. 
rohatbadan: (Persian) a type of silk 
dress material, usually decorated with 
apple designs; soothing, balmy. 
rohatbaxsh: (Persian) comfort-giving, 
soothing, pleasant. 
rohatijon: (Persian) soul-comforting, 
pleasant, soothing; a sweet made from 
shaved ice and fruit syrup. 
rohatlan-: v.i.  to find pleasure or 
enjoyment; to be at ease, to repose. 
rohatli: pleasant, relaxing 
rohib: (Arabic) monk, mystic. 
rohiba: (Arabic) nun. 
rohila: (Arabic) beast of burden, pack 
animal, mount. 
roja: raja. 
rokirovka: (Russian) (chess) castling. 
rol": (Russian) role, part. 
rolik: (Russian) (porcelan) cleat; roller, 
rolikli: adj. of rolik. ~ podshipnik 
roller bearing. 
rom 1: ~ ~ qil- to tame; to subdue. 
kounglini ~ qil- to win over, to seduce. 
~ kel- to suit? 
rom 2: (Arabic) fortunetelling. ~ 
och-/ko'r- to tell s.o.?s fortune. 
rom 3: (Russian) window frame. 
rom 4: (Russian) rum. 
roman: (Russian) novel. 
romanchi: novelist. 
romanchilik: abstr. of romanchi; the 
novel (as a genre). 
romans: (Russian) romance. 
romantik: (Russian) romantic; 
romantika: (Russian) romance. 
romantizm: (Russian) romanticism. 
romb: (Russian) rhombus; a 
rhombus-shaped insignia worn by the 
Soviet Army's high command until 
rombik: (Russian) rhombic. 
romchi: fortuneteller. 
rondo: (Russian) rondo. 
rosa: (Persian) very well, completely
really, very; fine, great. ~ charchadim 
I'm really tired. 
rosala- coll.: v.t.  to fill out, to 
rosalik: fullness, completeness.rosh 
dial.sediment dug up while dredging a 
canal.rosla- coll.s. rostla-. 
rost 1: (Persian) straight, right, proper; 
true, real; the truth. ~ gapga zavol yo'q 
Telling the truth is always best. 
~gapning ~i/~ini aytsam actually, to 
tell the truth... ~ kel- to suit. ~ ko'tar- to 
pick up easily. ~ ko'cha qolib past 
ko'cha bilan in a devious or underhand 
Rost 2: (Persian) the fifth type of 
shashmaqom.rostakam coll.real, true, 
genuine; really, quite much. 
rostakamiga: really, quite a lot. 
rostchi: truth teller. 
rostgo'y: (Persian) truthful, straight. 
rostgo'ylik: truthfulness. 
rostla-: v.t.  to straighten out, to set 
straight or upright; to repair, to get into 
working order. nafasini ~- to catch 
one's breath. belini ~- to straighten 
one's back, to straighten o.s. og'iz ~- to 
be ready to say s.t. [rostlan-] 
rostlik: truth, verity; straightness. 
rota: (Russian) (mil.) company. 
rotaprint: (Russian) mimeograph??. 
rotator: (Russian) duplicator, 
duplicating machine. 
rotatsion: (Russian) ~ mashina rotary 
rotatsiya: (Russian) s. rotatsion 
rotmistr hist.: (Russian) captain (of 
cavalry in Tsarist army). 
rotor: (Russian) rotor. 
roviy: (Arabic) storyteller.rovoch 
dial.s. ravoch. 
rovon: glassed-in porch. 
roy(i): ~i keldi complaisant, obliging, 
easy to get along with. 
royal": (Russian) (grand) piano. 
royalist: (Russian) royalist. 
royalizm: (Russian) royalism. 
royikorchi: teacher. 
royish: obedient, obliging.roz lit.secret. 
~i dil/dil ~i secret of the heart. 
rozetka: (Russian) electrical socket. 
rozi: (Arabic) contented, satisfied; 
willing, consenting, in agreement. 
rozi-rizolik: last goodbyes. 
rozichilik: consent, approval. 
rozidil: (Persian) s. roz. 
rozilash-: v.i.  to bid farewell, to say 
one's goodbyes. 

