The Central Asian Heritage Group

yangicha: newfangled, in a new way,  new.  yangichasiga

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yangicha: newfangled, in a new way, 
yangichasiga: in a newfangled way. 
yangila-: v.t.  to renew, to refresh, to 
replace. yarasi ~- to have an old scar 
reopened, to relive an old (bad) 
memory. [yangilan-, yangilat-] 
yangilik: newness; news.yangitdan 
coll.once again, over again.yangitta 
coll.just now, just recently.yanglig', similar to. 
yanglish-: v.i.  to err, to go wrong. 
[yanglishil-, yanglishtir-] 
yanglish: incorrectly, wrong. 
yangra-: v.i.  to resound, to ring out. 
yangroq: ringing, loud.yantoq 
bot.camel's thorn. ~dan atir chiqmas, 
ahmoqdan botir You can't get a rose 
from a thorn bush, nor a hero from an 
yantoqzor: place overgrown with 
yanvar": (Russian) January. 
yap-yalang'och: bare naked. 
yap-yalang: quite bare. 
yap-yangi: quite new, brand new. 
yap-yaydoq: extremely barren. 
yapaloq: flat. yomonning kuchi ~qa 
etar said of one who picks on those 
smaller or weaker. 
yapaloqla-: v.t.  to flatten. 
[yapaloqlan-]yapaloqqush zool.owl (s. 
boyo'g'li, boyqush). 
yapasqi: short, small. 
yapon: Japanese. 
yaponcha: Japanese (language, etc.). 
yaproq: leaf (s. barg); piece, bit. 
yaproqla- v.i./v.t.: to come into leaf; to 
chop into pieces. [yaproqlan-] 
yaproqlan-: v.i.  reflex. & pass. of 
yaqin: near, close; nearly. ~ 
o'rtada/o'zini (birovga) ~ ol-/birovni 
o'ziga ~ ko'r- to consider s.o. a friend. 
~da recently; in the near future; nearby. 
~dagi the one nearby; the recent one. 
~dan since recently. ~dan yordam/~iga 
bor- to go near, to go up to. ~ida next 

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to, nearby. ~idan o't- to pass by, near 
yaqinla-: s. yaqinlash-. [yaqinlan-, 
yaqinlash-: v.i.  (+oy-kuni ~di the 
baby is almost due. [yaqinlashtir-, 
yaqinlik: nearness, closeness, 
yaqqol: clear, plain, distinct, obvious. 
yaqqollik: clearness, plainness, 
yara-: v.i.  to be of use, to be useful, 
serviceable, or in adequate condition. 
bir kunimga ~b qolar This may turn out 
to be useful to me some day. qurilishga 
~ydigan yog'och wood suitable for 
yara-chaqa: cuts, scratches, sores. 
yara: sore, cut, wound; (emotional) 
ache. ~ ustiga chipqon misfortune on 
top of misfortune. ~sini yor- to pour 
out one's grievances. ~si yengil easy, 
no problem. 
yarador: injured, wounded. 
yaral-: v.i.  s. yaratil-. 
yaralan-: v.i.  to be injured or 
yarali: injured, hurt, wounded. 
yaramas: useless, unusable; evil, 
nasty; naughty, mischievous, bad. 
yaramaslik: uselessness; nastiness, 
evilness, badness; mischievousness. 
yaramta-yurimta: broken, split, in 
yaraqla-: v.i.  to shine, to sparkle; to 
become bright. [yaraqlat-] 
yararli: s. yaroqli. 
yarash- 1: v.i.  to settle one's 
differences, to make peace. [yarashish-, 
yarashtir-, yarashtiril-] 
yarash- 2: v.i.  to suit, to befit, to look 
good on. 
yarash-yarash: reconciliation. ~ bo'l- 
to make a truce, to be reconciled. 
yarash: v.n. of yara-; reconciliation, 
settlement, truce. 
yarasha: befitting, suitable, 
yarashiq: befitting, proper, 
appropriate, right. 
yarashiqli: s. yarashiq; sufficient. 
yarashish: making peace, 
yarat-: v.t.  to create, to make. 
yaratuvchi: creator; the Creator. 
