5.Be afraid to—biror ish qilgani qo’rqmoq,yuragi dov bermaydi(chunki oqibati yomon bo’lishi mumkin—bunda ish-harakatning bajarilishi shaxsning o’ziga bog’liq bo’ladi.
The streets of Chilanzar are dangerous. People are afraid to walk there at night.
Jasur was afraid to tell his parents what had happened.
Try—sinab ko’rmoq
I didn’t like the way the furniture was arranged , so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room. But it still didn’t look right , so I moved it back again.
6.Try—harakat qilmoq, urinmoq
I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy, so I couldn’t move it)
Stop-biror ish-harakatni to’xtaxmoq.
I stopped smoking cigarettes.
I stopped going to evening classes.
.Stop-biror ish qilish uchun to’xtamoq
I stopped to buy some coffee.
Interested in +Ving—biror ish qilishga qiziqmoq.
I tried to sell my car,but nobody was interested in buying it.
8.Interested to+V1—eshitgan/ko’rgan/o’qigan/ o’rgangan/ bilgan /topgan narsasiga munosabatni bildiradi(qiziq bo’lib tuyulmoq/ajablanmoq):
I was interested to hear that Malik has left her job.
Sb+ need+to V … I need to take more exercise.
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