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rozilik: willingness, consent, 
agreement. ~ tila-/so'ra- to ask for 
rozmarin bot.: (Russian) rosemary. 
rub'i maskun: obs. (Arabic) inhabited 
quarters of the Earth. 
rubej: (Russian) (mil.) line. 
rubidiy: (Arabic) rubidium. 
rubil"nik: (Russian) knife switch. 
rubob: (Persian) a five-stringed 
plucked instrument. 
rubobchi: a rubob-player. 
ruboiy: (Arabic) quatrain. 
ruboiynavis: (Persian) poet who writes 
ruboiyot: (Arabic) collection of 
rubrika: (Russian) heading; column, 
ruchka: (Russian) pen; (coll.) handle. 
ruda: (Russian) ore. 
rudali: adj. of ~ qatlam vein. 
ruh 1: (Arabic) spirits, mood, 
demeanor; spirit, soul. ~i yengil 
tortdi/yengillashdi to feel relieved or 
ruh 2: (Arabic) zinc. 
ruhafzo: (Persian) uplifting, cheering. 
ruhan: (Arabic) spiritually, in spirit. 
ruhiy: (Arabic) spiritual; mental, 
psychological. ~ kasallik psychological 
illness. ~ ataka psychological blow or 
attack. ~ Ezilish mental anguish. 
ruhiya: obs. (Arabic) ahvoli ~ 
ruhla-: v.t.  to zinc-plate. [ruhlan-] 
ruhlan-: v.i.  to become animated, 
enlivened. [ruhlantir-] 
ruhli: high-spirited, lively. 
ruhoniy: (Arabic) spiritual, religious 
ruhsiz: spiritless, soulless. 
ruhsizlan-: v.i.  to lose spirit or vigor, 
to become dispirited. [ruhsizlantir-] 
ruhsizlik: spiritlessness, lifelessness. 
ruju 3pp. ~i: (Arabic) passion, 
infatuation (for s.t.). ~ qil- to be given 
to, to be carried away by. 
rukn: arch.    (Arabic) column, pillar; 
line of poetry. 
ruku 3pp. ~i: (Arabic) bowing position 
assumed while praying. 
rul": (Russian) (steering) wheel. ~da at 
the wheel, driving.rulchi coll.driver. 
ruletka: (Russian) tape measure. 
rulon: (Russian) roll. 
rumin: (Russian) Romanian. 
runik: (Russian) runic. 
rupiya: (Russian) rupee. 
rupoh: (Persian) a type of silk cloth. 
rupor: (Russian) megaphone. 
rus: (Russian) Russian. 
ruscha: Russian (language). 
ruschala-: v.i.  to speak in Russian. 
ruslash-: v.i.  to become russified. 
[ruslashtir-, ruslashtiril-] 
ruslashtirish: russification. 
rusta: (Persian) a desert (parvarda) 
made with almonds or apricot pits 
rustam: (Persian) hero, warrior. 
rustamday: like a hero, like a 
rustamona: (Persian) heroically, 
rusum: (Arabic) traditions, customs, 
rusumot: obs. (Persian) pl. of rusum. 
rutba: arch.    (Arabic) grade, rank, 
rutubat: (Arabic) dampness, humidity. 
rutubatli: damp, humid. 
rux: (Persian) rook (in chess). 
rux arch. poet.: (Persian) face, 
countenance. gul ~ with a face like a 
ruxsat: (Arabic) permission, leave. 
Endi bizga ~ With your permission, 
we'd like to leave. ~ ol- to get 
permission. ~ ber-/qil-/Et- to give 
ruxsatnoma: (Persian) written 
permission, pass. 
ruxsatsiz: w/o permission, w/o 
authorization, illegally or unofficially. 
ruxsor: (Persian) face, countenance; 
looks, appearance. 
ryadovoy: (Russian) common soldier. 
ryukzak: (Russian) backpack, 
ryumka: (Russian) shot glass. 
s'ezd: (Russian) congress, session. 
s'yomka: (Russian) shooting (of a 
picture). ~ qil- to shoot a picture. 
s. javdar; (bot.) ?? [zoynik golyy]:  
s. sharmanda:  
sa'va zool.: (Arabic) finch. 
sa'y: (Arabic) effort, labor, striving. 
saba: a large skin sack used for storing 
and churning milk products, esp. 
sabab: (Arabic) reason, cause; excuse. 
~ shuki... the reason being that... shu 
~dan for that reason. ~ Ergash gap 
subordinate clause. ~i tirikchilik for the 
sake of getting by or making a living. 
~ki because, the reason being... uzrli ~ 
acceptable or pardonable excuse. uzrsiz 
~ unacceptable excuse. 
sababchi: cause, reason, initiator; 
agent, factor. 
sababdor rare: (Persian) s. sababchi. 
sababiy: (Arabic) causal. 
sababiyat: (Arabic) causality. 
sababkor lit.: (Persian) s. sababchi. 
sababli: excusable, for good reason; 
causal; because of, due to. kecha men 
maktabga ~ kelmadim Yesterday I 
didn't come to school for good reason. 
shu o'qituvchi kelmaganligi ~ dars 
bo'lmadi Due to that teacher not 
coming, there was no class. 
sababsiz: for no reason, pointless; 
inexcusable, unpardonable. 
sababsizlik: pointlessness. 
sabash: s. savash. 
sabil: (Persian) abandoned, neglected; 
dang, blasted, wretched. ~ bo'l-/~ 
qolsin/qolgur! Dang...! Blasted...! 