yarg'oq: tanned, worn smooth (= 
hairless, of a pelt). 
yarim-yorti: half-done, half-baked. 
yarim: half. ~ avtomat partly 
automated. ~ jon barely alive. ~ 
kolonniya/~ orol peninsula. ~ 
podsho/~iga (kel-) to come to the 
middle of s.t. ~ o'tkazgich 
semiconductor.yarimchilik dial. 
arch.sharecropping on a 50/50 share of 
the crop. 
yarimla-: v.i.  to be half through, half 
gone. [yarimlat-] 
yarimlat-: v.t.  caus. of yarimla-; to use 
half of. 
yarimta: half; (coll.) half bottle of 
liquor.yarimtaki coll.half broken, half 
worn out, half left. 
yarimtalik: abstr. of yarimta; half 
bottle of liquor. 
yarlaqa-: v.t.  to forgive (s. yorlaqa-). 
yarmarka: (Russian) fair, bazaar. 
yarog'-aslaha: weapons, arms. 
yarog': weapon. 
yarog'lan-: v.i.  to arm o.s. 
yarog'li: armed. 
yarog'siz: unarmed. 
yarog'sizlan-: v.i.  to be disarmed. 
yarog'soz: armorer. 
yarog'sozlik: arms manufacture. 
yaroqli: fit for use, usable, useful; 
yaroqsiz: unfit for use, useless, 
yaroqsizlik: uselessness, 
yarq-yarq: ~ Et- to glimmer, to flash. 
yarq: s. yalt. 
yarqilla-: v.i.  to sparkle, to glitter. 
yarqira-: v.i.  to shine, to glimmer. 
peshanasi ~gan blessed, fortunate. 
yarqiroq: shining, glimmering. 
yarus: (Russian) tier. 
yasa-: v.t.  to make, to put together; to 
put in order, to decorate, to make 
pretty; to fabricate. [yasal-, yasan-, 
yasantir-, yasantiril-, yasat-, 
yasatil-]yasadoq dial.s. yasamol. 
yasama: homemade; fabricated, 
contrived, made up, fake; derived 
(word). ~ tish false teeth. ~ soch wig. ~ 
tabassum phony smile. 
yasamalik: contrivedness, fakeness. 
yasan-: v.i.  reflex. of ~ib-tusanib 
dressed in their finest. [yasanish-, 
yasantir-, yasantiril-] 
yasan-tusan: made up, dressed up; 
dressing up, make-up. 
yasat-: v.t.  caus. of yasa-; to deck out, 
to dress up, to decorate. [yasatil-] 
yasatig'liq: decked out, made up, 
decorated; laid out (table). 
yasatiq: s. yasatig'liq. 
yasha-: v.i.  to live; to live well; to 
dwell; to live on, to exist. ~sin long 
live..~(ng)! Good for you!, Bravo! 
yashar-: v.i.  to look young; to 
blossom, to flourish. [yashart-] 
yashar: -year-old. bir ~ bola one 
year-old child. 
yashash: v.n. of ~ vositalari means of 
yashik: (Russian) box, crate. 
yashil: green. ~ ipchalar (bot.) 
yashillan-: v.i.  to become green. 
yashillik: greenness; green 
color.yashin-topaloq dial.s. 
yashin: lightning (s. 
dial.hide-and-seek (s. bekinmachoq). 
yashir-: v.t.  to hide (s. berkitib qouy-), 
to conceal, to keep secret. [yashiril-, 

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yashirin: secret; secretly. 
yashirincha: secretly, surreptitiously. 
yashiriq: s. yashirincha. 
yashiriqcha: s. yashirincha. 
yashiriqlik: secret. 
yashna-: v.i.  to flourish, to bloom, to 
blossom; to blaze; to shine. [yashnat-] 
yashnoq: flourishing, blooming, 
yashovchan: living. 
yashshamagur: damned, wretched. 
yaslan-: s. yastan-. 
yasli: (Russian) nursery. 
yasmin bot.: (Arabic) jasmine.yasmiq 
yasog'liq: nicely outfitted, bedecked, 
embellished; laid out (table).yasoq 
hist.codex.yasov hist.~ tort- to form 
yasovchi: v.n. of yasa-; 
-forming.yasovul hist.armed guard of 
higher officials of a khanate. 