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sabiy: obs. (Arabic) infant, babe; 
infantile, naive. 
sabiylik: immaturity; infancy. ~ fe'l 
atvori immature character. 
sabo: (Arabic) morning breeze. 
saboh: (Arabic) early morning, 
dawn.sabon arch.plow (s. 
omoch).sabonchi zool.jungle cat. 
saboq: (Arabic) lesson; lessons. 
saboqdosh: (Persian) classmate. 
sabot: (Arabic) resolve, determination. 
sabot-matonat: (Persian) resolution, 
sabotaj: (Russian) sabotage. ~ qil- to 
sabotajchi: saboteur. 
sabotajchilik: sabotage. 
sabotkor: (Persian) s. sabotkor. 
sabotli: resolute, determined. 
sabotlilik: resolution, resoluteness. 
sabotsiz: irresolute. 
sabotsizlik: irresoluteness. 
sabr: (Arabic) patience. ~ qil-/~im 
chidamadi I couldn't stand it., I couldn't 
wait any longer. ~ qilsang, g'o'radan 
halvo bitar All things come to those 
who wait for them. ~-bardosh patience 
and fortitude. ~ kosasi to'lib toshdi He 
came to the end of tether., He ran out 
of patience. biroz ~i qiling Have a little 
sabr-qanoat: s. sabr-toqat. 
sabr-qanoatli: patient and 
sabr-qaror: s. sabr-toqat. 
sabr-toqat: patience and self-control. 
sabrli: patient, enduring. 
sabrsiz: impatient. 
sabrsizlan-: to become impatient. 
sabrsizlik: impatience. 
sabz: (Persian) green. ~ ur- to sprout. 
sabza: (Persian) green growth, verdure; 
covered with green growth, verdant; 
fuzz, down (on face of youth); raisins 
dried in the shade which have greenish 
hue. ~ ur- to sprout. 
sabzak: (Persian) tan, dark brown, 
dark-complexioned; a type of melon. 
sabzavot: (Persian) vegetables. ~ 
do'koni vegetable stand, green grocer's. 
sabzavotchi: vegetable-growing; 
vegetable farmer or seller. 
sabzavotchilik: market-gardening; 
vegetable farming. 
sabzavotkor (Persian): 
vegetable-growing. ~ kolxoz state 
vegetable farm. 
sabzavotkorlik: vegetable farming. 
sabzazor: (Persian) place covered with 
luxuriant green grass, field, meadow. 
sabzi: (Persian) carrot. yovvoyi ~ 
margaritenem (sp.??). qum ~ giant 
sachoq: tassle, bangle; a spray of hair 
above a horse's heel. 
sachra-: v.i.  to splash, to splatter, to 
spray; to jump or leap. uchqunlar ~b 
ketdi Sparks flew/fire blazed from his 
eyes. [sachrat-, sachrattir-] 
sachrandi: splashes, spray; splinter, 
fragment.sachratqi 1 
bot.chicory.sachratqi 2 dial.rash, 
sad: (Arabic) s. sad(d). 
sad: (Persian) hundred. ~ bor 100 
times. ~i pok 100 days of winter. ~i 
pok bo'ldi the days of winter are 
over.sada bot.a type of elm. 
sad(d): (Arabic) protective wall, 
ramparts. ~i chiniy the Great Wall of 
China (s. ~i Iskandar(iy) Alexander?s 
Rampart. ~ bog'la-/qur-/chek- to erect a 
wall or barrier. 
sadaf: (Arabic) pearl oyster ; 
mother-of-pearl. ~ tish pearly-white 
sadaqa: (Arabic) alms, charity; 
sacrifice. ~ng bo'lay You dear thing! 
(lit., 'I would give up myself for you.') 