yasovulboshi: chief of the yasovul 
guards.yasovulxona hist.guard house. 
yassi: flat, level. 
yassila-: v.t.  to level, to flatten; to slur 
over, to downplay. [yassilan-] 
yassilik: flatness, levelness. 
yastan-: v.i.  to stretch out, to recline; 
to spread, to extend, to lie. 
yatima lit.: (Persian) orphan girl. 
yax: (Persian) ice (s. ~ bo'lib ol- or 
~man deb turib ol- to be stubborn as a 
mule, to be unmoving. 
yaxla-: v.i.  to freeze, to get cold. 
[yaxlat-, yaxlatil-] 
yaxlit: whole, entire, in one piece, 
intact, complete. 
yaxlitla-: v.t.  to consolidate, to 
exchange (money) for large bills. 
[yaxlitlan-, yaxlitlantir-, yaxlitlantiril-] 
yaxlitlik: wholeness, entirety, 
yaxmalak: ice slide (s. sirpanchiq, 
yaxna: (Persian) cold, chilled. 
yaxob: (Persian) winter flooding of 
fields to improve the soil; (dial.) ice 
water, cold water. 
yaxshi: good, fine; well. ~ ko'r- to like, 
to be fond of. 
yaxshiki: thank goodness that..., it's a 
good thing that... 
yaxshila-: v.t.  to improve; to praise. 
~b to do well, to do a good job of. ~b 
tushunib ol! Understand (this) well. 
yaxshilash: v.n. of yaxshila-; 
yaxshilik: good, goodness, kindness. 
yaxshilikcha: peaceably, in an 
amicable way. 
yaxshisi: better, it's best that. ~, uyga 
ketaylik We'd better just go home. 
yaxshiyam: it's good that...yaxtak 
coll.s. yaktak. 
yaydoq: barebacked; barren, desolate; 
poor, destitute. 
yaydov: s. yaydoq. 
yayloq: s. yaylov. 
yaylov: pasture(land).yayov coll.on 
foot (s. piyoda). 
yayovla-: v.i.  to go on foot. 
yayra-: v.i.  to feel free, to enjoy o.s.; 
to have fun, to make merry, to go for a 
stroll; to rejoice, to be filled with glee 
or delight. [yayrat-, yayrash-] 
yayrab-yashna-: v.i.  s. yayra-. 
yayrat-: caus. of yayra-; to walk, to 
take out into the open air, to let graze 
in the open (animals); to put out to cool 
or dry.yazna (s. 
jezna, pochcha). 
ye-: v.t.  to eat; to use up; to finish off. 
pora ~- to take a bribe. ~b ket- to 
squander (debt, etc.). ~b qo'y- to eat 
up; to finish off, to use up. ~b 
yuborgudek as if ready to eat the head 
off of, in great anger. ~gani oldida, 
~magani ketida/ortida/orqasida said of 
s.o. living in the lap of luxury. nina 
~gan itdek thin as a wraith. 
Etini/ich-Etini ~- to eat one's insides, to 
be under great emotional strain. 
quloq-miyani ~- to irritate. [yegiz-, 
yedir-, yediril-, yeyil-, yeyish-] 
yebketarga: completely, entirely, in its 
entirety. ~ pul ber- to give away all 
(one's) money. 
yebqochar: con man, swindler. 
yebto'ymas: ravenous, gluttonous. 
yech-: v.t.  to untie, to fasten, to 
unravel; to take off (clothing); to solve 
(problem, puzzle). [yechil-, yechin-, 
yechinish-, yechintir-, yechintiril-, 
yechish-, yechtir-] 
yechim: unfastening, unraveling; 
solution; resolution. 
yechin-: v.i.  (reflex. of yech-); to 
undress; to strip. [yechintir-] 
yechiq: untied, open, unfastened, 
yedir-: caus. of ye-; to grind down and 
make smooth, to wear out, to eat away 
at; to rub or work into, to impregnate 
with; to disperse. [yediril-] 
yefreytor <: (Russian) private first 
class, lance-corporal.yegilik coll.s. 
yegulik-ichgulik: food and drink. 
yegulik: edible, (s.t.) to eat, (s.t.) for 
yel 1: wind; air (in s.t. inflated). ~ 
o'pmagan untouched, pure. ~ quv- to 
run like the wind. og'zining ~i bilan 
with no effort at all, with only a word. 
~ga sovur- to throw to the wind. ~ga 
uch- to be thrown to the wind. 
yel 2: edema. 
yel-: v.i.  to stir, to blow (wind); to fly 
(like the wind). ~ib-yugurib dashing 
about, bustling; doing all and 
everything. [yeldir-]yeldirim 
yelib-yugur-: to dash about, to rush 
yelik-: v.i.  to decay (teeth); to become 
inflamed (mucous membranes in the 
mouth), to suffer from stomatitis. 
yelikish: (v.n. of yelik-); stomatitis. 
yelim: sap; glue; clinging, importunate, 
tiresome.yelimbaliq zool.various 
species of carp. 
yelimla-: v.t.  to spread with glue; to 
glue, to paste; to harden with paste. 

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yelimlik: clingingness, 
yelimshak: sticky; clinging, 
bothersome; gluten. 
yelin: udder. 
yelindor: having a large udder. 
yelish: v.n. of yel-; trot (of horse). 
yelka: shoulder; the space between the 
shoulders, incl. the back of the neck; 
arm (of a lever). ~ga minib ol- to 
domineer. ~(si)ga ort-/yukla- to load 
upon one's shoulders. ~sini qis- to 
shrug. ~ning chuquri the indentation in 
the nape of the neck. ~mning chuquri 
ko'rsin may this be behind me from 
now on. 
yelkador: broad-shouldered. 
yelkadosh: brother, partner. 
yelkala-: v.t.  to shoulder. 
yelkali: s. yelkador. 
yelkama-yelka: shoulder-to-shoulder. 
yelkan: sail; sailboat, sailing ship. 
yelkando'z: sail maker. 
yelkanli: having sails, sailing. 
yellik: according to folk medicine, 
food that has detrimental effects with 
various illnesses, e.g., meat, nuts, 
beans, sweets, etc.; (food) producing a 
lot of gas. 
yelmoya: fast-running camel. 
yelpi-: v.t.  to fan; to make flutter; to 
winnow. [yelpin-, yelpit-] 
yelpig'ich: fan. 
yelpig'ichsimon: fan-like or -shaped. 
yelpilla-: v.i.  to flutter, to wave. 
yelpin-: v.i.  pass. of yelpi-; to flutter. 
yelpishtovoq: a flat wooden pan used 
to winnow grain. 
yelqanot: fleet, swift. 
yelvagay: thrown over one's shoulders 
(coat, etc.). 
yelvizak 1: draft. 
yelvizak 2: watching, following (e.g., 
yem-xashak: fodder, feed and hay. 
yem: feed, fodder; bait; malanders 
(horse disease). ~ to'rva feed bag for 
horses. ~ bo'l- to be food for, to be a 
victim to. oq ~ bo'l- to become white 
from sitting in water too long or from 
being chewed (meat, leather). 
yemak: food(s), edibles; (arch.) s. ye-. 
yemakxona: cafeteria, canteen. 
yemir-: v.t.  to erode, to eat away; to 
destroy. [yemiril-] 
yemiruvchi: v.n. of yemir-; destructive. 
yemish: food, victuals; feed; fruit(s). ~ 
bo'l- to be fodder (for s.t.), to be a 
victim. ~ qil- to eat out of house and 
home; to put at the mercy of. 
yemishlik: food, feed; stubborn. 
yemla-: to feed. ~b boqish fattening (of 
yemtik: food. ~ qil- to put at the mercy 
of; to make food for. 
yena-: s. Ena-. 
yeng-: v.t.  to beat, to defeat, to win. 
yeng: sleeve. ~ ichida up one's sleeve. 