~i s. sadqa. 
sadaqachi: beggar. 
saddi-bast: (Persian) build, stature. 
sado: (Arabic) sound. ~ chiqmadi 
There was not a sound to be heard. 
sadoq: quiver (s. tirdon, o'qdon). 
sadoqat: (Arabic) devotion. 
sadoqatkor: (Persian) devoted. 
sadoqatli: devoted, faithful. 
sadoqatsiz: disloyal, unfaithful. 
sadoqatsizlik: unfaithfulness, 
sadpora poet.: (Persian) 100 pieces, 
bits and pieces. 
sadqa: (Arabic) jon ~ worth sacrificing 
one?s soul for. ~i ko'z yoshing not 
worth the tears cried over it. ~i odam 
ket to Hell with you. ~i sar nevermind, 
pay it no mind; good for him/them 
sadqayisar: (Persian) s. sadqai sar. 
sadr 1 hist.: (Arabic) official in charge 
of religious trust affairs. 
sadr 2: (Arabic) extasy (in Sufi zikr); 
wailing (at funeral). 
saf: (Arabic) line, row; rank. ~ga 
kir-/~dan chiq- to stand out; to leave 
the ranks; to be lost, to be put out of 
safar 1: (Arabic) trip, journey; time, 
turn. narigi dunyoga ~ qil- to pass on to 
the next world. 
safar 2: (Arabic) the second month of 
the Islamic lunar calendar. ~ qochdi the 
practice of driving away from a village 
an old lady dressed in rags to banish 
any evil which may have entered the 
village during the ill-omened month of 
Safar. ~ qochdi qil- to carry out the 
above rite; to drive off or banish. 
safarbar: (Persian) ready (for battle). ~ 
qil-/Et- to make ready; to conscript. 
safarbarlik: conscription; 
safarboshi: head of a group of 
travelers or tourists. 
safarchi: traveler, voyager. 
safardosh: (Persian) traveling 
safbasta: (Persian) ranged or standing 
in rank or file. 
safboshi: leader, chief, commander. 
safdosh: (Persian) companion-in-arms, 
safha poet.: (Arabic) page, leaf. 
safil: obs. (Arabic) lowly, despicable. 

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safla-: v.t.  to line up in a row, to form 
in ranks. [saflan-] 
safma-saf: row after row. 
safo: (Arabic) clear, limpid; 
enjoyment, delight. 
safobaxsh poet.: (Persian) heart lifting, 
safogoh poet.: (Persian) delightful 
place, place of joy. 
safohat: obs. (Arabic) idiocy, stupidity. 
safolat: (Arabic) misery, wretchedness; 
corruption, depravity. 
safolatli: s. safil. 
safoli: joyful, delightful. 
saforat: obs. (Arabic) embassy. 
saforatxona: obs. (Persian) embassy 
building or compound. 
safoyil: (Arabic) a musical instrument 
consisting of metal rings attached to a 
stick played by wandering dervishes. 
safro: (Arabic) bile. ~ tashla- to vomit 
bile. ~si qaynadi to become enraged. 
safsar: s. sapsar. 
safsata: nonsense, balderdash; idle 
talk. ~ sot- to talk idly, to gossip. 
safsataboz: babbler, blabbermouth. 
safsatabozlik: talking nonsense; idle 
safsatachi: s. safsataboz.sag'al coll.s. 
sag'an bot: ??[Girgensohnia 
sag: obs. (Persian) dog; puppy. ~i ob 
(obs.) seal. 
sag'ana coll.: (Persian) tomb (s. 
sag'ir: (Arabic) orphaned child; young 
sag'irlik: orphanhood. 
sag'irxona: (Persian) orphanage.sag'iz 
bot.tov ~ Russian dandelion. 
sag'ri: croup, crupper; lower abdomen; 
leather made from the crupper of a 
sag'richi: tanner of leather made from 
horse cruppers. 
sahar: (Arabic) pre-dawn, first light. 
kallai ~ very early morning. 
sahar-maydon: (Persian) very early, 
very early morning. 
saharlab: to do s.t. in the very early 
saharlik: pre-dawn meal eaten during 
saharxez: (Persian) early riser. 
sahbo: arch.    (Arabic) red wine. 
sahhof: (Arabic) bookbinder; 
sahhoflik: abstr. of sahhof; 
booksellers' section of a bazaar. 
sahifa: (Arabic) page. 
sahifala-: v.t.  to make up into pages. 
sahifalash: v.n. of sahifala-; make up 
(in printing). 
sahil: obs. (Arabic) light. 
sahn: (Arabic) grounds, area. 
sahna: (Arabic) stage; arena. ~ga chiq- 
to get or appear on stage. 
sahnabop: suitable or easily adapted 
for the stage. 
sahnadosh: (Persian) fellow 
sahnalashtir-: v.t.  to adapt for the 
stage; to stage. [sahnalashtiril-] 
sahnaviy: (Arabic) theatrical, stage... 
sahoba: (Arabic) disciple of 
Muhammad. ~larning uyiday 
completely empty, just four bare walls 

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