~idan kirib yelkasidan chiq- to wrap 
around one's finger, to sweet-talk. ~ 
uchida ber- to hand over timidly. ~ 
tashlab yur- to be idle, to loaf around. 
yengcha: dim. of yeng; s. yenglik. 
yengil-yelpi: light and easy; somehow 
or other. 
yengil: light; light-minded, frivolous. ~ 
atletika track & field sports. ~ ko'ch- to 
move briskly; to transpire w/o 
problems. ~ mashina/avtomobil" 
passenger car. ~ sanoat light industry. 
oyoq-qo'li ~ dexterious, quick. tuprog'i 
~ restless. yuki ~ lightly burdened, not 
having many responsibilities. og'iri ~ 
bo'ldi to be freed from a burden. ~ 
ko'tar- to have an easy time doing s.t. 
o'zini ~ sez-/his qil-/~ tort- to feel 
relief, to recover. 
yengilla-: v.i.  to become lighter, 
easier; to feel relief, to feel better. 
yengillan-: v.i.  to become lighter, 
easier; to feel better. 
yengillash-: v.i.  to lighten; to go easy 
(work); to be relieved; to feel better. 
yengillat-: v.t.  to lighten. 
tanini/bo'ynini boshidan ~- to lighten 
one's body of the head, i.e., to kill. 
yengillik: lightness, easiness, ease; 
privilege, freedom; light-mindedness, 
yengilmas: unbeatable. 
yengiltak: light-minded, light-headed; 
loose (girl). 
yengiltaklik: abstr. of ~ qil- to be 
frivolous, to do s.t. frivolously; to act 
loosely, to do s.t. suggestive. 
yenglik: long mit worn to protect the 
arm while making bread in a tandir; 
material for a sleeve. 
yengsak: s. yenglik. 
yengsiz: sleeveless. 
yepiskop: (Russian) bishop.yer choy 
bot.cinquefoil.yer qalampir bot. 
yer-ko'k: heaven and earth; all around, 
yer-suv: property, land, estate (suitable 
for agriculture). 
yer: (the) earth, ground, floor; place, 
space ~ osti/qora/qaro ~ (fig.) grave. ~ 
bo'l- to enter one's grave. ~ o'p- to kiss 
the ground (at s.o.'s feet). qaro ~ qil- to 
humiliate. burnini ~ga ishqa- to rub 
s.o.'s nose in the dirt. ~ga ur- to put 
down, castigate. ~ga ursa, osmonga 
sapchiydi extremely rowdy, wild. 
yuzini ~ga qarat- to shame, to 
humiliate. ~ga qo'y- to bury, to inter. 
na ~ga va na ko'kka ishonadi to wait on 
hand and foot, to not trust to anyone. 
yo'q ~dagi imaginary; excessive, 
needless. ~dan bichib olgandek 
extremely short. bu ~ here. shu ~ here; 
there. ~ o'choq cooking stove built in 
the ground. 
yerdor: landowner. 
yerli-suvli: landed, propertied. 
yerli: landed, landowner; local, 
indigenous, native, resident. 
yerlik: (abstr. of bu ~ (s.o.) from here. 
qayerliksiz? Where are you from? 
yerlilashtir-: v.t.  to nativize, to staff 
with native people. 
yerlilashtirish: nativization. 
yersiz: landless. 

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yerto'la: basement; underground 
storage pit.yesh- dial.s. yech-. [yeshin-, 
yeshintir-]yeshiq dial.s. yechiq. 
yesir: (Arabic) widow (s. beva, tul). 
yesirlik: widowhood. 
yet-: v.i.  to reach, to arrive; to suffice, 
to be enough; to reach maturity, 
perfection. nima ~sin What can beat 
that?, What can match that? hammaga 
~adi there is enough for everyone. vaqt 
~madi there wasn't enough time. ~ib 
bor- to arrive. aqli ~maydi he isn't 
smart enough; he can't understand why. 
yetak: leading, to lead along; way, 
yetakchi: leader, guide. ~ fe'l the main 
verb in a string of converbs. 
yetakchilik: leadership, guidance. 
yetakla-: v.t.  to lead (horse, etc.), to 
guide along, to show the way. 
[yetaklan-, yetaklat-, yetaklash-] 
yetar-yetmas: just a little shy of, just a 
little less than, barely; just before 

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